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Frequently Asked Questions
No Life after Death?

Funny, aren’t you the same Richard who is so not into beliefs? But this sounds suspiciously
like a belief to me. You make it sound as if the only alternative to believing that physical death is the end of consciousness were
believing that consciousness survives the death of the body, that is, believing in some form of immortality. But neither alternative escapes
the status of ‘belief’, in its narrow epistemological sense. I would suggest that there is another alternative, that of a reservation of
judgment in the absence of conclusive evidence one way or the other. I think such a reservation of judgment is consistent with faith, which,
as existential commitment, transcends both belief and unbelief (in their narrow epistemological sense, that is).
Richard, now I question from my own mind: I remember Vineeto saying she is ‘100% certain’
that there is no God or afterlife. I remember thinking then (and still basically thinking the same thing) that it is impossible to ‘100%’
prove a negative. Of course I don’t believe in Gnomes or trolls (internet trolls are a fact of course) and as an actualist I don’t
consciously engage in any kind of believing, but that does not ‘100% prove’ that they do not exist. Don’t get me wrong, I find the
notion of believing in God, and afterlife, or any spiritual belief to be unobjective, nonfactual, and a silly waste of one’s precious
time. I understand that the notion of anything apart from this physical universe is unconceivable in a PCE, but that still does not seem to
warrant Vineeto’s ‘100% certainty’ argument (which seems strangely fundamentalistic in the manner of fundamentalist Christianity to
I remember Vineeto saying she is ‘100% certain’ that there is no God or afterlife. I
remember thinking then (and still basically thinking the same thing) that it is impossible to ‘100%’ prove a negative. Of course I don’t
believe in Gnomes or trolls (internet trolls are a fact of course) and as an actualist I don’t consciously engage in any kind of
believing, but that does not ‘100% prove’ that they do not exist. Don’t get me wrong, I find the notion of believing in God, and
afterlife, or any spiritual belief to be unobjective, nonfactual, and a silly waste of one’s precious time. I understand that the notion
of anything apart from this physical universe is unconceivable in a PCE, but that still does not seem to warrant Vineeto’s ‘100%
certainty’ argument (which seems strangely fundamentalistic in the manner of fundamentalist Christianity to me).
You say that there is no soul or self but just flesh and bones therefore no life after death.
Therefore how do you explain Outer body experiences (OBE’s) and near death experiences where people report seeing events and their own
physical bodies in Real Time. It would be impossible for a thought or a feeling (self) to experience an OBE. Happy days. To experience an
OBE I would have to exist separate from the body then I could leave the body (OBE) and still function (think) while apart from the body
which is what many people who OBE experience. My beef is – If one is not free from ego at the time one physically dies (99.9%
population) doesn’t then the ego continue to exist apart from the body (as in an OBE) and experience life after death with all its
ramifications (heaven, hell, reincarnation) until it too dies or dissolves.
Is there a soul that lives on after death of body? Then how do you explain near death
experiences, past life memories, séances, mediums, hauntings, demonic possession, astral travelling, dreams, UFO’s, clairvoyants
& children who see – fairies, angels, nature spirits, demons etc. It doesn’t make sense to exist now but not later when we die.
I mean we either exist or we don’t exist it can’t be both, so from the evidence we have its obvious that we exist as a body and also
as an awareness entity. Countless spirits in contact with clairvoyants claim to have had a physical body and have died either recently
or long past. These spirits seem to be experiencing a life after death. Just the fact that they exist in another frequency and can come
in contact with some of us shows life exists beyond the physical world.
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