Richard’s Selected Correspondence
On Mr. Robert Linssen (Living Zen)

RESPONDENT: Here are some quotes from a book ‘Living Zen’ by Robert Linssen published in 1958
Grove Press. (snip quotes).
RICHARD: This is what Mr. Robert Linssen has to say about the essence of Zen thought:
• [Mr. Robert Linssen]: ‘As Buddhism in general and Zen in particular teach us, only the ‘void’ of our particular
perceptions, of our distinct values, allows the divine spirit in us to recognize itself in all things. Such is the essence of Zen thought,
translated into Christian language’. (page 213, ‘Living Zen’; Robert Linssen; ©1958 George Allen &
Unwin Ltd, Grove Press).
Altogether the search engine found 37 instances of the word ‘Divine’ ... here is but one other example:
• [Mr. Robert Linssen]: ‘... in Buddhism there is no allusion to a ‘God’ as distinct from us or outside our profound
being. (...) In most of the higher forms of Buddhism and in Zen, the monks refuse to consider themselves as intermediaries between the divine, the
universe and man. They devote themselves to the exercise of correct attention in order to discover their true nature ...’. (page 54, ‘Living Zen’; Robert Linssen; ©1958 George Allen & Unwin Ltd, Grove Press).
As to what their ‘true nature’ is (also referred to as ‘profound being’ and ‘profound nature’) he has this to say:
• [Mr. Robert Linssen]: ‘After having unmasked the illusion of his ‘pseudo permanent individuality’, the attentive
seeker discovers the profound nature of his being. He experiences this common essence in which things and beings are bathed. From that moment he
sees that he is himself the Reality in such a homogeneity that all distinctions have vanished. That which distinguishes Buddhism from other
religions is total respect for the homogeneity of the Real, the consequences of which are the absolute disappearance of all the dualities of
observer and observed’. (page 50, ‘Living Zen’; Robert Linssen; ©1958 George Allen & Unwin Ltd, Grove
And what is ‘the Reality’ (‘the Real’) that is the profound nature of his being? Viz.:
• [Mr. Robert Linssen]: ‘The Zen Masters and Krishnamurti draw our attention to these dangers [the practice of a method or
the application of a technique]. The Indian thinker points out to us that most of our spiritual transformations only represent a ‘modified
continuity’ of the ‘I-process’. There is a second possibility: that of transformation without motive. It would be partially the expression of
an obscure urge of the Real within us. ‘You cannot choose Reality,’ Krishnamurti tells us, ‘Reality must choose you.’ The presence of
Reality in us is sufficient both for itself and for us. Satori is nothing but a state of availability which allows the Real to be its own law in us
and by us. This law ignores all our methods. Krishnamurti and the Zen masters suggest a ‘non-method’. This cannot come about by act of choice
on the part of the ‘I-process’. How do the processes of choice and convergence cease? Liberation is carried out by ‘Love-Intelligence’ and
not by the ‘I-process’. (page 301, ‘Living Zen’; Robert Linssen; ©1958 George Allen & Unwin Ltd,
Grove Press).
So, just what is ‘Love-Intelligence’? The phrase ‘Love-Intelligence’ returned 21 hits. For an example:
• [Mr. Robert Linssen]: ‘What is ‘Love-Intelligence’? It is the essence and substance of everything, of all beings, of
the ignorant and of the enlightened’. (page 302, ‘Living Zen’; Robert Linssen; ©1958 George Allen &
Unwin Ltd, Grove Press).
And the word ‘Love’ returned 48 hits ... for example:
• [Mr. Robert Linssen]: ‘... liberation cannot be the work of the ‘I-process’. It is Love itself that burns the bonds
of associative and convergent habits. This Love is a state of being which is recreated from instant to instant. It is no longer distinct from
Intelligence’. (page 304, ‘Living Zen’; Robert Linssen; ©1958 George Allen & Unwin Ltd, Grove Press).
Here is how to become this Love (a state of being no longer distinct from Intelligence):
• [Mr. Robert Linssen]: ‘If we allow the omnipotence of Love to work in us we die to ourselves and become nothing but
Love. The presence of this Love in each new instant is then our presence’. (page 305, ‘Living Zen’; Robert
Linssen; ©1958 George Allen & Unwin Ltd, Grove Press).
