Richard’s Correspondence On The Actual Freedom Mailing List with Correspondent No. 53 RICHARD: (...) the human species has been doing its thing for at least 50,000 years or so – no essential difference has been discerned between the Cro-Magnon human and Modern-Day human – and may very well continue to do its thing for, say, another 50,000 years or so ... it matters not, in what has been described as ‘the vast scheme of things’ or ‘the big picture’, and so on, whether none, one or many peoples become actually free from the human condition (this planet, indeed the entire solar system, is going to cease to exist in its current form about 4.5 billion years from now). All these words – yours, mine, and others (all the dictionaries, encyclopaedias, scholarly tomes and so on) – will perish and all the monuments, all the statues, all the tombstones, all the sacred sites, all the carefully conserved/ carefully restored memorabilia, will vanish as if they had never existed ... nothing will remain of any human endeavour (including yours truly). Nothing at all ... nil, zero, zilch. Which means that nothing really matters in the long run and, as nothing really does matter (in this ultimate sense) it is simply not possible to take life seriously ... sincerely, yes, but seriously? No way ... life is much too much fun to be serious! RESPONDENT: Richard wrote: ‘RICHARD: life is too much fun to take it seriously.’ [snip link to a news item about a recent seismic sea-wave] Yeah fun, fun, fun for every one. Let’s bury the dead .... such fun! Let’s dig out our dead ... fun, fun, fun! Perhaps we should hand them Richard’s method as they bury their loved ones. Perhaps in addition to food, clothing, building materials, etc, we should give them one copy of Richard’s Journal on how to have fun whilst losing your life and your loved ones’ lives. RICHARD: Death is a fact of life/of being born – over 54,000,000 people die each year – and yet, just because of a topical news item, all-of-a-sudden life is not fun? Further to the point, were your platitudinous ‘loved ones’ comments anywhere to be seen yesterday, when maybe 148,000 of those 54+ million people died, leaving x-number of peoples burying their dead ... let alone the day before, when another 148,000 or so people died (and the day before that, and the one before that one, and so on, and so on)? Nope, nowhere to be seen at all ... which indicates that this opportunistic e-mail of yours is, perhaps, nothing more than a cynical cashing-in on the (newsworthy) misfortune of others for the sake of your own promotion. RICHARD: Death is a fact of life/of being born – over 54,000,000 people die each year – and yet, just because of a topical news item, all-of-a-sudden life is not fun? Further to the point ... RESPONDENT: If I may interject, before you go on with your pointless point ... RICHARD: There is nothing ‘pointless’ about drawing attention to the fact that each and
every human being on this planet is but a missed heart-beat or two away from death each and every moment again – that death is
an irrefutable fact to be faced else the purpose of being born be not fulfilled – nor is there anything ‘pointless’
about further drawing attention to the opportunistic nature of cynically cashing-in on the (newsworthy) misfortune of others for
the sake of promoting your No. 53-knows-better-than-Richard grasp of the human condition Thus this entire charade was nothing but an exploitative beat-up from the very beginning ... a charade, I might add, which began with a needless doctoring of both my words and the post they were written in, for I never sent any e-mail entitled ‘RE: jamais vu’ (lowercase), as all the e-mails I posted under such a title had the words capitalised. Viz.:
Nowhere in the archives is there a post to be found with both words in lowercase ... furthermore, I never wrote ‘life is too much fun to take it seriously’ in an e-mail entitled ‘Re: Jamais Vu’ (capitalised), either. More to the point, I never wrote ‘life is too much fun to take it seriously’ in any e-mail at all. What I did write was ‘life is much too much fun to be serious’ ... in an e-mail entitled ‘Re: Feelings’ (capitalised). Why you would take an e-mail, change its title to simulate that of another thread, snip-out what I did write and type in a poorly-remembered version of what I wrote elsewhere, so as to have it be a vehicle for your insincere posturing on the current-time suffering of others, defies sensible comprehension. As does most of your postings ... a computer-count shows that you have posted 651 e-mails to this mailing list since you first subscribed 14 months ago – with 99.99% of them being of a similar self-promotional don’t-listen-to-Richard/ do-listen-to-No. 53 vein – yet you have had, and still have, nothing of substance to say. Nothing whatsoever ... doodly-squat. I have no further questions RICHARD:... a computer-count shows that you have posted 651 e-mails to this mailing list since