Facts (Actuality) and Groupthink (Orthodoxy)
Richard’s Replicable Experiments Requests
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(An online correspondence in the ‘comments-section’ of a fervently pro-Anthropogenic Global Warming weblog over the period 13
November to 20 November, 2006).
07 Nov, 2006.
ANONYMOUS: I have been searching online for any evidence that human produced CO2 causes warming. After searching hundreds
of sites discussing
Global Warming, I have been unable to find anything. In fact, based on observational data it seems unlikely that there is a very close correlation for
the following reasons: (...). Basic research could be conducted and published to establish a causal relationship, but the lack of any initiative to do so
indicates to me that it is well known that the results would argue counter to the claims. Experiments that would help might include: 1. (...); 2) In a
controlled environment, radiation (in the same wavelength as being reflected from the earth) could be aimed at a gas mixture similar to our environment,
and CO2 could be increased and decreased at proportions representing current changes (radiation reflected could be measured to see what the results might
be expected in nature). I, for one, could be convinced if basic research were conducted. The lack of it indicates a complete lack of a scientific basis
for the argument.
ANONYMOUS: I have been searching online for any evidence that human produced CO2 causes warming.
After searching hundreds
of sites discussing Global Warming, I have been unable to find anything. [... snip ...].
COBY BECK: Considering that answers to all your questions are available right on this site, I guess that is not
RICHARD: Whereabouts on this site is the answer to the following (from the snipped section) then? Viz.:
[quote]: “2) In a controlled, radiation
(in the same wavelength as being reflected from the earth) could be aimed at a gas mixture similar to our environment, and CO2 could be increased and
decreased at proportions representing current changes (radiation reflected could be measured to see what the results might be expected in nature”.
COBY BECK: Not that I think you are really trying, but you should read the IPCC TAR report,
linked in the sidebar. It is
required reading for anyone with any interest in climate change. It includes all the basics you are under the misimpression
have not been done.
RICHARD: Whereabouts in that report is the basic experiment expressly detailed (in the snipped section now re-presented above) to be found?
The reason for those two specific requests is as follows:
• [Coby Beck]: “In the case of the theory of Anthropogenic Global Warming, what we do have is a theory (first conceived over 100
years ago) that is based on well established laws of physics ...”.
According to Mr. Spencer Weart a few years after Mr. Svante Arrhenius published his hypothesis in 1896
Mr. Knut Ångström sent infrared radiation
through a tube filled with carbon dioxide. He put in as much of the
gas in total as would be found in a column of air reaching to the top of the atmosphere. The amount of radiation that got through the tube scarcely
changed when he cut the quantity of gas in half or doubled it.
Unless and/or until replicable experiments to the contrary have been conducted then ‘Anthropogenic Global Warming’ remains a falsified hypothesis (and
thus not a theory), does it not?

14 Nov, 2006.
COBY BECK: (...) you should read the IPCC TAR report, linked in the sidebar. It is required reading for anyone
with any interest in climate
change. It includes all the basics you are under the misimpression hae not been done”.
RICHARD: Whereabouts in that report is the basic experiment expressly detailed (in the snipped section now re-presented above) to be found?
COBY BECK: I recommend starting on this page:
...and following up on the reference papers. They either are or will lead you to the primary research you are interested in.
RICHARD: Thank you for the prompt reply. Those reference papers, upon being followed up, neither are nor lead to any such basic experiment as
expressly detailed; to wit:
• [quote]: “2) In a controlled environment, radiation (in the same wavelength as being reflected from the earth)
could be aimed at a gas mixture similar to our environment, and CO2 could be increased and decreased at proportions representing current
changes (radiation reflected could be measured to see what the results might be expected in nature)”. [endquote].
Whereabouts, then, in that report is the basic experiment expressly detailed?