And this ‘presence’ goes by many names:
• [Mr. Robert Linssen]: ‘Everything is Cosmic Mind, all is the Body of the Buddha, all is the Zen Unconscious’. (page 286, ‘Living Zen’; Robert Linssen; ©1958 George Allen & Unwin Ltd, Grove Press).
The phrase ‘Cosmic Mind’ returned 43 hits ... for example:
• [Mr. Robert Linssen]: ‘... in texts of Buddhism in general and Zen in particular, the terms ‘pure essence’ or ‘the
basis of the world’, or ‘cosmic mind’ or even ‘The Body of Buddha’ are used frequently’. (page 68,
‘Living Zen’; Robert Linssen; ©1958 George Allen & Unwin Ltd, Grove Press).
And the phrase ‘Body of Buddha’ returned 22 hits ... for example:
• [Mr. Robert Linssen]: ‘The Ideas Of ‘The Body Of Buddha’ And ‘The Body Of Christ’: Certain common ground exists
between Buddhism in general, Zen in particular and Christianity with regard to the frequently expressed notions of ‘Body of Truth’ or ‘Body
of Buddha’ (Dharmakaya) of the Buddhist and the ‘Glorious Body’ or ‘Body of Christ’ of the Gospels’. (page
217, ‘Living Zen’; Robert Linssen; ©1958 George Allen & Unwin Ltd, Grove Press).
The phrase ‘Zen Unconscious’ returned 20 hits ... for example:
• [Mr. Robert Linssen]: ‘... it is closer to what Krishnamurti calls the ‘creative void’ or also ‘creative
immobility’. Everything is the Zen Unconscious. All, absolutely all, is Cosmic Mind. Everything is in good total Reality. Nothing, absolutely
nothing, is outside this ‘Totality-that-is-One’. (page 82, ‘Living Zen’; Robert
Linssen; ©1958 George
Allen & Unwin Ltd, Grove Press).
And this ‘Totality-that-is-One’, outside of which absolutely nothing is, is none other than the ‘Divine’:
• [Mr. Robert Linssen]: ‘That which we in the West call ‘Divine’ is represented in the eyes of the Zen masters by the
psycho-physical Totality-that-is-One of man and the Universe. Outside this Totality-that-is-One nothing exists’. (page 134, ‘Living Zen’; Robert Linssen; ©1958 George Allen & Unwin Ltd, Grove Press).
Another phrase for the Divine, outside of which nothing else exists, is the phrase ‘Universal Mind’. It returned 28 hits:
• [Mr. Robert Linssen]: ‘It is written in the doctrine of Hsi Yun (Huang-Po Doctrine of Universal Mind). ‘All the
Buddhas and all sentient beings are nothing but universal mind, beside which nothing exists’. (page 248, ‘Living
Zen’; Robert Linssen; ©1958 George Allen & Unwin Ltd, Grove Press).
Lastly, and just as a matter of interest, Mr. Jiddu Krishnamurti returned 38 hits:
• [Mr. Robert Linssen]: ‘Similarities between Zen and Krishnamurti: points of contact between Buddhism, Zen thought and
the teaching of Krishnamurti are many; so many in fact that dozens of volumes would be necessary to explain them in detail’. (page 236, ‘Living Zen’; Robert Linssen; ©1958 George Allen & Unwin Ltd, Grove Press).
RESPONDENT: It makes for interesting reading in conjunction with the Actual Freedom website.
There seems to be a remarkable similarity in concepts.
RICHARD: You have to be joking, surely.
RESPONDENT: Here are some quotes from a book ‘Living Zen’ by Robert Linssen
published in 1958 Grove Press. (snip quotes).
RICHARD: This is what Mr. Robert Linssen has to say about the essence of Zen thought: (snip quote).
