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Please note that the text below was written by the feeling-being ‘Peter’ while ‘he’ lived in a pragmatic
(methodological), still-in-control/same-way-of-being Virtual Freedom before becoming actually free. |
Trust: Reliance on the integrity, justice, etc., of
a person, or on some quality or attribute of a thing; confidence. Confident expectation of something; hope. One on whom or that on which one
relies. The state of being relied on, or the state of one to whom something is entrusted. Oxford
Peter: Trust is to rely on someone or something else and is taught to us
from childhood as a valued principle, particularly by religious and secular leaders or authorities. Given the appalling track record of both
those in power and the organizations or belief-systems they represent it is baffling that trust still has any credence whatsoever. From an
infants first contact with people any sense of trust is shattered as promise after promise is broken or seen to be broken.
Trust is eventually replaced by confusion, doubt and cynicism, except in religious
matters, where to abandon trust, faith and hope is to live without hope of an afterlife. Often people, when they lose trust in one belief
system, simply change horses or follow fashionably swings, as happened with the current obsession of the West with Eastern religion.
Others aim at developing their trust into a ‘mature’ faith whereby their belief
becomes a ‘truth’ and any doubt is thereby erased by a higher ‘knowing’. Thus one leaves the doubts, uncertainties, injustices and
unreliability of the physical world of people, things and events and puts one’s faith in the metaphysical world – one abandons earthly
trust for faith in the Divine.
Rather than trust, a far more sensible approach is to rely on confidence and surety,
firmly based on facts alone. This avoids having to believe in, trust, or rely on anybody else, and one is then able to re-activate naiveté,
facilitate common sense and be guided by one’s own sincere intent such that a wonderful freedom from the need for any trust, faith, values,
morals or ethics is actualized.