... the only intelligent animal species on Earth and currently
numbering some 6 billion. The human species, the most sophisticated of life forms, capable of thinking, planning and reflecting, represents the
pinnacle of the emergence and development of carbon-based life forms known in the universe.
The current human species has emerged after a battle for survival
which anthropologists estimate has been on-going for millions of years …
Early human life was a tough and relentless battle for survival based on ‘kill or
be killed’ – the animal survival instinct in operation at its most basic and primitive level – ‘what can I eat … what can eat

The physical evidence of early tool use, language and settlement
represents the first sign of the emergence of intelligence, a faculty totally unique to the human animal species. |


© OECD Brainmaps
Inner Structure of the Human Brain
Human beings are remarkable among the animal species in that we have a
large ‘modern’ brain or neo-cortex, capable of thinking, planning and reflecting, that envelops the primitive ‘lizard’ brain, the source
of our animal survival instincts … |
This last century, in particular,
has seen astounding advances made in agriculture, manufacturing, health, life expectancy, wealth, transport, information processing, instant and
world-wide communications, social services and education. An increasing proportion of the human population is enjoying comfort, safety, leisure
and pleasure the likes of which has never, ever, existed before. |

Yet, despite the amazing
technological advancements and organizational development of the human species on this planet, the Human Condition is still epitomized by two
major factors …

The next significant and timely
challenge facing the human species is to bring an end to human violence and suffering. As with every discovery that has advanced the human
species, this necessitates pioneering individuals to prove that it is possible to become actually free of the Human Condition of malice and
sorrow – to become actually …

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