Altogether the search engine found 37 instances of the word ‘Divine’ ... here is but one other example: (snip quote). As to
what their ‘true nature’ is (also referred to as ‘profound being’ and ‘profound nature’) he has this to say: (snip
quote). And what is ‘the Reality’ (‘the Real’) that is the profound nature of his being? Viz.: (snip quote). So, just what
is ‘Love-Intelligence’? The phrase ‘Love-Intelligence’ returned 21 hits. For an example: (snip quote). And the word ‘Love’
returned 48 hits ... for example: (snip quote). Here is how to become this Love (a state of being no longer distinct from
Intelligence): (snip quote). And this ‘presence’ goes by many names: (snip quote). The phrase ‘Cosmic Mind’ returned 43
hits ... for example: (snip quote). And the phrase ‘Body of Buddha’ returned 22 hits ... for example: (snip quote). The phrase
‘Zen Unconscious’ returned 20 hits ... for example: (snip quote). And this ‘Totality-that-is-One’, outside of which
absolutely nothing is, is none other than the ‘Divine’: (snip quote). Another phrase for the Divine, outside of which nothing
else exists, is the phrase ‘Universal Mind’. It returned 28 hits: (snip quote). Lastly, and just as a matter of interest, Mr.
Jiddu Krishnamurti returned 38 hits: (snip quote).
RESPONDENT: It makes for interesting reading in conjunction with the Actual
Freedom website. There seems to be a remarkable similarity in concepts.
RICHARD: You have to be joking, surely.
RESPONDENT: Thanks for your reply, Richard. It’s what I expected – it
confirms that you’re trapped in your own language construct.
RICHARD: Oh? But that is not what you said you expected ... this is:
• [Respondent]: ‘No doubt Richard will focus his high powered linguistic microscope on tiny shades of
meaning and become lost in the minutiae of stylistic differences. (...) I’m sure Richard will be able to invoke other schools of
Zen thought that back up his objections but not all Zen is the same. (Mon 3/11/03 11:47 PM).
Be that as it may ... I have snipped-out all of Mr. Robert Linssen’s words (further above) leaving only my
words: if you can show me where this ‘language construct’ is amongst them which you say I am trapped in it will be most
Further to this point, here is the first of the two quotes, from Mr. Robert Linssen, you claim ‘makes
for interesting reading in conjunction with the Actual Freedom website’ as ‘there seems to be a remarkable similarity
in concepts’ ... Viz.:
• [Respondent]: ‘The author uses the term ‘I-process’ to highlight the illusory character of
identity, seemingly unchanging but borne of process. [quote] ‘Schematically the brain could be drawn as a point or centre of
pure perception endowed with extraordinary sensibility. Everything happening around this point is continually registered as
electro-magnetic perturbations. And though at the beginning they were impersonal and without any individuality, they have become
mechanical memories comparable with those of sound recorders. They accumulate endlessly round our centre or point of hypothetical
perception. Finally this accumulation of memory becomes so complex and dense that secondary phenomena begin to appear. The
memories become so loaded that suddenly by the natural effect of a certain ‘law of mass’, reciprocal action takes place
between the different layers of superimposed engrams. Secondary currents spring up and set off a whole process of ‘parasitic’
phenomena. The Sages believe that consciousness of self is nothing other than a ‘secondary current’, a ‘parasitical
phenomenon’. Thus an entity has been built up on what was a simple impersonal non-individualized process of pure perception. It
has been erected as a result of the impression of psychological solidity given by the complexity of the memory accumulations. So
where there was just one anonymous process amongst the thousands of millions of anonymous processes in the unfathomable Cosmic
Play, a ‘thinker’ is born. And since then we have acquired the habit of considering ourselves as entities’. (Mon 3/11/03 11:47 PM).
I invite you to provide a passage, or passages, of mine – which means from any page on The Actual Freedom
Trust web site that has my name in the URL – which has/ have a [quote] ‘remarkable similarity’ [endquote] to that passage of
Mr. Robert Linssen’s which you chose as an example.
Specifically the passage, or passages, of mine will have to refer to:
1. Richard stating that sensory perception, initially pure and impersonal, becomes mechanical memories
(comparable with those of sound recorders).
2. Richard stating that these mechanical memories accumulate endlessly round a centre or point of hypothetical perception.
3. Richard stating that this accumulation of memory becomes so complex and dense that secondary phenomena begin to appear
(inasmuch the memories become so loaded that suddenly by the natural effect of a certain ‘law of mass’ reciprocal action takes
place between the different layers of superimposed engrams).
4. Richard stating that secondary currents spring up and set off a whole process of ‘parasitic’ phenomena.
5. Richard stating that, just like the Sages believe, consciousness of self is nothing other than a ‘secondary current’, a ‘parasitical
6. Richard stating that an entity has thus been built up (by the accumulation of mechanical memories becoming so complex, dense,
and loaded, that a natural ‘law of mass’ reciprocal action takes place between the different layers of engrams) on what was a
simple impersonal non-individualised process of pure perception.
