Richard’s Correspondence On Mailing List ‘D’ with Correspondent No. 14 (Please make sure java-scripting is enabled in order for the mouse-hover tool-tips to function properly; mouse-hover on the yellow rectangular image to enlarge; left-click on the image to hold). Re: Hi Richard! – Part One RESPONDENT: P.S.: Tomorrow I will launch the first website in portuguese about Actual Freedom. Please, visit it: and sorry my poor english. But I read and translate very well. SRID: Richard may respond to this. Also see: Make sure that you are attributing the original article in on every page of your translated website. RESPONDENT: Hi <...>, The Actual Freedom method needs to be shared in another languages too. English is a universal idiom in this global world, but not to all people here in this exotic country. And the (soon) will not to be a AF Mirror website. I learn with the errors of my peers. Don’t worry. It’s only my testimony and a book about my application of actualism method in my life until I reach the virtual freedom. [...] RICHARD: G’day <...>, Whilst you say it is only your testimony and a book about your application of the actualism method – and heedlessly tell your helpful co-respondent not to worry because you learn with the errors of your peers – here are the very first five lines from Page One in your ‘Introdução’ (an RMC Flip Book) on the Liberdade Atuante website:
For the sake of clarity in communication here are those very first five lines translated into English:
Now, here are the very first five lines from ‘Introducing Actual Freedom’ on The Actual Freedom Trust web site:
As can be easily seen it is beyond any doubt whatsoever that your ‘Introdução’ book (all of the 52 pages of it which are on display in fact) is a blatant plagiarism of ‘Introducing Actual Freedom’ from The Actual Freedom Trust web site ... and yet you say your web site is [quote] ‘only’ [endquote] your testimony and a book about your application of the actualism method. Furthermore, despite you also saying [quote]: ‘... I read and translate very well’ [endquote] there are multiple inaccuracies all throughout both your plagiarised book and other translated articles on your website ... as a line-by-line comparison of those very first five lines in your ‘Introdução’, on the Liberdade Atuante website, with ‘Introducing Actual Freedom’, on The Actual Freedom Trust web site, readily demonstrates: ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• [Introdução]: Por milhares de anos os seres humanos têm procurado em vão pela liberdade genuina, paz e felicidade. [Translation]: For thousands of years human beings have searched in vain for the genuine freedom, peace and happiness. [Original]: For thousands of years, human beings have searched in vain for genuine freedom, peace and happiness. * [Introdução]: Agora, pela primeira vez, um método provado que foi desenvolvido para eliminar as paixões instintivas
geneticamente codificadas de medo, agressão, caridade [Translation]: Now, for the first time, a proved method that has been developed to eliminate the genetically-coded instinctive
passions of fear, aggression, charity [Original]: Now, for the first time, a proven method has been devised to eliminate the genetically-encoded instinctual passions of fear, aggression, nurture and desire, the very passions that are the root cause of human bondage, malice and sorrow. * [Introdução]: A Liberdade Atuante [Translation]: The Active [Original]: Actual Freedom has nothing at all to do with the traditional spiritual path of transcendence and avoidance– the promise of a mythical ‘freedom’ in an imaginary life-after-death. * [Introdução]: Este novo e não-espiritual método produz uma libertação atuante das nossas paixões instintivas, aqui e
agora, sobre a terra [Translation]: This method new and non-spiritual produces an active freeing from our instinctive passions, here and now, on
the ground [Original]: This new, non-spiritual method produces an actual freedom from our instinctual animal passions, here and now, on earth, in this lifetime. * [Introdução]: A Liberdade Atuante oferece um método passo-a-passo de progressão prática para se tornar atualmente [Translation]: The Active Freedom offers a step-by-step method of practical progression to become currently [Original]: Actual Freedom offers a step by step, down-to-earth, practical progression to becoming actually free of the Human Condition of malice and sorrow – to be both happy and harmless. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• In summary: there is just no way that ‘charity’ (for nurture), ‘bitterness’ (for sorrow), ‘The Active Freedom’ (for Actual Freedom), ‘currently’ (for actually), ‘malicious violence’ (for malice), and ‘imprudent bitterness’ (for sorrow) are an accurate translation of what is conveyed in those very first five lines of ‘Introducing Actual Freedom’ on The Actual Freedom Trust web site. No way at all – and that is only the first five lines – and yet you say that you [quote] ‘translate very well’ [endquote]. Here is but one more example of editorial meddling:
