Actual Freedom ~ Commonly Raised Objections
Commonly Raised Objections
Actualism Makes Empty Promises

RESPONDENT: In particular how do you know that what
worked for you will work elsewhere.
RICHARD: This is one of those never-ending queries: person ‘A’ discovers something and
shares that discovery with others; person ‘X’ asks whether what worked for person ‘A’ will work for another whereas person ‘B’
gives it a go and achieves the same result; person ‘X’ asks whether what worked for person ‘A’ and person ‘B’ will work for anyone
else whereas person ‘C’ gives it a go and achieves the same result; person ‘X’ asks whether what worked for person ‘A’ and person
‘B’ and person ‘C’ will work for everyone else whereas person ‘D’ gives it a go and ... and just how many others would it take to
satisfy person ‘X’ that something works universally (5.999 billion others perchance)?
More to the point, however, there is something strange, almost to the point of being weird, about
an attitude which has it that until somebody else has achieved what a pioneer achieved one will not even set out to achieve that because such
achievability has not yet been demonstrated to be achievable by another.
Put simply: how on earth can something work if nobody will put it to work because it has not yet
been demonstrated to be workable?
RESPONDENT: You are making big claims about the whole of humanity.
That you don’t acknowledge this lack of knowledge on your part I find distasteful.
RICHARD: I have located the following text:
• [Co-Respondent]: ‘(...) And don’t even try to insult either my intelligence or my physics
major in college by suggesting that I read a book – my concentration in college was in quantum mechanics.
• [Richard]: ‘I have no notion of why you would give me this caution as I specifically stated that ‘I am no physicist’ and that
neither did I ‘claim any proficiency in quantum physics whatsoever’ and that ‘I am more than willing to be advised otherwise on the
matter’ in regards to ‘the little I do understand of this – mostly mathematical and theoretical – physics’.
Golly ... if I were to be any more humble or modest or unassuming or unpretentious or self-effacing or deferential or without airs than those
provisos I would be carving a furrow in the floor with all my genuflecting, prostrating, bowing, scraping and tugging of the forelock.
I genuinely would like to be advised on this – apparently – arcane subject because I cannot see it for myself’. 

RESPONDENT: You promise ...
RICHARD: This flesh and blood body made no ‘promise’ anywhere at all in the above
(or elsewhere for that matter) ... and, as the pure consciousness experience (PCE) provides a practical demonstration of life sans identity in
toto, no such pledge is even needed (let alone made).
RESPONDENT: ... [You promise] life/heaven/magical fairy tale after
death/oblivion (of the identity) ...
RICHARD: What this flesh and blood body does do is offer an unambiguous report of the direct
experiencing a PCE so readily demonstrates, clear descriptions of life here in this actual world 24/7 as a confirmation of what the PCE can
only provide a temporary experience of, lucid explanations of how and why what the PCE so easily shows can be implemented, and clarifications
of misunderstandings due to the dearth of information regarding PCE’s ... plus a do-it-yourself method, of activating what the PCE so
effortlessly evidences, which has actually delivered the goods.
RESPONDENT: ... promises of the sort are a dime a dozen.
RICHARD: It is ‘promises’ of an after-death ‘Peace That Passeth All
Understanding’ (or words to that effect) that are a dime a dozen ... not the certainty a PCE offers.
RESPONDENT: Different words, same thing.
RICHARD: That, as well you must know after 15 months since first subscribing, and 719
e-mails later, is male bovine faecal matter ... a large steaming pile of it, in fact, and positively glistening with contumacity .
RESPONDENT: ... [the actualism method can be considered] perhaps
even a sport of nature that worked but once for one person.
RICHARD: As the term ‘a sport of nature’ is synonymous with ‘a freak of nature’
the following is worth quoting (as you would be on a hiding to nowhere to pursue that theme with this flesh and blood body):
• U.G.: (...) I maintain that whatever has happened to me happened despite everything I did. But
you are interested in finding out how and why that particular thing I am talking about has happened to me and not to everybody. You want to
establish a cause and effect relationship and make it possible for everybody to stumble into this kind of thing. That is something which
cannot be produced or reproduced on an assembly line. It is a freak of nature.