7. Richard stating that the entity has been erected as a result of the impression of psychological solidity given by the
complexity of the memory accumulations.
8. Richard stating that, where there was just one anonymous process amongst the thousands of millions of anonymous processes in
the unfathomable Cosmic Play, a ‘thinker’ is born.
9. Richard stating that since then human beings have acquired the habit of considering themselves as entities.
When, or rather if, you can satisfactorily provide the passage, or passages, of mine which has/have a [quote]
‘remarkable similarity’ [endquote] to those 9 points we can then address the second quote of Mr. Robert Linssen which you
chose as another example to demonstrate that what I have discovered is not entirely new to human experience.
Over to you.
RESPONDENT No. 53: Richard, I was sleeping last night and having some dream and
I got the sense that something was gonna happen and something was happening and I got this tightening feeling in the back of my
head and at the top of my neck. Its still there almost 5 hours later. Right about where the back of the head curves down to the
neck. This happened at about 3:20am. I woke up instantly and it was like my friend, who I was, was gone. But I am still very much
here but perhaps in a different way. So far it feels like something has changed but nothing has changed. Make sense? Maybe not. I
could elaborate but I will let some time pass. Anyways, since you are an expert in these affairs, perhaps you could tell me what
you make of it, if anything.
RICHARD: What I would suggest, at this stage, is to ask the American Indian, Mayan, Incan, Aboriginal,
or any other from such an uprooted, extinct or rubbed-out indigenous culture and peoples you referred to in another e-mail, as
that person, having already become actually free from the human condition long before I did will have far more expertise than I do
as I have only been apparent for a little over a decade now. It is your call.
RESPONDENT: Nice answer, Richard. Is that the Actualist equivalent of a crack
of the cane from the Zen master?
RICHARD: Ha, the equivalence betwixt actualism and the form of spiritualism known as Zen Buddhism
exists only in your mind ... as is evidenced by your inability to successfully provide a passage, or passages, of mine – which
means from any page on The Actual Freedom Trust web site that has my name in the URL – that has/have a [quote] ‘remarkable
similarity’ [endquote] to that passage of Mr. Robert Linssen’s which you chose as an example of such a correspondence.
Specifically the passage, or passages, of mine would have to refer to:
1. Richard stating that sensory perception, initially pure and impersonal, becomes mechanical memories
(comparable with those of sound recorders).
2. Richard stating that these mechanical memories accumulate endlessly round a centre or point of hypothetical perception.
3. Richard stating that this accumulation of memory becomes so complex and dense that secondary phenomena begin to appear
(inasmuch the memories become so loaded that suddenly by the natural effect of a certain ‘law of mass’ reciprocal action takes
place between the different layers of superimposed engrams).
4. Richard stating that secondary currents spring up and set off a whole process of ‘parasitic’ phenomena.
5. Richard stating that, just like the Sages believe, consciousness of self is nothing other than a ‘secondary current’, a ‘parasitical
6. Richard stating that an entity has thus been built up (by the accumulation of mechanical memories becoming so complex, dense,
and loaded, that a natural ‘law of mass’ reciprocal action takes place between the different layers of engrams) on what was a
simple impersonal non-individualised process of pure perception.
7. Richard stating that the entity has been erected as a result of the impression of psychological solidity given by the
complexity of the memory accumulations.
8. Richard stating that, where there was just one anonymous process amongst the thousands of millions of anonymous processes in
the unfathomable Cosmic Play, a ‘thinker’ is born.
9. Richard stating that since then human beings have acquired the habit of considering themselves as entities.
‘Tis far easier to make an allegation than substantiate it, eh?
RESPONDENT No. 60: Richard, an uncluttered space in which to clarify some key
issues: (snip).
RESPONDENT: And while you’re at it, Richard, take the 3K Challenge. For
convenience here’s a copy of the challenge issued 19 Jan 04: (snip).
