Richard’s Correspondence On Mailing List ‘D’ with Correspondent No. 5 (Please make sure java-scripting is enabled in order for the mouse-hover tool-tips to function properly; mouse-hover on the yellow rectangular image to enlarge; left-click on the image to hold). Continued from Mailing List ‘B’: Sock Puppet ‘S’ Re: Howler Of The Week RICHARD: This must surely win the Howler Of The Week award RESPONDENT: ‘Interesting that the only thing Richard found worthy of entering here for was to protect an imagined threat to his pay packet. Talk about hyperactive survival instincts’. RICHARD: ! Random quote from The Actual Freedom Trust web site:
! Copied from the archives of The Actual Freedom Trust list (posted on the 2nd of February 2006):
! Copied from the archives of The Actual Freedom Trust list (posted on the 10th of May 2002): List, No. 32, 10 May 2002 ! Copied from Message No. 5129 posted on Tuesday, 05 May, 2009:
! Copied from the archives of The Actual Freedom Trust list (posted on the 21st of February 2005):
! Copied from the archives of ‘List B’ (circa 1999):
! Copied from the top of the order form page on The Actual Freedom Trust web site:
! Copied from the archives of The Actual Freedom Trust list (posted on the 10th of February 2003):
Subject: Re: Howler Of The Week (Now Censored) CO-RESPONDENT: I agree Richard. I thought it was a howler when I first read it. RESPONDENT: :-))) I knew it!!! I knew I should have added ‘He’s only come here to talk to me you guys, you watch’ LOL! Hey Fritzl (that’s what really did it ;-) Can’t you see? Richard is totally predictable, like substance. He has nothing new to say, no new behaviour to show us, he’s here to talk down, to prey, and play, with not just a beautiful face :-)))))))) RICHARD: :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) WOW! So spiteful, [Sock Puppet ‘C’]! So frustrated and so mean! I’m calling you ‘Mean-Spirited Man’ from now on. Go back and read the post that made you so spiteful. Nowhere did I place any burdens on you or even complain, I merely offered suggestions. You have a lot to learn, middle-aged man. R :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Subject: Once upon a time (Now Censored) RESPONDENT: This list is like a novel, for readers with incredibly unusual taste. When I read it, I get vague mental images of the characters in this book and the possible environments they live in. Richard, I was just goading, you don’t really look like Fritzl, but your silly big daddy power trip reminds me of him. Your quite handsome in fact (for an old dude) and no I’m not buttering you up, just setting the record straight. RICHARD: G’day [Sock Puppet ‘C’] You’re wearing quite well yourself, considering how you are a middle-aged codger now. Speaking of which: how is the ‘Death by Chocolate’ dessert at the Bon Ton Café these days ... still as glorious as ever? Regards, Richard. Subject: Re: Howler Of The Week (Now Censored) CO-RESPONDENT: I agree Richard. I thought it was a howler when I first read it. RESPONDENT: :-))) I knew it!!! I knew I should have added ‘He’s only come here to talk to me you guys, you watch’ LOL! Hey Fritzl (that’s what really did it ;-) Can’t you see? Richard is totally predictable, like substance. He has nothing new to say, no new behaviour to show us, he’s here to talk down, to prey, and play, with not just a beautiful face :-)))))))) RICHARD: :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) WOW! So spiteful, [Sock Puppet ‘C’]! So frustrated and so mean! I’m calling you ‘Mean-Spirited Man’ from now on. Go
back and read the post that made you so spiteful. Nowhere did I place any burdens on you or even complain, I merely offered suggestions. You have a
lot to learn, middle-aged man. R 4786 :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) RESPONDENT: Richard, have you gone bonkers or what? This is such childish behaviour! RICHARD: What a strange coincidence, [Sock Puppet ‘C’]. That is exactly what I thought, at the time. Re: Internet Anonymity RESPONDENT: Richard has absolutely no confidential information about me. RICHARD: Au contraire ... Richard does indeed have confidential information about you. RESPONDENT: The only way anyone can know the actual identity and age of the people they converse with over the net is to meet them in person, speak with them on live video AND read their birth certificate. I could be 78 years old for all Richard knows! RICHARD: That paragraph (and indeed your entire email) is a red-herring ... for here is the text you are reacting to:
It is quite clear I am referring to medical information (and not identifying information) by both the words ‘extenuating circumstances’ and the text at the referred link. Here is an edited and appropriately-censored copy-paste of that confidential information (which I will never, ever be revealing as it is just not my style):
And here is why I will never, ever be revealing it (sent 3 hrs and 5 mins later):
To explain: it is in the very nature of that congenital illness (it can give rise to a little-known syndrome herein referred to only as, say, ‘MM’ for convenience) that the extenuating circumstances clearly mentioned lie ... specifically: it more than-adequately provides understanding for the sporadic and uncalled-for outbursts which mar so many of your posts. (Provided the above medical condition is not yet another one of your multitudinous lies that is). The following should require no explanation:
And that is why I went on to say (in that email you are reacting to) the following words:
Both No. 4 and I are clearly referring to the person behind the array of sock-puppet aliases because that is who we care about ... that living, and thus a hurting and hurtful, human being who is sitting at the keyboard communicating with us. (... snip two irrelevant paragraphs...) * RESPONDENT: I am just amazed how he (how anyone) can claim from a medium that enables unprecidented anonymity, that what he reads here is enough to give him factual information that he claims to be keeping confidential about an individual that he then attempts to expose ... RICHARD: Richard did not, repeat not, attempt to expose factual information about an individual ... his simple greeting [quote] ‘G’day [Sock Puppet ‘C’]’ [endquote] is entirely in accord with the information about it being your family name you provided to all and sundry on another mailing list. Viz.:
And here is the pivotal post from that Actual Freedom list (when hosted by ListBot):
And here is the follow-up (mea culpa) post a few days later:
Even more to the point (in regards to exposing factual information about an individual): I choose my words very carefully. Viz.:
It was yourself who did the exposing by your all-of-sudden deleting of emails only after this following email was posted (notice and remember the time-stamp):
Up until that point none of the preceding emails had been deleted, you even answered one of them – which contained the name [Sock Puppet ‘C’]. Here is the first one, with the slightly reworded text in question surrounded top and bottom with huge smiles to indicate jesting, which you freely answered soon after (notice and remember the time-stamp):
And here is the original text, which that slightly reworded version came from, purely for comparison (message 4786
Put succinctly: my first email (posted at 11:00 am) – plus my second email, your reply to my first email, my response to your reply – sat there for all to see until shortly after ‘[No. 18]’ posted his email a long 2 hrs and 13 mins later (at 1:13 pm). It was then, and only then, that your all-of-sudden deleting began to take place. Again, I will stress that I choose my words very carefully. Viz.:
It would seem that the expression ‘come in spinner’ (... snip three irrelevant paragraphs...) * RESPONDENT: P.S. (...) [Sock Puppet ‘C’] was an alias (but don’t believe that of course) and [No. 5] was too (but don’t believe that either). Maybe I really am [No. 53 List AF] but wtf does it matter ... RICHARD: It matters this way: as I have received five death threats/ death wishes (albeit some quite juvenile), so far, the following should be self-explanatory:
Having been an ISP myself (albeit in a small way) I am well aware of the detailed information sitting behind emails. The police force in this country are well-versed in tracing email addresses (child porn, for instance). The police also have extraordinary powers to access information civilians cannot. I am sure that, were I ever to be assassinated, they would fully use those extraordinary powers. As I already said, in another context, this is not a child’s game; you are out there playing with the big boys and girls, now, and in the adult world grown-up laws apply. Here’s a deal: if you will freely acknowledge all the countless lies – lies as in porkies, [Sock Puppet ‘R’] – which you scattered about to all and sundry for more than nine years, now, I am eminently capable of wiping the slate clean (as in ‘let bygones be bygones’ in the real world) completely, and starting totally afresh, as I am simply incapable of having/ holding a grudge (as in ‘no hard feelings’ in the real world). Because it is entirely up to you I will finish with that (edited) essence of very first email the person (presumably) behind whatever public image(s) ever wrote to me:
Who knows ... that initial inspiration/ enthusiasm may not be forever lost but just buried. Regards, Richard. Re: Internet Anonymity RESPONDENT: I haven’t read this yet Richard because quite frankly I don’t care, it will just be more of the same, and all of it needing to be taken by faith. I’m more interested in knowing what actual caring has to do with storming into a chat room like a big oaf brandishing aliases ... RICHARD: The reason I wrote the opening line (which you must have seen) is because of this:
As you knew perfectly well that Richard did indeed have confidential information about you it was, quite straight-forwardly, a lie. Put briefly: if you stop writing these lies I will have nothing to respond to It is that simple. Regards, Richard. Re: Internet Anonymity RICHARD: To explain: it is in the very nature of that congenital illness (it can give rise to a little-known syndrome herein referred to only as, say, ‘MM’ for convenience) that the extenuating circumstances clearly mentioned lie ... specifically: it more than-adequately provides understanding for the sporadic and uncalled-for outbursts which mar so many of your posts. (Provided the above medical condition is not yet another one of your multitudinous lies that is). RESPONDENT: DUH??? So far I’ve got this and pulled up short with a huge screech and eyes agog! because I’m stunned! Totally and utterly! What ARE you going on about??? WHAT MM? What is MM and if I research it there are most probably all kinds of MM. I can’t believe this. How can an actually free person make up this crap without imagination? I am so totally astonished to see a complete fantasy coming from a person claims to have no imagination. And I am sad. Because truly does means I have been right all along, you really are not free and AF may never be possible. You are nothing but a word man, a spin artist whose fallen even shorter than Buddha. Sad indeed. BTW if anyone is concerned, please don’t be, I’m as healthy as an Ox (and feel truly blessed that I’ve never had a back pain in my life). This is so sad, I shall be shaking my head in amazment and dismay all day. I don’t think I’m ready for this. I truly thought AF might be possible. Dissappointing isn’t the word, there are no words to describe the awful realisation. Regards, Richard. Re: Internet Anonymity RICHARD:
RESPONDENT: The WORD is not actuality Richard. Regardless of what I write. If you are actually free my words (about my doubts) should not reduce you to this DESPARATE and DECIEVING attempt to get back at the doubter. I am not here to BELIEVE in words. And most certainly not yours … and especially after today. Tis a good thing I returned, to defend myself from your fabrications. YOU ARE A LIAR Richard! and THIS is the saddest day for actualism. Regards, Richard. Re: Internet Anonymity RICHARD: Who knows ... that initial inspiration/ enthusiasm may not be forever lost but just buried. RESPONDENT: This post is so long it will take more time than I have today to read it and the more I read the more I wonder why you are discussing me with anyone else on this list. This last comment had me wondering tho. How does a man who has sussed so much about the human condition come up with the mellow dramatic statement [To No. 4 (wtf why discuss me with No. 4?)]; ‘Who knows ... that initial inspiration/ enthusiasm may not be forever lost but just buried’. Yet you have watched me like a hawke (for some unknown reason) discuss actualism enthusiastically (albeit with doubts about YOU – and well founded now) for over 10 years. Is this really the depths of your insight, or are you just pretending to be dumb. Christ it gets worse every minute. Man we are such a bunch of fools here. You guys have NO idea. It’s freeky. Regards, Richard. Re: Internet Anonymity RESPONDENT: I can’t put this down, The more I read the more astonished I am and I’m fluctuating between moment of grief at losing so much of what I had put store in all these years (actualism that is, not your claim to AF – I have never put store in that as you know) and then moments of joy that finally I have enough evidence to free up my time. But gees you really are quite the word spinner man. There were times when I was tempted to be fooled by you like (almost) everyone else was. I can only shake my head in wonder that I was right. That a simple gal