• Q: But we would be interested in knowing what the freak of nature was in U.G.
• U.G.: Even wanting to understand that has no meaning to you. You just leave it there. There are so many freakish things there in nature.
If you try to copy them, you are lost. You are in the same situation as before. Even nature has no use for this body (pointing to his body).
It has discarded it because it cannot reproduce something like this either physically or otherwise.
• Q: So you have been discarded by nature?
• U.G.: Yes, discarded by nature. How can you turn this into a model? That is what we have done to all those discarded people whom we should
have discarded for good.
RESPONDENT: And this little excerpt illustrates that I am on a
hiding to nowhere because he uses the same term ‘freak of nature’?
RICHARD: No ... it is because of this:
• [Mr. Uppaluri Krishnamurti]: ‘... whatever has happened to me happened *despite everything
I did*’. [emphasis added].
And this:
• [Mr. Uppaluri Krishnamurti]: ‘That [a cause and effect relationship] is something which *cannot
be produced* ...’. [emphasis added].
And this:
• [Mr. Uppaluri Krishnamurti]: ‘... it [nature] *cannot reproduce* something like this
[that happened to me] either physically or otherwise’. [emphasis added].
Whereas what happened for this flesh and blood body happened *because of everything the identity
did* and, as a cause and effect relationship *can and has been produced*, there is every reason why more identities *can indeed
reproduce this* that happened for this flesh and blood body.
RESPONDENT: You are blowing a smoke screen to deflect from the
fact that your assembly line has stopped at one and is broken.
RICHARD: No, what this flesh and blood body is doing is showing what that ‘little
excerpt’ does illustrate ... to wit: it is it is Mr. Uppaluri Krishnamurti who is [quote] ‘the ONE, the ONLY, the ONLY ONE, the FIRST
and LAST’ [endquote] and [quote] ‘Mr First, Last and the ONLY’ [endquote] and [quote] ‘the ONE , the ONLY, the ONLY ONE, the FIRST,
the LAST’ [endquote] and [quote] ‘the one and only, and only one and the first and last one’ [endquote] and [quote] ‘the first and
last’ [endquote] and [quote] ‘the first, the only and the last’ [endquote] and [quote] ‘THE FIRST, LAST, AND EVERY HUMAN IN BETWEEN,
FREE’ [endquote] and not this flesh and blood body. Vis.:
• [Respondent]: ‘Why do I need to go see a movie about the human condition? There is an endless
movie going on all the time. It is called ‘LIFE’ , and you should possibly check it out when you are done posing useless questions to the
useless mass of protoplasm posing as, the ONE, the ONLY, the ONLY ONE, the FIRST and LAST. (Thursday
15/01/2004 11:19 PM AEDST).
• [Respondent]: ‘... perhaps your pure intent makes some impression on Mr First, Last and the ONLY. (Sunday
8/02/2004 11:26 PM AEDST).
• [Respondent]: ‘So you have arrived here, thinking perhaps there is something to be gotten either from participating on this list or
reading that god-forsaken AF website or communicating with Richard the ONE , the ONLY, the ONLY ONE, the FIRST, the LAST free human ever to
walk our fine planet earth’. (Friday 20/02/2004 10:46 AM).
• [Respondent]: ‘So it is the glorious, yet common place ASC which gives rise to Richards claims of being the one and only, and only one
and the first and last one’ (Tuesday 9/03/2004 1:23 PM AEDST).
• [Respondent]: ‘... the egomaniacal nitpicking pedantic, otherwise known to himself as the first or Richard the first and last.’. (Wednesday 3/03/2004 9:59 AM AEDST).
• [Respondent]: ‘... there is likely no sane person who has claimed to be the first, the only and the last to be free of the human
condition, prior to 1992 or thereafter. (Tuesday 30/03/2004 9:44 AM AEDST).
• [Respondent]: ‘... that man who shouts from the rooftops: ‘I AM THE FIRST, LAST, AND EVERY HUMAN IN BETWEEN, FREE OF THE HUMAN
CONDITION !!’) IOW Richard’. (Saturday 17/04/2004 9:12 PM AEST).