Also, whereabouts on this site is such an experiment as that to be found (as per your “answers to all your questions are available right on this site”
RICHARD: The reason for those two specific requests is as follows: [Coby Beck]: “In the case of the theory of Anthropogenic Global Warming, what we do have is a theory (first conceived over 100 years ago) that is
based on well established laws of physics”. [endquote]. According to Mr. Spencer Weart a few years after Mr. Svante Arrhenius published his hypothesis in 1896 Mr. Knut Ångström sent infrared radiation
through a tube filled with carbon dioxide. He put in as much of the gas in total as would be found in a column of air reaching to the top of the atmosphere. The amount of radiation that got through the tube scarcely changed when he cut the quantity of gas in half or doubled it. Unless and/or until
replicable experiments to the contrary have been conducted then ‘Anthropogenic Global Warming’ remains a falsified hypothesis (and thus not a theory),
does it not?
COBY BECK: Sigh. And on that very same page it describes the continuing progression of the science.
RICHARD: Virtually nowhere on that very same page does it describe the continuing progression of [quote] “the science” [endquote] as what is
mostly presented are some of the many and varied mathematical calculations/ mathematical models which pass for same in this current era.
COBY BECK: Why did you stop in the early 1900’s?
RICHARD: As that page (and others) was read right through, very thoroughly, any such query adds nothing to discussion (other than an insight
into the character of the
COBY BECK: If one were sincerely interested they would read the whole history and not stop reading at a point where there preconceptions appear
RICHARD: As that page (and others) was read right through, very thoroughly, any such presumption adds nothing to discussion (other than an
insight into the character of the presumer).
COBY BECK: Jump ahead to 1938, quote: “This rise, Callendar asserted, could explain the observed warming. For he understood that even if the
CO2 in the atmosphere did already absorb all the heat radiation passing through, adding more gas would change the height in the atmosphere where the
absorption took place. That, he calculated, would make for warming”. IOW, the lower atmosphere gets warmer.
RICHARD: At least five points are immediately obvious:
1. An assertion is not science.
2. Something that [quote] ‘could’ [endquote] explain something is not science.
3. Mr. Guy Callendar conducted no experiments to demonstrate that his understanding was evidence-based.
4. A calculation in vacuo is not science.
5. That quote does not even remotely address the question (whether or not ‘Anthropogenic Global Warming’ remains a falsified hypothesis and thus not a
COBY BECK: One must be careful when extrapolating a limited lab experiment to effects on a large and complex system like the climate.
RICHARD: All what is being asked for is *the replicable experiments* which demonstrate that ‘Anthropogenic Global Warming’ is indeed a theory
(and not a falsified hypothesis). Viz.:
• [Coby Beck]: ‘In the case of the theory of Anthropogenic Global Warming, what we do have is a theory (first conceived over 100 years ago) that is based
on well established laws of physics’. [endquote].

15 Nov, 2006.
RICHARD: An assertion is not science.
COBY BECK: It is an explanation of an observation and surely is a part of scientific method.
RICHARD: Thank you for replying. Since when has the mere assertion of an explanation of an observation (a public declaration
of what an untested hypothesis “could” explain) been so surely a part of scientific method that it not only negates the experimental falsification of a
previous hypothesis but elevates it to the status of a theory? Viz.: [Coby Beck]: ‘In the case of the theory of Anthropogenic Global Warming, what we do have is a theory (first conceived over 100
years ago) that is based on well established laws of physics’. [endquote].
RICHARD: Something that [quote] “could” [endquote] explain something is not science.
COBY BECK: Yes, this is what is called an “hypothesis”.
RICHARD: What is the point of providing a quote pertaining to an untested hypothesis when what is clearly being asked for is *the
replicable experiments* which demonstrate that ‘Anthropogenic Global Warming’ is indeed a theory (and not a falsified hypothesis)?
Look, one way to test that 1938 hypothesis (for example) would be to send a high-tech version of Mr. Knut Ångström’s ground-level experiment
(the experiment which falsified Mr. Svante Arrhenius’ 1896 hypothesis) to the postulated height in the atmosphere.
