Please note that the reports below were written by Kuba
while he was living an out-from-under-control virtual freedom.

Editor’s note: The reports and correspondences herein were compiled and published with permission
by Claudiu while living an out-from-under-control virtual freedom.
Claudiu’s reports can be accessed here:
Vineeto and I were wanting to add your reports of being out-from-control to the new section on the AFT site… what do you think, do we have your permission to do it? You really do write very well about it!
Yes definitely you have my permission, with delight
Kuba, Message to Claudiu, 16 September 2024
So I have been down with some serious flu the past few days, and yet I have been experiencing the most incredible things, I have wondered at times if it was some delirium caused by the flu haha but I am on the mend now and things are getting even more incredible.
What I have been experiencing is what Vineeto was alluding to here:
My deepest appreciation for your wonderful news. “What ‘you’ secretly wanted all along”, how fitting, how marvellous. Thank you.
Have a great ride and enjoy it to the max while it lasts.
(I think you will understand the “while it lasts” correctly).
Vineeto, DAO: Claudiu’s Journal, 28 July 2024
Indeed what I am experiencing now is a ride of a lifetime, it is something that I am struggling to put into words but it’s simply unmatched by anything that came before. The flavour of these experiences is exactly what Claudiu wrote recently:
I remember Richard saying something to me like, once you are actually free your experience is like you have been like that your entire life. I said something like, but that is very strange because you weren’t like that your entire life – and he agreed that it is very strange (he emphasized the “very strange”).
Claudiu, DAO: Claudiu’s Journal, 26 August 2024
And it is this ‘very strange’ aspect that I cannot put into words but it is beyond wonderful to experience. How is it that I am having experiences where it is as if ‘I’ and ‘reality’ never existed in the first place, where the actual world is simply the only thing in existence, where it has always been like this and it could not be any other way.
And yet there is the memory (fading though) of ‘my’ life and of ‘reality’, did it ever exist? The weirdest thing is that this can flip in a matter of seconds, as in 1 moment ‘I’ exist and do ‘my’ thing and then the next it’s as if ‘I’ never existed in the first place.
It’s like some weird amnesia and I find myself yo-yoing between these, but the whole thing is utterly safe, there is not even a trace of fear or resistance to this, it’s such a delight to experience myself like this.
It seems the most wonderful thing about actuality is that it is all there is! Seeing this brings a safety and a completeness that has to be experienced to be known, it is indeed beyond ‘my’ wildest dreams.
Kuba, DAO: Kub933’s Journal, 6 September 2024
And it is this ‘very strange’ aspect that I cannot put into words but it is beyond wonderful to experience. How is it that I am having experiences where it is as if ‘I’ and ‘reality’ never existed in the first place, where the actual world is simply the only thing in existence, where it has always been like this and it could not be any other way.
And yet there is the memory (fading though) of ‘my’ life and of ‘reality’, did it ever exist? The weirdest thing is that this can flip in a matter of seconds, as in 1 moment ‘I’ exist and do ‘my’ thing and then the next it’s as if ‘I’ never existed in the first place.
It’s like some weird amnesia and I find myself yo-yoing between these, but the whole thing is utterly safe, there is not even a trace of fear or resistance to this, it’s such a delight to experience myself like this.
It seems the most wonderful thing about actuality is that it is all there is! Seeing this brings a safety and a completeness that has to be experienced to be known, it is indeed beyond ‘my’ wildest dreams.
Kuba, DAO: Kub933’s Journal, 6 September 2024
Hi Kuba,
What a marvellous wondrous ride indeed!
Are you perhaps wondering – in “seeing this brings a safety and a completeness” – why you would want to continue to “flip in a matter of seconds” ?
Is it because … perchance … there is still one job to do ?
