Correspondence about
The Actual Freedom Trust Website
A Matter of Propriety

VINEETO: If you still agree to use your name ‘Srid’ instead of ‘Respondent
No. 1’ (as verbally discussed on the last day of your visit), I would like to receive a short note from you giving your agreement which I can
then stick at the top of your report and of your correspondence pages with Richard.
SRID: yes, i’m fine with using ‘srid’ instead of ‘respondent no. 1’ on the AF
website. i understand that the name would be used in the following pages, , in addition to that published trip
summary . Srid to Vineeto 12.8.2013
Continued from Directors Correspondence: A Matter of Style
May 5 2009
Re: AF website mirror
SRID: I’ve setup a mirror of the original AF website. http://afmirror.[deleted].org/ In case
the original site momentarily goes down (which it does), or if you like the new design, you can use this. To download the entire website (not just
the ‘lite’ version of it), see: http://afmirror.[deleted].org/download.html. (Message No. 5084)
RICHARD: G’day Srid,
Upon reading your above post I took the rather unusual step of subscribing to this forum solely for the purpose of asking you,
as one fellow human being to another fellow human being, to take down your unauthorised and thus unlawful version of The Actual Freedom Trust web
site forthwith.
To explain: the integrity of The Actual Freedom Trust web site – the accurate presentation of its authors’ writings and
thus its implicit guarantee of reliability in regards authenticity – obviously depends upon the capacity of its authors (or their duly nominated
representatives) to have password-protected editorial and authorial access to and control of the entirety of its contents.
The imprimatur of the (legally registered) name ‘The Actual Freedom Trust’ on each and every page is this implicit
guarantee of reliability.
Your unauthorised usage of that (legally registered) name on virtually every page of your so-called ‘mirror’ website renders that implicit guarantee of reliability, in regards authenticity, completely worthless as the directors of The Actual
Freedom Trust quite evidently do not have password-protected editorial and authorial access to and control of any of its contents.
Furthermore, your unauthorised usage of that (legally registered) name is a criminal offence.
Given that you are an IT professional (working for Microsoft Corporation apparently) it is highly unlikely that you could be
ignorant of the fact that millions of websites around the world have words to the following effect displayed:
[quote] Terms And Conditions: This website and its contents are intended solely for personal, non-commercial use by the users
of this website. Users may download or copy the contents displayed on the this website for the sole purpose of using this website as a personal
resource. No right, title, or interest in any downloaded materials is transferred to a user as a result of any such downloading or copying. Users
may not reproduce, publish, transmit, distribute, display, mirror, modify, sell or participate in any sale of, or exploit in any way, in whole or
in part, any of the contents of this website. Users may not copy or use the materials for others or mirror any material contained on this website
on another web site or any other server. [endquote].
Indeed, the following search-string alone returned nearly 2,000,000 hits on an internet search-engine:
[quote] may not, without prior written permission, mirror any material contained on this site on any other server [endquote].
Moreover, as an IT professional you must surely be aware of illegitimate activities known as ‘spoofing’ and/or ‘phishing’
– the illicit access to information through the creation of mirror websites which redirect communications, credit card numbers and other personal
and financial details for criminal gain – as well as ‘spamdexing’ insofar search engines generally do not favour identical/ mirror websites
because they could otherwise be tricked into higher rankings (via spamming, cloaking, doorway pages, for instance) and penalise or remove an
offending site from its index.
In short: your unauthorised and thus unlawful version of The Actual Freedom Trust web site potentially compromises not only
its ability to ensure user confidence, in regards personal and financial details, but also its capacity to be searchable.
A random perusal of your so-called ‘mirror’ website revealed links not working (the one to a free download, for instance), images missing (in the introduction pages, for example),
image/ text-flow relationship out of kilter (due to uncompensated font-size increase) and more than a few pages missing outright.
As an IT professional that is, quite frankly, just shoddy workmanship.
However, the words [quote] ‘Web page designed by The Actual Freedom Trust’ [endquote] which appear at the bottom of 400+
pages on your unauthorised and thus unlawful website – apart from being an out-and-out lie as it is your bastardised version – undeniably
conveys to its readers that the design and layout displayed is the fault of peoples either actually free and/or virtually free of the human
To use a cliché: that is not a good look.
Which brings all this to the crux of the matter: your adamantine conviction that The Actual Freedom Trust web site is ugly and
that your version is beautiful. Vis.:
From: Srid, Date: Sun, 6 Jan 2008 Subject: Beautifying the Actual Freedom Website
Does anyone else too find the website design ugly? I have a simple workaround here, [snip link]. Cheers, Srid
Yet even though you engaged in a rather extensive email exchange with the directors of The Actual Freedom Trust less than a
year ago (../directorscorrespondence/02AMatterofStyle.html) on the topic of aesthetics you evidently remain convinced that your taste in web design
is superior to that of the directors – despite one being a university-qualified architect; another being a college-qualified in the fine arts;
another being a trade-qualified as a graphic artist; and another having nearly a decade’s experience in web design and layout – to the point
that you have now (apparently) been driven by that conviction to engage in illegitimate acts and commit criminal offences.
Even more to the point: in view of the fact that you have been, and still are, soliciting donations for your modified version
of The Actual Freedom Trust website (at, a ‘Terms And Conditions’ text, similar to the ubiquitous example presented
further above, has now been added onto the ‘Disclaimer’ on the website as the words contained therein [quote] ‘may not ... modify, sell ...
or exploit in any way ...’ [endquote] should cover your parasitical profit-at-others-expense type of activity as well.
