Re: Howler Of The Week
This must surely win the Howler Of The Week award
RESPONDENT: ‘Interesting that the
only thing Richard found worthy of entering here for was to protect an imagined threat to his pay packet. Talk about hyperactive survival
Random quote from The Actual Freedom Trust web site:
[Richard]: ‘I am retired and on a pension and have more than sufficient for my needs for the
remainder of my life’.
Copied from the archives of The Actual Freedom Trust Mailing List (posted on the 2nd of
February 2006):
[Richard]: ‘... I have had my credit card strung out the max, over the years, in order to
establish and maintain all the words and writings pertaining to both an actual freedom from the human condition and a virtual freedom in
practice on-line so as they be accessible totally free of charge for anyone at all to access and it is only in the last year or so that the
whole enterprise has come anywhere near to being self-supporting ...’. Richard, The Actual Freedom Trust
Mailing List, No. 74f, 2 Feb 2006
Copied from the archives of The Actual Freedom Trust Mailing List (posted on the 10th of
May 2002):
[Respondent]: ‘One thing I have to note is that something that I find unique to Actualism is that
there has never been a financial basis to it.
[Richard]: ‘It pleases me greatly that the writings about actual freedom (upwards of 4,000,000
words at the latest estimate) are available for free on-line ...’. Richard, The Actual Freedom Trust
Mailing List, No. 32, 10 May 2002
Copied from Message No. 5129 posted on Tuesday, 05 May, 2009:
[Richard]: ‘... the directors of The Actual Freedom Trust have, over the years, expended tens of
thousands of scarce dollars of their own moneys (plus tens of thousands of unpaid hours) to create, maintain, and provide the millions of
words currently available for free on the internet– it is only in recent years that the sale of non-essential items have been sufficient to
barely cover the basic ongoing costs of the enterprise ...’. Yahoo Groups Actualfreedom, Message 5129
Copied from the archives of The Actual Freedom Trust Mailing List (posted on the 21st of
February 2005):
[Respondent]: ‘Why are you guys (Peter and Richard) charging money for online journals?
[Richard]: ‘It is the legal entity officially registered as ‘The Actual Freedom Trust’ which
holds the copyright to all the actualism writings– which includes both of the journals currently available– thus it is the directors of
the Trust, both current and future, who decide which material is to be available, and in what format, and whether or not to charge for them
... there are some vague notions, for instance, of eventually making a CD/DVD for sale.
As to why ... any monies received go towards defraying the costs of both maintaining the Trust and
publishing – which costs have been, and are, mostly met out of the pockets of three suburbanites and neither Peter nor I receive any’. Richard, The Actual Freedom Trust Mailing List, No. 78b, 21 Feb 2005(a)
Copied from the archives of ‘Mailing List B’ (circa 1979):
[Respondent]: ‘Concern? How does ‘concern’ manifest itself? With selling PCE over the
internet at $35.00 a whack?
[Richard]: ‘If you are referring to the semi-autobiographical novel ‘Richard’s Journal’ ...
it is AUS $29.95 and constitutes 114,000 words, of a more personal type, out of the more than 1,000,000 words about the human condition that
are available for free on the web-site.
It is not essential reading at all and any sales go to meet the over- heads of legally maintaining
and expanding the Trust ... I never personally receive any money from it.
Also, by latest count, 576,000 words have appeared on this Mailing List and the Actual Freedom
Trust Mailing List ... also gratis.
I am retired and on a pension and have more than sufficient for my needs for the remainder of my
Just what is the point you are trying to make? Richard, List B,
No. 19c, No.43
Copied from the top of the order form page on The Actual Freedom Trust web site:
[quote] ‘All of the items for sale on this page are supplementary to the 4+ million freely
available words on The Actual Freedom Trust web site. They are optional extras ... luxury items, as it were, and the income generated goes
towards defraying the costs associated with both maintaining The Actual Freedom Trust and its publishing operations’. Actualfreedom, Order form
Copied from the archives of The Actual Freedom Trust Mailing List (posted on the 10th of
February 2003):
[Richard]: ‘... all I ever wanted was the words and writings of an actual freedom from the human
condition to exist in the world ...
I scoured the books to no avail for eleven years and would rather have it that nobody else need to
go through what I went through.
I am well pleased that the third alternative to materialism and spiritualism is now available
throughout the world. Richard, The Actual Freedom Trust Mailing List, No. 41, 10 Feb 2003)