Actual Freedom ~ Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Identity?

claim that ‘this body called Richard hosts no identity whatsoever’. I would like to understand more deeply what it is that the body called
Richard does not host. What do you mean by ‘identity’?
RICHARD: I was born in Australia, of an English/Scottish Hong Kong-born father and an
English/English Australia-born mother. With this British background, I was enculturated into believing that I was, literally, an Australian
citizen ... but with British blood. Now, blood is blood ... there is no such ‘thing’ as an ‘Australian’, an ‘American’, a ‘German’,
a ‘Japanese’ and so on. Thus the wars and the suicides – the blood shed and the tears shed – are precipitated because of the absurdity
of identification ... is not all this acculturation ridiculous! However, as an infant, a child, a youth and then a man, I was so programmed as
to be unable to discriminate fact from fiction. I had no terms of reference that I could use as a standard to determine which was which, as
every single human being on this planet was not simply a flesh and blood body ... but similarly conditioned into being an ‘ethnic’ human
Thus I bought the whole package. Hook, line and sinker.
As I slowly started to unravel the mess that humankind was deeply mired in by unravelling it in me,
I discovered a second layer under ‘my’ acculturated ethnicity ... ‘I’ was brainwashed into being a ‘man’ and not simply a flesh
and blood male body. Under the enculturated layers lies a further identity ... the genetically-inherited animal ‘self’. It took me years
and years of exploration and discovery to find out that ‘I’ was a ‘me’ – a ‘being’ – and not simply a flesh and blood body. By
identification as ‘me’, a psychological/psychic entity was able to ‘possess’ this body. It is not unlike those Christians who are said
to be possessed by an evil entity and require exorcism. Only this ‘possession’ was called being normal. Therefore, every human being is
thus possessed by an ‘alien entity’ ... I discovered that a ‘walk-in’ was in control of this body and that this ‘walk-in’ was ‘me’.
So, superficially there is a composite conditioned social identity that encompasses:
1. A vocational identity as ‘employee’/‘employer’, ‘worker’/‘pensioner’, ‘junior/‘senior’
and so on.
2. A national identity as ‘English’, ‘American’, ‘Australian’ and etcetera.
3. A racial identity as ‘white’, ‘black’, ‘brown’ or whatever.
4. A religious/spiritual identity as a ‘Hindu’, a ‘Muslim’, a ‘Christian’, a ‘Buddhist’ ad infinitum.
5. A ideological identity as a ‘Capitalist’, a ‘Communist’, a ‘Monarchist’, a ‘Fascist’ and etcetera.
6. A political identity as a ‘Democrat’, a ‘Tory’, a ‘Republican’, a ‘Liberal’ and all the rest.
7. A family identity as ‘son’/‘daughter’, ‘brother’/‘sister’, ‘father’/‘mother’ and the whole raft of relatives.
8. A gender identity as ‘boy’/‘girl’, ‘man’/‘woman’.
These are related to roles, rank, positions, station, status, class, age, gender ... the whole
organisation of hierarchical control. But behind all that – underlying all socialised classifications – is the persistent feeling of being
an identity inhabiting the body: an affective ‘entity’ as in a deep, abiding and profound feeling of being an occupant, a tenant, a
squatter or a phantom hiding behind a façade, a mask, a persona; as a subjective emotional psychological ‘self’ and/or a passionate
psychic ‘being’ (‘I’ as ego and ‘me’ as soul) inhabiting the psyche; a deep feeling of being a ‘spirit’; a consciousness of
the immanence of ‘presence’ (which exists immortally); an awareness of being an autological ‘being’ ... the realisation of ‘Being’
itself. In other words: everything you think, feel and instinctually know yourself to be.
Your feeling of being – the real ‘me’ – is evidenced when one says: ‘But what about me,
nobody loves me for me’. For a woman it may be: ‘You only want me for my body ... and not for me’. For a man it may be: ‘You only want
me for my money ... and not for me’. For a child it may be: ‘You only want to be my friend because of my toys (or sweets or whatever)’.
That deep feeling of ‘me’ – that ‘being’ itself – is at the core of identity. It arises out of the basic instincts that blind
nature endowed all human beings with as a rough and ready ‘soft-ware’ package to make a start in life. These instincts – mainly fear and
aggression and nurture and desire – appear as a rudimentary self common to all sentient beings. This is why it is felt to be one’s ‘Original
Face’ – to use the Zen terminology – when one accesses it in religious/spiritual/mystical meditation practices and disciplines. This is
the source of ‘we are all one’, because ‘we’ are all the same-same blind instinctual self that stretches back beyond the dawn of human
memory. It is a very, very ancient genetic memory.
