Semantics; Syntax; Symbols; Linguistics; Words1. Words are not ‘just symbols’ they are accurate descriptions. (...) Words in themselves are not a problem, for
words are a description of something (...) Semantics is only a superficial problem, in spite of those who write profound tomes about it as if it
were the problem in itself. 2. You are blindly repeating your mantra again (‘existence is good, non-existence is not evil’) as if it has some
meaning outside of what is commonly called ‘word magic’ (being dazzled by the syntax of grammar and the semantics of sentence structure rather
than the context and substance of what is being conveyed). 3. It is strange how more than a few people get entranced – or hung-up – on words and sentences (linguistics) ... some
fascination with the mode of description and the describer, I guess, instead of looking at what the word describes. The Third Alternative (Peace On Earth In This Life Time As This Flesh And Blood Body) Here is an actual freedom from the Human Condition, surpassing Spiritual Enlightenment and any other Altered State Of Consciousness, and challenging all philosophy, psychiatry, metaphysics (including quantum physics with its mystic cosmogony), anthropology, sociology ... and any religion along with its paranormal theology. Discarding all of the beliefs that have held humankind in thralldom for aeons, the way has now been discovered that cuts through the ‘Tried and True’ and enables anyone to be, for the first time, a fully free and autonomous individual living in utter peace and tranquillity, beholden to no-one. Richard’s Text ©The Actual Freedom Trust:1997-. All Rights Reserved.
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