Selected Writings on Our Animal Instinctual Passions

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Our Animal Instincts
Discussions about Our
Animal Instinctual Passions

Audio-taped Dialogues | 2 |
Richard | 2 | 3 | 4 |
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Related Questions/Objections
What Are the
Instinctual Passions?
What to Do with the
Instinctual Passions?
Can I Survive
without Instinctual Passions?
No Instinctual Passions
No Hormones?
Throwing the Baby
with the Bathwater
No Such Thing as Blind
You Cannot Change
Human Nature
Actual Freedom is
Please note that the text below was written by the feeling-being ‘Peter’ while ‘he’ lived in a pragmatic
(methodological), still-in-control/same-way-of-being Virtual Freedom before becoming actually free. |
Instinctual Survival Passions
instinct – Innate impulsion; a natural
propensity to act without conscious intention; spec. an innate. Fixed pattern of behaviour in most animals in response to certain stimuli. Oxford Dictionary
Peter: All sentient beings are born pre-primed with certain
distinguishing instinctual passions, the main ones being fear, aggression, nurture and desire. They are blind Nature’s rather clumsy software
package designed to give one a start in life and to ensure the survival of the species. While absolutely essential in the days of roaming
man-eating animals, rampant disease, high infant mortality, these very same instinctual passions now threaten the survival of the species.
The instinctual passions only ‘care’ for the survival of the
species – the strongest, most aggressive, the crudest. Further, blind nature gives not a fig for your happiness or well-being. We are
relentlessly driven, despite our good intentions and moral codes, to act instinctually in each and every situation in our lives and this is the
cause of all our angst and confusion.
The instinctual program is located in the primitive ‘lizard’
brain and the almost instantaneous thoughtless automatic instinctual response is termed the ‘quick and dirty’ response. The primitive area
of the brain (feelings) makes an initial quick scan of all sensorial input and, if an instinctive reaction is required, the
instinctually-sourced feelings produce a hormonal chemical response almost instantaneously flooding the body and neo-cortex (thoughts),
which then inevitably causes an automatic and unfettered emotional response – hence an instinctive thoughtless reaction
becomes an instinctual passionate reaction.
Thus one is ‘overcome’ by feelings of despair or sadness, ‘overwhelmed’
with rage or anger, ‘compelled’ to blindly defend one’s ‘own’ and relentlessly ‘driven’ by sexual urges – regardless of the
sensibleness and appropriateness of the action.
Fear hobbles us with a desperate
need to huddle together, belong to a group, to seek solace in tradition and the past, to cling on to whatever possessions and beliefs we hold
dear to ourselves, to frantically resist change and, as death approaches, desperately seek immortality.
Aggression causes us to fight
for our territory, our possessions, our ‘rights’, for those we consider our ‘own’ and for our treasured beliefs. We fight for power
over others lest they have power over us, or throw our lot in to fight for someone who offers us their power and protection. We lash out at
others for no apparent reason and when control breaks down the innate lust to kill, maim and torture readily surfaces as is evidenced by the
fact that 160,000,000 people have been killed in wars this century alone and repression, torture, domestic violence, rape, sexual abuse,
persecution, corruption, murder and suicide are endemic to the Human Condition.
Nurture causes us to care for,
comfort and protect those we consider our ‘own’ and leads to dependency, jealousy, empathy, duty, sacrifice and needless heroism. When
nurture fails within the species, as it inevitably does, we turn to animals, pets, trees, ‘endangered’ species, ‘mother’ earth and
other non-reciprocating, safe objects.
Desire drives us to sexual avarice
and a blind urge to impregnate, procreate and reproduce ourselves – come what may. The relentless desire to accumulate, amass, covert,
dominate, control and obliterate is the direct cause of poverty, corruption, hunger and famine.
The Holy pretence of rising above the animal-instinctual mortal
into the good, Divine and immortal is but a delusion and has failed to curb the ongoing instinctual violence and suffering of sentient human
beings. The belief that instincts are a constant fixed program ‘you can’t change human nature’ or we are feeling beings’ is forever
dooming this planet to the human-made hell it really is, as directly experienced by the many or watched in comfort and comparative safety on TV
reports by the few.
Contrary to popular belief instinctual passions are not ‘hardware’ but ‘software’
and as such they can be deleted – thereby paving the way for the possibility of actual peace on earth. The time is now ripe and most humans,
given sufficient will and intent , are now capable of weakening the chemical stranglehold that instinctual passions have on their thoughts and
behaviour to such an extent that they can become virtually free of their influence. Then, and only then, is it possible that their elimination
will occur through a mutation in the brain-stem causing a total and complete disconnection from their source in our primitive animal brain.