Richard’s Correspondence On The Actual Freedom Mailing List with Correspondent No. 53 RICHARD: (...) My progenitors were farmers ... pioneer settlers carving a livelihood by hand out of virgin forest (I personally used axes and hand saws to help cut down the trees to make pasture land). RESPONDENT: You personally used axes and hand saws ... RICHARD: Yes, this flesh and blood body did indeed use axes and hand saws to help cut down the trees to make pasture land. RESPONDENT: ... but you did not personally make a method ... RICHARD: Indeed not ... it was, of course, the identity inhabiting this flesh and blood body at the time (1981) who devised what has nowadays become known as the actualism method. RESPONDENT: ... [but you did not personally] practice method for 13 years ... RICHARD: Aye, this flesh and blood body most definitely did not put the actualism method into practice in the eleven years between 1981 and 1992 ... it was, of course, the identity who successfully did that. RESPONDENT: ... and [you did not personally] market method for the next 13 years. RICHARD: Au contraire ... it being the only method so far to successfully deliver the goods (for as far as has been ascertainable) this flesh and blood body has indeed been promulgating and promoting the actualism method over the last seven years (since 1997) or so. RESPONDENT: So it follows then that your method was the cause of an acausal state. RICHARD: The condition of uncaused happiness (freedom from sorrowfulness) and harmlessness (freedom from maliciousness) – otherwise referred to as peace-on-earth, in this lifetime, as this flesh and blood body – already always exists and thus has no cause: what the actualism method does is occasion the extinction of that which is standing in the way of such inconceivable/unimaginable, and thus incomprehensible/unbelievable, perfection being apparent ... to wit: the identity (a psychological/psychic entity) within the flesh and blood body. There is, of course, no such psychological/psychic entity in actuality ... ‘twas all an illusion/delusion. RESPONDENT: I’ll agree with that and that is why I think your method does not make sense. It is dependent on an illusion thinking it is not an illusion. RICHARD: Whereas what the actualism method is really dependent upon is each and every emotional/passional identity getting off their backside – discarding all armchair philosophising for being the delaying tactic it indubitably is in doing so – and giving their undivided attention to how they are experiencing each and every moment of their emotional/passional life. RESPONDENT: And up until now, the actualism method has not worked for more than the provisionally assumed to be, one human. RICHARD: As that is one more than any other method has done, for as far as is ascertainable, it is way, way ahead of all the others ... so way ahead, in fact, as to be in another league. RESPONDENT: And until it does, it can only be considered another delaying tactic ... RICHARD: As speculation derived from armchair philosophising goes nowhere, and fast, this flesh and blood body will pass without further comment. RESPONDENT: ... and perhaps even a sport of nature that worked but once for one person. RICHARD: As the term ‘a sport of nature’ is synonymous with ‘a freak of nature’ the following is worth quoting (as you would be on a hiding to nowhere to pursue that theme with this flesh and blood body):
RESPONDENT: And this little excerpt illustrates that I am on a hiding to nowhere because he uses the same term ‘freak of nature’? RICHARD: No ... it is because of this:
And this:
And this:
Whereas what happened for this flesh and blood body happened *because of everything the identity did* and, as a cause and effect relationship *can and has been produced*, there is every reason why more identities *can indeed reproduce this* that happened for this flesh and blood body. RESPONDENT: Well it seems you are making my point even easier. RICHARD: Your ‘point’ – if that is what it can be called – is that what has nowadays become known as the actualism method does not make sense (to you) because it is (according to you) dependent upon an illusion thinking it is not an illusion and (therefore) has not worked for more than one human and, until it does, it can only be considered (by you) as another delaying tactic and, perhaps, even a sport of nature that worked but once for one person. Whereas, of course, the way in which this flesh and blood body did become free of the human condition (which way has nowadays become known as the actualism method) was not by the emotional/passional identity within thinking ‘he’ was not an illusion but, rather, by ‘him’ getting off ‘his’ backside – discarding all armchair philosophising (about an illusion thinking itself not to be an illusion) for being the delaying tactic it indubitably was in doing so – and giving ‘his’ undivided attention to how ‘he’ was experiencing each and every moment of ‘his’ emotional/passional life. Thus, unlike Mr. Uppaluri Krishnamurti, who cannot produce a cause and effect relationship for being in an affective state of
