Richard’s Selected Correspondence
On Mr. Eckhart Tolle

RESPONDENT: How do you explain auras – to me it is a soul or a spirit.
RICHARD: The same way I explained [quote] ‘near death experiences, past life memories, séances,
mediums, hauntings, demonic possession, astral travelling, dreams, UFO’s, clairvoyants & children who see fairies, angels,
nature spirits, demons etc.’ [endquote] to you eight days ago, on Saturday 6/08/2005 AEST , and the same way I
explained [quote] ‘Outer body experiences (OBE’s) and near death experiences’ [endquote] to you, thirty-four months ago, on
Thursday 24/10/2002 AEST
... it is identity which generates same/they are all the product of identity.
And, as identity is born of the instinctual passions (genetically endowed at conception by blind nature as a
rough and ready survival package), upon the cessation of all affections when the body dies so too does any identity formed thereof
also cease.
RESPONDENT: In the book – Power of Now written by Eckhart Tolle he says the
key is to be in CONSTANT contact with the inner body (i.e. sensation of body) and that will rapidly transform your consciousness.
RICHARD: A search of the entire book for ‘constant contact with the inner body’ returned no hits
at all; a search for ‘constant contact’ similarly returned nil hits; a search for ‘conscious contact’, however, found this
(on page 99):
• [Mr. Eckhart Tolle]: ‘As long as you are in conscious contact with your inner body, you are like a tree
that is deeply rooted in the earth, or a building with a deep and solid foundation. The latter analogy is used by Jesus ...’.
As to what he means by [quote] ‘your inner body’ [endquote] there is this (on page 92):
• [Mr. Eckhart Tolle]: ‘The body that you can see and touch cannot take you into Being. But that visible
and tangible body is only an outer shell, or rather a limited and distorted perception of a deeper reality. In your natural state
of connectedness with Being, this deeper reality can be felt every moment as the invisible inner body, the animating presence
within you. So to ‘inhabit the body’ is to feel the body from within, to feel the life inside the body and thereby come to
know that you are beyond the outer form’. [endquote].
Needless is it to add that a search for ‘sensation of body’ returned nil hits?
RESPONDENT: Do you agree with him.
RICHARD: As the full title of that book is ‘The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment’
it must be patently obvious from the very beginning that what he has to say has nothing whatsoever to do with what is on offer on
The Actual Freedom Trust web site ... perhaps this extract, from page two, will make it crystal-clear:
• [Mr. Eckhart Tolle]: ‘The word enlightenment conjures up the idea of some superhuman accomplishment,
and the ego likes to keep it that way, but it is simply your natural state of felt oneness with Being. It is a state of
connectedness with something immeasurable and indestructible, something that, almost paradoxically, is essentially you and yet is
much greater than you. It is finding your true nature beyond name and form. (...) Being is the eternal, ever-present One Life
beyond the myriad forms of life that are subject to birth and death. However, Being is not only beyond but also deep within every
form as its innermost invisible and indestructible essence. This means that it is accessible to you now as your own deepest self,
your true nature. But don’t seek to grasp it with your mind. Don’t try to understand it. You can know it only when the mind is
still. When you are present, when your attention is fully and intensely in the Now, Being can be felt, but it can never be
understood mentally. To regain awareness of Being and to abide in that state of ‘feeling-realisation’ is enlightenment’. (Publisher: New World Library; October 1, 1999; ISBN: 1577311523).
RESPONDENT: You emphasise ‘flesh and blood bodies’ a lot ...
RICHARD: Aye ... whereas Mr. Eckhart Tolle clearly says your true nature is [quote] ‘beyond name and
*form*’ [emphasis added] in the above quote and that you are [quote] ‘beyond the outer *form*’ [emphasis
added] further above.
RESPONDENT: ... and your question HAIETMOBA points to being aware of the
millions of electrical impulses firing through out the body at any moment. So is that all that is needed – to be permanently in
touch with physical sensation of the body while living life ... so the catch phrase would be ‘Don’t think. FEEL!!!
RICHARD: I see that I posted the following only 10 days ago:
• [Co-Respondent]: ‘To me it seems contradicting to use (and believe) thought to stop believing in
• [Richard]: ‘Put simplistically (for maximum effect): the actualism method is about using thought to examine feelings’. (5/08/2005 9:06 AM AEST).
The question is: did you see it?
RESPONDENT: How do you explain auras – to me it is a soul or a spirit.