In short: you are confusing this flesh and blood body with the man you like .
RESPONDENT: You have said that of all the peoples on this planet,
UG comes the closest to what you report.
RICHARD: Aye, his state of being, Sahaja Samadhi (aka ‘natural state’), is the furthest
one can go, in spiritual enlightenment/mystical awakenment, without becoming actually free of the human condition ... to not put too fine a
point on it: Sahaja Samadhi is generally held to be superior to Nirvikalpa Samadhi.
RESPONDENT: This would mean closer than (...) Peter & Vineeto
RICHARD: No it does not mean that (neither Peter nor Vineeto are aiming to become actually
free from the human condition by following another’s footsteps).
RESPONDENT: If this is so ... (snip).
RICHARD: As ‘this’ is not so there is nothing to respond to.
RESPONDENT: And if you are what you claim at every opportunity to
be, that would leave you a lonesome freak.
RICHARD: Again, it is not this flesh and blood body that makes those claims ... it is Mr.
Uppaluri Krishnamurti, a ‘lonesome freak’ if there ever was, who does.

RICHARD: (...) snip snip snip
RESPONDENT: You promise ...
RICHARD: This flesh and blood body made no ‘promise’ anywhere at all in the above
(or elsewhere for that matter) ... and, as the pure consciousness experience (PCE) provides a practical demonstration of life sans identity in
toto, no such pledge is even needed (let alone made).
RESPONDENT: What do you call these little statements taken directly
from your website: [quote] ‘The method of becoming free from the Human Condition is devastatingly simple but requires a few initial
ingredients for success to be guaranteed’ [endquote] and: [quote] ‘The method does work – it is possible to be free of the Human
Condition of malice and sorrow – and within a remarkably short time’ [endquote].
RICHARD: This flesh and blood body does not have a website ... those (unreferenced) quotes
are taken directly from The Actual Freedom Trust web site and are written by Peter.
Meanwhile, back to the topic at hand, this flesh and blood body made no ‘promise’
anywhere at all in the above (now snipped again) or elsewhere for that matter and, as the pure consciousness experience (PCE) provides a
practical demonstration of life sans identity in toto, no such pledge is even needed (let alone made) ... as the following makes abundantly
• [Richard]: ‘I am simply reporting my experience and it is entirely up to the other to do with
it what they will ... and I stress that it is the pure consciousness experience (PCE) that is one’s guiding light – one’s authority or
one’s teacher – and not me or my description of a PCE. (...)
I cannot save anybody at all’.
• [Richard]: ‘... I do not want any one to merely believe me. I stress to people how vital it
is that they see for themselves. If they were so foolish as to believe me then the most they would end up in is living in a dream state and
thus miss out on the actual. I do not wish this fate upon anyone ... I like my fellow human beings. What one can do is make a critical
examination of all the words I advance so as to ascertain if they be intrinsically self-explanatory ... and only when they are seen to be
inherently consistent with what is being spoken about, then the facts speak for themselves. Then one will have reason to remember a pure
conscious experience (PCE), which all peoples I have spoken to at length have had, and thus verify by direct experience the facticity of what
is written.
Then it is the PCE that is one’s lodestone or guiding light ... not me or my words. My words then offer confirmation ... and affirmation in
that a fellow human being has safely walked this wide and wondrous path.
RESPONDENT: ... [You promise] life/heaven/magical fairy tale after
death/oblivion (of the identity) ...
RICHARD: What this flesh and blood body does do is offer an unambiguous report of the direct
experiencing a PCE so readily demonstrates, clear descriptions of life here in this actual world 24/7 as a confirmation of what the PCE can
only provide a temporary experience of, lucid explanations of how and why what the PCE so easily shows can be implemented, and clarifications
of misunderstandings due to the dearth of information regarding PCE’s ... plus a do-it-yourself method, of activating what the PCE so
effortlessly evidences, which has actually delivered the goods.
RESPONDENT: ... promises of the sort are a dime a dozen.
