Actual Freedom ~ Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Role of the Actual Freedom Trust

RESPONDENT: Richard, how is the AFT
RICHARD: The Actual Freedom Trust is funded by the voluntary contributions of three
RESPONDENT: How do you cover the costs of the web site and your
RICHARD: The costs of The Actual Freedom Trust web site are met by the voluntary
contributions of three suburbanites and, as the staff are those three suburbanites, any and all staff-type activities are also voluntary.
RESPONDENT: I was going through your intro. Its pretty impressive
in its simplicity and logic.
RICHARD: The simplicity of an actual freedom from the human condition, if that is what you
mean, is indeed impressive ... it has nothing to do with logic, however, and everything to do with actuality.
RESPONDENT: If you really want to have an effect on this world, you
have the perfect framework for a standard education course.
RICHARD: Are you implying that, because The Actual Freedom Trust is not running standard
education courses, that I do not really want to have an effect on the world?
RESPONDENT: Surely the world is ready for this subject ... what
could be more important?
RICHARD: Once the five basic needs are met – (preferably clean) air, (preferably pure)
water, (preferably healthy) food, (preferably adequate) shelter, and (preferably suitable) clothing if the climate be inclement – there is
indeed nothing more important than peace-on-earth, in this lifetime, as this flesh and blood body ... and were the majority of the population
to be living peacefully and harmoniously the provision of those basic needs would be such a matter of course that the preference for quality
would be easily met.
‘Tis a cutting indictment on the ‘you can’t change human nature’ mentality that it is not
already happening in this age of plenty. 

RESPONDENT: And in your conversations, more often
than not, the impression is that of a prick, not a caring human being.
RICHARD: Also, are you aware that they reappeared on the mailing list almost a year later
and were caught red-handed upon having resorted to fraudulency and outright mendacity?
RESPONDENT: That is besides the point under discussion right now
RICHARD: The point under discussion is seeing [quote] ‘the big picture’ [endquote] is it
not? Have you read every e-mail my co-respondent at that time wrote to this mailing list? Did you follow-up every URL they posted? Did you
access every book reference they quoted? Did you look for and read what they wrote on other forums (where the focus is not the same as this
mailing list)? Do you keep all their correspondence in an easily accessible folder so as to refresh your memory as to what they have said and
thus, where they are coming from, what their agenda is, and where they are heading to?
You see, the difference between you and me is that I actually care about my fellow human being and
will leave no stone unturned, if that be what it takes, to understand them, to comprehend why they say what they do, so as to facilitate
clarity in communication ... I like my fellow human being and prefer that their self-imposed suffering come to an end, forever, sooner rather
than later.
Now, you can say your impression is that Richard is [quote] ‘a prick’ [endquote], and [quote]
‘not a caring human being’ [endquote], but have you ever considered that were it to actually be the case both The Actual Freedom Trust web
site and The Actual Freedom Trust mailing list would not exist? I am retired and on a pension and am free to live virtually any lifestyle
within my means yet I sit here at my computer hour after hour, day after day, year after year, being quite often the recipient of derision,
disparagement, scorn, mockery, disdain, belittlement, vilification, denigration, contempt, castigation, disapprobation, denunciation,
condemnation and discrimination (as evidenced by bad-mouthing, backbiting, slander, libel, defamation and a whole range of slurs, smears,
censures, admonishments, reproaches, reprovals, and so on). I have had my credit card strung out the max, over the years, in order to
establish and maintain all the words and writings pertaining to both an actual freedom from the human condition and a virtual freedom in
practice on-line so as they be accessible totally free of charge for anyone at all to access and it is only in the last year or so that the
whole enterprise has come anywhere near to being self-supporting ... and thus freeing up any surplus cash so as to pay off a modest home to
live-out my declining years in.
And the same applies for Peter and Vineeto, by the way, but they are not currently the target of

RICHARD: The Actual Freedom Trust is a statutory legal body that five nominal
directors established in order to operate under for sensible commercial reasons. (snip).
RESPONDENT: What does that mean ‘for sensible commercial reasons’?
RICHARD: Well, it partly means that the five nominal directors, who established the
statutory legal body known as The Actual Freedom Trust, were well aware that they, and any other directors who may take their place one day,
live in a litigious society ... but it mainly means that a statutory legal body facilitates all the legal processes and bookkeeping details
that are involved in publishing (in order to have an internet domain, for just one instance, there must be a registered business name and
It is all just standard business practice. 