RICHARD: The same way I explained [quote] ‘near death experiences, past life memories, séances,
mediums, hauntings, demonic possession, astral travelling, dreams, UFO’s, clairvoyants & children who see fairies, angels,
nature spirits, demons etc.’ [endquote] to you eight days ago, on Saturday 6/08/2005 AEST , and the same way I
explained [quote] ‘Outer body experiences (OBE’s) and near death experiences’ [endquote] to you, thirty-four months ago, on
Thursday 24/10/2002 AEST
... it is identity which generates same/they are all the product of identity.
RESPONDENT: So auras are not real?
RICHARD: In the same way that no soul, or spirit, exists in actuality no aura does either.
RESPONDENT: Even though kiritilin photography can observe it.
RICHARD: What is popularly known as ‘Kirlian Photography’ does not record auras of a soul or a
RESPONDENT: Just a product of ego?
RICHARD: If you were to cast your eyes upward you will see I specifically said [quote] ‘of identity’
[endquote] ... just as I did on the first occasion, thirty-four months ago, that you asked these same or similar questions. Viz.:
• [Respondent]: ‘You say that there is no soul or self but just flesh and bones therefore no life after
death. Therefore how do you explain Outer body experiences (OBE’s) and near death experiences where people report seeing events
and their own physical bodies in Real Time. (...).
• [Richard]: ‘(...) I explain OBE’s (out of body experiences) and NDE’s (near death experiences), where the identity
residing inside the flesh and blood body locates [orientates] itself outside the flesh and blood body, in the same way I explain
altered states of consciousness (ASC’s) and any other paranormal, supernatural or suprasensory experiences ... they are all the
product of identity, the psychological and psychic entity (‘I’ as ego and ‘me’ as soul), parasitically inhabiting the
flesh and blood body’.
RESPONDENT: Umm not very convincing argument ... cameras don’t lie ...
RICHARD: If you are still referring to what is popularly known as ‘Kirlian Photography’ I would
suggest doing some research before making a statement such as that (it being a non-camera process where a
high-voltage/high-frequency electrical discharge is applied across a grounded object on a photographic plate, film, or paper).
RESPONDENT: ... and cameras don’t have ego either.
RICHARD: Neither do the mechanical objects, such as coins or paper clips, that have yielded a ‘Kirlian
Aura’, either.
RESPONDENT: You emphasise ‘flesh and blood bodies’ a lot ...
RICHARD: Aye ... whereas Mr. Eckhart Tolle clearly says your true nature is [quote] ‘beyond name and
*form*’ [emphasis added] in the above quote and that you are [quote] ‘beyond the outer *form*’ [emphasis
added] further above.
RESPONDENT: ... and your question HAIETMOBA points to being aware of the
millions of electrical impulses firing through out the body at any moment. So is that all that is needed – to be permanently in
touch with physical sensation of the body while living life ... so the catch phrase would be ‘Don’t think. FEEL!!!
RICHARD: I see that I posted the following only 10 days ago: [Co-Respondent]: ‘To me it seems
contradicting to use (and believe) thought to stop believing in thoughts. [Richard]: ‘Put simplistically (for maximum effect):
the actualism method is about using thought to examine feelings’. [endquote]. The question is: did you see it?
RESPONDENT: No I didn’t see the above post ... so you use thinking to
examine thinking?
RICHARD: I do not use the actualism method ... never have and never will (it was the identity in
residence all those years ago who did).
RESPONDENT: You use the word ‘feelings’ but isn’t it more accurate to
say ‘thinking’ as anger, sadness, etc.
RICHARD: No, anger and sadness are emotions/passions (aka affective feelings).
RESPONDENT: i.e. ‘feelings’ are actually thoughts i.e. ‘no one likes me’
‘I am alone’ etc.
RICHARD: The thought ‘no one likes me’ is not the (affective) feeling of being collectively
disliked; the thought ‘I am alone’ is not the (affective) feeling of aloneness.
RESPONDENT: There are sensations behind thought i.e. tightness, heaviness,
sinking feeling, I give you that but the problem to be examined is the thought which creates the tightness (unhappy) feeling.
RICHARD: Have you never been frightened by a sudden and unexpected loud noise (for example) before you
could think? Are you not aware that the freeze-fight-flee instinctual reaction is also observable in other animals than the human
animal? Have you not read about the laboratory tests demonstrating that feelings come before thoughts in the perceptive process ? Has it not occurred to you that a baby is born with (affective) feelings ... which
is well before thinking begins?