RICHARD: It is ‘promises’ of an after-death ‘Peace That Passeth All
Understanding’ (or words to that effect) that are a dime a dozen ... not the certainty a PCE offers.
RESPONDENT: Keep your followers on that everlasting treadmill
looking ahead for their life-saving PCE that some day will solve all their problems.
RICHARD: As this flesh and blood body does not have any ‘followers’ (actualism is
neither religious/ spiritual nor mystical/ metaphysical) your unsolicited directive cannot be responded to as-is.
RESPONDENT: You are if nothing else, a giver of hope.
RICHARD: Not so ... if nothing else (to use your phraseology) the actualism method is a
practical tool which enables a sincere practitioner to be as happy and as harmless as is humanly possible, virtually each moment again, for
the remainder of their life and, as this is way beyond normal human expectations, such a virtual freedom is not to be sneezed at.
Indeed, with a virtual freedom spread exponentially (as does a chain-letter for instance) it would
revolutionise the way world affairs are conducted ... the ‘trickle-down’ effect from all The Messiahs and/or the Masters, the Gurus and/or
the God-Men, the Sages and/or the Seers, the Avatars and/or the Saviours and the Shamans and/or the Priests – that is, all the morals/
ethics and principle/ values, and so on – would be superseded, having been rendered null and void, by the ‘flow-on’ effect of the
already always existing peace-on-earth having being enabled by one human being.
RESPONDENT: Join the age old club.
RICHARD: There is nothing either age-old or clubbish about what this flesh and blood body
has to report/describe/explain.
RESPONDENT: They all have methods, followers, testimonials, what
you should see along the way ...
RICHARD: And ‘along the way’ to ... what?
RESPONDENT: ... the same thing you offer ...
RICHARD: Hmm ... still being contumacious, eh?
RESPONDENT: Different words, same thing.
RICHARD: That, as well you must know after 15 months since first subscribing, and 719
e-mails later, is male bovine faecal matter ... a large steaming pile of it, in fact, and positively glistening with contumacy.
RESPONDENT: (...) what is really a large steaming pile of it, in
fact, and positively glistening with contumacity, are your descriptions of the actual world ...
RICHARD: And you would know that as a fact ... how?
RESPONDENT: ... [your descriptions of the actual world] which are
nothing more than feelings of one human being ...
RICHARD: You are aware, of course, that you are both writing to and talking about a human
being that has been thoroughly examined by professionals in the field of psychology/ psychiatry and officially found to be alexithymic (as in
sans all affective feelings)?
RESPONDENT: ...[which are nothing more than feelings of one human
being] on the ego-trip of a life-time ...
RICHARD: You are aware, of course, that you are both writing to and talking about a human
being that has been thorough examined by professionals in the field of psychology/psychiatry and officially found to be depersonalised (as in
sans any ego and/or self and/or identity)?
RESPONDENT: ...[on the ego-trip of a life-time] or two ...
RICHARD: It is a fact there is only one life-time for any flesh and blood body ... and this
flesh and blood body is no exception.
RESPONDENT: ... [of a life-time or two] who suggests we should
compare our delusions ...
RICHARD: Just because you did not heed this flesh and blood body’s experientially-based
advice , about believing and ending up with a dream state in lieu of the
actual (re-posted further above), and sought to compare your delusion with the actuality reported/ described/ explained by this flesh and
blood body and others does not mean that your usage of the possessive pronouns ‘we’ and ‘our’ is in any way justified.
RESPONDENT: ... [who suggests we should compare our delusions] to
see if they match up and are what you call a PCE ...
RICHARD: And when you did seek to compare your delusory dream state, so as to see if it did
indeed match up and was what this flesh and blood body calls a PCE, you (capriciously) adjudged all PCE’s to be delusions ... conveniently
overlooking the fact that peoples have had PCE’s *before* ever reading The Actual Freedom Trust web site.
RESPONDENT: ... [to see if they match up and are what you call a
PCE], the cornerstone of your religion.
RICHARD: Hmm ... still more contumacity, eh?

PETER to No 58: At the time I wrote these words I was talking of my own
experience only, yet in the short time since then there are now a number of people …
RESPONDENT: Peter, can you put a figure to the ‘number’ you
speak of?