RESPONDENT: ... the ‘Actual Freedom Trust’ that
was set up to ... ... to accept donations. Have donations been made by the way?
RICHARD: The Actual Freedom Trust was not set-up ‘to accept donations’ at all. I
have said before that The Actual Freedom Trust is simply a statutory legal body set-up to promulgate and promote the actualism words and
writings by fully explicating the workings of an actual freedom from the human condition and a virtual freedom in practice. It has no need of ‘donations’
whatsoever ... it only costs a few hundred dollars per anum to keep the millions of words available for any one at all to access totally
free of charge. I mean it when I say that there is no hidden agenda.
RESPONDENT: Have donations been made by the way?
RICHARD: Yes ... the various directors of The Actual Freedom Trust have, to differing
degrees and according to their inclination and/or interest, either donated umpteen hours of time and expertise to researching, writing,
composing, formatting, uploading, downloading and so on or have put-up differing amounts of cash out of their own pockets as required (legal
expenses, book-printing outlays, bank charges, registration fees, equipment costs and so on).
The purchase, upgrades and maintenance of all the computers and software alone amounts to over
AUS$35,000.00. It would be well nigh impossible to put an accurate monetary value upon the time and expertise: the accountant who attended to
the legalities of establishing The Actual Freedom Trust has, as a going rate, AUS$120.00 per hour for their time and expertise ... therefore,
over the last three or so years, a conservative estimate (5,000 hours at $100.00 per hour) would put the donated time and expertise in
researching, writing, composing, formatting, uploading, downloading and so on somewhere in the vicinity of AUS$500,000.00.
‘Tis only an approximate guess, though. 

RESPONDENT: Will The ‘Actual Freedom Company’ be
selling Richard (tm) merchandise after your death?
RICHARD: The Actual Freedom Trust is already offering two items for sale: ‘Richard’s
Journal’ (© 1997) in paper-back form, the essence of which is available for free on-line; and ‘Peter’s Journal’ (© 1997) in
paperback form, which is currently available for free on-line in its totality. There are some rather vague notions to eventually offer an
interactive CD for an, as yet undetermined, price ... and there may very well be other similar non-essential items as time goes by. These
items have a price as they require assets to produce ... and any profits from the sale of these items goes toward meeting the cost of ensuring
that the actualism words and writings, fully explicating the workings of an actual freedom from the human condition and a virtual freedom in
practice, remain on-line for any one at all to access totally free of charge.
I mean it when I say that there is no hidden agenda.
RESPONDENT: By the way; what was your intention in registering the
trading name ‘Actual Freedom Company’ operational since 1 June 2000? ... and ... how come the existence of the ‘Actual Freedom
Trust’ has been clearly announced on this list; as it should be; but as far as I am aware no mention has been made of the Trading Arm of the
RICHARD: First, neither myself nor any of the current directors devised the legal laws of
this country; second, the law states that that a legal entity called a ‘Trust’ must have a legal entity called a ‘Trustee’ (in this
case The Actual Freedom Company Pty. Ltd.); third, The Actual Freedom Trust is the ‘trading arm’ of The Actual Freedom Company Pty.
Ltd. and not the other way around.
I mean it when I say that there is no hidden agenda.
RESPONDENT: Do you have any knowledge at all about how the Actual
Freedom Trust will develop in the propagation of your work in the future?
RICHARD: I see that I have already provided you with the following information:
• [Richard]: ‘I did not individually set up The Actual Freedom Trust. The Actual Freedom Trust is a statutory legal
body that five nominal directors established in order to operate under for sensible commercial reasons. The words and writings promulgated and
promoted by The Actual Freedom Trust explicate the workings of an actual freedom from the human condition and a virtual freedom in practice in
the market place. There is no meditating in silence or living in a monastery shut away from the world. There are no celibacy or obedience
requirements. There are no dietary demands or daily regimes of exercise. No one is excluded by age or racial or gender origins. There are no
courses to follow or therapies to undergo or workshops to endure. Furthermore, not only are there no prescribed books to study, the latest
count shows that more than 3.1 million words are available for free on The Actual Freedom Web Page. There are no fees to pay or any clique to
join ... there are no rules at all. I have no plan whatsoever ... there is no authority here in charge of a hierarchical organisation’.
It pleases me immensely that the way to access an actual freedom from the human condition is available for free. 