being known as ‘Sahaja Samadhi’ in India – which translates as ‘natural state’ in English – and who maintains that nature cannot
reproduce such an undivided state of consciousness (even though he names Mr. Gaudapada/ Gowdapada as being in such a state Therefore, your ‘point’ (if that is what it can be called) has not at all been made ‘even easier’ just because no other identity, for as far as is ascertainable, has yet to occasion the extinction of that which is standing in the way of such inconceivable/ unimaginable, and thus incomprehensible/ unbelievable, perfection as the condition of uncaused happiness (freedom from sorrowfulness) and harmlessness (freedom from maliciousness) – otherwise referred to as peace-on-earth, in this lifetime, as this flesh and blood body – undeniably is being apparent 24/7 ... to wit: the identity (a psychological/psychic entity) within the flesh and blood body. RESPONDENT: The supposed cause, your method, has yet to yield its supposed effect, an actual freedom from the human condition ... for one single person, other than yourself. RICHARD: And if (note ‘if’) it were to have done so already one can only hazard a guess as to what your refrain would have been ... it might very well have taken, by way of example, the following form:
Or, more realistically, maybe something like this:
Or, even more realistically, perhaps this:
And so on and so forth ... ad infinitum. * RESPONDENT: You are blowing a smoke screen to deflect from the fact that your assembly line has stopped at one and is broken. RICHARD: No, what this flesh and blood body is doing is showing what that ‘little excerpt’ does illustrate ... to wit: it is it is Mr. Uppaluri Krishnamurti who is [quote] ‘the ONE, the ONLY, the ONLY ONE, the FIRST and LAST’ [endquote] and [quote] ‘Mr First, Last and the ONLY’ [endquote] and [quote] ‘the ONE, the ONLY, the ONLY ONE, the FIRST, the LAST’ [endquote] and [quote] ‘the one and only, and only one and the first and last one’ [endquote] and [quote] ‘the first and last’ [endquote] and [quote] ‘the first, the only and the last’ [endquote] and [quote] ‘THE FIRST, LAST, AND EVERY HUMAN IN BETWEEN, FREE’ [endquote] and not this flesh and blood body. RESPONDENT: Of course UGK is the One and the Only One ... the one and only UGK that is ... RICHARD: That response is about as inane as this one is:
RESPONDENT: ... [the one and only UGK that is] and that is all he is saying ... RICHARD: Ha ... Mr. Uppaluri Krishnamurti is on record as saying that his affective state of being happened [quote] ‘despite everything I did’ [endquote] and that a cause and effect relationship, between being a person with a normal consciousness and being in a state of undivided consciousness [quote] ‘cannot be produced’ [endquote] and that nature [quote] ‘cannot reproduce’ [endquote] that state. RESPONDENT: ... [and that is all he is saying] ... unlike you. RICHARD: What this flesh and blood body is saying is that an actual happiness and harmlessness happened [quote] ‘because of everything the identity did’ [endquote] and, as a cause and effect relationship [quote] ‘can and has been produced’ [endquote], there is every reason why more identities [quote] ‘can indeed reproduce this’ [endquote] truly marvellous freedom from sorrowfulness and maliciousness. * RICHARD: In short: you are confusing this flesh and blood body with the man you like. RESPONDENT: With that conclusion; Are you as of now withdrawing your previous assertions that you are the first and only human to be free of the human condition as far as you are able to ascertain that unascertainable ascertainment? RICHARD: The following is what you are on record as proclaiming this flesh and blood body has asserted:
As this flesh and blood body has never ever said, written, or even implied, anything of the sort there is nothing to be withdrawn. * RESPONDENT: You have said that of all the peoples on this planet, UG comes the closest to what you report. RICHARD: Aye, his state of being, Sahaja Samadhi RESPONDENT: You are throwing out Hindu terms that I am not familiar with ... RICHARD: The following belies your avowal:
RESPONDENT: ... [Hindu terms that I am not familiar with] but I am impressed by your knowledge of such terms. RICHARD: The knowledge this flesh and blood body has of what those terms refers to is an intimate knowledge ... the identity who resided in this flesh and blood body all those years ago lived that/was that which those terms refer to, night and day, for many years and sought to know what others had made of such affective states of being/undivided states of consciousness. RESPONDENT: You have done some studying. RICHARD: Maybe, just maybe, that is one of the many reasons why this flesh and blood body is actually free from the human condition? RESPONDENT: I haven’t met him. RICHARD: It is not necessary to. RESPONDENT: I haven’t met you. RICHARD: It is not necessary to. RESPONDENT: I wouldn’t know what state either of you are in, nor do I care. RICHARD: Yet you have cared enough to not only subscribe to The Actual Freedom Trust mailing list 15 months ago but to type out, and send, 744 e-mails pertaining to the topic of a spiritual freedom within the human condition and an actual freedom from the human condition. RESPONDENT: You see, ‘I have my own world to live through and I ain’t gonna copy you’. jh RICHARD: As not all the hippies did cut their hair (and as six never will turn out to be nine) you are obviously yet to ‘dig’ that there is more to life – much, much more – than choking on your own vomit, eh? * RESPONDENT: This would mean closer than (...) Peter & Vineeto ... RICHARD: No it does not mean that (neither Peter nor Vineeto are aiming to become actually free from the human condition by following another’s footsteps). RESPONDENT: Sure Richard ... RICHARD: It is indeed so ... neither Peter nor Vineeto are aiming to become actually free from the human condition by following the footsteps left by the identity who used to inhabit this flesh and blood body all those years ago. RESPONDENT: ... [Sure Richard] they repeat your words ad nauseam until it has turned into a choking dogma. RICHARD: Whatever it is Peter nor Vineeto may or may not be doing, according to you, it still remains a fact that they are not aiming to become actually free from the human condition by following another’s footsteps. RESPONDENT: You have created them. RICHARD: Whatever it is this flesh and blood body may or may not have done, according to you, it still remains a fact that neither Peter nor Vineeto are aiming to become actually free from the human condition by following another’s footsteps. RESPONDENT: They are choking on your teachings. RICHARD: Whatever it is Peter nor Vineeto may or may not be doing, according to you, it still remains a fact that they are not aiming to become actually free from the human condition by following another’s footsteps. RESPONDENT: Set them free already. RICHARD: As the only being who can set anybody free is the one in residence then this flesh and blood body will not be complying with your unsolicited directive. RESPONDENT: Or do you still need them for financial or other needs? RICHARD: As this flesh and blood body has never needed Peter or Vineeto for ‘financial or other needs’ your query is a non-sequitur. * RESPONDENT: And if you are what you claim at every opportunity to be, that would leave you a lonesome freak. RICHARD: Again, it is not this flesh and blood body that makes those claims ... it is Mr. Uppaluri Krishnamurti, a ‘lonesome freak’ if there ever was, who does. RESPONDENT: No disagreement there. He may very well be a lonesome freak. RICHARD: Aye, yet just because Mr. Uppaluri Krishnamurti is ‘a lonesome freak’ that does not mean that this flesh and blood body is. RICHARD: (...) snip snip snip RESPONDENT: You promise ... RICHARD: This flesh and blood body made no ‘promise’ anywhere at all in the above [now snipped again] or elsewhere for that matter ... and, as the pure consciousness experience (PCE) provides a practical demonstration of life sans identity in toto, no such pledge is even needed (let alone made). RESPONDENT: What do you call these little statements taken directly from your website: [quote] ‘The method of becoming free from the Human Condition is devastatingly simple but requires a few initial ingredients for success to be guaranteed’ [endquote] and: [quote] ‘The method does work – it is possible to be free of the Human Condition of malice and sorrow – and within a remarkably short time’ [endquote]. RICHARD: This flesh and blood body does not have a website ... RESPONDENT: Oh yes ... RICHARD: Oh no ... what this flesh and blood body does have is authorial access to, and editorial control over, one portion of The Actual Freedom Trust web site and the section you took those quotes directly from is not that portion. Viz.:
And even more explicitly:
RESPONDENT: ... you are too clever for me and too clever by half Mr Dissociation when it suits your needs ... RICHARD: As there is no way that dissociation – ‘the state of a person suffering from dissociated personality’ (Oxford Dictionary) – could possibly have anything to do with this flesh and blood body not having a website it would appear that it is you who are being too clever for yourself, and too clever by half, and not just when it suits your needs ... but, rather (if your e-mails are anything to go by), virtually all of the time. RESPONDENT: ... [when it suits your needs] and I suppose you have no companion ... RICHARD: This flesh and blood body does indeed have a companion ... and a choice companion at that. RESPONDENT: ... [and I suppose you have] no pension ... RICHARD: This flesh and blood body does indeed have a pension ... and a hard-won pension to boot. RESPONDENT: ... [and I suppose you have] no automobile ... RICHARD: This flesh and blood body does not have an automobile ... nor even a driver’s licence, for that matter. RESPONDENT: ... [and I suppose you have] no bank account ... RICHARD: This flesh and blood body does indeed have a bank account ... what is known as a ‘retirement account’ (a fee-exempt account), actually. RESPONDENT: ... [and I suppose you have] no television set ... RICHARD: This flesh and blood body does indeed have a television set ... two of them, in fact (one of which is this very monitor these words appear on). RESPONDENT: ... [and I suppose you have no] parents ... RICHARD: This flesh and blood body, just as all bodies do, does have progenitors ... both of whom are still alive (aged 96 and 88 years). RESPONDENT: ... [and I suppose you have no] children ... RICHARD: This flesh and blood body does have progeny ... four adults (all of whom are still alive). RESPONDENT: ... [and I suppose you have no] etc., etc., etc. ... RICHARD: This flesh and blood body is unable to specifically comment upon etceteras, of course, but may very well have (at least some of) them too. RESPONDENT: ... [and I suppose you have no] whatever ... RICHARD: This flesh and blood body is unable to specifically comment upon a whatever, of course, but can take a stab at ... at not having it. RESPONDENT: .... make it up as you go along. RICHARD: If it is all the same to you this flesh and blood body would rather stay with facts. * RICHARD: ... those (unreferenced) quotes are taken directly from The Actual Freedom Trust web site and are written by Peter. RESPONDENT: As I was informed of yesterday ... however, Peter has been informed by you ... RICHARD: Not only did Peter not get informed, as to what he should or should not write on those two occasions, this flesh and blood body blood body does not vet anything that either he or Vineeto publishes on The Actual Freedom Trust web site for there is indeed no authority here in charge of a hierarchical organisation ... all simply because, as in a pure consciousness experience (PCE) actuality speaks for itself, no such entity is required. It is all so simple here. RESPONDENT: ... [As I was informed of yesterday ... however] and as you are the founder ... RICHARD: This flesh and blood body is not the founder – ‘a person who sets up or establishes something for the first time; esp. a person who establishes an institution with an endowment for its future maintenance’ (Oxford Dictionary) – of either The Actual Freedom Trust web site or The Actual Freedom Trust itself. Viz.:
RESPONDENT: ... [however and as you are the founder] and CEO ... RICHARD: This flesh and blood body is not a CEO (Chief Executive Officer/Chairperson and Executive Officer) of any legal body ... as has been explained before:
RESPONDENT: ... [as you are the founder and CEO] the Aussie dollar stops with you ... RICHARD: As there is no hierarchical organisation there is nowhere for any buck to stop (presuming that is what you mean). RESPONDENT: ... [the Aussie dollar stops with you] ... take some responsibility for your employees. RICHARD: As this flesh and blood body has no employees your unsolicited directive cannot be complied with. * RICHARD: Meanwhile, back to the topic at hand, this flesh and blood body made no ‘promise’ anywhere at all in the above (now snipped again) or elsewhere for that matter and, as the pure consciousness experience (PCE) provides a practical demonstration of life sans identity in toto, no such pledge is even needed (let alone made) ... as the following makes abundantly clear: RESPONDENT: Yes, you and your PCE’s ... RICHARD: This flesh and blood body does not have PCE’s ... and only the name itself stems from this keyboard (PCE’s are universal in their spread and are a property of being human). RESPONDENT: ... [ you and your PCE’s] ... whatever ... RICHARD: This flesh and blood body was not referring to ‘whatever’ but to experiences of pure consciousness (the condition of flesh and blood bodies being conscious sans any identity at all). RESPONDENT: ... [whatever] ... keep singing that tune and I shall keep singing mine. RICHARD: Woof, woof. RESPONDENT No. 90: 1) Why do you think Richard is a fraud? RESPONDENT: He doesn’t he answer your questions simply and straightforwardly. Because he cannot and because there is no answer. Yet he cannot admit such things, it would destroy his carefully built up self image as a one & only and first & only. RICHARD: Around about the age of 3 or 4 children discover the power of the word ‘why’ and, typically, will