Richard’s Correspondence On The Actual Freedom Mailing List With Peter PETER: Sex such a direct experiencing of another – so direct and actual that it leaves what many attempt to obtain in Tantra for dead. I once had a very strong Tantric experience where, on reflection, I had an amazing orgasm accompanied by waves of Love and Bliss. I searched for years after for the same experience but it always eluded me. It appeared to be some elusive carrot on a string, forever to search for. Well, what I have and experience in sex now far exceeds an elusive mirage. It is actual, sensual, and freely available . RICHARD: In Tantra, the aim is to transcend sex by using the sexual energy to produce Love and Bliss ... and thus an ineffable state of being wherein ‘The Truth’ becomes manifest. One ‘rises above’ the sexual centres and resides in the heart. Living from there, if this is carried out to completion, the seventh chakra opens at the top of the head and one realises one’s ‘True Nature’ ... one realises that ‘I am God’ or ‘I am That’ or whatever metaphysical name one cares to use. Over the years I have read perhaps ninety of the books transcribed from Mr. Mohan ‘Rajneesh’ Jain’s talks in order to find the core of his teachings ... he was a great one for being inconsistent. Page after page and book after book would I read wherein what was said today – as fact – was contradicted tomorrow ... or next week. He would boast about his inconsistency – and his sannyasins revel in its licence – but three things remained unchanged throughout all his works. A true sannyasin will end up being single, celibate and sitting in meditation. The Jain religion shines through ... for one who is at all observant. Thus sex for him was a means to an end and not equal to the end. In actualism, the means and the end are one and the same thing. PETER: And the senses being free of churning feelings and emotions such as fear, guilt, comparison, love, duty, etc., are on full alert if you like. Fully here, firing on all cylinders, absolutely no limits to the amount of pleasure shared. To have found an equally sexual other-sex human is indeed remarkable. RICHARD: To have as a companion someone who shares the identical goal in life to oneself is occasion enough in itself for celebration. Then to have the success after success that you have had throughout your time together, is proof indeed of the benevolence and wisdom of a life being well-lived. And as success after success multiplies exponentially, one experiences that the wide and wondrous path to an actual freedom delivers the goods right here and now ... not off into some indeterminate future. Plus the successes are repeatable – almost on demand – and thus satisfy the ‘scientific method’. I am just amazed that this has never been discovered before. Because of the utter proximity of the other in the sensate sexual embrace, a direct experience of the actuality of the other is almost inevitable. The ensuing actual intimacy can cause one to ‘slip through’ into this actual world – initially seen as another dimension from the real world – leaving one’s ‘self’ behind ... where it belongs. Then I am here, where I have always been, and it is always now. Here, I and my partner are perfection personified. Yet there is more ... everything appears to be magically transformed into a fairy tale-like paradise. However, I have always been here and it has always been like this ... nothing has been transformed at all. It was that ‘I’ was standing in the way of this clean and clear purity being apparent. This experiencing is ambrosial to say the least. PETER: That there exists a state that is beyond Enlightenment and includes the free delightful enjoyment of sex is indeed proof of the perfection of the universe – as I experience it actually, here now, right this moment ... and again and again. RICHARD: Speaking personally, I have an active sex-life ... equalled only by gustatory delight. Yet there is no sex-drive whatsoever. There is no instinctual sexual desire operating here in this actual world ... thus the other gender are never viewed as sexual objects. With no aberrant urges to control one walks freely in the world of people, things and events ... a world wherein all people are fellow human beings. It is impossible to stray; to be tempted by an affair or to have a fling simply just does not happen. Without sexual stirrings, both the female and the male body are appreciated for aesthetic reasons alone ... without the natural seduction or abhorrence as felt in the real world. Perfection is indeed already always here ... now. PETER: Richard, I mentioned the other day about radical thought so I thought I would send it to you. Let me know what you think of the definition. Thought: ‘The action or process of thinking; mental activity; formation and arrangement of ideas in the mind. Also, the capacity for this. An act or product of thinking; something that one thinks or has thought; an idea, a notion; specially one suggested or recalled to the mind, a reflection, a consideration’. RICHARD: Thought is a truly remarkable faculty. A clear description of what thought is seems to be desperately needed ... you may find the following exchange illuminating whereby I expand a trifle upon your definition. Viz.:
PETER: The human brain is the most sophisticated development of this extraordinary universe. Not only does it see, hear, smell, taste and touch with its nerve tentacles or stalks, but it can think, cognitise, reflect and communicate, and be aware of itself doing all these things. It also comes in a pretty neat package able to move freely and easily and perform an amazing amount of dexterous activities. The prime activity of human animals that sets them apart from other animals is their ability to think and reflect. RICHARD: Which, of course, means the only intelligent carbon-based life-form on this planet. Intelligence is not only the faculty of the brain thinking with all its understanding (intellect) but the comprehension of itself in the world of people, things and events ... and the quickness or superiority (sagacity) of such comprehension is the measure of intelligence. PETER: Unfortunately this same faculty is the source of so much suffering and angst. RICHARD: I would say: ‘Unfortunately this same faculty cops most of the blame for being the source of so much suffering and angst’. PETER: Given our sense of self and our social identity, so much of our thinking is self-centred producing a relentless avalanche of neurosis. RICHARD: I would say: ‘Given our instinctual feeling of self – and the resultant social identity of instilled values – so much of our thinking is self-centred producing a relentless avalanche of neurosis’. A social identity is a psychological creation manufactured by society to act as a guardian over the wayward rudimentary self one was born with. All sentient beings are born with a biologically coded instinctive drive for physical survival which, when one is operating and functioning with a group of people, is potentially a danger to the survival of other group members. Hence the need for principles and morals and ethics to regulate the conduct of each person ... with appropriate rewards and punishments to ensure compliance. In a well-meant but ultimately short-sighted effort to prevent gaols from being filled to over-flowing, a social identity – a psychological guardian – is fabricated in an earnest endeavour to prevent the offences from happening in the first place. This ‘guardian’ is programmed with a set of values and charged with the role of acting as a conscience over the wayward self. A conscience is made up of a sure knowledge of what is Right or Wrong and Good or Bad ... as determined by each society. By and large this enterprise has proved to be effective – only a small minority of citizens fail to behave in a socially acceptable manner. Something can definitely be achieved in regards to this culturally-imposed social identity ... one can readily do something about it if one is suitably motivated to do so. One can bring about a benediction from the perfection and purity of the infinitude of this material universe by contacting and cultivating one’s original state of naiveté. Naiveté is that intimate aspect of oneself that is the nearest approximation that one can have of actual innocence – there is no innocence so long as there is a rudimentary self – and constant awareness of naive intimacy results in a continuing benediction. This blessing allows a connection to be made between oneself and that perfection and purity which is the essential character of infinity and eternity. This connection I call pure intent. Pure intent endows one with the ability to operate and function safely in society without the incumbent social identity with its ever-vigilant conscience. Thus reliably rendered virtually happy and relatively harmless by the benefaction of the infinitude, one can begin to dismantle the now-redundant social identity. To end the separative social identity, one can whittle away at all the social mores and psittacisms ... those mechanical repetitions of previously received ideas or images, reflecting neither apperception nor autonomous reasoning. One can examine all the beliefs, ideas, values, theories, truths, customs, traditions, ideals, superstitions ... and all the other schemes and dreams. One can become aware of all the socialisation, of all the conditioning, of all the programming, of all the methods and techniques that were used to control what one finds oneself to be ... a wayward ego and compliant soul careering around in confusion and illusion. A ‘mature adult’ is actually a lost, lonely, frightened and cunning psychological entity overlaying a psychic ‘being’. It is never too late to start in on uncovering and discovering what one actually is. PETER: These [self-centred] thoughts are often backed by emotional responses of past hurts, fears, doubts, aggression, etc. which produce chemical responses in the body, giving rise to deep feelings and passions further adding to our confusion. This self-centred neurosis is identified in the East as the problem with humans but they attempt to eradicate only half of the problem. Eastern religions aim to eradicate the ego (who we think we are), while ignoring the soul (who we feel we are). The resultant attack on, or repression of, all thoughts and thinking (not just the self-centred neurosis) results in the complete denial of intelligent thought such as can be readily seen by the East’s lack of technological progress, appalling poverty, repression of women, theocratic empires, etc. RICHARD: The peoples who would have one believe the affective faculty – and not the cognitive
faculty – to be the seat of intelligence
PETER: If there is no God (a radical concept, I know) then humans’ only hope is intelligent, sensible, non-spirit-ridden, down-to-earth thought (another radical concept, I know). To date, most people have trouble considering two radical non-populist thoughts in a row – still it’s early days. RICHARD: Yes. The problem is that to think autonomously – which is to dare to be without subjugation to some power – is deemed to be arrogance. One’s peers will go to great lengths to keep one trapped within ‘humanity’ ... where they are. PETER: Richard, thought you might like this one for an early morning chuckle:
RICHARD: Peter ... oops ... Writer 2, with reference to the E-Mail that the Writer 2 sent to this flesh and blood body this morning, this flesh and blood body found the following exchange particularly insightful: [Peter]: ‘A Gnostic is one who claims to have ‘superior knowledge’ of spirit-ual things (Godly matters) and therefore believes in Gods and spirits’. [Respondent]: Why do you continue to equate ‘knowledge’ with ‘belief’? Gnosis is not the same as belief at all. Do you know the experience of ‘sex’ or after having had it, do you believe in it? [Peter]: ‘The writer 2 has got it now. Whatever writer 1 ‘knows’ is a fact and not a belief. It is getting really clear to the writer 2 by now. The writer 1 seems to have a different definition of Gnosis from both the Britannica and the Oxford, but the writer 1 ‘knows’. Maybe the writer 1 should set Britannica and Oxford straight on his knowing’. The same trait as the Writer 2 noticed in the Writer 1 has been observed by this flesh and blood body on the Listening-l Mailing List. There are two or three ‘Speakers’ who are now talking about an ‘otherness’ that is an ‘experiential fact’ instead of an ‘otherness’ that is ‘The Truth’ like they used to say before this flesh and blood body started writing about the difference between ‘truth’ and ‘fact’. As for the use of ‘real’ and ‘actual’ ... they are now saying that the real ‘what is’ (which is Mr. Jiddu Krishnamurti’s phrase for the Buddhist ‘Isness’ and the Hindu ‘Thatness’) is the actual ‘what is’. When Mr. Jiddu Krishnamurti was asked by someone ‘do you believe then that ...’ he cut them short and said: ‘I have no beliefs whatsoever’. You see, he ‘knows’ the ‘otherness’ ... which is ‘that which is sacred, holy’. This flesh and blood body would hazard a guess that pretty soon some of the writers on the sannyas-list will start co-opting the words of Writer 2. Long before the Writer 2 retires to his couch, the Writer 1 will be saying that he ‘knows’ the DIVINE to be a fact ... because, for the Writer 1, the DIVINE is existentially actual. Oh well, all in all it seems like a lot of hard work, eh? It is a splendiferous morning over here ... and the weather is marvellous, too. PETER: No bleatings of ‘you’re being judgemental’ will work with me – it’s a furphy that’s been bandied around since morals and ethics were first chiselled in stone and devised to silence the sensible. ‘Judge ye not’ is a platitude invented by God-men and other charlatans in order that no one would question the rest of their inane platitudes. It is one of many dimwitticisms, passed off as Guru-wisdom, that have no other meaning or purpose than to keep their followers and disciples under control, humble, grateful, loyal and above all non-thinking. RICHARD: Ha ... ‘dimwiticisms’, eh? Where will this all end ... the English language may never be the same again! Also, I am reminded of something that you wrote on another Mailing List some time ago. Viz.:
I was sitting at the caff the other day, with a woman whom I have never met before, discussing life, the universe and what it is to be a human being living in the world as it is with people as they are. She listened intently and with interest to my story – she was not adversarial – and was seeking to comprehend what I was experiencing (she ran through a short list of the usual spiritual attributes to no avail) until she sat eyeing me reflectively. ‘I see’, she finally pronounced, ‘you don’t judge people’. ‘Goodness me’, quoth Richard, ‘I am as judgemental as all get-out ... surely you are not neutral on all the wars and murders and rapes and tortures and domestic violence and child abuse and sadness and loneliness and grief and depression and suicides are you? Do you not appraise people, things and events and come to a considered opinion as to what is a sensible course of action ... and what is silly?’ She sat a while longer, considering. ‘I feel there is no charge in you’, she said, ‘that is why it is okay to assess’. ‘What do you mean by ‘no charge’?’ ‘No emotions’. ‘Aye ... but more importantly, no identity that needs constant protection by those highly respected feelings’. ‘Then this is indeed Enlightenment’, she concluded, somewhat triumphantly. ‘When I say I have no identity whatsoever I mean it ... I am not God on Earth’. Puzzled silence. ‘I am a fellow human being ... with no instinctual passions nor the ‘self’ engendered thereby’. Bewildered silence. ‘I am talking of the elimination of the instinctual animal ‘self’ that gives rise to the ‘we are all one’ psittacism’. Astounded silence. We may or may not meet again ... she works as a spiritual-group facilitator. RETURN TO THE ACTUAL FREEDOM MAILING LIST INDEX RETURN TO RICHARD’S CORRESPONDENCE INDEX The Third Alternative (Peace On Earth In This Life Time As This Flesh And Blood Body) Here is an actual freedom from the Human Condition, surpassing Spiritual Enlightenment and any other Altered State Of Consciousness, and challenging all philosophy, psychiatry, metaphysics (including quantum physics with its mystic cosmogony), anthropology, sociology ... and any religion along with its paranormal theology. Discarding all of the beliefs that have held humankind in thralldom for aeons, the way has now been discovered that cuts through the ‘Tried and True’ and enables anyone to be, for the first time, a fully free and autonomous individual living in utter peace and tranquillity, beholden to no-one. Richard's Text ©The Actual Freedom Trust:
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