January 18 2005
RICHARD: (...) My progenitors were farmers ... pioneer settlers carving a livelihood by hand out of
virgin forest (I personally used axes and hand saws to help cut down the trees to make pasture land).
RESPONDENT: You personally used axes and hand saws ...
RICHARD: Yes, this flesh and blood body did indeed use axes and hand saws to help cut down the trees
to make pasture land.
RESPONDENT: ... but you did not personally make a method ...
RICHARD: Indeed not ... it was, of course, the identity inhabiting this flesh and blood body at the
time (1981) who devised what has nowadays become known as the actualism method.
RESPONDENT: ... [but you did not personally] practice method for 13 years ...
RICHARD: Aye, this flesh and blood body most definitely did not put the actualism method into practice
in the eleven years between 1981 and 1992 ... it was, of course, the identity who successfully did that.
RESPONDENT: ... and [but you did not personally] market method for the next
13 years.
RICHARD: Au contraire ... it being the only method so far to successfully deliver the goods (for as
far as has been ascertainable) this flesh and blood body has indeed been promulgating and promoting the actualism method over the
last seven years (since 1997) or so.

January 19 2005
RICHARD: (...) My progenitors were farmers ... pioneer settlers carving a livelihood by hand out of
virgin forest (I personally used axes and hand saws to help cut down the trees to make pasture land).
RESPONDENT: You personally used axes and hand saws ...
RICHARD: Yes, this flesh and blood body did indeed use axes and hand saws to help cut down the trees
to make pasture land.
RESPONDENT: ... but you did not personally make a method ...
RICHARD: Indeed not ... it was, of course, the identity inhabiting this flesh and blood body at the
time (1981) who devised what has nowadays become known as the actualism method.
RESPONDENT: ... [but you did not personally] practice method for 13 years ...
RICHARD: Aye, this flesh and blood body most definitely did not put the actualism method into practice
in the eleven years between 1981 and 1992 ... it was, of course, the identity who successfully did that.
RESPONDENT: So it was the f&bb that used axes, not the identity ...
RICHARD: Yes (just as no identity in any flesh and blood body uses axes).
RESPONDENT: ... and it was the identity that dreamed up its avenue of escape
RICHARD: Aye, the blessed
release into oblivion is something only an identity, a psychological/ psychic entity, would desire.
RESPONDENT: ... [and it was the identity that dreamed up] its modus operandi,
aka the actualism method, not the f&bb.
RICHARD: Indeed not ... this flesh and blood body has been having a ball all along.
RESPONDENT: Are you saying the identity did not swing axes?
RICHARD: Yes (just as the psychological/psychic entity did not eat, drink, urinate, defecate, and so
on). The following link will flesh this out somewhat:
(Richard, Konrad Correspondence, A Dialogue One, 7 March 1198).
RESPONDENT: It all sounds a bit like the latest new age mysticism ...
RICHARD: There is nothing mystical – let alone of the New (Dark) Age variety – about a
psychological/ psychic entity not swinging an axe and/or devising a method to achieve the desired oblivion (which extinction would
enable the already always existing peace-on-earth into being apparent 24/7).