PETER: Ah. If you want to play the numbers game, I readily concede that the figure is
infinitesimally small compared to the number of people who are, for example Buddhists, given that you appear to revere some of the wisdom that
flows from this religion.
PETER to No 58: …[yet in the short time since then there are now a number of people] who
have discovered that the method to become free of malice and sorrow is devastatingly simple once one has unearthed the required ingredients
necessary for it to be effective … and a few of these people have even dared to report their successes on this mailing list.
RESPONDENT: So the difficulties that people face are with ‘unearthing
the required ingredients’ not the method?
PETER: Indeed. Unearthing the necessary ingredients to get the method up and running appears
to be by far the most difficult part and the main impediments that people seem to struggle with are world-weary cynicism or spiritual-world
distain or a combination of both.
RESPONDENT: Why is it daring to report success to the mailing list?
PETER: If you can’t figure this out for yourself, then you haven’t got a clue as to how
radical actualism is … whereas your persistent objection to actualism on this mailing list indicates that you do indeed know.
PETER to No 58: And not only that but nowadays there are also a number of people who have
reported tangible successes in becoming free of malice and sorrow in a remarkably short period of time … and a few of these people have even
dared to report their successes on this mailing list. That you persist in maintaining a head-in-the-sand attitude to these reports only serves
to illustrate your No 58-knows-best (because U.G. Krishnamurti says nothing-can-be-done) stance on this mailing list.
RESPONDENT No 58: Marketing and advertising terms.
PETER to No 58: What a terrible thing to speak openly and enthusiastically about the
discovery of a do-it-yourself method to eliminate malice and sorrow, eh? What an effrontery that I should have used such strong words at the
time given that they were based on only a handful of successes at the time? How dare I be so naive as to go on to propose that the spreading
of actualism will one day mean that war, rape, murder, torture, child abuse, domestic violence, corruption, despotism and so on will be
remembered as things of the past?
RESPONDENT: How do you envisage that Actualism will spread?
PETER: I don’t need to ‘envisage’ anything – it will spread the way that it is
already spreading.
RESPONDENT: What critical mass of actually or virtually free people
will it take before we see an end to war, rape, murder, torture, child abuse, domestic, violence, corruption, and despotism?
PETER: Is your reference to a ‘critical mass’ by chance related to that urban myth about
the Hundred Monkey , a myth that is also implicit in memeolgy? The whole
notion of ‘critical mass’ is a pseudo-scientific crock ,
latched on to by spiritualists as a way of indoctrinating others into their cosy ‘We-are-all-One’ beliefs.
RESPONDENT: How long do you estimate that this process will take?
PETER: Contrary to your assumption, the actualism is spreading by means, and not by a ‘process’,
the means being –
a website that is freely available world-wide via the internet,
an associated unmoderated mailing list in order that those who are interested in the material
offered on the website may discuss the issues raised directly with the authors of the website, as well as with other people who are
interested in actualism,
two paperback Journals for those who prefer to read words printed on paper.
Having corrected your misconceptions, I wouldn’t hazard a guess as to how long it will be ‘before we see an end to war, rape, murder, torture, child abuse, domestic, violence, corruption, and despotism?’
What I do know is what I wrote in the ‘Introducing Actual Freedom’ –
‘Human beings are remarkable among the animal species in that we have a large ‘modern’ brain
or neo-cortex, capable of thinking, planning and reflecting, that envelops the primitive ‘lizard’ brain, the source of our animal
instincts. The ability to think, plan, reflect and communicate, has resulted in the astounding development of the human species, from a grim
and deadly fight for the survival of the species, to one of increasing … … safety, comfort, leisure and pleasure.
This last century, in particular, has seen astounding advances made in agriculture, manufacturing,
health, life expectancy, wealth, transport, information processing, instant and world-wide communications, social services and education. An
increasing proportion of the human population is enjoying comfort, safety, leisure and pleasure the likes of which has never, ever, existed
Yet, despite the amazing technological advancements and organizational development of the human
species on this planet, the Human Condition is still epitomized by two major factors – malice and sorrow.