RESPONDENT: One thing I have to note is that something
that I find unique to Actualism is that there has never been a financial basis to it.
RICHARD: It pleases me greatly that the writings about actual freedom (upwards of 4,000,000
words at the latest estimate) are available for free on-line ... such is the power of the internet. The only articles for sale are the
journals ... and there may be a CD for sale in the far distant future (it will possibly be a DVD by the time we get around to producing it).
Basically we are having a lot of fun.
RESPONDENT: This is totally unlike anything I’ve ever encountered
and lends an innocence and credibility to it. You have never asked for our financial support or set yourself up as a leader.
RICHARD: I have no ambitions whatsoever to be anything other than what I am now; I thoroughly
enjoy my current lifestyle, as it is, totally, completely, utterly. I fully enjoy my own company; I fully enjoy the company of a choice
companion; I fully enjoy the company of select associates ... this is the lifestyle I have chosen; this is the lifestyle I wish to live; this
is the lifestyle I am living.
I enjoy normal things: I live in a normal suburban duplex; I eat at normal restaurants; I meet
normal people at cafés; I chat about normal things; I have normal pastimes ... to be able to freely live this normal lifestyle in a seaside
village is why I set out to become free of the human condition all those years ago. I never intended – and I do not intend – to become
some sort of latter-day atheistic-saviour of humankind wherein I cannot live a normal lifestyle.
Which is why Peter suggested the relative anonymity of the internet to make my discovery public. 

RESPONDENT: ... [Here’s the answer to your
stalled actualist efforts] – you need to buddy up.
RICHARD: No, there is no ‘need’ whatsoever to buddy up (aka chum up) ... the code
has been cracked, once and for all, and the way now lies wide open, and wondrously so, for anybody and everybody irregardless of their marital
RESPONDENT: There’s a burgeoning market for Actualism ...
RICHARD: Due to the fellowship regard which abounds here in this actual world the
exploitative entrepreneurialism, which is so endemic in spiritualism as to be well-nigh ubiquitous, has no place in actualism ... as is
evidenced by the millions of words available for free on The Actual Freedom Trust web site and The Actual Freedom Trust mailing list. For
• [Richard]: ‘I have said before that the words and writings promulgated and promoted by The
Actual Freedom Trust fully explicate the workings of an actual freedom from the human condition and a virtual freedom in practice in the
market place (which means there is no meditating in silence or living in a monastery shut away from the world). I have pointed out that there
are no celibacy or obedience requirements or dietary demands or daily regimes of exercise ... nor is one is excluded by age or racial or
gender origins. I have emphasised that there are no courses to follow or therapies to undergo or workshops to endure or any clique to join ...
I have been emphatic that there are no fees to pay. Furthermore, not only are there no prescribed books to study, the latest count shows that
more than 3.1 [now 4.0+] million words are available for free on The Actual Freedom Web Page.
It pleases me immensely that the way to access an actual freedom from the human condition is available for free’.
RESPONDENT: ... [There’s a burgeoning market for Actualism] –
get an Actualist Life Coach ™!
RICHARD: Due to the fellowship regard which abounds here in this actual world the
exploitative entrepreneurialism, which is so endemic in materialism as to be well-nigh ubiquitous, has no place in actualism ... as is
evidenced by the millions of words available for free on The Actual Freedom Trust web site and The Actual Freedom Trust mailing list. For
• [Co-Respondent]: ‘One thing I have to note is that something that I find unique to Actualism
is that there has never been a financial basis to it.
• [Richard]: ‘It pleases me greatly that the writings about actual freedom (upwards of 4,000,000 words at the latest estimate) are
available for free on-line ... such is the power of the internet. The only articles for sale are the journals ... and there may be a CD for
sale in the far distant future (it will possibly be a DVD by the time we get around to producing it).
Basically we are having a lot of fun’.
It is this simple: actualism is an entirely new paradigm – unlike spiritualism and materialism
one’s fellow human beings are not treated as commodities ripe for exploitation upon an actual freedom from the human condition – and, like
any new paradigm, it requires thinking outside of the box (to use a popular colloquialism).