like me was seeing through it all correctly all this time? And I’m not even a farmers daughter. But still it’s a sad day, it looked so good on paper, I was so close to being fooled. Did keep wondering why it never worked tho, on me or anyone else. Now I know. You are still in the psyche. Regards, Richard. Re: No 4 RESPONDENT: You be careful No. 4. VERY VERY careful. RESPONDENT No. 4: I’ll be alright, No. 5. RESPONDENT: And I’ll be alright too, No. 4 :-) Just don’t believe THE WORD. The best thing we all got out of this was that we can only depend on experiential facts. All the rest is psyche and today proved (to me anyway) that Richards’ still got PLENTY of that. Whoa! my head is still spinning over the MM fabrication. To see him blatently lie like that was such a shocker, fucking depressing in fact. There was always an element of possibility in the background and now he’s proved to me he’s a fake. Don’t be malleable No. 4, because we know how important it is for you to mean well. Be careful. Sometimes it pays to take no shit, because then those pretending to have NONE start chucking theirs ... that’s what we have here today. Regards, Richard. Re: No. 4 RESPONDENT No. 4: Seriously, No. 5 ... it must be worthwhile reading to the bottom RESPONDENT: ... the most important thing I learn about me, No. 4, is that no matter what alias I use I NEVER pretend to be Ms Nice Gal/Guy. When I am, I really am, and when I’m not, I’m fucking well not! You can count on it LOL :-) But not Richard you can’t. The guys’ a phoney. His imagination is a crackin’ like a whip. Regards, Richard. Re: [No. 9 List AF] too eh:-) RESPONDENT: ... as tacky as you eh? :-) LOL! Oh Man have a-b-s-o-l-u-t-e-l-y NO IDEA WHO I am, do you? :-) You fell for that photo didn’t you? Poor obsessed lying bugga Regards, Richard. Re: No. 12 and [List Owner] RESPONDENT: (...) [List owner], I notice the subject title and the first few lines of the message still appear after deletion – depending on which search option is used. So Richard’s surname is still visible (and who he is, on those first few lines) even though the full body of the message has been deleted. Many of the post where people discussed it have also missed detection for deletion because they don’t come up in the search box if it wasn’t in their subject title. IOW it remains as visible as ever. But ... when scrolling through the posts month by month, the deleted posts have successfully vanished. RICHARD: G’day S+N+C+X+R et alia, A brief note purely to let you know the consideration displayed, in this follow-up email of yours, has not passed unnoticed. Thank you. Regards, Richard. Re: Richard the Guru RESPONDENT No. 19: [...] apart from the videos, it is primarily through the mails and the articles I know about you. RICHARD: As the mailing list format had reached its use-by date more than a few years ago (having out-lived its
usefulness), and as already signalled RESPONDENT No. 14: From ‘Recent Developments: Prof. Gad Yair from The Hebrew University has developed a line of research on Key Experiences, especially relating to educational events. His papers on Key experiences in higher education and on the role of those experiences in educational turning points are readily available over the net. The concept of key educational experiences refers to singular, short and intense educational encounters that proved to have strong and long-lasting effects on adults. These encounters are at times associated with a specific person who led them (e.g. teacher, parent, youth leader), at others with the structure of the episode itself (e.g. progress toward a peak event which is then associated with insight and hindsight). Indeed, many respondents speak of their key educational experiences in terms of sight: Exceptional activities cause prior blinders to be suddenly lifted off, producing clear vision and insight, notably about students’ own selves.’ Richard, is this your intention? RICHARD: No, not educational as such as all the reports/ descriptions/ explanations freely available online are already of a sufficiently informative nature as to render any further instructive material superfluous to requirements. (Items for sale are optional extras – luxury items as it were – and are not at all necessary in order to be fully-informed of just what is involved in becoming either actually or virtually free). As to my intention in regards not only facilitating direct access to me but also enabling an informal interaction with some other actualists as well: being sans identity in toto/ the entire affective faculty (plus its epiphenomenal psychic facility) any residence or venue of mine is marked by an absence of both affective vibes and psychic currents ... a pristine ambience made all the more marked, for many a person, upon returning from the ‘real-world’ environs after a previous visit. (For instance, my second wife would say, upon her return after an outing on her own into town, that it was like coming back in to a sanctuary. Even a stranger, a real-estate agent (known as a realtor in some places), after showing some potential clients around the duplex I was at the time renting, took me aside and told me how fresh and clean the ambience was; I said it must be because of no children, no cats or dogs, no wild parties, etc., but she looked straight into my eyes and said, ‘no, it’s you; it’s you who makes the ambience clean and fresh’). Now, this pristine ambience is conducive to a sincere actualist activating their potential – albeit temporarily – as in some form of an out-from-control/ different-way-of-being (to whatever degree of intimacy they be comfortable with at the time). Furthermore, experience has shown that these intimacy experiences can be contagious, so to speak, for other sincere actualists also present as the atmosphere generated affectively/ psychically by the first to be out-from-control/ in a different-way-of-being can propagate a flow-on effect, on occasion. In short: a felicitous and innocuous atmosphere, begotten in an ever-fresh affectless/ selfless ambience, fosters a milieu where happiness and harmlessness can be the norm rather than the exception. As I have already provided one of the reasons There was no way I could deny it/ ignore it/ dismiss it and/or brush it aside – even if I had wanted to – as she was quite clear to others that, were it not for this interaction, it would never have happened. It thus became obvious that by continuing to keep myself locked away, so to speak, in an exclusive nuclear couple/ nuclear family type of living arrangement there would continue to be a denial of access, to my fellow human beings at large, for any such potentially potent interactions. (Please note that nothing is guaranteed, however, as anything of such a nature is entirely dependent upon where the other is currently at, where they are coming from, and what their overall intent is). RESPONDENT No. 14: I ask this because you (or Peter, I don’t remember) also wrote about the mentorship in actualism practice. RICHARD: Maybe you are referring to this:
I speak of acting as a mentor in Article 19, of ‘Richard’s Journal’, entitled ‘War is the inevitable outcome of being
‘human’ (The inhumanity of humankind is legendary)’ and a copy of the three relevant paragraphs can be found here (fourth section down): Incidentally, for those who find the word mentor off-putting the following is worth a read: Nothing at all formal ... just an easy chat about whatever. RESPONDENT (as Sockpuppet E): Alright! seems like plans afoot to create an ashram. RICHARD: Ha ... come in spinner Regards, Richard. RESPONDENT No. 37 (Sock Puppet ‘I’): Let’s see how Richard with alexithymia will see the world. His mind is not able to make a relation between affect and the sensations that go with it. He has all the usual physical reactions of affect but those do not get registered in his brain as affective in nature. RESPONDENT No. 4: Yep. Hence the the ‘magical prodigies’. What would once have been experienced as his own psyche / his own affective phenomena has been split off from his conscious mind (which is very common in a variety of neurological and psychiatric disorders) and has to be experienced as ‘other’. And because Richard is so prone to magical thinking, delusions of grandeur and ideas of reference, they’re experienced as ‘magical prodigies’ bestowed upon him by the actual universe for being the genitor of a whole new consciousness, with epoch making implications. Sad. Funny. Ridiculous. Scary. RESPONDENT (Sock Puppet ‘H’): Like bring it ON! the hatchet job that is, so No. 4 can GTF outta here ;-) RICHARD: G’day No. 5, I am not in the business of doing a ‘hatchet job’ on anyone. The person identifying as ‘Respondent No. 4’ on this forum, and ‘John Wilde’ on another forum The laws regarding libel, slander, defamation of character – especially with malice aforethought – are quite explicit and far-reaching. Properly dated/ time-stamped screen-shots have been meticulously taken of every instance where ‘Richard & his associates’ have been maligned, libelled and defamed. I have warned you