Hoariness does not make it automatically wise, however, despite desperate belief to the contrary.
RESPONDENT: You also claim that there is ‘a flesh and blood body
being apperceptively aware’. Is not that bodily apperceptive awareness, your identity?
RICHARD: No. This brain is these sense organs being conscious: these eyes seeing is this brain
‘on stalks’, as it were, being aware. Thus these ears hearing, this tongue tasting, this skin touching, this nose smelling and these
thoughts thinking are all the brain being directly aware of being alive and being awake and being here ... now. Whereas ‘I’, the entity,
am inside the body: looking out through ‘my’ eyes as if looking out through a window, listening through ‘my’ ears as if they were
microphones, tasting through ‘my’ tongue, touching through ‘my’ skin, smelling through ‘my’ nose, and thinking through ‘my’
brain. Of course ‘I’ must feel isolated, alienated, alone and lonely, for ‘I’ am cut off from the magnificence of the actual world ...
the world as-it-is.
RESPONDENT: Identity is ‘the state or fact of remaining the same
one, as under varying aspects or conditions’, ‘the condition of being oneself or itself, and not another’ (Macquarie, 2nd. ed.). Are you
claiming that there is nothing that remains the same (in you) as (your) sense and reflective experience changes?
RICHARD: Indeed, I am stating that unequivocally ... there is no subjective psychological ‘entity’
existing in this flesh and blood body to either remain the same or change. There are many words to describe ‘I’ and/or ‘me’ ... shall
I just present them here for clarity? I do not have the Macquarie Dictionary but I presume it is somewhat similar as I have the Webster’s
Merriam Dictionary to check the Oxford Dictionary against. I also use the Britannica Encyclopaedia as being a generally recognised and
acceptable academic standard. Vis.:
• Identity: ‘The condition or fact of a person or thing being that specified unique person or
thing, especially as a continuous unchanging property throughout existence; individuality, personality’.
• Personality: ‘The quality or fact of being a person as distinct from a thing or animal; the quality which makes a being a person’.
• Person: ‘The self or being of an individual’.
• Individual: ‘Existing as a separate indivisible identity; one’s individual person, self.
• Individuality: ‘An individual thing or personality’.
• Self: ‘True or intrinsic identity; personal identity, ego; a person as the object of introspection or reflexive action’.
• Ego: ‘Oneself, the conscious thinking subject. That part of the mind which has a sense of individuality and is most conscious of self’.
• Soul: ‘The principle of thought and action in a person, regarded as an entity distinct from the body; a person’s spiritual as opposed
to corporeal nature regarded as immortal and as being capable of redemption or damnation in a future state. The disembodied spirit of a dead
person, regarded as invested with some degree of personality and form. The seat of the emotions or sentiments; the emotional part of human
nature. Intellectual or spiritual power; high development of the mental faculties. Also, deep feeling, sensitivity, zest, spirit. The vital,
sensitive, or rational principle in plants, animals, or human beings. A person, an individual’.
• Entity: ‘Existence, being, as opposed to non-existence; the existence of a thing as opposed to its qualities or relations. Essence,
essential nature’.
• Identity Crisis: ‘A period of emotional disturbance in which a person has difficulty in determining his or her identity and role in
relation to society’. (All definitions from Oxford Dictionary).
And it is so good to be rid of that lot! 

RESPONDENT: G’day Richard, How do I learn and
discover the essence of who ‘I’ am? Thank you.
RICHARD: G’day No. 11, In a word: intuitively (aka feeling yourself out subjectively).
Also, much use can be made of what is known as hypnagogic (pre-dormient) and hypnopompic
(post-dormient) states which occur, respectively, in the drowsiness stage of intermediate consciousness preceding sleep or in the
semiconscious state of transitional consciousness preceding waking ... of the two the identity inhabiting this flesh and blood body all those
years ago found the pre-dormient state the easier to manifest.
However, as it was the hypnopompic state which revealed the essence of who ‘I’ am – the
precise nature of ‘me’ at the core of ‘my’ being (which is ‘being’ itself) – an anecdote from that period may throw some light
on the matter.