It is most certainly not beyond the realms of possibility because in the late nineteen-fifties/ early nineteen-sixties the United States Air
Force conducted an operation called ‘Project Manhigh’ and on August 16, 1960 Mr. Joseph Kittinger, in an open gondola suspended beneath a helium
balloon named Excelsior III, reached a height of 102,800 feet/ 31,333 metres (almost 20 miles/ 31 kilometres from the earth’s surface) where he
was at the edge of space with 99% of the earth’s atmosphere below him.
Given that lifestyle changes estimated to be in the trillion-dollar range are being bruited abroad on an almost daily basis the price-tag of
such an experiment would be small-change by comparison.

20 Nov, 2006.
RICHARD: One way to test that 1938 hypothesis (for example) would be to send a high-tech version of Mr. Knut Ångström’s ground-level
experiment (the experiment which falsified Mr. Svante Arrhenius’ 1896 hypothesis) to the postulated height in the atmosphere.
COBY BECK: Knut Angstroms experiment was flawed, it did not falsify the theory of greenhouse effect. For your modified replication, what
you need is a tube that is the height of the atmosphere, it needs to be such that infrared does not escape or absorb through the sides.
RICHARD: Thank you for replying. As a tube the height of the atmosphere is a physical impossibility is Mr. Guy Callendar’s 1938 hypothesis
unfalsifiable, then?
COBY BECK: Did you read the papers by Plass?
RICHARD: The first one ... yes; the other three (the ones about the colour of the ocean, water vapour, and laser radiation) ... no.

20 Nov, 2006.
JO-BOB: Okay, this argument is getting circular to the point of ridiculous. Richard ask a question (valid in
my opinion) and Coby
responds by addressing something unrelated. Coby why don’t you just own up to the fact that you don’t have an answer for everything. Your
site nor any of the sites you have linked most certainly do not address the question. Btw did
*you* read the Plass articles? Having not wished to purchase them and thus only having read the abstracts, it would seem that they don’t even
begin to address the question at hand.
RICHARD: Thank you for responding. The first article can be freely accessed by left-clicking the ‘Send PDF’ button at the
following URL:
PDF file now here (accessed 2023):
In total it comprises fourteen pages of mathematical calculations, by Mr. John Strong and Mr. Gilbert Plass
(pps 365-379 in “The Astrophysical Journal” of November 1950, Vol. 112, No. 3), and
indeed it does not even begin to address the question at hand.
Furthermore, on 22 April 1981 Mr. Gilbert Plass wrote that, whilst on the faculty at Johns Hopkins University during that period (1946-1955), he
became interested in infrared spectroscopy – specifically in regards to pressure broadening of spectral lines (in explaining radiative transfer
in the earth’s atmosphere) – and collaborated with Mr. John Strong in the above article because the need for [quote]
“mathematical methods” [endquote], applicable to water, carbon dioxide and ozone, was obvious to him then. Viz.:
Even more to the point, he goes on to state that [quote] “The regions of validity of the linear, square root, and non-overlapping approximations
were considered in this article”
[endquote] and notes that the summary of the [quote] “various models and approximations for band absorption” [endquote] given in that article
had apparently been useful in many later studies requiring [quote]
“mathematical calculation” [endquote] of the radiative exchange by infrared bands.
Thus there is no point in downloading the other three articles (the ones about the colour of the ocean, water vapour, and laser radiation) or,
for that matter, anything else by him.

20 Nov, 2006.
JAMES SHAFFER: From doing my own digging around I have also had trouble finding the science that ‘proved’ that CO2 absorbs infrared
RICHARD: Thank you for responding. The question at hand is not about whether carbon dioxide absorbs infrared radiation: what is being
asked for is *the replicable
experiments* which verify the hypothesis (postulated by Mr. Guy Callendar et al) that adding more carbon dioxide to the atmosphere would change the
height where the absorption took place. Viz.: [Coby Beck]: “Jump ahead to 1938, quote: ‘This rise, Callendar asserted, could explain the observed warming. For he understood
that even if the CO2 in the atmosphere did already absorb all the heat radiation passing through, adding more gas would change the height in the atmosphere where the absorption took place. That, he calculated, would make for warming’. IOW, the lower atmosphere gets warmer”. [endquote].
