Actual Freedom ~ Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
Is Actualism Applicable Everywhere on Earth?

have some questions of my own: is actualism applicable everywhere on Earth, in Africa for example?
PETER: Provided someone has a burning discontent with their life as-it-is such that they are
sufficiently motivated to devote their life to becoming free of malice and sorrow then it doesn’t matter where they were born or where they
live. Already we have people who live on different parts of this planetary globe who have indicated that they are interested in actualism and
some have reported success in becoming less harmful to others and more happy. One can only do the business of actualism – becoming free of
malice and sorrow – right now, wherever one happens to be now, irregardless of where this wherever happens to be on the planet
RESPONDENT: I ask this as ‘we’ are a product of/influenced by
our environment as much as we are a product of our genes …
PETER: I never bought that one even as a kid. At university my closest friends were someone
born in Malaysia of parents born in China, someone born in Australia of parents born in Italy and someone who lived in Australia but who was
born in Greece. The primary connection we all had was genetic – we were all fellow human beings – and any cultural or social differences
were very much secondary.
By the way, it took me another 40 years to demolish the biggest of the divides that separate human
beings – my gender conditioning – but that’s another story.
RESPONDENT: … and it seems that it’s easier to become an
actualist in Byron Bay with all its alternative lifestyles and wonderful environment then let’s say in a polluted city with kilometres of
concrete and street buzz or a poor country of Africa.
PETER: I have found by experience that the only way I can make a sensible evaluation of
other people’s suppositions is to check their suppositions against the facts of the matter. In this case, if we take the numbers of
people subscribed to this mailing list as being a gauge of the number of people thus far interested in actualism and say halve the number as
some who are subscribed have made it clear that they have done so in order to voice their objections, then there are many more non-Byron Bay-ites
than there are Byron Bay residents. So it would appear that what seems to you to be the case is not substantiated by the facts of the matter.
As for living in a town where people live ‘alternative lifestyles’, these people mostly
have set-in-concrete beliefs and as such have no interest whatsoever in abandoning those beliefs in favour of taking on something as
down-to-earth as becoming happy and harmless.
As for a ‘wonderful environment’, as a kid I was personally attracted to the idea of
living in the tropics and in my twenties I lived for a while in a small village in England and found that I liked the rural lifestyle. During
the next 20 years, due to my parental obligations and spiritual aspirations, I lived in many other places but when these petered out I
happened to receive a phone call one day from someone who wanted a house designed in a sub-tropical sea-side rural tourist town called Byron
Bay on the other side of the continent from where I was living at the time. Because of this serendipitous event, I soon after found find
myself living in that little sea-side rural tourist town in the subtropics, where another serendipitous event occurred in that I met Richard
one evening which then led to another serendipitous event when I met Vineeto one afternoon.
It is my experience it is the events that happen and the people one meets and interacts with that
are the stuff of life and exactly where these happenings happen and where they lead one to live is secondary. A pure consciousness experience
of the actuality of what it is to be a human being is not to be confused with a nature experience – one can have a PCE, at any time,
wherever one is, or wherever one is living. Given that a PCE is not place-specific, culture-specific or gender-specific it follows that the
24/7 living of an actual freedom is also not place-specific, culture-specific or gender-specific. 
Actual Freedom
Freedom from the Human Condition – Happy and Harmless
Design, Peter’s
Text ©The Actual Freedom Trust: 1997-. All Rights Reserved.
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