The next significant and timely challenge facing the human species is to bring an end to human
violence and suffering. As with every discovery that has advanced the human species, this necessitates pioneering individuals to prove that it
is possible to become actually free of the Human Condition of malice and sorrow. Introducing Actual Freedom
It was obvious to me when I first met Richard that what he was talking of was revolutionary
(revolutionary as in ‘instigating radical change’, not revolutionary as in ‘having a chip on one’s shoulder about certain aspects of
the Human Condition’) and for reasons I have written extensively about, I found I could not but accept the challenge of being a pioneer in
the business. My reasoning was that is up to those who are fortunate enough to be currently enjoying the benefits of millennia of human
endeavour – unprecedented safety, comfort, leisure and pleasure – to lead the way. And this obviously meant me.
RESPONDENT: Will it be remarkably short?
PETER: Given that the current surviving hominoid species (homo sapiens sapiens) has been
around for an estimated 400,000 years according to fossils records, I fully expect that the spread of actualism (as an alternative to
spiritualism and materialism) will happen in a remarkable short time in comparison. I do realize that such speculation can only be speculation
for you and I will never know, because we will both be long dead, but I do like it that I will die content that I was a pioneer in the
business of becoming free of malice and sorrow.
As a postscript, I found it curious that as I wrote this post today, I saw a 56-year old Iraqi man
very happy that he was able to vote for the first time in his life. It reminded me of the astounding changes that have come about in many of
the countries I visited whilst in my twenties. Serge, whom I met in Communist Russia, is nowadays free to travel and free to vote. The veiled
women I saw in the Middle East are now beginning to give voice to the fact that they are not chattels but human beings and the bondages of
tribalism and theocracy are rapidly being loosened throughout the region. The little Afghani boy I met in Herat may have voted with his feet
and may be living in a fully democratic country now or may well have stayed and well be participating in the nascent democracy that is
emerging in Afghanistan. The little African boy I saw peeking through the fence of the Whites-only amusement park in Durban is now free to go
anywhere in the country he was born in as well as being free to travel abroad. Even the overpopulation and poverty that so appalled me in
India is beginning to be reigned in, so much so that India is no longer regarded as a basket case country.
I am not philosophizing about changes for the better or of freedoms gained – these are practical
down-to-earth changes for the better and pragmatic freedoms gained. The remarkably short period of time in which these changes have occurred
(30 years) reminded me yet again that what I wrote in ‘Introducing Actual Freedom’ is even more appropriate today than it was when I wrote
it some 6 years ago.

RESPONDENT No 32: No 80 questioned or thought
whether or not the part of the brain with monitored high activity involved in producing happiness for the Buddhist monk while meditating is
also involved in producing (a-caused) happiness for an actualist asking ‘Haietmoba?’ while apperception is operating. From your answer I
can’t see any clear or implied ‘yes’, ‘no’ or ‘I don’t know’.
PETER: From what I saw on the television program, I have no doubt that the Buddhist monk
felt happy when he meditated – I didn’t need to see an image of increase in neural activity in one part of his brain to tell me this. I
have experienced the very same thing whilst meditating – often I would feel blissful feelings and I presume these feelings resulted in
increased neural activity in parts of this brain as well. From what I understand, any feeling that a feeling being has results in increased
neural activity in some part or other of the brain, but it is not a subject that interests me at all, quite frankly.
RESPONDENT: So, for the record – you are NOT willing to answer
this question?
PETER: If you care to look back at the original question I was asked – ‘if an actualist
can produce similar results (to the high brain activity measured when Buddhist monks meditate)’ – you will see that I did answer in that I
pointed to the fact that the aim of these monks is to find an inner feeling of bliss whereas the aim of an actualist is to be happy and
harmless in the world-as-it-is with people-as-they-are. To put it plainly, the questioner wanted me to compare chalk and cheese.
RESPONDENT: Are you to say that only feeling beings have neural
activity? I am laughing right now as I type :)
PETER: You are apparently laughing at a joke of your own making because this is not what I
said. What I said was –
‘From what I understand, any feeling that a feeling being has results in increased neural
activity in some part or other of the brain, but it is not a subject that interests me at all, quite frankly’.