PETER: I thought it might be appropriate to set the record straight with a
few facts about the Actual Freedom Trust. You have obviously been very busy concocting your own fantasy about the Trust, what it is, how it
came about and what its purpose is simply in order to then rile against your own fantasy.
When I first came across Richard in 1997 he had just completed a first draft of his journal. He
explained he wanted to put into words his discovery of an unprecedented freedom from the current human condition on the planet. He had gone
looking for a typewriter and ended up with a computer and had printed his journal on A4 paper in a loose-leaf binder. When I expressed
interest in reading it he printed out a copy for me to take away the next time we met. Over the ensuing months he expanded some sections of
the journal and would then change the pages in my loose-leaf binder.
One day I suggested to him that it might be a good idea to put his journal on the Web so that his
discovery would be easily available for whoever was interested. He was initially taken aback but while in the process of setting it up, he
started investigating the Web and discovered a few mailing lists that interested him. Soon he was drawn into writing on one of these lists and
the unremitting objections he stirred up have subsequently formed the basis of much of the correspondence section of The Actual Freedom Trust
It became apparent to both Richard and I that in presenting Richard’s discovery to a vigorous and
sometimes vitriolic public scrutiny, it was appropriate and sensible to do so under the umbrella of a legal statutory entity rather than as
individuals. The web site operates as the Actual Freedom Trust web site and both Richard’s Journal and Peter’s Journal have been published
in the name of the Trust with the printing costs funded by a private loan to the Trust by Vineeto. It was at Richard’s suggestion that we
combine our writing on one web site so as to present both Actual Freedom and actualism – the method of becoming actually free, on the one
comprehensive site. This also has the advantage of further debunking any of the Guru-follower nonsense that people will insist on imagining.
Contrary to your fantasy the Trust is nothing other than a legal entity – an entity established
in most legal systems around the world for circumstances such as we found ourselves in when going public.
It was obvious to me during this time of going public that Richard was cautiously hesitant rather
than passionately enthusiastic, which tended to be my role at the time. I understand his hesitancy in hindsight because the response has
varied from apathy to summary dismissal, from utter denial to belligerent defensiveness, from stony silence to vehement vitriol. However,
peace on earth is too great a prize to be muzzled under to instinctual fear and ancient superstition. As I recall it, the suggestion to
establish a mailing list came from Alan and the Trust directors all thought it appropriate and timely that we had our own ‘home turf’
mailing list – a forum where we could freely and mutually explore the beliefs, conditionings and passions that have perennially prevented
human beings being able to live together in anything remotely resembling utter peace and delight-filled harmony.
The only agenda that the Actual Freedom Trust has is peace on earth. There is no other.
Whenever Vineeto and I meet Richard for a coffee or lunch, the talk is more often than not about
computers and occasionally we pick his brain about his experiences in becoming free of the human condition or making sense of some aspect of
the human condition. Everything that he says has usually been already written on the Web-site and said far better in words than in
conversation, which is why it is far more fruitful to read his written words to get an understanding of Actual Freedom. Any attempt to make
him into a Guru has always failed and always will fail because he is neither a Guru, nor a teacher. In my university days I awoke to the fact
that there is a vast difference between a teacher of principles, concepts and ideals and a pioneering practitioner in the market place,
something that stood me in good stead later in my spiritual years. Anyone who bothers to read of Richard’s experiences and discoveries would
eventually come to recognize the words of a pioneering practitioner in the market place and not those of a head-in-the-clouds spiritual

RESPONDENT: Do you enjoy your actions being
influential and getting approval and bearing fruits?
RICHARD: I will draw your attention to the following:
• [Richard]: ‘My keenness for another’s experience always accords to the following sequence:
1. I am primarily interested for your sake (for the sake of the particular flesh and blood body) as you are a fellow human being.
2. I am secondarily interested for everybody’s sake (for the sake of flesh and blood bodies in general) as another person being actually
free increases the possibility of setting a chain-reaction in process.
3. I am lastly interested for my own sake (for then not only am I am no longer arguably a ‘freak of nature’ but I can compare notes, as it
were, so as to more reliably separate out what is species specific from that which is idiosyncratic)’.
RESPONDENT: Is this only apparent?
RICHARD: It is not even apparent.
RESPONDENT: Why do you enjoy people finding the site ...
RICHARD: Mainly because it demonstrates (1) that the reach of the internet is truly global
and (2) that the decision to go public via the internet (rather than publish the traditional way) was a prudent choice (3) that the
skill-acquisition required, the expenditure of leisure-time and the (borrowed) monies spent achieving same have all been worthwhile.
RESPONDENT: ... (and then mostly drifting on as is the way)?
RICHARD: If nothing else those persons are, however dimly, aware there is a third
alternative – which means in practice that they may mention it en passant to another (more than a few do) or even come back to it later
(some have done so) – or, at the very least, some more words are exchanged which may be (and some have been) of assistance to other readers.