all on several occasions but it seems that nothing but the full weight of the law will stop you. So be it ... proceed at your peril (especially you, No. 4 <real name deleted>). Regards, Richard. Re: Actual Freedom or actual imitation? RESPONDENT No. 37 (Sock Puppet ‘I’): ‘When people are free to do as they please, they usually imitate each other’ Eric Hoffer RESPONDENT (Sock Puppet ‘H’): So true! I was thinking of replying to Claudiu’s post (most/but not all of which I could not agree with more) yes: if Richard is so free why is he still as confrontational as me? RICHARD: Richard is not confrontational – let alone as confrontational as you – and just because Claudiu says Richard is confrontational does not change that fact one iota. (Golly, he even explained, at the time, how ‘he’ was projecting (as in automorphism). RESPONDENT (Sock Puppet ‘H’): I only become that way when I’ve lost patience, what’s ‘his’ excuse? RICHARD: See? You are projecting how you ‘become that way’ (as in having ‘lost patience’ as an excuse for being confrontational) onto Claudiu’s projection (that ‘Richard is confrontational’) and then demand to know what excuse that phantom ‘Richard’ of his (Claudiu’s) has for being like you are when you lose patience ... you even put the word his in smart quotes when referring to that phantom. (This is such a basic psychological ploy it features in ‘Psychology 101’ and discussing the ins and outs of such basic psychology, such as what these very sentences are about, holds no interest for me and is not likely to happen again). * Look, there is no way or manner possible of conveying how ‘everyone has it 180 degrees wrong’ without it (what is being conveyed) being confronting. Instead of finding fault in the way or manner it (what is being conveyed) is being conveyed look instead at what is being conveyed and try to find fault in that. And here is a clue: it is because no fault can be found in what is being conveyed that the focus shifts onto the way or manner it (what is being conveyed) is being conveyed instead. (Again, this is such a basic psychological ploy it features in ‘Psychology 101’ and discussing the ins and outs of such basic psychology, such as what these very sentences are about, holds no interest for me and is not likely to happen again). Re: it is impossible to marry Actualism and Buddhism RICHARD to No. 37 (Sock Puppet ‘I’): I will again ask: does the fact you keep on typing this kind of stuff out, day
after day, week after week, month after month, year after year, not give you pause to ask yourself, at least on occasion, just what it is you are
doing with your life? RESPONDENT No. 5 (Sock Puppet ‘H’): WTF? you arrogant bastard! what business is it of yours what ... RICHARD: I am interjecting mid-sentence so as to better have your own words illustrate the cause-effect nature –
action/ behaviour/ deed –>result/ outcome/ consequence And when I say ‘year after year’ I am not exaggerating as you have admitted to that very fact yourself (in June this year). [... snipped quotes ...] Lastly, this stuff you make-up and type out, day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year, will have
grave consequences For instance, the following lies of yours in regards to attempted murder – of which properly dated and time-stamped screenshots have been taken and safely stored – constitute, without any doubt whatsoever, an actionable case. Viz.:
How you managed to become a middle-aged codger Also, the fact you have been thus engaged for 13 years (on your own cognisance for 15 years) it clearly amounts to a case of
persecution as well So be it ... proceed at your own peril. RESPONDENT No. 5 (Sock Puppet ‘H’): cut the crap and address those reports NOW! to wit: ‘that youre a perverted woman bashing ... RICHARD: I am stopping you right there solely for the sake of demonstrating something you have quite evidentially overlooked ... namely: there are no [quote] ‘reports’ [endquote] to the effect of me being a woman-basher (let alone a ‘perverted’ one). So, here is your opportunity before you go on and make it even worse for yourself than you already have: if you can produce
those so-called reports of [quote] ‘woman bashing’ [endquote] then I will indeed address them, as demanded so emphatically by you, and
... um ... then ‘get tapping NOW!’ Note well, this is a one-off opportunity because, as I enunciated unambiguously in Message No. 11315
