How I Achieved Actual Freedom May 05, 2008 GARDOL: But let’s give him another chance ... continuing
my evaluation: RICHARD: It is not at all odd as Richard had provided (1.) a link to a page which described, as asked by the respondent, how he knew (via extraordinary, not ordinary, proof) ... and (2.) a brief exegesis of what was reported in detail on that page (the experiential, not scientifical, proof) ... and (3.) a terse account of additional extraordinary/experiential evidence which served to reinforce the earlier experiential/extraordinary proof ... only to have it arbitrarily dismissed as merely believing rather than knowing. Viz.:
What really would be very odd would be to tamely accept that the criticaster (Respondent), to whom the word ‘experiential’ is apparently synonymous with the word ‘believe’, actually knows better than the experient (Richard) as to just what to get out of those extraordinary experiences/ that experiential evidence. Hence the expression of incredulity ... as what that would mean, of course, is that virtually nothing of what is on offer on The Actual Freedom Trust web site would have any validity as just about everything written there is experiential. GARDOL: The respondents who write to him about this point have a valid argument. RICHARD: As another look at what the respondent wrote, in the quoted exchange further above, reveals that they specifically refer to having [quote] ‘read the link supplied’ [endquote] already – which is the link that Gardol, quite indicatively, surreptitiously snipped out earlier on – it is not at all a valid argument of theirs to just arbitrarily dismiss that experiential evidence (which most certainly qualifies as extraordinary proof) obtained during many experiences of going beyond spiritual enlightenment as merely being something believed. GARDOL: Richard apparently can’t believe someone would seriously need more proof. RICHARD: Yet he was never proving it to that respondent in the first place – nor is he in the business of proving it to anyone anyway – as he was expressly asked how he knew and, accordingly, he supplied a link to a descriptive report detailing the way or manner in which he did know ... how he actually knew (experientially knew). Viz.:
Just so that this is absolutely clear: if (note ‘if’) the respondent had asked Richard how they too can know, in an extraordinary way, rather than just asking him how does he know (by way of extraordinary proof), they would have elicited an entirely different answer. For example:
Incidentally, if (note ‘if’) they had wanted Richard to prove it to them scientifically then they should never have even mentioned the word extraordinary in the first place. Here is but one instance of what Richard has to say on that topic:
Here is one more instance (mentioned en passant on another matter also pertaining to that particular respondent):
GARDOL: When he said ‘critical examination’, and ‘closest possible scrutiny’, just what did he really mean then? RICHARD: When he said ‘critical examination’ what he did really mean is contained in the remainder of the paragraph Gardol deliberately snipped off so as to fraudulently justify publishing this diatribe of his; what he did really mean by ‘closest possible scrutiny’ is encapsulated in his oft-repeated phrase ‘read with both eyes open’ (as in an antidote to being one-eyed) ... something Gardol is yet to demonstrate any capability of doing. Not all that surprisingly, then, Gardol’s condescending [quote] ‘but let’s give him another chance’ [endquote] intro to this section has, on closer inspection, been exposed for the arrogance it is. Viz.:
GARDOL: Then he goes on again with the psychic footprints and the psychic eye as his proof. RICHARD: And then the dial-a-delusion advocate goes on again with his ignorance of a fundamental feature of enlightenment (that metaphysical knowledge is directly attainable in the enlightened field of consciousness). Here is a useful word:
| Contents | Part Two; Section Two | RETURN TO RICHARD’S CORRESPONDENCE INDEX The Third Alternative (Peace On Earth In This Life Time As This Flesh And Blood Body) Here is an actual freedom from the Human Condition, surpassing Spiritual Enlightenment and any other Altered State Of Consciousness, and challenging all philosophy, psychiatry, metaphysics (including quantum physics with its mystic cosmogony), anthropology, sociology ... and any religion along with its paranormal theology. Discarding all of the beliefs that have held humankind in thralldom for aeons, the way has now been discovered that cuts through the ‘Tried and True’ and enables anyone to be, for the first time, a fully free and autonomous individual living in utter peace and tranquillity, beholden to no-one. Richard's Text ©The
Actual Freedom Trust: 1997-. All Rights Reserved.
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