The last job … to give permission … to allow it to happen … forevermore … irrevocably …
Thus the search for meaning amidst the debris of the much-vaunted human hopes and dreams and schemes has come to its timely end. With the end of both ‘I’ and ‘me’, the distance or separation between both ‘I’ and ‘me’ and these sense organs – and thus the external world – disappears. To be living as the senses is to live a clear and clean awareness – apperception – a pure consciousness experience of the world as-it-is. Because there is no ‘I’ as a thinker (a little person inside one’s head) or a ‘me’ as a feeler (a little person in one’s heart) – to have sensations happen to them, I am the sensations. The entire affective faculty vanishes … blind nature’s software package of instinctual passions is deleted. There is nothing except the series of sensations which happen … not happening to an ‘I’ or a ‘me’ but just happening … moment by moment … one after another. To live life as these sensations, as distinct from having them, engenders the most astonishing sense of freedom and magic. Consequently, I am living in peace and tranquillity; a meaningful peace and tranquillity. Life is intrinsically purposeful, the reason for existence lies openly all around. Being this very air I live in, I am constantly aware of it as I breathe it in and out; I see it, I hear it, I taste it, I smell it, I touch it, all of the time. It never goes away – nor has it ever been away – it was just that ‘I’/‘me’ was standing in the way of the meaning of life being
Richard, Articles, Richard’s Resume
Cheers Vineeto
Vineeto, DAO: Kub933’s Journal, 7 September 2024
Yes thank you Vineeto, you couldn’t be more accurate with your suggestion because this question has been burning inside me so much so that it just continued through the night whilst sleeping, only to wake up to your post.
I was wondering why is it that ‘I’ still come back? Because this sense of magic that I am experiencing is beyond compare, and yet ‘I’ come back…
But just like one cannot self immolate in a PCE, ‘I’ still have a job to do when ‘I’ flip back, this is why ‘I’ flip back.
This flavour of magical sweetness that I am experiencing, it is so profound that it is impossible not to commit.
It is a familiar flavour but it has never been this imminent, the flavour is of the final destination. At times I wonder could it really be this wonderful, and yes it is exactly what is here for all of humankind.
So that’s as far as it goes for now, yet something seems very imminent.
Kuba, DAO: Kub933’s Journal, 7 September 2024
Some more notes on how things are going, and they are going so wonderfully. It is clear that something shifted recently, things have gone onto a whole other gear. The enjoyment and appreciation which I am experiencing is of a different kind, it seems anhedonic in nature, it is the direct experience of the perfection and purity which is all around, or perhaps it is filtered by ‘me’ but so very slightly that it is impossible to tell.
It’s as if some last barrier has been removed and now my experience is almost constantly suffused with this magical sweetness or this fairytale like quality. I notice that there is no resistance from ‘me’ anymore. I remember in the past there was always a fear to allow the perfection and purity, this is simply no longer the case, perhaps that is the ‘last barrier’ which went. Now I am so happily allowing it and delighting in it, I was looking for a good word to describe the quality of my ongoing experiencing and something Peter wrote came to mind – it is ambrosial!
And it seems I cannot get away from it (neither would I want to haha), it is a rock solid foundation. It is this quiet contentment at being here, and it is tasted in anything and everything, as Richard wrote:
Life is intrinsically purposeful, the reason for existence lies openly all around. Being this very air I live in, I am constantly aware of it as I breathe it in and out; I see it, I hear it, I taste it, I smell it, I touch it, all of the time. It never goes away – nor has it ever been away […]
Richard, Articles, Richard’s Resume
I can experience this fairy tale like existence and I can see that it is already complete, there is no space for ‘me’. And yet ‘I’ still have 1 very important job to do, I can see now what Richard meant that he owed all that he lived to ‘me’, because indeed ‘I’ have a very important role to play, ‘I’ am the one to cheerfully and willingly self-immolate and thus make way for the perfection and purity.
I have never seen this from this angle before, I always saw it as something ‘I’ have to resentfully ‘get over and done with’. But it is not so, ‘I’ am very much needed in order to actualise what the universe intends. It makes ‘my’ petty life all worth it in the end, ‘I’ can gladly sacrifice ‘myself’ to allow this perfect destiny, ‘I’ can go out in a blaze of glory.
So it’s not that ‘I’ have to do it, ‘I’ *get to* do it, ‘I’ get to grant this gift and ‘I’ am the only one who can grant it.
Kuba, DAO: Kub933’s Journal, 9 September 2024
Some more notes on how things are going, and they are going so wonderfully. It is clear that something shifted recently, things have gone onto a whole other gear. The enjoyment and appreciation which I am experiencing is of a different kind, it seems anhedonic in nature, it is the direct experience of the perfection and purity which is all around […]
This sounds truly wonderful :))
It’s as if some last barrier has been removed and now my experience is almost constantly suffused with this magical sweetness or this fairytale like quality.
Could you go into some more detail of what that “last barrier” was and what led to it being removed?
