Please note that some text below was written by the feeling-being ‘Peter’ while ‘he’ lived in a pragmatic
(methodological), still-in-control/same-way-of-being Virtual Freedom before becoming actually free. |
infinite –– Having no limit or end; boundless,
endless; immeasurably great in extent, duration, degree. Oxford Dictionary
Peter: Seems pretty clear to me, but in the dictionary there
was also the following quote from a leading cosmologist, Paul Davies – ‘Measuring the infinite must rank as one of
the greatest enterprises of the human intellect.’ So the scientists are busy trying to measure infinity, but if it can be
measured, surely then it is not infinite. No wonder they get their ‘knickers in a twist’. If the universe is not infinite, then it must
have an edge – or a hole – and what lies beyond the edge? Is ‘what is beyond the universe’ then infinite or does that, in turn, have an
edge. To follow the theories, imaginations and fairy-tales of the theoretical cosmologists clearly involves leaving fact and common sense
behind and indulging in eastern mysticism.
To contemplate the fact that the physical universe is indeed infinite and that there is no ‘outside’
to it, neither physically nor metaphysically, has profound implications for us as human beings. To accept the unerring challenge that facticity
offers, results in the most thrilling journey of discovering ‘what’ one is as a human being, rather than blindly accepting the
imaginations, illusions, myths, beliefs, deceptions and biological programming that form ‘who’ one thinks and feels oneself to be.

infinitude –– The quality or
attribute of being infinite or having no limit, extent, amount; boundlessness. A boundless expanse; an unlimited time, immensity, vastness,
indefinitely great amount, unrestricted, lasting for ever, never-ending,; infinite in past and future duration. Limitless, illimitable,
unbounded, endless, unending, never-ending, without end; inexhaustible, unceasing, everlasting; immeasurable, measureless, incalculable,
unfathomable, fathomless, indeterminable, inestimable, extensive, innumerable, countless, numberless, inexhaustible, bottomless. Eternal,
perpetual, abiding, enduring, non-stop, incessant, ceaseless, constant, continual, continuous, uninterrupted, enduring, permanent, immutable,
indestructible, imperishable, persistent, perpetual. Oxford Dictionary
Richard: Being here
now as this flesh and blood body only – sans identity – enables the infinitude of the universe to be apparent. This physical universe’s
time is eternal and its space is infinite ... this is what ‘infinitude’ means. As time is eternal – just as space is infinite – to be
here now as this flesh and blood body only is to be living an ongoing experiencing of this infinitude of this very material universe (using
the word ‘infinitude’ in its ‘a boundless expanse and an unlimited time’ meaning).
Therefore, infinitude – having no opposite and thus being
perfection itself – is personified as a human being ... a flesh and blood body only. Hence: ‘I am the material universe experiencing
itself as a sensate and reflective human being’ or ‘I am the experience of infinitude’. The infinite character of physical space,
coupled with the eternal character of time, produces a here and now infinitude that can be understood experientially by one who is
To grasp the character of infinitude with certainty,
the reasoning mind must forsake its favoured process of intellectual understanding through logical and/or intuitive imagination and enter into
the realm of a pure consciousness experience (apperception). In a PCE – which is where there is no ‘I’ or ‘me’ extant – the
essential characteristics of infinitude are transparently obvious, lucidly self-evident, clearly apparent and open to view.
There is a distinct difference between the word ‘eternal’ and the word ‘timeless’.
The word ‘timeless’ is very explicit ... no time (just like ‘selfless’ means no self) as in not subject to time, not affected by the
passage of time, out of time, without reference to time and independent of the passage of time. The word ‘eternal’ means all time, as in
that which will always exist, that which has always existed, that which is without a beginning or an end in time, that which is everlasting,
permanent, enduring, persistent, recurring, incessant, indestructible, imperishable, constant, continuous, continual, unbroken and thus
interminable and valid for all time.
However, just as there are those who corrupt ‘selfless’ into meaning ‘a not selfish self’,
there are those who corrupt ‘timeless’ into meaning ageless, ceaseless, changeless ... which are time-words more applicable to ‘eternal’.