JAMES SHAFFER: From my college book ‘Meteorology Today: An Intro Book to Weather, Climate and the Environment’ it seems a matter of
basic physics and such that the Visible and some UV radiation reemitted by the Earth in the form of infrared radiation is absorbed by CO2 and
H2O (some not all) thus heating them and they in turn heat the rest of the atmosphere.
RICHARD: It would appear that (for as far as has been ascertainable anyway) those “basic physics” mentioned in that college book are
actually quantum mechanics – and thus are mathematical models.
The following is of interest in this regard:
• “[Jules-Henri] Poincaré put forward important ideas on mathematical models of the real world. If one set of axioms is preferred over another
to model a physical situation then, Poincaré claimed, this was nothing more than a convention. Conditions such as simplicity, easy of use, and
usefulness in future research, help to determine which will be the convention, while it is meaningless to ask which is correct. The question of
whether physical space is Euclidean is not a meaningful one to ask. The distinction, he argues, between mathematical theories and physical
situations is that mathematics is a construction of the human mind, whereas nature is independent of the human mind. Here lies that problem;
fitting a mathematical model to reality is to forcing a construct of the human mind onto nature which is ultimately independent of mind”.

20 Nov, 2006.
RICHARD: Mr. Knut Ångström sent infrared radiation through a tube filled with carbon dioxide. He put in as much of the gas in total as would
be found in a column of air reaching to the top of the atmosphere. The amount of radiation that got through the tube scarcely changed when he
cut the quantity of gas in half or doubled it.
CRAIG: Yes okay, its already been said, but I like this analogy, I found it very helpful. Its like a muddy puddle of water. When the
puddle is muddy then adding more mud to it has no visual impact. But if the puddle is clear then adding a little mud makes a big visual
difference. Its the same with CO2: The more you add the less is the temperature increasing effect of the last marginal unit. If we could
plot a graph with CO2 volume on the ‘x’ axis and temperature on the ‘y’ axis then the relationship between CO2 and temperature would by
described by a curve that eventually flattens out. Correct? The error made in the experiment was that CO2 was way saturated!?!
RICHARD: Thank you for responding. The question at hand is not about whether the carbon dioxide was saturated: what is being asked for
is *the replicable experiments* which verify the hypothesis (postulated by Mr. Guy Callendar et al) that adding more carbon dioxide to the
atmosphere would change the height where the absorption took place. Viz.: [Coby Beck]: “Jump ahead to 1938, quote: ‘This rise, Callendar asserted, could explain the observed warming. For he understood
that even if the CO2 in the atmosphere did already absorb all the heat radiation passing through, adding more gas would change the height in the
atmosphere where the absorption took place. That, he calculated, would make for warming’. IOW, the lower atmosphere gets warmer”. [endquote].

20 Nov, 2006.
HANK ROBERTS: Re putting CO2 into a tube and varying the amount and measuring IR transmitted – this is dealt with at RC by Ray
Pierrehumbert (look for “science fair”).
RICHARD: Thank you for responding. As a search for [RC “science fair” Ray Pierrehumbert] yielded nil results some more information
would be appreciated.
Prof. Pierrehumbert re Mr. Ångström now here (re-accessed 2023):
HANK ROBERTS: And at the AIP History page. There’s a difference depending on air pressure; to simulate the actual effect you need a
tube divided so some of the CO2 is at pressure like that at top of atmosphere.
RICHARD: Whereabouts is that experiment to be found (as in who conducted it and when and where)?
