May 05, 2008
GARDOL: Let’s take one more look at this extraordinary proof:
[Respondent]: ‘[quote]: ‘... furthermore, in the ensuing years, as I proceeded to penetrate deeper and deeper into the state
of being known as spiritual enlightenment, the psychic footprints, as it were, of those who had explored some of the further
reaches of ‘Being’ itself gradually became less and less in number and finally petered out altogether leaving only virgin
territory wherever the (psychic) eye would look’. [endquote]. What did these psychic footprints ‘look’ like?
[Richard]: ‘They looked more or less like the footsteps to be found in the metaphorical term ‘follow in another’s footsteps’.
( ... )
[Respondent]: ‘You say you ‘traversed territory which no enlightened being has ever navigated’.
[Richard]: ‘Presumably you are referring to the words I wrote immediately following the above quote [now snipped]? Viz.:
[quote]: ‘I was truly on my own ... no one had ventured into this terrain before. In other words I traversed territory which no
enlightened being has ever navigated – virgin terrain somewhat akin to the ‘white-out’ experienced in a featureless
landscape of snow and ice – until that ‘Great Beyond’ which has been proposed heretofore to only be possible at physical
death became an actuality whilst the flesh and blood body was still alive. I am, of course, referring to not only that which has
been described as ‘The Peace That Passeth All Understanding’ (only as an actuality and not a fantasy) ... ‘. [endquote].
[Respondent]: ‘Can you explain, in greater depth, how you knew that no enlightened (or unenlightened) being had ever been there?
[Richard]: ‘To keep with the metaphor: not only were there were no footprints there were no markers at all indicating the
passage of another ... no blazes, no droppings, no trampled undergrowth, no abandoned campsites, no discarded equipment, no
parched skeletons, and so on, and so forth. It truly was virgin territory’. [endquote].
All this according to the psychic eye of the cunning parasitic entity inhabiting Richard at that time.
RICHARD: Or, rather, all that is according to the identity who, as a direct result of many
extraordinary experiences beyond enlightenment (where identity in toto/the entire affective faculty is in abeyance),
altruistically ‘self’-immolated, in toto, for the benefit of this body and that body and every body ... an identity for whom,
in other words, the epithet ‘cunning’ could in no way have any application.
As Gardol is evidently determined to squeeze as much mileage as he can out of the particular phraseology ‘wherever
the (psychic) eye would look’ – wherein that (parenthesised) word was specifically inserted only to emphasise that it was not
the physical eye – it is pertinent to note that the word transcendental, for instance, could just as equally been used. For
• [example only]: ‘... furthermore, in the ensuing years, as I proceeded to
penetrate deeper and deeper into the state of being known as spiritual enlightenment, the psychic footprints, as it were, of those
who had explored some of the further reaches of ‘Being’ itself gradually became less and less in number and finally petered
out altogether leaving only virgin territory wherever the (transcendental) eye would look’. [end example].
The same also applies, of course, to the way those footprints, as it were, were characterised ... for
• [example only]: ‘... furthermore, in the ensuing years, as I proceeded to penetrate deeper and deeper
into the state of being known as spiritual enlightenment, the transcendental footprints, as it were, of those who had explored
some of the further reaches of ‘Being’ itself gradually became less and less in number and finally petered out altogether
leaving only virgin territory wherever the (transcendental) eye would look’. [end example].
And here is what a dictionary has to say about that word:
• ‘transcendental: of, pertaining to, or belonging to the divine as opp. to the natural or moral world’.
(Oxford Dictionary).
GARDOL: Just for comparison, let’s see what Richard has to say about the
word psychic in another context:
[Richard]: ‘Generally speaking, the word psychic or psychical in virtually any context refers to anything of or pertaining to
the energies of the psyche or being itself – the soul, the spirit or the self parasitically inhabiting the flesh and blood body
– any non-material, incorporeal, other-worldly, unworldly, unearthly, non-human or inhuman currents or emanations. Any energy
flow which is ethereal, ephemeral, intangible, cryptic, inexplicable, enigmatic, unfathomable and which is instinctual, intuitive,
prescient, telekinetic, telepathic or clairvoyant ... anything extrasensory. It can refer to anything occult, arcane, esoteric or
ghostly – anything to do with witchcraft, sorcery or wizardry (be it either white magic or black magic) – everything
supernatural, supernormal, preternatural, preter-normal, transcendental or numinous ... anything religious, spiritual, mystical or
metaphysical. The metaphysical includes the hallowed, consecrated, sanctified, deified, beatific, holy, divine, heavenly and
sacred – including anything saintly, cherubic or angelic – and the sinful, black-hearted, damnable, sinister, fiendish,
infernal, diabolical ... anything demonic, devilish, hellish, satanic and evil. [endquote].
Wow. It does not sound like a ringing endorsement for Richards’ own ‘psychic eye’.
