Actual Freedom ~ Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
Is a PCE Necessary for Practicing Actualism?

RESPONDENT: Before one can investigate beliefs, morals, etc does there have to be a recalled memory of a PCE?
RICHARD: No, there is sufficient information presented on The Actual Freedom Trust Website
to establish a prima facie case worthy of further investigation – rather than capricious dismissal – which examination may very well induce recall ... or a fresh pure
consciousness experience (PCE).
The PCE enables one to know, for oneself, that actualism is not a philosophy. 

RESPONDENT: So ... here it is the AF site &
mailing list, an opportunity. Who can make a satisfactory use of this opportunity?
RICHARD: Anybody who is vitally interested in finding out about life, the universe, and what
it is to be a human being living in the world as-it-is with people as-they-are.
RESPONDENT: Only those who can remember a PCE?
RICHARD: No ... I often put it that there is sufficient information on offer on The Actual
Freedom Trust web site to establish a prima facie case worthy of further investigation ... and not capricious dismissal.
Furthermore I invite anyone to make a critical examination of all the words I advance so as to
ascertain if they be intrinsically self-explanatory ... and if they are all seen to be inherently consistent with what is being spoken about,
then the facts speak for themselves. Then one will have reason to remember a pure conscious experience (PCE), which all peoples I have spoken
to at length have had, and thus verify by direct experience the facticity of what is written (which personal experiencing is the only proof
worthy of the name). The PCE occurs globally ... across cultures and down through the ages irregardless of gender, race or age.
Then it is the PCE that is one’s lodestone or guiding light ... not me or my words. My words then
offer confirmation ... and affirmation \ in that a fellow human being has safely walked this wide and wondrous path.
I also make it clear that what I write is (mostly) expressive prose – it is not a thesis – as I
am conveying the lavish exhilaration of life itself. My writing is not intended to stand literary scrutiny for scholarly style and grammatical
form and so on – the academics would have a field-day with it – for it is an active catalyst which will catapult the reader, who reads
with all their being, into this magical wonder-land that this verdant and azure planet is.
Then actuality speaks for itself.
RESPONDENT: I cannot recall a PCE in the sense that I cannot look
into the past and say with absolute certainty ‘that was a PCE’ using actualist description as a standard. On the other hand, I can
remember an ASC and I can definitely say ‘that was an out-of-the-ordinary consciousness experience’ and it was an ASC by actualist
Where are the PCE’s stored?
RICHARD: Presumably you are referring to this:
• [Respondent]: ‘... it is hard to relate actualism to anything one has encountered in terms of
knowledge and experience.
• [Richard]: ‘... one of the many things I did, in the years before I went public, was to ascertain whether people from all walks of life
could recall having had a pure consciousness experience (PCE) – as distinct from an altered state of consciousness (ASC) – for obvious
reasons. Sometimes it took a quite a while for them to remember – once it took over three hours of intensive description/discussion – as *being
sans any affective content whatsoever the PCE cannot be stored in the affective memory banks* (which is where the ASC is primarily
located) ... plus they are much more common in childhood and require further reach.
Everybody I spoke to at length – everybody – could recall at least one PCE ... and usually more. [emphasis added].
And this:
• [Respondent]: ‘Maybe this will trigger in my case some forgotten memories about forgotten PCE’s.
• [Richard]: ‘Mostly PCE’s happen for no demonstrable reason at all – as in being a serendipitous event – and quite often occur in
everyday surroundings doing everyday things ... I can recall being on a farmhouse verandah at age eight, looking into the glistening white of
a full glass of milk in the early morning sunshine, when it happened for the entity within.
*Not being an affective experience they are not stored in the affective memory-banks* (which is where the ASC is primarily located) and
thus require a different type of recall to normal remembrance ... plus they are much more common in childhood and require further reach.
[emphasis added].
It would appear that your (affective) memory of the ASC is blocking access to (cognitive) memory of
a PCE ... experience with other people over the years has shown that ‘me’ at the core of ‘my’ being – which is ‘being’ itself
– has, more often than not, both a vested interest in remembering an ASC and in being amnestic about a PCE.
RESPONDENT: In my case and other participants on the mailing list
it’s not easy to remember one.
RICHARD: This could very well be because if ‘I’ were to actively remember a PCE it could
be the beginning of the end of ‘me’.
RESPONDENT: I ask this as I don’t want to fool myself practicing
a method without knowing where it leads. I guess it leads to a PCE, but what’s that?
RICHARD: Presumably you are speaking of experientially knowing where it leads ...
intellectually knowing cannot provide the fatal attraction, so to speak, which experiential knowledge provides and which is essential for
I am, of course, referring to pure intent.
RESPONDENT: As a consequence of all this, I set my aim to be happy
& harmless and not to live in a PCE (I don’t know how it’s like).
RICHARD: A very sensible approach indeed ... being sorrowful and malicious (and thus
antidotally loving and compassionate) is not at all conducive to a PCE occurring.
RESPONDENT: What’s on offer here, is both valuable and sensible
in my view and it reflects, explains my personal experiences and observations in a very satisfactory and comprehensive way. But these words
(aka thoughts) are derived from PCE’s. They can provide guidance, direction and assistance in the DIY process of dismantling the identity
and help one assess which are the facts and which are the beliefs. But they cannot induce/produce a PCE ...
RICHARD: If I may interject? More than a few persons have had a PCE occur whilst listening
to me/reading my words ... which is why I explained (further above) that my expressive writing is an active catalyst which will catapult the
reader, who reads with all their being, into this magical wonder-land that this verdant and azure planet is.
‘Tis the ‘all of their being’ which is the key.
RESPONDENT: ... as this experience escapes any reference frame of
thought, it’s pure consciousness as experienced by an individual.
RICHARD: Hmm ... are you so sure that it does indeed escape ‘any’ reference frame
of thought?
RESPONDENT: The results derived by practicing this method is that I’m
cleaner day-by-day, but a ‘pure’ individual does not necessarily mean pure consciousness, eh?
RICHARD: There is no such thing as a pure identity (if that is what you mean).
RESPONDENT: I fully engaged myself on the spiritual path as a
consequence of an ASC. Is it vital to remember/live a PCE in order to successfully practice actualism?
RICHARD: Eventually ... yes; in the interim ... I would say not (going by another’s report 