As it would be so simple to have written ‘malícia e tristeza’ (malice and sorrow) instead of ‘violencia e amargura’ (violence and bitterness) there could be more to this needless editorship than just poor translating skills ... and a possible clue may be found in one of quite a few emails you posted to the Voadores Forum only last year. Viz.:
As what you are telling the corespondents on that forum is that society generates the psyche – in effect that the social identity = the psyche when it does not – then it is quite possible that it is a poor understanding which gives rise to the poor translations. Which possibility brings all of the above back to what your helpful co-respondent advised you to read (here Viz.:
In order to ensure the most pertinent words in the above do not get overlooked here they are again so as to emphasise just how important, how vital, the accurate presentation of the actualism writings are:
(Continued in Part Two) Re: Hi Richard! – Part Two (Continued from Part One) RICHARD: You have even purloined the images from ‘Introducing Actual Freedom’ on The Actual Freedom Trust web site. Viz.: Compare page 4 of your ‘Introdução’ book with: Compare page 8 of your ‘Introdução’ book with: Compare page 12 of your ‘Introdução’ book with: Compare page 14 of your ‘Introdução’ book with: Compare pages 15/16 of your ‘Introdução’ book with: Compare page 21 of your ‘Introdução’ book with: Compare page 22 of your ‘Introdução’ book with: Compare page 24 of your ‘Introdução’ book with: Compare page 27 of your ‘Introdução’ book with: Compare page 28 of your ‘Introdução’ book with: Compare page 29 of your ‘Introdução’ book with: Compare page 31 of your ‘Introdução’ book with: Compare page 34 of your ‘Introdução’ book with: Compare page 36 of your ‘Introdução’ book with: Compare page 39 of your ‘Introdução’ book with: Compare page 46 of your ‘Introdução’ book with: Compare page 48 of your ‘Introdução’ book with: What makes it all the more obvious they are purloined is the fact you digitally removed the copyright information embedded in the images on pages 8, 14, 21, 24, and 28 of your ‘Introdução’ book ... which copyright information is lawfully required under the express conditions imposed when the directors of The Actual Freedom Trust purchased the limited rights to republish them. Here is how I explained it to your helpful co-respondent only five weeks previously (on the 5th of May 2009) on this very forum:
What makes this even worse is how you have explicitly claimed copyright of both the plagiarised text and those purloined images on your ‘Terms Of Use’ web page and have expressly forbidden anybody else from doing what you have done yourself ... to wit: to publish, copy, display, distribute, transmit, show, modify, create derivative works from or sell any information, products or services. Viz.:
Just to drive the point home here is what is printed in a bottom panel on the back cover of your RMC Flip Book ‘Introdução’:
Here is the URL for the ‘Books‘ (‘Livros’): And by going to the ‘Books’ (as instructed) it soon becomes apparent that you offer two choices: a 13 x 19 cm, 208 page, paper book for R$ 20.00 or a 5MB, A5, 208 page, e-book for R$ 10.00. On top of all that: on your ‘Inteligência Atuante Publicações’ page ( you are actively seeking donations (‘doação’) and sponsorship (‘patrocínio’) to pay for the publishing of your poorly translated and unauthorised renditions of material which is made available entirely free of charge by The Actual Freedom Trust. Here is the URL of another unauthorised article (‘Richard’s Resume’): Surely, if nothing else, the legal deterrents would have given you pause for thought as, under section 1204 of the 1998 DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act), for a general example, penalties range up to a $500,000 fine, or up to five years imprisonment, for a first offence and up to a $1,000,000 fine, or up to 10 years imprisonment, for subsequent offences. (Continued in Part Three) Re: Hi Richard! – Part Three (Continued from Part Two) RICHARD: I wrote Part One and Part Two of this email back in June, with the intention of posting it straightaway, but I became delayed in doing so due to becoming quite occupied/ very busy with rather pressing local affairs/ physical matters which were, at the time, demanding my close attention/ due diligence. I was also seeking both precise translations (from Brazil), as accuracy was paramount, and legal clarification (from the USA), as that is where The Actual Freedom Trust website is hosted, and thus the matter has lapsed since then. I checked your website again today, once more taking a screenshot of each and every relevant page, and nothing has essentially changed over the last four months or so. So as to obviate taking this whole affair through the law courts – and the legal clarification has assured me there is a bona fide case – I am instead publicly offering this opportunity for you to cease and desist, forthwith, from publishing or providing any or all of the materials, whether translated accurately or not, which originate on The Actual Freedom Trust website. And, just so there is no misunderstanding, here again is a reminder of just why you are being publicly offered this opportunity to freely cease and desist:
The very thing I do not want, as a legacy, is yet more of the wars, the murders, the tortures, the rapes, and so forth, which such divisiveness has wrought over the blood-soaked centuries which have preceded us unto this day and age. Please, act judiciously and efficaciously. Regards, Richard. Re: Hi Richard! – Part Three RESPONDENT: Hi Richard, After read your later public post I closed Do you permit to preserve my personal blog and also my forum (I will fix the name early) to free speech and independent discussion list in portuguese about Actual Freedom and Human Condition? Maybe I would make something like ‘The Conference Table’ here: Sincerely, No. 14 P.S.: ...and Richard, I only want ‘to spread the word’, so another suggestion: RICHARD: G’day No. 14, Your prompt action so far – albeit the total closure of the Liberdade Atuante website ( – in this matter is appreciated. However, your ‘Liberdade Atuante Introdução’ (an RMC Flip Book) is still publicly available online (at Consequently, I will ask you again: please cease and desist, forthwith, from publishing or providing any or all of the materials you have translated which originate on The Actual Freedom Trust website. Regards, Richard. P.S.: It is not so much a question of what I [quote] ‘permit’ [endquote] or not – I have no intention of becoming inveigled into being an official arbiter of what may or may not be published or otherwise provided (and thus having to somehow vet all and sundry derivative materials in multiple languages) – but more matter of each and every would-be publisher/provider having the nous to realise, for themselves and by themselves, just how important, how vital, the accurate presentation of the actualism writings are. Hence my public response (rather than private communication). Lest there be any misunderstanding: I would, of course, be well-pleased to see websites, forums, web-logs (and books, articles and so forth) flourish all around the globe from anyone wanting ‘to spread the [accurate] word’ about both an actual and a virtual freedom from the human condition as the madness, badness and sadness which it is epitomised by has gone on far too long already. Re: Hi Richard! – Part Three RESPONDENT: Thanks Richard, About ‘Liberdade Atuante Introdução’ (an RMC Flip Book) still publicly available online (at; this file is placed in another website provider – So, please wait some days – maybe 2 or 3 – today I ask to they delete that flip book. And I will delete my forum from there too. Even my blog will be closed. I cease and desist, forthwith, from publishing or providing any or all of the materials I have translated which originate on The Actual Freedom Trust website. I understood your formal caution and friendship advice. About the costs to translate that extinct website, please send to me the values and payment form. And my suggestion regard that free banners (maybe in english and spanish) made by imprimatur of The Actual Freedom Trust? RICHARD: G’day No. 14, Thank you for your effective action. (Your RMC Flip Book ‘Liberdade Atuante Introdução’ is now no longer publicly available online at I appreciate how you have understood my formal caution and fellowship advice. I also appreciate your compensatory offer, for translation costs, but no such payment is necessary (they were done completely free of charge by a very concerned linguist whose only request was to remain forever nameless). In regards to the free banners made by imprimatur of The Actual Freedom Trust: as it is a matter for the directors of the Trust to consider (I only have authorisation to act alone in this, now satisfactorily concluded, matter) I will forward your suggestion to all the directors for due deliberation at their next monthly meeting. (You will probably be contacted by them shortly after the end of the month). Regards, Richard. * See also RETURN TO MAILING LIST ‘D’ INDEX The Third Alternative (Peace On Earth In This Life Time As This Flesh And Blood Body) Here is an actual freedom from the Human Condition, surpassing Spiritual Enlightenment and any other Altered State Of Consciousness, and challenging all philosophy, psychiatry, metaphysics (including quantum physics with its mystic cosmogony), anthropology, sociology ... and any religion along with its paranormal theology. Discarding all of the beliefs that have held humankind in thralldom for aeons, the way has now been discovered that cuts through the ‘Tried and True’ and enables anyone to be, for the first time, a fully free and autonomous individual living in utter peace and tranquillity, beholden to no-one. Richard’s Text ©The
Actual Freedom Trust: 1997-. All Rights Reserved.
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