I ask for pragmatic purposes :))
Claudiu, DAO: Kub933’s Journal, 9 September 2024
So I don’t think I can pinpoint what led to the change (although I will see if an answer comes up), I first noticed something was different when I was at the same time down with a very strong flu so there was a lot going on experientially haha.
The difference I observe in myself now vs before is that before there was the experience of the breaks no longer working as well as the perfection and purity actively working away on ‘me’ as the ‘beer’. So there was often various strong affective responses arising due to this. Although the ‘doer’ is out of the way, the ‘beer’ is laid bare for the perfection and purity to work away.
It seems now ‘I’ as the ‘beer’ no longer have those reactions, as in there is no affective storms stirred up by the experience of perfection and purity. Which means that whatever was polluting the experience is no longer present. And it seems it is this lack of affective pollution which took the experience to the next level, with this utterly pristine, magical quality being apparent now.
So before there was the active connection to pure intent but it also came with some ‘affective shrapnel’, it’s as if that very same connection has remained but because ‘I’ fully stopped screaming and shouting it can now be appreciated for what it is.
Kuba, DAO: Kub933’s Journal, 9 September 2024
Hello all,
I’m happy to announce the newest addition to the AFT site has just gone live:
“Reports on being Out-from-Control”.
This contains selected reports from Richard & Vineeto’s writings, as well as my own recent reports of my ongoing out-from-control experience. My section contains a lot of previously-unpublished material, all in a chronological, put-together order. I think it serves the purpose well of showing what it’s experientially like to be out-from-control, with a higher level of detail than has been previously available.
To those who know the flavour of pure intent, are familiar with PCEs, and in particular have experienced the greatly heightened and more-readily available appreciation that has recently been pouring forth (as reported by many in
“Richard has passed away” and “Excerpts of All-pervading Sweetness”), I’ll take this opportunity to encourage you to read the reports with the intention in mind of taking this next step of going out-from-control yourselves. It is a smaller step to take than it seems before-hand and yet the ramifications are much larger than one might initially appreciate. I can report that it is perfectly safe, wonderful, wondrous,
mirificent, and eminently doable.
Cheers & best regards,
Claudiu, DAO: Reports on being Out-from-Control, 9 September 2024
So I have finished reading the reports now, although the facts of my experience speak for themselves at this point it is still great to see that things line up.
There was a couple of things that stood out :
Devika is the only person who was out-from-control and permanently abandoned the whole enterprise of becoming actually free,
because of stage-freight, using falling in love and Love-Agape to help her abandon it.
(Richard, List D, No. 2, 16 Nov
and (Richard, List D, No. 6,
It was a deliberate decision on her part to turn away for good.
Which means, being confronted with some occurring obstacle, which is part and parcel of investigating the human condition, is not the same thing as falling back to normal. It’s part and parcel of the actualism process as long as you connect back with pure intent and continue to experience that the brakes don’t work at the end of the “parenthesis” period.
Vineeto, E-mail to Claudiu, 3 September 2024
This was a nice thing to read because it means that in making the decision to step out from control ‘I’ may have got myself onto a one way ride, one that is unlikely to end in anything but ‘my’ demise, considering this puts a smile on my face every time
This question of ‘falling back to normal’ this is something that I can also confirm in myself, that it is a case of working through whatever aspect of the human condition is presenting itself, yet I have not been ‘normal’ since the initial change.
It’s as if ‘I’ dip into those patterns so that they can be fully experienced and unravelled, of course how else could the actualism process eventuate?
The other thing is reading Vineeto now vs before, it’s funny that before I was projecting a phantom of sorts, one that was synonymous with authority. But of course Vineeto hasn’t changed between then and now, it was ‘I’ that changed. It is a propitious situation to have her as a target which we can all unequivocally and safely aim for.
You have come to what Richard called the “pen-ultimate step” in your actualism process – leaving humanity, i.e. giving up belonging. To maintain your sincerity you find that you can neither maintain belonging to the actualist camp nor the non-actualist camp nor any other camp. This realisation is naturally quite uncomfortable for ‘me’, both the instinctually felt need to belong in order to survive and the peasant mentality aspect of the social identity. Hence, of course, “it feels like I am doing something ‘wrong’”.