RESPONDENT: The spiritualists have their happiness backed up by
scientific fact.
PETER: Indeed, I have even read reports that scientists have discovered a so-called God-spot
and are now debating whether this is a sign that God is an imaginary construct or whether God put the God-spot into humans so they would know
of His/Her/Its existence.
RESPONDENT: What would happen to an actualist who underwent the
same study?
PETER: No doubt the neurologically-obsessed would indulge in all sorts of fantasies dressed
up as theories and speculations in trying to make sense of the effects of the instinctual passions, all the while ignoring the obvious root
cause and the practical remedy now being pioneered.
RESPONDENT: If no actualist is willing to undergo this study could
we not conclude that Actualists are unwilling to look at the facts, while spiritualists are? This is absolutely absurd, but that is what is
being propagated here. Peter, what you are saying makes complete sense, but both you and Richard are unwilling to open to such a scientific
study. This would also give people much more information about actualism and what it can do...
PETER: Okay, let’s take a walk in your speculations.
Let’s suppose that a Buddhist monk and I were to have a ‘happiness shoot-out’ in matching MRI
machines and let’s say he has more brain activity in certain areas than I do. Would that mean that the happiness he achieves by turning his
back on the world and sitting in meditation is better than the happiness I experience in the world-as-it-is with people-as-they-are? If, on
the other hand, I register more brain activity than he does in certain spots, then what does that mean? Given that this is not the first time
you have raised this point on the mailing list, perhaps you could elaborate on precisely what ‘information’ such a ‘shoot-out’
would provide ‘about actualism and what it can do’ and of what value it be to those who are interested in the down-to-earth
business that is actualism.
Before you answer, I suggest that it would be useful to consider that scientists have an ingrained
habit of measuring something, then speculating about the nature or cause of the measurement and then presenting the measurement as evidence
that their theory is fact. Pretty soon other scientists are wont to take up the theory by taking more measurements of different things and
speculating that they too are related to the theory and are thus ‘further proof’ of the initial … or speculate that the initial theory
needs revising and hence more scientists are then able to take more measurements, construct more models or do more studies to support the
initial theory or to support one of the newly emergent sub-theories. Sometimes this self-perpetuating chain of theorizing can keep a theory
alive and running for generations upon generations until someone finally dares to touch base with common sense and challenge the status quo.
No doubt you will see the relevance of what I am saying given that you are apparently demanding
that the proof of the success of something that is utterly new in human history be based upon the scrutiny of scientific theories that are
based upon a paradigm that has as its mantra that ‘it is impossible to change human nature … because this is the way it is, this is the
way it always has been and this is the way it always will be’.
RESPONDENT: But anyway, No 32 repeated a question that had not been
originally answered, or secondarily answered. You have no speculation on the matter?
PETER: At one stage I did become interested in the research being done on the human brain
and its workings, in particular the empirical evidence of the ‘quick and dirty pathway’ of the instinctual impassioned response that
precedes and predominates, and very often entirely prevents, a clear thinking reasoned response to either an actual or perceived danger. Due
to this interest I produced
several simplified schematics in order to explain the core scientific neuro-biological basis of the workings of the human instinctual
passions. Apart from this empirical evidence, I have generally found the bulk of the neuro-biological research with regard to human emotions
and human behaviour to be utterly dominated by speculation and presuppositions all firmly based upon traditional misunderstandings of the
human psyche. In other words, the speculations and suppositions that masquerade as being fact are proposed by scientists trapped within
the human condition attempting to make sense of the human psyche based on an archaic paradigm of superstition and mythology about the nature
of the human psyche.
In short, actualism requires thinking outside the box, something that is impossible if one persists
on remaining an inside-the-box-thinker … or persists in giving credence to the speculations of other inside-the-box-thinkers.
Actual Freedom
Freedom from the Human Condition – Happy and Harmless
Richard's & Peter’s Text ©The Actual Freedom Trust: 1997-. All Rights Reserved.
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