RESPONDENT: You promise ...
RICHARD: This flesh and blood body made no ‘promise’ anywhere at all in the above
[now snipped again] or elsewhere for that matter ... and, as the pure consciousness experience (PCE) provides a practical demonstration of
life sans identity in toto, no such pledge is even needed (let alone made).
RESPONDENT: What do you call these little statements taken directly
from your website: [quote] ‘The method of becoming free from the Human Condition is devastatingly simple but requires a few initial
ingredients for success to be guaranteed’ [endquote] and: [quote] ‘The method does work – it is possible to be free of the Human
Condition of malice and sorrow – and within a remarkably short time’ [endquote].
RICHARD: This flesh and blood body does not have a website ...
RESPONDENT: Oh yes ...
RICHARD: Oh no ... what this flesh and blood body does have is authorial access to, and
editorial control over, one portion of The Actual Freedom Trust web site and the section you took those quotes directly from is not that
portion. Vis.:
• [Respondent]: ‘Currently we have an educational system that prepares you to earn a livelihood
and a religious system that perpetuates the ‘human condition’, and is so enmeshed, inter-twined and is currently the software that is
running the human machine – if I have interpreted what you have written correctly.
• [Richard]: ‘Why interpret what I have to report ... why not take it at face value? Vis.: [snip quote]. As this is on *the home page
of my portion of The Actual Freedom Trust web site* I am being right up-front and out-in-the-open as to what is ‘the software that is
running the human machine’ ... how you can interpret that as meaning the ‘so enmeshed, inter-twined’ educational
system/religious system (let alone why you would) instead of taking it at face value has got me stumped’. [emphasis added].
And even more explicitly:
• [Co-Respondent]: ‘I’m grateful for the content [of The Actual Freedom Trust web site] and
the attractive interface as well.
• [Richard]: ‘The way the web site is set-up and maintained, other than my portion of it, is all Vineeto’s doing and *the content of
the web pages which do not have my name in the URL is either by Peter or Vineeto (unless otherwise referenced) – the entire library, for
instance, or the introduction to actual freedom, for another, is not of my doing at all* – and I do not vet anything that either Vineeto
or Peter publish on the web site ... meaning that I do not decide, as you put it in another e-mail, what is of value and what is not (when I
say there is no authority here in charge of a hierarchical organisation I mean it) as in a PCE actuality speaks for itself.
It is all so simple here. [emphasis added].
RICHARD: ... those (unreferenced) quotes are taken directly from The Actual Freedom Trust
web site and are written by Peter.
RESPONDENT: As I was informed of yesterday ... however, Peter has
been informed by you ...
RICHARD: Not only did Peter not get informed, as to what he should or should not write on
those two occasions, this flesh and blood body blood body does not vet anything that either he or Vineeto publishes on The Actual Freedom
Trust web site for there is indeed no authority here in charge of a hierarchical organisation ... all simply because, as in a pure
consciousness experience (PCE) actuality speaks for itself, no such entity is required.
It is all so simple here.
RESPONDENT: ... [As I was informed of yesterday ... however] and as
you are the founder ...
RICHARD: This flesh and blood body is not the founder – ‘a person who sets up or
establishes something for the first time; esp. a person who establishes an institution with an endowment for its future maintenance’ (Oxford Dictionary) – of either The Actual Freedom Trust web site or The Actual Freedom Trust
itself. Vis.:
• [Richard]: ‘The Actual Freedom Trust is a statutory legal body that *five nominal
directors established* in order to operate under for sensible commercial reasons. (snip).
• [Respondent]: ‘What does that mean ‘for sensible commercial reasons’?
• [Richard]: ‘Well, it partly means that the five nominal directors, who established the statutory legal body known as The Actual Freedom
Trust, were well aware that they, and any other directors who may take their place one day, live in a litigious society ... but it mainly
means that a statutory legal body facilitates all the legal processes and bookkeeping details that are involved in publishing (in order to
have an internet domain, for just one instance, there must be a registered business name and number).
It is all just standard business practice’. [emphasis added]. (October 25 2003).
RESPONDENT: ... [however and as you are the founder] and CEO ...
RICHARD: This flesh and blood body is not a CEO (Chief Executive Officer/Chairperson and
Executive Officer) of any legal body ... as has been explained before:
• [Co-Respondent]: ‘... [there is] only 4 million words that you (the trust, which I believe
you are the CEO) wants to make known.
[Richard]: ‘First of all, in regards to this ‘CEO’ belief of yours, what part of the following did you not comprehend? Vis.:
[Richard]: ‘... there are no fees to pay or any clique to join ... there are no rules at all. *I have no plan whatsoever ... there is no
authority here in charge of a hierarchical organisation*’. [emphasis added].
RESPONDENT: ... [as you are the founder and CEO] the Aussie dollar
stops with you ...
RICHARD: As there is no hierarchical organisation there is nowhere for any buck to stop
(presuming that is what you mean).
RESPONDENT: ... [the Aussie dollar stops with you] ... take some
responsibility for your employees.
RICHARD: As this flesh and blood body has no employees your unsolicited directive cannot be
complied with.