Moreover, as all animals are born with instinctual passions, such as fear and aggression and nurture and
desire, are you suggesting they can think?
RESPONDENT: So you use a thought to judge another thought ... nothing new ...
everyone does it.
RICHARD: This is just a waste of a sentence. 
RESPONDENT: This is quite a shot in the arm. I realised with this exchange
more clearly than ever before the difference between enjoying the moment and conditional pleasure seeking. I was riding my bike
today thinking about how someone had said something to make me sad, because it reminded me of [whatever]. I tried to cheer myself
up by thinking contrary thoughts. Then I yanked my head away and looked at the trees waving about in the warm summer air. They
seemed gay to a point of being ridiculous. The whole world looked ridiculously gay and merry in a baffling way. The world seemed
to be turning in on itself. It was stupendous! (Jan 4, 12:35 AM; #161xx)
RICHARD: G’day Srinath,
Before commenting on your above [quote] ‘enjoying the moment’ [endquote] post, I will first draw
your attention to two specific portions of your 5th email to this forum (16 days after you subscribed). <snip>
The reason why I am drawing these instances of the expression [quote] ‘in the moment’ [endquote]
to your attention is because I make it quite clear, on my portion of The Actual Freedom Trust website, that it is not applicable
to actualism.
(An online search using the search-term <‘in the moment’> (sans the <
and > symbols of course) will readily return all instances; similarly ‘in the present’ and ‘in the now’, and so on and
so forth, can be substituted for that ‘in the moment’ search-term).
For example (from 2002):
• [Richard]: (...). I have oft-times said that if one allows this moment to live one (rather than trying to
live in the moment) one’s journey will be over sooner rather than later. (Actual Freedom
Mailing List, No. 32, 27 April 2002 ).
The following instance (written in 2000) is more explicit as to why trying to live [quote] ‘in the present’
[endquote] is not applicable to actualism.
• [Richard]: (...) the essential character of the perfection of the infinitude of this universe which born
me, is living me and will die me in due course, is enabled by ‘my’ concurrence. ‘I’ give ‘myself’ permission to allow
this moment to live me (rather than ‘me’ trying to live in the present) ... and let go the controls. (List B, No. 25f, 22 June 2000 ).
The parenthesised [quote] ‘rather than ‘me’ trying to live in the present’ [endquote] will be
self-explanatory, non?
In the following example, a co-respondent endeavoured to make out that my report of something radical – so
radical as to be entirely new to human knowledge/human history – was not exclusive to actualism (from the year 2004).
• [Co-Respondent]: (...) being in the moment with one’s senses/ emotions/ thought – which is a part of
actualism but not exclusive to actualism (...).
• [Richard]: First of all, ‘being in the moment’ with one’s senses/ emotions/ thoughts is not part of actualism ... thus
any question about exclusivity is without substance. (...). (Actual Freedom Mailing List, No.
68, 13 July 2004a ).
It was obviously an insufficiently-researched anagraph – a trait all such criticasters display – because
as early as 1997 (the year I first went public, online, with my discovery) I was making it quite clear I was not talking about
[quote] ‘living in the moment’ [endquote]. <snip>
The following example (from 2001) goes into more detail as to why [quote] ‘living in the present’ [endquote]
does not apply to actualism/ actual freedom.
• [Richard]: Where one lets the moment live one – rather than what is called ‘living in the present’
– it will be seen with startling clarity that this moment is eternal ... and not ‘timeless’. Anyone who succeeds in ‘living
in the present’, which is experienced as being that fleeting moment sandwiched between the past and the future, is present as a
self (albeit an impersonal self) in/as an oceanic feeling of oneness ... which gives the impression of being ‘timeless’.
This moment is not ‘timeless’ ... for, although the fact is that it has no duration, as ‘then’ and ‘now’ and ‘then’
(was here then, is here now, will be here then), it does not negate the fact that this moment is already always here now
(eternally here).
It is never not this moment ... ‘tis not fleeting at all. (List B, No. 19f, 30 January 2001g ).
I also point out (in 2003 for instance) how I have experiential knowledge of being/living in the now, in the
present, in the moment – night and day for eleven years in fact – and found it wanting.
• [Co-Respondent]: Do I need any method to be in the now, the present, the moment? This is a child’s
play! If you want to be in the present, your mind has to be totally silent, completely quite? Why can’t you get this? (replies
to these questions are optional here because they will be considered futile anyways).