HANK ROBERTS: As for CO2 itself, the old measurements made at sea-level pressure had little to say about the frigid and rarefied air
in the upper reaches of the atmosphere, where most of the infrared absorption takes place. In the early 1950s precision measurements at low
pressure, backed up by lengthy computations, showed that adding more CO2 really would change how the atmosphere absorbed radiation. While the
total absorption might not change greatly, the main site of absorption would shift to higher, thinner layers. And as Callendar had explained,
shifting the “screen” in the atmosphere higher would mean more radiation going back down to warm the surface.
Dead Link: now available here (accessed 2023):
RICHARD: Four (similar) points are immediately obvious:
1. Whereabouts are *the replicable experiments* to be found which demonstrate that most of the infrared absorption takes place the frigid
and rarefied air in the upper reaches of the atmosphere?
2. Whereabouts are those early 1950s precision measurements to be found which demonstrate that adding more carbon dioxide really would change
how the atmosphere absorbed radiation?
3. Whereabouts are *the replicable experiments* to be found which demonstrate that the main site of absorption would shift to higher,
thinner layers?
4. Whereabouts are *the replicable experiments* to be found which demonstrate that shifting the [quote] “screen” [endquote] in
the atmosphere higher would mean more radiation going back down to warm the surface?

20 November, 2006.
HANK ROBERTS: PS, Coby, a plea to prune threads? There’s an awful lot of accumulated bafflegab in
comments, along with the good answers.

20 Nov, 2006.
COBY BECK: Jump ahead to 1938, quote: “This rise, Callendar asserted, could explain the observed
warming. For he understood that even if the CO2 in the atmosphere did already absorb all the heat radiation passing through, adding more gas would
change the height in the atmosphere where the absorption took place. That, he calculated, would make for warming”. IOW, the lower atmosphere gets
RICHARD: At least five points are immediately obvious: 1. An assertion is not science.
COBY BECK: It is an explanation of an observation and surely is a part of scientific method.
RICHARD: Thank you for replying. Since when has the mere assertion of an explanation of an observation (a public declaration
of what an untested hypothesis could explain) been so surely a part of scientific method that it not only negates the experimental falsification of a
previous hypothesis but elevates it to the status of a theory?
COBY BECK: Relax ...
RICHARD: As any admonition such as that is insinuative of an overwrought co-respondent it adds nothing to discussion (other
than an insight into the character of the admonisher).
COBY BECK: ... it was just a first step.
RICHARD: What is the point of providing a quote pertaining to an hypothesis when what is clearly being asked for is *the
replicable experiments* which demonstrate that ‘Anthropogenic Global Warming’ is indeed a theory (and not an hypothesis)?
COBY BECK: You have to start somewhere, with an idea, an explanation, an hypothesis.
RICHARD: As what was explicitly asked for was *the replicable experiments* which demonstrate that ‘Anthropogenic
Global Warming’ is indeed a theory (and not an hypothesis) what is the point of providing a quote pertaining to an hypothesis?
COBY BECK: That was 70 years ago, it is not the end of the story.
RICHARD: As the story has already been read through to the end, thoroughly, what is the point of providing a quote pertaining to an
hypothesis when was specifically asked for was *the replicable experiments* which demonstrate that ‘Anthropogenic Global Warming’ is indeed
a theory (and not an hypothesis)?
COBY BECK: Why are you so argumentative?
RICHARD: As any query such as this is insinuative of an argumentatious
co-respondent it adds nothing to discussion
(other than an insight into the character of the insinuator).
Here is the sequence so far:
1. What was explicitly asked for was *the replicable experiments* which demonstrate that ‘Anthropogenic Global Warming’ is
indeed a
theory (and not an hypothesis).
2. What was provided in its stead (with a gratuitous ‘sigh’ no less) was a quote pertaining to an hypothesis, copy-pasted from the very same
page as an illustrative reason for asking for same was supplied from, complete with a presumptuous statement, an insinuative query and an imputative lecture into the bargain.