PETER: Perhaps it might also be appropriate to explain the history of the
glossary at this point. After my initial successes with actualism I wrote my journal in order to provide a personal account of the successes
of practicing actualism. When it was finished I then took on another project that I thought may be of use to anyone interested in making sense
of what actualism is about – a glossary of terms that are commonly used in the actualism writings so as to define their meanings and point
out where they differ from common spiritual meanings. I did this because when I first came across actualism, my own cognitive dissonance –
my inability to understand new concepts due to a lifetime of programming of real world and spiritual world beliefs – meant that I initially
understood actualism to be another form of spiritualism purely because I was incapable of considering, let alone understanding, anything so
new and radical.
Writing the glossary was a considerable challenge at the time because I have always attempted to
write in my own words, independently of Richard. In fact, from the time I started to write my journal, I deliberately made a decision to stop
reading Richard’s writings because I wanted to suss things out for myself, understand for myself, be able to describe actualism and
actuality in my own words and from my own experience. It was also obvious that it was useless to merely parrot Richard’s writings and
regurgitate them as ‘my’ wisdom, as is common practice with the ‘do as I say but not necessarily as I do’ spiritual teachers and famed
Gurus’. This is why I term myself a practicing actualist – I can stand by what I write because I write from lived experience and not from
wishful thinking, plagiarized theories or impassioned imagination.
Some of the phrases and terminology I used in the glossary, and indeed in all my writings, are
those that Richard uses and I use them because they are concise, to the point and very well thought about. Some sections of the glossary are
also direct quotes of Richard’s because they were topics where I was out of my depth as it were, i.e. I lacked the understanding and direct
experience of the subject to write authoritatively on the subject. I make no bones about acknowledging Richard’s superior expertise – he
has not only spent far longer studying the human condition than I have but also he is actually free from the human condition – he writes
from the ongoing, 24 hours a day, experience of a flesh and blood body sans identity.
Writing for me is a way of being able to cultivate clear thinking about the human condition and,
like all first-time activities, a lot of trial and error occurs and a lot of nutting out has to be done in the process. I am a practicing
actualist and the practice of actualism is to strip away the beliefs and passions that constitute the human condition in me so as to
experientially unearth the facts of what it is to be a human being. The way I did this initially was to read the words of the only person thus
far free from the human condition, and check out whether what he was saying made sense, i.e. was it factual, and then get on with the job.
But nowadays a world wide dissemination of actualism is happening and this is where reports from
practicing actualists about the difficulties encountered, the issues that commonly arise and the successes achieved are equally important and
useful to someone genuinely interested in actualism. If someone only reads Richard’s writings and ignores the rest of what is offered on The
Actual Freedom Trust website and this mailing list, the natural tendency will be to remain an armchair theoretician, forever dreaming of
change or to regard Richard as some sort of non-spiritual, spiritual Guru and clip on a bit of actualism terminology to their borrowed
spiritual wisdom.
It is in this light that the two sections of The Actual Freedom Trust website – the Third
Alternative and actualism – should be understood. Richard writes of a brand new alternative in human experience – to be actually free of
the human condition as distinct from the spiritual delusion of Freedom – whereas the practicing actualists write to verify that this
possibility can only be actualised by doing it yourself.
You may have already noticed that some fervent spiritualists hold Richard in high esteem, lauding
him for his Wisdom and writing style, whilst simultaneously deriding whatever the practicing actualists have to say on this list . Being
a believer and believing in a Guru is far, far safer than finding out for oneself, because that involves both stubborn effort and actual
change. You can see the same propensity played out all over the planet – spiritual believers are amongst the most passionate resisters to
change. Their held to be sacred wisdom is firmly rooted in the dim dark past when it was believed that the world was flat and inhabited by
good and evil spirits, when life was indeed a grim and desperate battle for survival. To continue upholding and defending these primitive
beliefs and superstitions is plainly nonsensical in this emerging post-spiritual era.
Due to Richard’s discovery, there is now available a practical means for anyone with sufficient
motivation to become actually free of the human condition of malice and sorrow. And due to the reports of practicing actualists, this way is
now becoming easier and easier to understand and follow as more and more is written about the human condition. I liken this supplementary
information and reports to ‘trampling the long grass’, so as to make the path easier to follow for others. 