• [Richard]: As I have no interest whatsoever of being ‘in the present’ again (having done just that, night and day, for
eleven years and found it wanting) I shall not be replying to those questions anyway (...). (Actual
Freedom Mailing List, No. 51a, 10 October, 2003 ).
And that 2003 response of mine renders this an apt place to draw the following to your attention.
Date: Wed, 28 Aug 2013 09:51:44 –0000
From: [Respondent]
Subject: Re: A bunch of questions re: AF
• [Respondent]: [...]. I still don’t get ‘the moment’ thing. As in I can get that whole thing of ‘the
moment is all we have, the past is history and the future is fantasy’ thing that I’ve heard spoken of forever in advaita with
its most recent iteration in Tolle’s Power of Now.
Is this the same thing in AF?
What’s so special about the moment that I should surrender to it or savour it? Is it because its the only true way of being
happy ( as Tolle implies )?
First of all, there is a ‘Selected Correspondence’ page – all the selected correspondence was
personally chosen for their real-world relevance by feeling-being ‘Vineeto’ over a decade or so – where I have answered
queries about Mr. Eckhart Tolle (aka Mr. Ulrich Tolle for 30+ years).
(There really is no substitute for taking notice of what is freely available on The Actual Freedom Trust
Second, as Mr. Eckhart Tolle is an unapologetic spiritualist it simply does not make sense to even think for
a moment – let alone type it out and click ‘send’ – that anything he has to say would be applicable to something entirely
new to human history/human knowledge.
Yet a month later you do so again (and not only expanding on that spiritualistic theme from Ms. Oprah Winfrey’s
protégé, plus providing a video link to his syrupy recitation of Chapter 4 in his 2003 best-seller as well, but chose to drag in
that mathematically-modelled relativistic (i.e., subjectivistic) ignis fatuus so beloved of theoretical physicists as well).
Date: 27 Sep 2013 15:00:22 –0700
From: [Respondent]
Subject: RE: Re: Time, Space and Pure Intent
• [Respondent]: [...]. Ok so the moment is beginning-less and endless or is that just time? Or is time =
the moment?
Also are time and space interlinked in AF cosmology?
Is it time-space as per the theory of relativity?
Where I’m at currently is visualising things moving in 3 dimensional space-time where the forward movement of time (as well
space) is an illusion created by the movement of objects. All is a vast stillness that never changes. Any- thing that happens in
the stillness cause time and space to come into being, partly because of physical laws and partly because of our own human need
for apprehending the movement of objects. I seem to be experiencing time as a gigantic void now.
So if the movement of time is an illusion, then does time have any properties at all? One could just call it the great nothing and
leave it at that. But clearly to me at least notionally even the idea of an unmoving, eternal time has properties. Namely that
stuff seems to happen within it rather than the other way around. And that it is ever present and never past or future.
If all this is true then I can see why Richard invites us to enjoy and appreciate the moment. Because past and future are
fictions. Those two vectors don’t exist in actual time.
Actual time is not a vector. It is a point. It is an eternal void.
Real time/ human times are conventions only. The product of human memory and society. The way in which we process ‘nowness’.
Even this has changed over time and is acculturated. There are primitive tribes that have very few words to describe the past and
future. In Asia and parts of the West time was circular or a spiral. In the modern West time is linear. A vast straight line that
recedes infinitely on either end. All these are useful fictions.
Is it something like what Tolle says? [...].
As already mentioned, the video link you provided is an oral rendition selected from Chapter 4: The Now
(pages 37-47) of the book ‘Stillness Speaks’ ©2003Eckhart Tolle; Namaste Publishing, Vancouver, Canada. (
In that chapter there are more than a few instances of him using the expression [quote] ‘in the Now’
• ‘When you don’t feel at home in the Now ...’. [p. 40].
• ‘To have your attention in the Now ...’. [p. 41].
• ‘That anchors you in the Now’. [p. 42].
• ‘When your attention moves into the Now ...’. [p. 44].
• ‘The moment you enter the Now ...’. [p. 44].
• ‘The more you live in the Now ...’. [p. 44].
• ‘When you step into the Now ...’. [p. 45].
Also needless is it to add I have already answered queries about [quote] ‘in the Now’ [endquote]
in regards to actualism/ actual freedom?
• [Co-Respondent]: Awareness is in the Now.
• [Richard]: Everything is happening only at this moment in eternal time ... there is nowhere or nowhen else than just here
right now.
• [Co-Respondent]: Try thinking you are in the Now. You can not do it.