RICHARD: Seeing that you have enough spare time to issue challenges why not address yourself to the
question raised on Tue 6/1/04 9:54 AM AEST, and re-presented on Sat 10/1/04 9:05 AM AEST, and again on Fri 16/1/04 1:06 PM AEST,
and again on Fri 16/1/04 3:54 PM AEST, and again on Tue 20/1/04 8:53 AM AEST, and again on Tue 20/1/04 2:17 PM AEST, and again on
Tue 20/1/04 4:37 PM AEST, and again on Tue 20/1/04 7:31 PM AEST, and again on Wed 21/1/04 6:23 PM AEST?
For your convenience here is a copy of the latter part of the last re-presentation:
• [Respondent]: ‘The truth is you will not defend your utterances because you cannot.
• [Richard]: ‘Yet as soon as you demonstrate that my observation (that facts are few and far between for most scientists and
that many of their ‘facts’ later turn out to be flawed methodology arising out of their expectations based upon their belief
systems and/or mind-set) provides a valid basis for your hypothesis (that, even though you would not expect a scientific method to
work in matters of human freedom beyond mundane material matters, in order to try and weave an aura of authority Richard would
have you believe he is like a scientist reporting his findings to the world but shows a basic philosophical misunderstanding of
science and how it works) we can move on to the other matters which arose out of my response to your initial e-mail.
As we could have done long ago had you addressed yourself to the question (aka defended your utterances). (Richard, Actual Freedom List, No.
56b, 21 January 2004).
And while you are at it you could also provide a passage, or passages, of mine – which means from any page
on The Actual Freedom Trust web site that has my name in the URL – that has/have a ‘remarkable similarity’ to that
passage of Mr. Robert Linssen’s which you chose as an example of such a correspondence.
Specifically the passage, or passages, of mine would have to refer to:
1. Richard stating that sensory perception, initially pure and impersonal, becomes mechanical memories
(comparable with those of sound recorders).
2. Richard stating that these mechanical memories accumulate endlessly round a centre or point of hypothetical perception.
3. Richard stating that this accumulation of memory becomes so complex and dense that secondary phenomena begin to appear
(inasmuch the memories become so loaded that suddenly by the natural effect of a certain ‘law of mass’ reciprocal action takes
place between the different layers of superimposed engrams).
4. Richard stating that secondary currents spring up and set off a whole process of ‘parasitic’ phenomena.
5. Richard stating that, just like the Sages believe, consciousness of self is nothing other than a ‘secondary current’, a ‘parasitical
6. Richard stating that an entity has thus been built up (by the accumulation of mechanical memories becoming so complex, dense,
and loaded, that a natural ‘law of mass’ reciprocal action takes place between the different layers of engrams) on what was a
simple impersonal non-individualised process of pure perception.
7. Richard stating that the entity has been erected as a result of the impression of psychological solidity given by the
complexity of the memory accumulations.
8. Richard stating that, where there was just one anonymous process amongst the thousands of millions of anonymous processes in
the unfathomable Cosmic Play, a ‘thinker’ is born.
9. Richard stating that since then human beings have acquired the habit of considering themselves as entities.
This makes it the third occasion I have presented this for your attention ... ‘tis far easier to make an
allegation/ formulate an hypothesis than substantiate it, eh? And perhaps you might now comprehend why I say that facts are few
and far between for most scientists and that many of their ‘facts’ later turn out to be flawed methodology arising out of
their expectations based upon their belief systems and/or mind-set?
Or in your case ... out of expectations based upon an interpretation.
RESPONDENT: PS: The Linssen stuff: boring. I’m over it.
RICHARD: Is this your way of saying that an actual freedom from the human condition is not re-branded
Zen Buddhism after all?
RESPONDENT: It’s my way of saying ‘yawn’.
RICHARD: And thus does another invention of yours bite the dust.

The Third Alternative
(Peace On Earth In This Life Time As This Flesh And Blood Body)
Here is an actual freedom from the Human Condition, surpassing Spiritual Enlightenment and
any other Altered State Of Consciousness, and challenging all philosophy, psychiatry, metaphysics (including quantum physics with
its mystic cosmogony), anthropology, sociology ... and any religion along with its paranormal theology. Discarding all of the
beliefs that have held humankind in thralldom for aeons, the way has now been discovered that cuts through the ‘Tried and True’
and enables anyone to be, for the first time, a fully free and autonomous individual living in utter peace and tranquillity,
beholden to no-one.

Richard’s Text ©The Actual Freedom Trust: 1997-. All Rights Reserved.
Disclaimer and Use Restrictions and Guarantee of Authenticity