RESPONDENT: Richard, Is it possible for you to
give pointers to your correspondence on other mailing lists (listening-l, atheism) which is not archived on the website?
Since Richard is such a common name, it is very hard to find out the relevant postings. I was able to find many of your postings on
listening-l because I knew the archive site for it. Just the names of the mailing lists would be enough. After that I can figure out on my
VINEETO: As a librarian of the Actual Freedom website I am able to inform you that all
of Richard’s correspondence on other mailing lists has been archived and made available on the Actual Freedom website, i.e. there is no
correspondence to mailing lists ‘which is not archived on the website’. <snip>
RESPONDENT: Is there a reason why the names of the mailing lists
and the correspondents are anonymized? Mailing list ‘A’ and Respondent 42 etc.?
VINEETO: All correspondence is posted anonymously on the Actual Freedom website – the only
exceptions are people who have either agreed, or particularly requested, to be mentioned by name. The Actual Freedom mailing list was
established as an uncensored forum in order that people can openly talk about and discuss the often sensitive and always controversial issues
raised on the website and as such the posts that are archived on the website are done so anonymously in order to focus the attention of the
reader on the subject being discussed rather than on who is discussing it.
The same is applicable for correspondence from other mailing lists. In order to understand the
various aspects of the human condition it makes not a fig of difference whether say Correspondent No. 42 is male or female, 30 years old or 50
years old, light skinned or dark skinned, living in Nairobi or New York, been indoctrinated into a pantheist society or a monotheist society,
is rich or poor, and so on. It is far more important to understand the particular objection to being happy and harmless being discussed –
given that by and large the bulk of the correspondence consists of objections – and then use this understanding as an aid to eliminate one’s
own objections to being happy and harmless.

RESPONDENT: So why then create the AF website, eh?
VINEETO: In what way is the creation of The Actual Freedom Trust website for the purpose of
passing on information about how to become actually free of both malice and sorrow to anyone regardless of their age, gender or cultural
upbringing, regardless of where they are currently living on the planet, free of charge and free of any duty or obligation whatsoever, a
contradiction to the statement that ‘what other people choose to do with their lives is entirely their business’?
RESPONDENT: You are happy, so why not keep quiet?
VINEETO: The reason why I have put time, effort and money into co-creating and maintaining
The Actual Freedom Trust website is because of fellowship regard. I like to share my experiences about becoming virtually free from the human
condition, something that has not been written about anywhere in the world other than on The Actual Freedom Trust website. In short, I do not
take lightly the fortuitous opportunity of not only being able to actualize peace on earth but also of being able to share it free of charge
with any of my fellow human beings who may also be as interested as I am in becoming free from the human condition in toto.

RESPONDENT: Are you involved with any charitable
organisation, any non-governmental organisation or any form of social activism?
RICHARD: Yes, I am involved on a daily basis with The Actual Freedom Trust, a
non-governmental organisation set-up and funded by private citizens to promulgate and promote an actual freedom from the human condition and a
virtual freedom in practice, which provides millions of words totally free of charge to anyone with access to the internet (potentially all
6.0+ billion peoples on the planet) ... words such as to make what the term social activism usually refers to pale into insignificance by
Actual Freedom
Freedom from the Human Condition – Happy and Harmless
Richard's & Peter’s & Vineeto’s Text ©The Actual Freedom Trust: 1997-. All Rights Reserved.
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