• [Richard]: But I am not ‘in the Now’ ... this flesh and blood body is already always just here at this place in infinite
space right now at this moment in eternal time. (List C, No. 7, 3 July 2000 ).
And again (also in the year 2000).
• [Co-Respondent]: Richard, according to his own articulated dialogue, has not, in this lifetime, ever been
in the Now.
• [Richard]: Except that I repeatedly say that the ‘Me’ that was did live ‘in the Now’ for eleven years ... thus I have
intimate knowledge of what you speak of. The exchange you are referring to went like this:
• [Respondent]: ‘Awareness is in the Now’.
• [Richard]: ‘Everything is happening only at this moment in eternal time ... there is nowhere or nowhen else than just here
right now’.
• [Respondent]: ‘Try thinking you are in the Now. You can not do it’.
• [Richard]: ‘But I am not ‘in the Now’ ... this flesh and blood body is already always just here at this place in
infinite space right now at this moment in eternal time’. [endquote].
This is because there are three I’s altogether ... but only one is actual. (List C, No. 7, 1 August 2000 ).
In 2004 I provided a much more detailed response to a co-respondent’s [quote] ‘in the now’ [endquote]
• [Co-Respondent]: The example you gave about moving from here to there, etc., is exactly what dawned to me
10 years ago, and I used it to prove there is no time. Every moment I am in the now ...
• [Richard]: If I may interject? More than a few peoples have experienced being ‘in the now’ (aka being in the moment and/or
being in the present and/or being in the here and now and so on) and have reported the feeling/intuition of being timeless – and
that it proves there is no time (the word timeless means ‘no time’ just as deathless means ‘no death’) – yet that is not
what I am reporting/ describing/ explaining at all ... let alone ‘exactly’.
• [Co-Respondent]: [Every moment I am in the now] ... and only memory says that I am passing from intermediate position in
space. You are using exactly my words as in tape recorder.
• [Richard]: No, not at all. If you were to re-read what I wrote (further above), plus what I have written elsewhere on this
topic on many an occasion, you would see I am saying that one is just here, at this location, right now, at this moment – and
not ‘in the now’ (or ‘in’ the here and now, or ‘in’ the moment, or ‘in’ the present, and so on) – and that it is
never not this moment (which by no stretch of the language can be construed as ‘there is no time’ or that it is timeless).
I even state categorically (further below in this post you are responding to) that time is actual. Viz.:
• [Co-Respondent]: ‘... my original impression of this thread was that the time itself doesn’t exist in
• [Richard]: ‘Time itself (as in durationless time/ eternal time/ beginningless and endless time) does indeed exist in
actuality: time as a measure of the sequence of events (as in past/ present/ future) is but a convention.
Presumably some pre-historical person/persons noticed what the shadow of a stick standing perpendicular in the ground did such as
to eventually lead to the sundial – a circular measure of the movement of a cast shadow arbitrarily divided into twelve sections
because of a prevailing duo-decimal counting system – and then to water-clocks/ sand-clocks and thence to pendulum-clocks/
spring-clocks and thus to electrical-clocks/ electronic-clocks and, currently, energy-clocks (aka ‘atomic-clocks’) ... with
all such measurement of movement being a measure of the earth’s rotation whilst in orbit around its radiant star.
Put succinctly: it is not time itself (eternity) which moves but objects in (infinite) space’. [endquote].
In short: the identity within is forever locked-out of time (time as an actuality, that is, and not time as a
• [Co-Respondent]: Why though this did not change me?
• [Richard]: Going by your description – ‘what dawned to me 10 years ago’ – it was a realisation and, unless a
realisation is acted upon, it remains just that ... a realisation.
‘Tis just as well though (otherwise you would have been yet another ‘Timeless One’), eh? (Actual
Freedom Mailing List, No. 44h, 15 August 2004 ).

The Third Alternative
(Peace On Earth In This Life Time As This Flesh And Blood Body)
Here is an actual freedom from the Human Condition, surpassing Spiritual Enlightenment and
any other Altered State Of Consciousness, and challenging all philosophy, psychiatry, metaphysics (including quantum physics with
its mystic cosmogony), anthropology, sociology ... and any religion along with its paranormal theology. Discarding all of the
beliefs that have held humankind in thralldom for aeons, the way has now been discovered that cuts through the ‘Tried and True’
and enables anyone to be, for the first time, a fully free and autonomous individual living in utter peace and tranquillity,
beholden to no-one.

Richard’s Text ©The Actual Freedom Trust: 1997-. All Rights Reserved.
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