protagonist: the chief person in a drama; the principal character or (usu. in
pl.) any of the leading characters in a play, novel, narrative poem, etc. ~ (Oxford
Drama Queen:
The term ‘drama queen’ readily springs to mind:
• [Alan]: ‘It is cold sweats, feeling sick, feeling dizzy, tiredness, heart palpitations and as
for my head, I can’t even begin to explain what is going on in there. And yet at the same time, there is still a sense of calm
somehow. It would be very easy to give up, but having come this far I am determined to continue. ‘I’ says ‘give this
struggle up for now, you can always get it back again’. ‘I’ says ‘You are making all this up, because you think it is the
symptoms you should have. You are inventing something you think you have to go through, just because of what Richard said and went
through. You are just doing it to impress him.’ That is very, very cunning. ‘I’ wish ‘I’ had never heard of Richard. By
early evening I have to go and lie down. My heart is thumping, my stomach is churning, my head is spinning. I think ‘Maybe I am
physically ill’, ‘This is all just a show – what a Prima Donna you are’.
• [Richard]: ‘Yes ... the expression I used to express my histrionics at the time was ‘Drama Queen’. It is amazing just
what comes up ... this is the utter madness of the Human Condition that is normally repressed by all and sundry. Not many people
wish to look at and experience what lurks below the surface. At one stage I can remember that I couldn’t eat anything other than
yoghurt – for about three weeks I think – until I woke up to myself and realised it was all a drama to impress myself that
something serious was happening. Oh, my word, bizarre stuff, and quite a hoot in retrospect ... rather funny at the time too,
actually, although everything was perceived as potentially life-threatening. It is a peculiar business, being a human being. And
many are the people who wish they had never listened to Richard. As I have said before – and will say again and again – it is
not for the faint of heart or the weak of knee. It requires nerves of steel to become free ... but the reward is worth anything
one endures psychologically. It is all a – very real – play in the psyche. None of it is actual.
• [Alan]: ‘It is strange how it is possible to go about the necessary tasks and get things done. Is it that ‘we’
have decided to call a truce until an appropriate time or is it all a load of rubbish ‘I’ am making up.
• [Richard]: ‘This is where one starts to realise that it is all a grand drama one has to play out in order to be here. Of
course, you will go through moments of sitting on the couch thinking ‘nothing’s happening ... have I lost it?’ Then, a day
or two later, when all hell has broken loose one thinks wistfully of that time sitting on the couch with nothing happening! It’s
all okay, no matter how wacky. It is important to never translate one’s thoughts into action. Keep your behaviour as near normal
as possible so as to not attract attention. Keep your hands in your pockets and let the thoughts race’.

The Third Alternative
(Peace On Earth In This Life Time As This Flesh And Blood Body)
Here is an actual freedom from the Human Condition, surpassing Spiritual Enlightenment and any other Altered
State Of Consciousness, and challenging all philosophy, psychiatry, metaphysics (including quantum physics with its mystic
cosmogony), anthropology, sociology ... and any religion along with its paranormal theology. Discarding all of the beliefs that
have held humankind in thralldom for aeons, the way has now been discovered that cuts through the ‘Tried and True’ and enables
anyone to be, for the first time, a fully free and autonomous individual living in utter peace and tranquillity, beholden to

Richard's Text ©The Actual Freedom Trust: 1997-. All Rights Reserved.
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