I was on a coastal sea voyage, making a northerly passage under sail in a trimaran I then owned,
off the north-eastern seaboard of Australia when a storm came up from the south late in the day.
Rather than make a run for the port I was heading for under a storm jib alone (with all that
entails) I chose to anchor overnight in the lee of a nearby island until the storm blew itself out. A perusal of the appropriate chart showed
a narrow bay, between two jagged coral reefs, with a tiny beach at its head and the notation ‘fair-weather anchorage’. I figured, were the
worst to come about, I could beach my yacht (an advantage multihull yachts have over monohull yachts) and weather the storm out thataway.
I negotiated the two jagged coral reefs, dropped anchor several boat-lengths short of what was
actually a miniscule beach, and retired below for the evening. I slept soundly, despite the storm howling all about and the yacht pitching and
tossing at anchor, only to emerge from deep sleep into a crystal-clear fully-lucid hypnopompic state just after midnight.
(Please note that it was, of course, the ‘I’ who was hypnopompic).
In that crystal-clear fully-lucid hypnopompic state ‘I’ was able to penetrate deeply into ‘myself’
at the core of ‘my’ being (which is ‘being’ itself) – or, rather, the penetration took place via ‘my’ full acquiescence – and
there, in the centre of all the feelings swirling around, the essence of who ‘I’ am lay gorgeously exposed ... not all that unlike a
beautiful rosy pearl, nestled coyly amidst the delicate fleshy tissue of its host, in its shimmering nacreous shell.
Except that the essence of who ‘I’ am was a void (and not a ‘thing’ like a pearl is) so the
analogy of the void at the centre of whirlpool of water – which is the whirling water in motion – is more apt (albeit not conveying the
ethereal radiant beauty of the rosy pearl analogy). Or, in other words, the essence of who ‘I’ am is akin to the calm, still centre of a
swirling cyclone/ hurricane/ typhoon.
The swirling air/ whirling water is, of course, all the feelings – all of the emotions/ passions
– which ‘I’ am comprised of (as in ‘I’ am ‘my’ feelings and ‘my’ feelings are ‘me’).
At that point, as the storm howled even louder and the yacht lurched sluggishly at anchor, I was
fully awake in an instant; sitting up and swinging my legs to the edge of the bunk I stood up ... knee-deep in seawater!
Now, when something like that happens in a house one can quickly discern that one’s home is being
flooded; on a ship at sea, however, it can mean only one thing ... to wit: one’s home is sinking.
But, all the while I was starting the auxiliary engine (mostly underwater) and hauling in the
anchor (getting thoroughly soaked) and somehow driving the water-logged trimaran up onto the miniscule beach (unseeable in the pitch black
night) without dashing to pieces on the enclosing jagged reefs, that penetration into the essence of who ‘I’ am became indelibly etched
into the memory banks.
And, as ‘I’ knew exactly who ‘I’ was, that very knowledge was in itself empowering (to use
the jargon) and thus contributed enormously to ‘my’ eventual demise.
Ain’t life grand!

RESPONDENT: I have yet to get an answer for how to
detect ‘I’ ...
RICHARD: As you got an answer for your multiple queries on how can ‘you’ get rid of the
‘I’, how can ‘you’ walk away from ‘your’ pleasures and needs, how can ‘you’ destroy ‘yourself’ and how can ‘you’
reject ‘yourself’ then surely you can figure that one out for yourself?
No? Simple answer: as no ‘I’ can detect ‘itself’ then ‘you’ can
not, either.
Nor can ‘you’ get rid of ‘yourself’.
Neither can ‘you’ walk away from ‘your’ pleasures and needs.
And ‘you’ cannot destroy ‘yourself’, either.
Plus, of course, ‘you’ cannot reject ‘yourself’.
Nevertheless, what ‘you’ can do is become exquisitely aware, each moment again, of the way in
which ‘you’ experience ‘yourself’ in regards to ‘your’ situation and circumstances.
However, as that requires you actually putting the actualism method into practice – something you
are yet to do – rather than asking me all those endless ‘What if ...’, ‘How can I ...’ and ‘Suppose I ...’ type of questions I
will be refraining from reposting my most succinct précis of it for the umpteenth time around.
Actual Freedom
Freedom from the Human Condition – Happy and Harmless
Richard's Text ©The Actual Freedom Trust: 1997-. All Rights Reserved.
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