RESPONDENT: Secondly what
about a person who has no memory of PCE. Is he/she in danger of getting trapped in virtual freedom itself as the ultimate?
RICHARD: If one cannot remember a PCE then one is not in virtual freedom ... it simply cannot
work that way. The PCE is vital ... otherwise one is left no alternative to believing the words and writings of actualism. And if one does so
believe, then the best one can do is live in some dream-world fantasy conjured up out of imagination ... and fondly believe it to be the
ultimate, yes.
RESPONDENT: Then would you suggest that
such a person should not try for virtual freedom before having a PCE?
RICHARD: Indeed, I can only suggest ... what another does with my suggestions is, of course,
entirely up to them. It is they who either reap the rewards or pay the consequences for any action or inaction that they may or may not do. I
can but offer tips, hints, pointers, clues – inside information – and in my experience I discovered that in order to shift from the
self-centred licentiousness to a self-less sensuousness one must have confidence in the ultimate beneficence of the universe. This confidence
– this surety – is gained from the PCE wherein life is seen and experienced to be already perfect and innocent ... one is physically
experiencing first-hand, albeit temporarily, this actual world – a spontaneously benevolent world – that the normal world (the real world
or reality) is pasted over.
RESPONDENT: Or is it that virtual freedom may help in having a PCE?
RICHARD: When one remembers a PCE – or precipitates another – then one is well on the way
to freedom ... this is what actualism is all about. Scattered along the wide and wondrous path to an actual freedom are as many PCE’s as one
may need ... repeated peak experiences may very well be brought about on maybe a daily basis with constant application of reflective and
fascinated contemplation. In such pure contemplation, ‘I’ cease seeing and seeing takes place of its own accord. ‘I’ can never be here
now in this actual world for ‘I’ am an interloper, an alien in psychic possession of the body. ‘I’ do not belong here. All this is
impossible to imagine which is why it is essential to be confident that the actual world does exist. This confidence is born out of knowing,
which is derived from the PCE, and is an essential ingredient to ensure success. One does not have to generate confidence oneself – as the
religions require of one with regard to their blind faith – the purity of the actual world bestows this confidence upon one. The experience
of purity is a benefaction. Out of this blessing comes pure intent, which will consistently guide one through daily life, gently ushering in
an increasing ease and generosity of character. With this growing magnanimity, one becomes more and more anonymous, more and more self-less.
With this expanding altruism one becomes less and less self-centred, less and less egocentric. Eventually the moment comes wherein something
definitive happens, physically, inside the brain and ‘I’ am nevermore.
‘Being’ ceases – it was only a psychic apparition anyway – and war is over, forever, in one
human being. 
Actual Freedom
Freedom from the Human Condition – Happy and Harmless
Richard's Text ©The Actual Freedom Trust: 1997-. All Rights Reserved.
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