I would suggest accessing that URL as there is both a demonstration and further explanation regarding the entire matter. Lastly, if you do not produce those so-called reports of [quote] ‘woman bashing’ [endquote] then by not doing so you are tacitly admitting, to all and sundry, they do not exist. So, here is your one-off opportunity ... and you would be well-advised to not waste it. Regards, Richard. Re: it is impossible to marry Actualism and Buddhism RICHARD to No. 37 (Sock Puppet ‘I’): I will again ask: does the fact you keep on typing this kind of stuff out, day
after day, week after week, month after month, year after year, not give you pause to ask yourself, at least on occasion, just what it is you are
doing with your life? RESPONDENT No. 5 (Sock Puppet ‘H’): WTF? you arrogant bastard! what business is it of yours what ... RICHARD: I am interjecting mid-sentence so as to better have your own words illustrate the cause-effect nature –
action/ behaviour/ deed –>result/ outcome/ consequence And when I say ‘year after year’ I am not exaggerating as you have admitted to that very fact yourself (in June this year). Viz.:
And again only recently (in December this year) you reaffirmed what you admitted in your above post. Viz.:
Although, your 15 years/1997 dating is incorrect – you are out by two years – as it was 13 years ago (on Tuesday, the 18th of May 1999 to be precise) that you first subscribed to an online forum I had already been writing to for five months or so. Viz.:
And, while I am at it, you also acknowledged, a little over a year later, that [quote] ‘Richard knows my family name’ [endquote]. Viz.:
And the reason why you said that [quote] ‘Richard knows my family name’ [endquote] is because of what you had written on The Actual Freedom Trust mailing list a few days earlier. Viz.:
In your follow-up ‘whoops’ email you admitted to having at least four internet email aliases. Viz.:
And, fast-forwarding to May 12, 2009, you admitted to using at least nine (9) internet email aliases. Viz.:
As for my query about ‘just what it is you are doing with your life’ your very own words, in the following post (when you unsubscribed from this forum in May 2009), should surely be self-explanatory. Viz.:
Lastly, this stuff you make-up and type out, day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year, will have
grave consequences For instance, the following lies of yours in regards to attempted murder – of which properly dated and time-stamped screenshots have been taken and safely stored – constitute, without any doubt whatsoever, an actionable case. Viz.:
How you managed to become a middle-aged codger Also, the fact you have been thus engaged for 13 years (on your own cognisance for 15 years) it clearly amounts to a case of
persecution as well So be it ... proceed at your own peril. Regards, Richard. Re: the lack of censorship
RICHARD: Wow, that is such belittling language, [No. 5], it makes me wonder whether you talk to your bro like that in
real life RESPONDENT (Sock Puppet ‘H’): ... or any other AF claimant. Vineeto only dragged others into this to support his phony AF and to HELP RICHARD AVOID ANSWERING the critical questions. once he does that, all these *hardcore* actualists psyching themselves up – as the human mind has done since history began – into ASC PCEs, EEs, VFs and AFs etc etc ad-nauseum can get back to their own ACTUAL lives and do whatever they want with whether Richard’s ‘pure intent’ was EVER any purer than normal human corrupt behaviour. so Richard, start tapping, because the sooner as you answer that to that article, the sooner i’ll be outta here. RICHARD: As I did ‘start tapping’ (Message No. 12674 There is no need to reply ... it is all over, finished, kaput. Regards, Richard. * (See also ‘He was using a HUGE Assortment of Epithets’: Confutation RETURN TO MAILING LIST ‘D’ INDEX The Third Alternative (Peace On Earth In This Life Time As This Flesh And Blood Body) Here is an actual freedom from the Human Condition, surpassing Spiritual Enlightenment and any other Altered State Of Consciousness, and challenging all philosophy, psychiatry, metaphysics (including quantum physics with its mystic cosmogony), anthropology, sociology ... and any religion along with its paranormal theology. Discarding all of the beliefs that have held humankind in thralldom for aeons, the way has now been discovered that cuts through the ‘Tried and True’ and enables anyone to be, for the first time, a fully free and autonomous individual living in utter peace and tranquillity, beholden to no-one. Richard’s Text ©The
Actual Freedom Trust: 1997-. All Rights Reserved.
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