you first subscribed 14 months ago – with 99.99% of them being of a similar self-promotional don’t-listen-to-Richard/do-listen-to-No. 53 vein – yet you have had, and still have, nothing of substance to say. RESPONDENT: Oh that’s what I am promoting: ‘don’t-listen-to-Richard/ do-listen-to-No. 53’ ... RICHARD: Aye ... and in this particular instance cynically cashing-in on the (newsworthy) misfortune of others for the sake of promoting your No. 53-knows-better-than-Richard grasp of the human condition. RESPONDENT: ... there is no such promotion going on. However ... RICHARD: If I may interject (before you go on to explain the very reasoning which is prompting your self-promotional writing of 657 e-mails to this mailing list): there is indeed such promotion going on ... and in this particular thread it is an opportunistic exploitation of the current-time suffering of others, purely for the sake of that very campaign, as well. RESPONDENT: ... [However] I do think people should question/doubt someone, anyone who insists that they are IT, and the only IT, and all the rest of the arrogant, absurd, factless, baseless nonsense you spout on a daily/ weekly/ monthly/ yearly basis. RICHARD: Thank you for your clear explanation regarding what is motivating you to write so many
e-mails promoting your don’t-listen-to-Richard/ do-listen-to-No. 53 crusade I appreciate your up-front, out-in-the-open, honesty on this matter. RICHARD: Death is a fact of life/of being born – over 54,000,000 people die each year – and yet, just because of a topical news item, all-of-a-sudden life is not fun? RESPONDENT: ... bla bla bla bla bla ... wake me up when its over. (snip). RICHARD: This latest instalment of your drivel And thus does this (Mr. Uppaluri Krishnamurti-inspired) crusade of yours stagger along its myopic way. RICHARD: Death is a fact of life/of being born – over 54,000,000 people die each year – and yet, just because of a topical news item, all-of-a-sudden life is not fun? RESPONDENT: ... bla bla bla bla bla ... wake me up when its over. (snip). RICHARD: This latest instalment of your drivel brings the total of your self-promotional don’t-listen-to-Richard/ do-listen-to-No. 53 e-mails on this mailing list to 658. And thus does this (Mr. Uppaluri Krishnamurti-inspired) crusade of yours stagger along its myopic way. RESPONDENT: As usual, you have snipped, doctored, misrepresented my response to your concerns. No surprise there from the faux-free, from the poseur to end all poseurs. RICHARD: And this is the 659th e-mail of yours posted in the role of a self-appointed crusader against all those that freely expose and/or dare to question Mr. Uppaluri Krishnamurti mystico-spiritual wisdom. RICHARD: Death is a fact of life/of being born – over 54,000,000 people die each year – and yet, just because of a topical news item, all-of-a-sudden life is not fun? RESPONDENT: ... bla bla bla bla bla ... wake me up when its over. (snip). RICHARD: This latest instalment of your drivel brings the total of your self-promotional don’t-listen-to-Richard/do-listen-to-No. 53 e-mails on this mailing list to 658. And thus does this (Mr. Uppaluri Krishnamurti-inspired) crusade of yours stagger along its myopic way. RESPONDENT: Keep on counting ... (snip) RICHARD: I fully intend to – into the foreseeable future that is – as it is currently what is known colloquially as the ‘silly-season’ for TV programmes in the country where I reside. This post makes it 660 e-mails ... for a person (purportedly) not to be promoting a no-change/ do-nothing/
can’t be done solution to all the ills of humankind RICHARD: Death is a fact of life/of being born – over 54,000,000 people die each year – and yet, just because of a topical news item, all-of-a-sudden life is not fun? RESPONDENT: ... bla bla bla bla bla ... wake me up when its over. (snip). RICHARD: This latest instalment of your drivel brings the total of your self-promotional don’t-listen-to-Richard/ do-listen-to-No. 53 e-mails on this mailing list to 658. And thus does this (Mr. Uppaluri Krishnamurti-inspired) crusade of yours stagger along its myopic way. RESPONDENT: As usual, you have snipped, doctored, misrepresented my response to your concerns. No surprise there from the faux-free, from the poseur to end all poseurs. RICHARD: And this is the 659th e-mail of yours posted in the role of a self-appointed crusader against all those that freely expose and/or dare to question Mr. Uppaluri Krishnamurti’s mystico-spiritual wisdom. RESPONDENT: Just in case your computer counting facility goes down, this will be the 660th. RICHARD: Nope ... this is actually the 661st of your ever-increasing litany against the exposé of yet another eastern solipsist in that long line of narcissistic confidence trickers stretching back into the mists of prehistory. RESPONDENT: (...) And stop disturbing me! RICHARD: Now here is a notion for you to sleep upon ... if you were not posting all this drivel RICHARD: Death is a fact