Actual Freedom ~ Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
Do you see enlightenment as pathological?

you see enlightenment as pathological?
RICHARD: Yes, my experience, night and day for eleven years, showed me intimately that it is
indeed a morbid condition. In psychiatric terminology it is a dissociative state of being, sometimes known as ‘disassociative identity
disorder’, complete with self-important delusions of grandeur and megalomaniacal demands for recognition, adulation, surrender and total
obedience ... the ‘contracted ego’ (or ‘self’) has transmogrified into a fully expanded soul (the all-expansive ‘Self’).
Generally speaking, all dissociative reactions are attempts to escape from excessive trauma tension
and anxiety by separating off parts of personality function from the rest of cognition as an attempt to isolate something that arouses anxiety
and gain distance from it. For example, in everyday life, mild and temporary dissociation, sometimes hard to distinguish from repression and
isolation, is a relatively common and normal device used to escape from severe emotional stress and anxiety. Temporary episodes of transient
estrangement, depersonalisation and derealisation are often experienced by normal persons when they first feel the initial impact of bad news,
for instance. Everything suddenly looks strange and different; things seem unnatural and distant; events can be indistinct and vaporous; often
the person feels that they themselves are unreal and everything takes on a dream-like quality. Dissociation becomes abnormal when the once
mild or transient expedient becomes too intense, lasts too long, or escapes from a person’s control ... and leads to a separation from the
surroundings which seriously disturbs object relations. In object estrangement the once familiar world of ordinary objects – the world of
people, things and events – seems to have undergone a disturbing and often indescribable change.
Thus, just as a traumatised victim of an horrific and terrifying event makes the experience unreal
in order to cope with the ordeal, all the Gurus and the God-Men, the Masters and the Messiahs, the Avatars and the Saviours and the Saints and
the Sages have desperately done precisely this thing (during what is sometimes called ‘the dark night of the soul’). Mystics have been
transmogrifying the real world ‘reality’ into an unreal ‘True Reality’ via the epiphenomenal imaginative/intuitive facility born of
the psyche (which is formed by the instinctual passions genetically endowed by blind nature for survival purposes) for millennia. Mysticism in
general is a psychotic sickness; a head-in-the-sand escapist ‘solution’ to all the ills of humankind and is otherwise described (in
non-psychiatric terminology) as ‘Theodicy’ (a vindication of a god’s and/or goddess’s goodness and justice in the face of the
existence of evil).
The altered state of consciousness known as ‘Spiritual Enlightenment’ is nothing more and
nothing less than a frantic coping-mechanism that became culturally institutionalised, into being a legitimate and venerated social
metaphysics, over thousands and thousands of years. 
Actual Freedom
Freedom from the Human Condition – Happy and Harmless
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1997-. All Rights Reserved.
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