Vineeto, E-mail to Claudiu, 20 August 2024
And this is what I find myself smack bang in the middle, it’s fascinating that abandoning ‘humanity’ means a movement towards pure intent, only pure intent. I always knew that this would eventually be the next step, it’s just that ‘I’ could not quite face the ramifications.
It seems the core of the resistance is essentially a fear of being seen as completely insane, and the danger this apparently presents. Although this drama is having very little credibility these days, all it takes is to turn and look over my shoulder, back to where ‘humanity’ is, for a reminder of what exists ‘back there’, then I gladly continue proceeding towards pure intent.
But I recognise this as the next step, to abandon ‘humanity’, to no longer have the ability to ‘fit’ into it, to no longer have the capacity to belong or even to relate to other identities, I can see in that direction there is only pure intent, also I can see that walking in that direction I might find that I turn back around to see the door back to ‘reality’ closing, how exciting!
Kuba, DAO: Reports on being Out-from-Control, 13 September 2024
Increasingly I find myself being remarkably puzzled at people’s reactions. I will say something that is completely sincere, straightforward, harmless, curious even – and I can feel via vibes or psychic currents that something in ‘them’ reacted, they are now defensive, even in one case became remarkably aggressive and offensive. And instead of getting retributively defensive which was the norm before, now my reaction is more – what on odd reaction! Why would they react this way? It doesn’t make any sense.
Claudiu, DAO: Reports on being Out-from-Control, 13 September 2024
Yes so this is the next thing I was going to write about, I was trying to find the exact quote in the reports but you were speaking with Vineeto about the beneficial effect of being able to relate to other identities whilst being out from control vs an actually free person being unable to even relate to the identity as those identities have no existence in actuality.
I have also noticed this beneficial effect but now I am starting to see where it begins to fall short, hence the focus on stepping out of ‘humanity’. What I can see is that as long as ‘I’ am relating with another identity there can only ever be a virtual happiness and harmlessness.
As long as ‘I’ continue to speak in that language of ‘reality’ there is a hook back towards sorrow and malice. And the denizens of the ‘real world’ are extremely apt at drawing others to where they are at. At the very best ‘I’ become expert at swimming these waters, but simply by virtue of detecting and relating with those other identities, ‘I’ am hooked.
It seems that at some point the only thing that makes sense is to abandon the entire thing altogether, this is the only way to ensure actual happiness and harmlessness and the ability to act sensibly each moment again. Besides that which is ‘human’ is that which blocks the experience of perfection and purity so it all has to go eventually.
Kuba, DAO: Reports on being Out-from-Control, 13 September 2024
Since yesterday I have been fascinated by the fact that allowing happiness and harmlessness *is* the most caring and selfless thing to be done. It is interesting because within ‘humanity’ it is held that it is the one who is prepared to suffer the most who is a good person, that the one who allows happiness for themselves is selfish or has sold their soul to the devil, yet the facts are exactly the opposite.
Firstly it is impossible to be genuinely happy without at the same time being harmless, those people who are seen to cause chaos in pursuit of ‘happiness’ are actually deeply unhappy and thus desperately looking for the next fix of good feelings.
Also it is those people who are devoured by their various dramas and demons who are the most self involved, and in the process they are the ones causing the most harm both to themselves and others. Now they have a choice – to be happy (and therefore harmless) a choice that would benefit both them and those around them (everybody wins) and yet this choice would require that they relinquish a precious part of ‘themselves’.
The choice to remain as ‘I’ am and thus continue causing harm to all is the uncaring one, it is the selfish one. The choice to allow happiness and harmlessness and thus benefit all is the caring one, and it is the selfless one.
I remember reading Peter mention this, that merely chasing after ‘my’ gratification is insufficient motivation, and this makes sense now. Because if ‘I’ am motivated in this self-centred way ‘I’ will remain exactly as ‘I’ am and thus continue causing harm to all, neither happiness nor harmlessness will be allowed as ‘I’ will choose to remain unchanged.
They key then is to see the full picture, to see the harm ‘I’ am causing to *all concerned* (including myself) by remaining as ‘I’ am. I find it fascinating how this segues into actual freedom, that in the end to ensure actual (and irrevocable) happiness and harmlessness (and thus to benefit all) ‘I’ have to give up ‘myself’ altogether.
Kuba, DAO: Kub933’s Journal, 16 September 2024
Freedom from the Human Condition – Happy and Harmless
Claudiu, Peter, Vineeto & Richard’s Text
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