RICHARD: That is just clutching at straws as words such as supernatural, supernormal, transcendental,
numinous, spiritual, mystical and metaphysical, for instance, appear there ... virtually any of which could have been inserted so
as to emphasise that it was not the physical eye or physical footprints ... for example:
• [example only]: ‘... furthermore, in the ensuing years, as I proceeded to
penetrate deeper and deeper into the state of being known as spiritual enlightenment, the supernatural footprints, as it were, of
those who had explored some of the further reaches of ‘Being’ itself gradually became less and less in number and finally
petered out altogether leaving only virgin territory wherever the (supernatural) eye would look’. [end example].
And here is what a dictionary has to say about that word:
• ‘supernatural: that transcends or is above nature; beyond the natural or ordinary; unnaturally or
extraordinarily great’. (Oxford Dictionary).
GARDOL: And this comment: [Richard]: ‘... thus another
feeling being does not pick-up thoughts as such but, rather, intuitively feels what those psychic currents/ energies convey. Hence
the inaccuracy inherent to psychic phenomena ... but that is another topic’. [endquote]. Inherent inaccuracy eh?
RICHARD: All what Gardol is doing there is further displaying his ignorance of matters pertaining to
the field of consciousness popularly known as spiritual enlightenment/ mystical awakenment ... the psychic phenomena referred to
in the exchange he extracted that section from (such as the telepathy being discussed) is not what Richard was speaking of when he
used the term ‘wherever the (psychic) eye would look’ in relation to that transcendental field. Viz.:
• [Respondent No. 90]: ‘What did these psychic footprints ‘look’ like?
• [Richard]: ‘They looked more or less like the footsteps to be found in the metaphorical term ‘follow in another’s
• [Respondent No. 90]: ‘Can you explain to me what you mean by psychic footprints without recourse to idiom, simile, metaphor
or figure of speech? What exactly is a psychic footprint? What is it comprised of? How and under what conditions are they left?
How are they detected? How can you be sure they were left behind by someone else and not imagined or created?
• [Respondent]: ‘I am also interested in this question.
• [Richard]: ‘The questions you go on to ask (psychic communication) – and the facility you refer to (psychical
premonitions) – is not what is being referred to above (an apotheosised field of consciousness wherein metaphysical knowledge is
directly attainable)’.
List AF, Respondent 74, 04 Aug 05
Not only is Gardol on a hiding to nowhere, with this line of approach, that word could also
have been utilised ... for example:
• [example only]: ‘... furthermore, in the ensuing years, as I proceeded to
penetrate deeper and deeper into the state of being known as spiritual enlightenment, the apotheosised footprints, as it were, of
those who had explored some of the further reaches of ‘Being’ itself gradually became less and less in number and finally
petered out altogether leaving only virgin territory wherever the (apotheosised) eye would look’. [end example].
And here is what an encyclopaedia has to say about that word:
• ‘apotheosised: the apotheosised (divinised) field of consciousness is mysticism’s ultimate goal and
gift to the life of an evolving humanity. It alone is fitted to mediate between the anguish of existence and the serenity of
essence, between samsara (‘cycle of birth and rebirth’) and Nirvana (the State of Bliss)’. (Encyclopaedia Britannica).
GARDOL: Let’s see ... illogical, contradictory,
inconsistent, you know the drill.
RICHARD: This is where Gardol has apparently become so convinced, by whatever it is which strikes him,
that he no longer thinks it necessary to (however ineffectually) argue his case but instead deems that throwaway comment, appended
as it is to those three quotes, to be all what is required for that fraudulent, cherry-picked, sneaky, misleading and remarkably
ignorant sledgehammer-and-blowtorch endeavour of his at repudiation of the whole website and enterprise.
Put succinctly: he provides three quotes totalling just under 500 words as textual evidence and (supposedly)
repudiates them with a mere 30 or so words of his own ... namely:
1. [Gardol]: ‘All this according to the psychic eye of the cunning parasitic entity inhabiting Richard at
that time.
2. [Gardol]: ‘Wow. It does not sound like a ringing endorsement for Richards’ own ‘psychic eye’.
3. [Gardol]: ‘ Inherent inaccuracy eh? [endquotes].
And from that farcical facsimile of a critical examination he irrationally concludes:
• [Gardol]: ‘Let’s see ... illogical, contradictory, inconsistent, you know the drill’. [endquote].
Here is a useful word:
• ‘travesty: a derisive or ludicrous imitation of a serious literary work.; now chiefly transf., a
grotesque misrepresentation or imitation (of a thing)’. (Oxford Dictionary).
| Contents | Part Three; Section Four |
The Third Alternative
(Peace On Earth In This Life Time As This Flesh And Blood Body)
Here is an actual freedom from the Human Condition, surpassing Spiritual Enlightenment and
any other Altered State Of Consciousness, and challenging all philosophy, psychiatry, metaphysics (including quantum physics with
its mystic cosmogony), anthropology, sociology ... and any religion along with its paranormal theology. Discarding all of the
beliefs that have held humankind in thralldom for aeons, the way has now been discovered that cuts through the ‘Tried and True’
and enables anyone to be, for the first time, a fully free and autonomous individual living in utter peace and tranquillity,
beholden to no-one.

Richard's Text ©The
Actual Freedom Trust: 1997-. All Rights Reserved.
and Use Restrictions
and Guarantee of Authenticity