3. When it was pointed out that the mere assertion of an hypothesis is not science an obfuscatory attempt was made to force-fit said assertion
into being what was asked for.
4. Upon that obfuscatory attempt to force-fit said assertion into what was asked for being queried an insinuendo (albeit disguised as a
solicitous query) about argumentation, evidently designed to deflect attention away from the failure to provide what was actually asked for,
was all that was forthcoming.
If this comments-section sequence is a typical example of [quote] ‘How to Talk to a Climate Sceptic’ [endquote] then it is no wonder that all
manner of epithets are levied at ... um ... at ‘Climate Believers’.
RICHARD: ... one way to test that 1938 hypothesis (for example) would be to send a high-tech version of Mr. Knut Ångström’s
ground-level experiment (the experiment which falsified Mr. Svante Arrhenius’ 1896 hypothesis) to the postulated height in the atmosphere ...
COBY BECK: Knut Angstroms experiment was flawed, it did not falsify the theory of greenhouse
RICHARD: Please supply some references to this effect (preferably not your own writing).
COBY BECK: For your modified replication, what you need is a tube that is the height of the
atmosphere, it needs to be such that IR does not escape or absorb through the sides. Then you see if the air at the bottom gets warmer when CO2 is
RICHARD: As a tube the height of the atmosphere is an impossibility that instruction is simply risible.
COBY BECK: Did you read the papers by Plass?
RICHARD: Yes ... did *you*? And the reason for this query is best exemplified by what follows (written in reference
to an entirely different matter):
• [Coby Beck]: “For myself, I will confess immediately that the technical issues are over my head, I don’t know PCA
from R^2 from a hole in the ground. (...) I have come to the firm conviction that I do not have the technical background and/or time required to make
a scientific judgment on this issue one way or another”.
RICHARD: 3. Mr. Guy Callendar conducted no experiments to demonstrate that his understanding was evidence-based.
COBY BECK: This may or may not be true ...
RICHARD: According to the web page, from whence the above quote was obtained, it is indeed true Mr. Guy Callendar
conducted no experiments. What he did, around 1938, was to compile measurements of temperatures from the nineteenth century on and find that a warming
trend was underway. He evaluated old measurements of atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations and concluded that, over the previous hundred years, the
concentration of the gas had increased by about ten percent. This rise, he asserted, could explain the observed warming because he understood that, even
if the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere did already absorb all the heat radiation passing through, adding more gas would change the height in the
atmosphere where the absorption took place – and that, he calculated, would make for warming.
COBY BECK: ... but is irrelevant.
RICHARD: Since when have experiments to verify hypotheses been “irrelevant” to the scientific method?
COBY BECK: Where is an experiment that has falsified this hypothesis?
RICHARD: The onus is upon an hypothesiser’s apologist, who has elevated said hypothesis to the status of being a
theory, to provide referenced quotes detailing
*the replicable experiments* which verified same (and is most certainly not upon an interested onlooker, who is simply enquiring as to where
any such verifications can be found, to provide referenced quotes detailing any replicable experiments which falsified same).
COBY BECK: And experiments aside ... [snipped matters not pertaining to the questions at hand].
RICHARD: Ha ... nice try, Coby, nice try indeed.
RICHARD: 4. A calculation in vacuo is not science.
RICHARD: So whereabouts, in that IPCC TAR report (the report explicitly stated by you to include all the basics) is the
basic experiment expressly detailed to be found? Viz.:
[quote]: “2) In a controlled environment, radiation (in the same wavelength as being reflected from the earth) could be aimed
at a gas mixture similar to our environment, and CO2 could be increased and decreased at proportions representing current changes (radiation reflected
could be measured to see what the results might be expected in nature)”. [endquote].
Also, whereabouts on this web site (the site asserted by you to have available the answers to all the questions) is such an
experiment as that to be found?
RICHARD: 5. That quote does not even remotely address the question (whether or not ‘Anthropogenic Global Warming’
remains a falsified hypothesis and thus not a theory).