of life/of being born – over 54,000,000 people die each year – and yet, just because of a topical news item, all-of-a-sudden life is not fun? RESPONDENT: ... bla bla bla bla bla ... wake me up when its over. (snip). RICHARD: This latest instalment of your drivel brings the total of your self-promotional don’t-listen-to-Richard/ do-listen-to-No. 53 e-mails on this mailing list to 658. RESPONDENT: Keep on counting ... (snip) RICHARD: I fully intend to – into the foreseeable future that is – as it is currently what is known colloquially as the ‘silly-season’ for TV programmes in the country where I reside. This post makes it 660 e-mails ... for a person (purportedly) not to be promoting a no-change/ do-nothing/ can’t be done solution to all the ills of humankind that is quite a mess of pottage, then. RESPONDENT: I’ve woken up ... (snip). RICHARD: Well now, you might as well go back to sleep because it is not [quote] ‘over’ [endquote]
yet ... and this latest drivel You just do not ‘get it’, do you? RICHARD: Death is a fact of life/of being born – over 54,000,000 people die each year – and yet, just because of a topical news item, all-of-a-sudden life is not fun? RESPONDENT: ... bla bla bla bla bla ... wake me up when its over. (snip). RICHARD: This latest instalment of your drivel brings the total of your self-promotional don’t-listen-to-Richard/ do-listen-to-No. 53 e-mails on this mailing list to 658. And thus does this (Mr. Uppaluri Krishnamurti-inspired) crusade of yours stagger along its myopic way. RESPONDENT: As usual, you have snipped, doctored, misrepresented my response to your concerns. No surprise there from the faux-free, from the poseur to end all poseurs. RICHARD: And this is the 659th e-mail of yours posted in the role of a self-appointed crusader against all those that freely expose and/or dare to question Mr. Uppaluri Krishnamurti’s mystico-spiritual wisdom. RESPONDENT: Just in case your computer counting facility goes down, this will be the 660th. RICHARD: Nope ... this is actually the 661st of your ever-increasing litany against the exposé of yet another eastern solipsist in that long line of narcissistic confidence trickers stretching back into the mists of prehistory. RESPONDENT: Wow, that is just priceless! RICHARD: What is actually ‘priceless!’ is your (apparent) inability to see what you are actually doing when you write to this mailing list ... and this post of yours makes it the 663rd time you have done it. PETER: I thought to interject in your recent tirade against Richard. RESPONDENT: (...) I must point out that Richard has been tirading against moi – in his ahem, malice free way, of course. RICHARD: And this is the 664th lot of drivel Is it going to take, perhaps, 1,000 posts before you finally ‘get it’? RICHARD: Death is a fact of life/of being born – over 54,000,000 people die each year – and yet, just because of a topical news item, all-of-a-sudden life is not fun? RESPONDENT: ... bla bla bla bla bla ... wake me up when its over. (snip). RICHARD: This latest instalment of your drivel brings the total of your self-promotional don’t-listen-to-Richard/do-listen-to-No. 53 e-mails on this mailing list to 658. RESPONDENT: Keep on counting ... (snip) RICHARD: I fully intend to – into the foreseeable future that is – as it is currently what is known colloquially as the ‘silly-season’ for TV programmes in the country where I reside. This post makes it 660 e-mails ... for a person (purportedly) not to be promoting a no-change/do-nothing/can’t be done solution to all the ills of humankind that is quite a mess of pottage, then. RESPONDENT: I’ve woken up ... (snip). RICHARD: Well now, you might as well go back to sleep because it is not [quote] ‘over’ [endquote] yet ... and this latest drivel of yours makes it 662 e-mails you have now posted in your on-going crusade (even though you are on record as saying that you are not promoting a self-serving don’t-listen-to-Richard/do-listen-to-No. 53 campaign). You just do not ‘get it’, do you? RESPONDENT: Whether I get it or not is irrelevant ... (snip). RICHARD: 665 e-mails and yet still in denial
If your back-slapping fellow-crusader can clearly see what you are doing in your self-appointed role then why is it you cannot? Viz.:
And just so there is no doubt whatsoever as to what is unifying this righteous cause you have recruited them into joining:
There is nothing quite like being on a mission, eh? RICHARD: Death is a fact of life/of being born – over 54,000,000 people die each year – and yet, just because of a topical news item, all-of-a-sudden life is not fun? RESPONDENT: ... bla bla bla bla bla ... wake me up when its over. (snip). (...) RICHARD: What is actually ‘priceless!’ is your (apparent) inability to see what you are actually doing when you write to this mailing list ... and this post of yours makes it the 663rd time you have done it. RESPONDENT: Of course you know what I am actually doing when I write ... (snip). RICHARD: What I know is what I read – nothing else – and after 666 instances of your drivel PETER: I thought to interject in your recent tirade against Richard. RESPONDENT: (...) I must point out that Richard has been tirading against moi – in his ahem, malice free way, of course. RICHARD: And this is the 664th lot of drivel RESPONDENT: Whether I get it or not, is none of your concern ... (snip). RICHARD: I never said it was ... 667 e-mails and still they keep coming. RICHARD: Death is a fact of life/of being born – over 54,000,000 people die each year – and yet, just because of a topical news item, all-of-a-sudden life is not fun? RESPONDENT: ... bla bla bla bla bla ... wake me up when its over. (snip). (...) RICHARD: 665 e-mails and yet still in denial about what you are doing on this mailing list. If your back-slapping fellow-crusader can clearly see what you are doing in your self-appointed role then why is it you cannot? Viz.:
And just so there is no doubt whatsoever as to what is unifying this righteous cause you have recruited them into joining:
There is nothing quite like being on a mission, eh? RESPONDENT: Keep repeating your latest refrain ... (snip) RICHARD: I already am ... but I thank you for your post-factum endorsement of me doing so, anyway. 668 e-mails ... and still counting. PETER: I thought to interject in your recent tirade against Richard. RESPONDENT: (...) I must point out that Richard has been tirading against moi – in his ahem, malice free way, of course. PETER: It’s quite clear that you still don’t get it … despite the fact that it has been spelled out in unambiguous terms many times over on this mailing list. (...) RESPONDENT: (...) Its quite clear that Richard thinks I ‘still don’t get it’ (...) whatever it is you both mean by ‘it’ ... (snip) RICHARD: 669 e-mails ... and still in denial RICHARD: Death is a fact of life/of being born – over 54,000,000 people die each year – and yet, just because of a topical news item, all-of-a-sudden life is not fun? RESPONDENT: ... bla bla bla bla bla ... wake me up when its over. (snip). (...) RESPONDENT: Of course you know what I am actually doing when I write ... (snip). RICHARD: What I know is what I read – nothing else – and after 666 instances of your drivel RESPONDENT: Isn’t it interesting how the first, last and every free human in between entertains themselves by engaging in nonsensical discussion? I have brought you down to my level your highness. Its fun down here in the gutter isn’t it? RICHARD: Ha ... I have, of course, had this tactic tried on me before. Here is but one instance (from a person with a female name):
This is your 670th e-mail ... and still more coming. PETER: I thought to interject in your recent tirade against Richard. RESPONDENT: (...) I must point out that Richard has been tirading against moi – in his ahem, malice free way, of course. PETER: It’s quite clear that you still don’t get it … despite the fact that it has been spelled out in unambiguous terms many times over on this mailing list. (...) RESPONDENT: (...) Its quite clear that Richard thinks I ‘still don’t get it’ (...) whatever it is you both mean by ‘it’ ... (snip) RICHARD: 669 e-mails ... and still in denial. RESPONDENT: And happily I remain in denial. (snip) RICHARD: So be it then ... 671 e-mails and still counting. RICHARD: (...) Is it going to take, perhaps, 1,000 posts before you finally ‘get it’? RESPONDENT: Whether I get it or not, is none of your concern ... (snip). RICHARD: I never said it was ... RESPONDENT No. 87: Yes exactly and that’s what No. 53 is showing you. That’s what I am showing you. You have NO concern, therefore your millions of words claiming to ‘actually care’ for your fellow man is rubbish and these juvenile loggerheads you are indulging in only prove all the more. RESPONDENT: MONEY ! $$$$$$$ BINGO ! BULLSEYE! ... apparently someone does ‘get it’ and its snot Richard. RICHARD: It would appear that what the real-world needs now is a ‘Sheltered Wankshop’ for confused
cyber-space personalities CORRESPONDENT No. 53 (Part Eight) RETURN TO THE ACTUAL FREEDOM MAILING LIST INDEX RETURN TO RICHARD’S CORRESPONDENCE INDEX The Third Alternative (Peace On Earth In This Life Time As This Flesh And Blood Body) Here is an actual freedom from the Human Condition, surpassing Spiritual Enlightenment and any other Altered State Of Consciousness, and challenging all philosophy, psychiatry, metaphysics (including quantum physics with its mystic cosmogony), anthropology, sociology ... and any religion along with its paranormal theology. Discarding all of the beliefs that have held humankind in thralldom for aeons, the way has now been discovered that cuts through the ‘Tried and True’ and enables anyone to be, for the first time, a fully free and autonomous individual living in utter peace and tranquillity, beholden to no-one. Richard's Text ©The Actual Freedom Trust:
1997-. All Rights Reserved.
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