keep on asking it of the answer given irregardless what the answer is (as in ‘but why, Daddy or ‘yes but why, Mummy’ or some variation thereof) until the parent in question finally says, usually in exasperation, ‘because that’s just the way it is’ (or words to that effect) ... mostly they grow out of that stage as they get a little older and a little wiser to the ways of the world. For whatever reason my co-respondent has seen fit to elevate that knee-jerk childhood trait into being an on-going modus operandi in adulthood – they even have a web site called ‘yes-but-why’ ( – and ever since I made it clear that it is but a clever trick/a clever device (as in a sophisma) when utilised by an adult they have switched to using variations thereof (as if I am some kind of idiot that would not notice being taken for a ride). If you were to look back through all the sequences (bearing the above in mind) you will see that, in the midst of all the otherwise unnecessary to-ing and fro-ing such a modus operandi generates, I do indeed answer the questions simply and straightforwardly ... both because I can and because there is an answer. CO-RESPONDENT (to No. 36): (...) I am chipping in here because I think Richard will play with you as a cat plays with mice. If you want a straight answer, here it is: Richard is promoting something entirely different from what you are living/ teaching ... RICHARD: And I am chipping in here because of what you think ... my very first e-mail to your co-respondent is to be
found at the following URL: Just in case you cannot access it here it is in its entirety:
If you could explain just how that up-front and out-in-the-open response of mine is me playing [quote] ‘as a cat plays with mice’ [endquote] it would be most appreciated. RESPONDENT: Don’t mind me chirping in ... thankyou ... now that unnecessary formalities are out of the way ... No. 60 was spot on; instead of answering No. 36, you have answered No. 60 .... is that because you & your team of researchers are still doing the necessary research to counter No. 36’s accusations? You know: dig up old, out of context quotes in an attempt to malicely-free render her integrity/credibility null & void? Do you play cat & mouse with No. 60 &/or No. 36 because more work is required for you to have No. 36 come out a pathetic second best in this debate, if that? RICHARD: (01) (02) (03) (04) (05) (06) (07) (08) (09) (10) (11) (12) (13) CO-RESPONDENT: Have you ever actually went back and reread your correspondence with Richard? Recently I printed out mine and reread it carefully. It was stunning how many times I clearly did not understand what he was saying fully or how many times I simply did not ‘conclude’ a query but rather left certain aspects of it very ‘loose’ and ‘untied’. RESPONDENT No. 28: I don’t need to re-read my correspondence with R/P/V. I took time thinking about the subject then and writing accurately. Just because it wasn’t concluded successfully (as in properly regurgitated) doesn’t mean there was any lack of understanding. RICHARD:
RESPONDENT: And now you all know why Richard does not meet with his fellow humans whom he likes so much and values so highly ... RICHARD: As I do interact in-person with my fellow human being your hypothesis is without substance. RESPONDENT: ... because he needs a computer to dig up old relevant or irrelevant quotes, to mount his offence & defence. RICHARD: I am doing no different, on-line, than in my face-to-face interactions – I often point out, for the sake of clarity in communication, what has been previously spoken – as I would be doing my fellow human being no favour to not draw to their attention what they have overlooked and/or ignored ... for what is the point of having a discussion, be it either verbal or written, on these matters if said discussion is not factually-based? It is a fact that actualism is not, repeat not, nondualism (aka advaita) ... never has been and never will be. RESPONDENT: So there you have the 1st & last free human ... RICHARD: You are confusing this flesh and blood body with the man you like
RESPONDENT: ... apparently the human race is doomed. RICHARD: In the world according to you ... gee, that could very well be the case. RESPONDENT: Hey Richard ... now why don’t you tell us why you really took a 7 week hiatus from this virtual loony bin? In this day & age, computer problems tend to be resolved before 2 lunar cycles. RICHARD: You are, presumably, referring to this:
As it turned out that the DVD burner/ reader required being replaced under warranty (after first searching for, and installing, the latest drivers; after then searching for, and flashing it, with the latest firmware, after then swapping the ribbon-cable around to a different IE channel) it did indeed take something like ten days to a fortnight to resolve the computer problem. One of the other technical difficulties, referred to in the above quote, lay in getting the screensaver software to replay sound files ... eventually that problem was resolved (after first downloading and installing the latest version to no avail; after then installing it on another computer to no avail also) by a trial and error process which led to the discovery that it all had to do with the bit-rate sampling (the screensaver software was written before High Definition became available). (Editor’s note: The screensaver is no longer available due to its incompatibility with Windows 8) In regards to the next five weeks: as I am not about to provide a day-to-day description of what occupied me suffice is it to
say for now that, amongst other things If nothing else such research makes me better-informed. CO-RESPONDENT: Have you ever actually went back and reread your correspondence with Richard? Recently I printed out mine and reread it carefully. It was stunning how many times I clearly did not understand what he was saying fully or how many times I simply did not ‘conclude’ a query but rather left certain aspects of it very ‘loose’ and ‘untied’. RESPONDENT No. 28: I don’t need to re-read my correspondence with R/P/V. I took time thinking about the subject then and writing accurately. Just because it wasn’t concluded successfully (as in properly regurgitated) doesn’t mean there was any lack of understanding. RICHARD:
RESPONDENT: And now you all know why Richard does not meet with his fellow humans whom he likes so much and values so highly ... RICHARD: As I do interact in-person with my fellow human being your hypothesis is without substance. RESPONDENT: You had said previously that you do not meet with people interested in this sort of a thing (i.e. – No. 18) ... that you do not socialise, that you do not do dinner parties. RICHARD: I will first draw your attention to what you have to say a little further below:
It is indeed one thing to go by memory (rather than the archives) ... memory is notoriously selective, on occasion, and your words above are such an occasion. RESPONDENT: If you have since changed your tune, I stand (or sit) corrected. RICHARD: As what you have gone on memory by is not my tune then in order to either stand or sit corrected it is your tune which needs changing. * RESPONDENT: ... because he needs a computer to dig up old relevant or irrelevant quotes, to mount his offence & defence. RICHARD: I am doing no different, on-line, than in my face-to-face interactions – I often point out, for the sake of clarity in communication, what has been previously spoken – as I would be doing my fellow human being no favour to not draw to their attention what they have overlooked and/or ignored ... for what is the point of having a discussion, be it either verbal or written, on these matters if said discussion is not factually-based? It is a fact that actualism is not, repeat not, nondualism (aka advaita) ... never has been and never will be. RESPONDENT: It is one thing to go by memory & another to query a computer database. RICHARD: Aye, computer archives are (a) accurate ... and (b) date-marked ... (c) undeniable. RESPONDENT: You are fond of saying that matter is not passive ... RICHARD: I report/ describe/ explain that, here in this actual world, matter is not merely passive ... for instance:
RESPONDENT: ... yet you hold any & all correspondents to their decaying words from yesteryear ... RICHARD: Hmm ... a classic example of what going by memory can do to comprehension and understanding (of what ‘not merely passive’ means) if there ever was. RESPONDENT: ... no matter how irrelevant or out of context. RICHARD: As the context is just sitting there in plain view, at the top of this page, rendering the quotes in question entirely relevant, your latest hypothesis is also without substance ... so much so that perhaps this may be an apt occasion to re-post the following:
CORRESPONDENT No. 53 (Part Eleven) RETURN TO THE ACTUAL FREEDOM MAILING LIST INDEX RETURN TO RICHARD’S CORRESPONDENCE INDEX The Third Alternative (Peace On Earth In This Life Time As This Flesh And Blood Body) Here is an actual freedom from the Human Condition, surpassing Spiritual Enlightenment and any other Altered State Of Consciousness, and challenging all philosophy, psychiatry, metaphysics (including quantum physics with its mystic cosmogony), anthropology, sociology ... and any religion along with its paranormal theology. Discarding all of the beliefs that have held humankind in thralldom for aeons, the way has now been discovered that cuts through the ‘Tried and True’ and enables anyone to be, for the first time, a fully free and autonomous individual living in utter peace and tranquillity, beholden to no-one. Richard's Text ©The Actual Freedom Trust: 1997-. All Rights Reserved.
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