COBY BECK: It shows why the early 20th century experiment you are hung up on is not falsification
of AGW.
RICHARD: To characterise a co-respondent as being [quote] ‘hung up on’ [endquote] an experimental falsification of
the hundred-year-old ‘Anthropogenic Global Warming’ hypothesis, simply because they respond in the context of a claim regarding a so-called theory [quote] ‘first conceived over 100 years ago’ [endquote], adds nothing to
the discussion (other than an insight into the character of the characteriser).
COBY BECK: You might find the four papers returned by this search informative: Plass on CO2 and
RICHARD: First of all, one of the four papers is about the colour of the ocean. Here is the abstract:
▪ [quote] ‘Using a model which accounts for absorption and scattering processes, the colour of the ocean is calculated. A
Monte Carlo method is used to follow solar photons through the atmosphere and into the ocean. Upward and downward fluxes are found for several
atmospheric heights at wavelengths in the 0.4-0.7-micron range. The colour of the ocean near the horizon is governed by the colour of the sky reflected
on the ocean surface. By excluding the light reflected from the ocean surface, the upwelling light from the ocean may be observed near the nadir. If the
water contains a fixed amount of hydrosols, a deep, pure blue colour indicates relatively pure water while greenish blue or green colours indicate an
increased amount of chlorophyll and yellow substances. Usually an increase in hydrosols causes a decreased purity in colour’.
~ (“Applied Optics”. Vol. 17, pp. 1432-1446. 1 May 1978).
The second paper is about the infrared transmittance of water vapour. Viz.:
• Title: “The Infrared Transmittance Of Water Vapour”; Authors: Wyatt, Philip J.; Stull, V. Robert; Plass,
Gilbert N.; (Publication: Applied Optics IP, vol. 3, Issue 2, p.229; Publication Date: 02/1964).
The third paper is about laser radiation – and it, too, is in the Applied Optics journal
(Vol. 5, pp. 149-154. Jan. 1966) published by “The Optical Society of America”.
The only paper specifically related to the subject of carbon dioxide (“The Effect of Pressure Broadening of Spectral Lines on Atmospheric
Temperature”) is fourteen pages of mathematical calculations by Mr. John Strong and Mr. Gilbert Plass
(pps 365-379, in “The Astrophysical Journal” of November 1950, Vol. 112, No. 3).
And, even so, it is about calculating a net loss of heat radiation, from the various layers of the stratosphere, anyway. For example:
• [quote] “... radiation emitted upward from the wings of lines in the lower atmosphere is not strongly absorbed
by the upper layers. Such radiation is thus free to escape to the cosmic cold. In this paper we calculate the net loss of heat radiation from the various
layers of the stratosphere ...”. ~ (from page 365).
COBY BECK: ... which I was lead to via this paper:
RICHARD: As that document clearly states that, between 1953 and 1959, Mr. Gilbert Plass developed [quote] ‘an early
computer model’ [endquote] of radiative transfer and used [quote] ‘newly available digital computers’ [endquote] to replace [quote]
‘the older graphical methods’ [endquote] why would his work be considered to contain *the replicable experiments* being asked for – let
alone sending a correspondent on a wild-goose chase through articles published by “The Optical Society of America”?
If you have no such experimental evidence to hand which you can provide (such as appears to be the case), then please say so.
• [Editorial Note]: As Mr. Coby Beck never did respond – and Richard’s last response, immediately above, has since been
deleted from the comments-section (mayhap during a thread-prune of ‘accumulated bafflegab’ as requested further above) – then so endeth a sad
and sorry instance of ‘How to Talk to a Climate Sceptic’.
The Third Alternative
(Peace On Earth In This Life Time As This Flesh And Blood Body)
Here is an actual freedom from the Human Condition, surpassing Spiritual Enlightenment and any other Altered
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anyone to be, for the first time, a fully free and autonomous individual living in utter peace and tranquillity, beholden to

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