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Excellence Experience

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Virtual Freedom
Pure Consciousness Experience

Please note that the text below was written by the feeling-being ‘Peter’ while ‘he’ lived in a pragmatic
(methodological), still-in-control/same-way-of-being Virtual Freedom before becoming actually free. |
Excellence Experience
Peter: I think it may be useful that we coin another term for
that lingering on the edge of a PCE or that almost, but not quite, 99% PCE. There is a woman who describes this as an ‘excellence experience’
– the best one can be while the ‘self’ is still present. It is most definitely not a PCE for one can look inside, as it were and there is
still a ‘me’ as a feeler and an ‘I’ as a thinker but it is so far above normal it is worthwhile naming and labelling.
The benefit of this acknowledgement for an actualist is that these experiences are
the proof of the pudding that one’s effort is bringing reward. The idea is to expand these ‘excellence experiences’ until one can go to
bed at night-time saying that one has had a 99% perfect day in the world as-it-is, with people as-they-are. This is no small thing in a world
where doom and gloom is the norm and were escaping to the self-deception and fantasy of yet another world, is held to be the ‘only’
So, what I am proposing is a new term – an excellence experience – in order that
we don’t get into the spiritual trap of watering down experiences and confusing terms such as in the fashionable interposing of Awakened and
Enlightened. Thus Virtual Freedom – living in an almost constant experience of excellence – is a prerequisite stage for an actualist prior
to Actual Freedom.
Once one can reach this stage, it is then possible to begin the next stage of dismantling the tender
emotions, exactly as Richard did in his years between Enlightenment and Actual Freedom. This is more subtle, and in many ways more demanding,
work for this is entirely new territory – way out beyond both normal and completely opposite to spiritual. Because of this, a considerable
period of gaily living via common sense, freed of emotional turmoil, is vital and a necessary preparation for the final and irrevocable step
into an actual freedom from the human condition.