For your information: the directors of The Actual Freedom Trust have, over the years, expended tens of thousands of scarce
dollars of their own moneys (plus tens of thousands of unpaid hours) to create, maintain, and provide the millions of words currently available for
free on the internet– it is only in recent years that the sale of non-essential items have been sufficient to barely cover the basic ongoing
costs of the enterprise – and to have someone professing an interest in what is on offer seek a monetary gain off the back of this philanthropic
contribution to the advancement of human knowledge is a classic example of the human condition in action in all its crass opportunism.
Lastly, and purely as an example of unintended consequences, your meddling in matters beyond your ken puts at risk the
continued viability of many of the copyrighted images in the introduction pages: specifically, it cost upwards of $2,000 to procure limited rights
to legally republish those images – ‘limited rights’ meaning on the explicit condition they are restricted for use only on The Actual Freedom
Trust web site (for free) and as giveaway inclusions (for free) on its associated DVDs – and are not to be used for commercial purposes ... else
they would have cost an impossible-to-pay commercial price.
Please, take down your unauthorised and thus unlawful version of The Actual Freedom Trust web site forthwith.
Regards, Richard.

May 6 2009
Re: AF website mirror
SRID: I’ve setup a mirror of the original AF website. http://afmirror.[deleted].org/ In case
the original site momentarily goes down (which it does), or if you like the new design, you can use this. To download the entire website (not just
the ‘lite’ version of it), see: http://afmirror.[deleted].org/download.html
RICHARD: G’day Srid, Upon reading your above post I took the rather unusual step of subscribing to this forum solely
for the purpose of asking you, as one fellow human being to another fellow human being, to take down your unauthorised and thus unlawful version of
The Actual Freedom Trust web site forthwith.
SRID: There is no way for me to know that you are Richard of the Actual Freedom Trust simply
from your Yahoo! Groups member profile which is currently linked to: In
regards to responses related to permission to host a mirror, can you email me from your address – just for legal records?
RICHARD: A verifying email has been sent to you from the directors of The Actual Freedom Trust ... the main part of
which reads as follows:
In regards to your online request, dated Tuesday, the 5th of May, 2009, for a verifying email from an ‘’
address we hereby confirm that the following text (below the signature line) is copied from what Richard posted to you – at the very same online
forum where, on Saturday, the 2nd of May, 2009, you publicly invited usage of your version of The Actual Freedom Trust web site which
you had made available to all and sundry in the public domain – wherein Richard courteously asked you, after explaining why, to take down your
unauthorised and thus unlawful version of The Actual Freedom Trust web site forthwith.
There is no need to reply to this verifying email.
Yours Sincerely,
The Directors.
The Actual Freedom Trust.
RICHARD: To explain: the integrity of The Actual Freedom Trust web site – the accurate presentation of its authors’
writings and thus its implicit guarantee of reliability in regards authenticity – obviously depends upon the capacity of its authors (or their
duly nominated representatives) to have password-protected editorial and authorial access to and control of the entirety of its contents.
RICHARD: I am pleased to see you have acknowledged what is, essentially, the primary reason for the absolute retention
of proprietorial rights as it is vital that the imprimatur of the legally registered name ‘The Actual Freedom Trust’, on each and every page,
continues to stand for an implicit guarantee of reliability in regards authenticity and accuracy in presentation.
A badge, if you will.
And any blot on that escutcheon, as it were, is not something which I personally, or the directors generally, take lightly as
the evidence of history bears due witness to the divisiveness which different versions/ competing translations, of what somebody once said long
ago, inevitably brings about.
As equally important is to prevent each and any attempt to water-down what is, without a doubt, such a radical departure from
anything preceding it.
The very meaning-of-life and peace-on-earth are at stake.
Both an actual and a virtual freedom from the human condition, being such priceless discoveries, deserve whatever vigilance it
takes to preserve the authenticity and accuracy in presentation of what will be of interest to both practitioners and academics in the years/the
centuries to come.
Again, I am pleased to see your acknowledgement.
[... snip ...]
RICHARD: Please, take down your unauthorised and thus unlawful version of The Actual Freedom Trust web site forthwith.
SRID: I have disabled it from public access ...
RICHARD: Thank you ... and I appreciate your promptness.
Now that you have the verification you asked for, please take it down completely. Vis.:
[quote] NearlyFreeSpeech ... Offline Site ... ‘You have requested a site that is currently offline. This generally happens
when a site is temporarily disabled for some reason, but has not been permanently removed’. (http://afmirror. [deleted].org/).
[... snip ...]
SRID: PS: (If you are the Richard of The Actual Freedom Trust) parts of your email did make my
heart throb faster (attacking ‘me’, I think) ...
RICHARD: Oh, there was no need for any ‘attacking’ on my part. It was the very act of taking, without permission,
the end result of other peoples’ decade-long endeavour and then publicly re-presenting a bastardised version in their name which brought about an
equally public reminder that there are quite valid reasons why such a course of action should never have been contemplated in the first place.
Let alone being acted upon.
If nothing else, legal deterrents surely would give anyone pause for thought, in regards intellectual property, as under
section 1204 of the 1998 DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act), for a general example, penalties range up to a $500,000 fine, or up to five years
imprisonment, for a first offence and up to a $1,000,000 fine, or up to 10 years imprisonment, for subsequent offences.
The DMCA legislation implements two 1996 World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) treaties – the WIPO Copyright
Treaty and the WIPO Performances and Phonograms Treaty – as well as addressing a number of other significant copyright-related issues.
Speaking personally, I am always aware of the ‘Fair Use’ copyright laws, for instance, when quoting from publications on
my portion of The Actual Freedom Trust web site.
SRID: ... but I am glad that those triggers did not lead to any stable unpleasant
feeling states; and thus enabled me to reply normally.
RICHARD: ‘Tis good to hear that.
Speaking of which: the various queries and points you raised (in the snipped sections above) will have to wait for another
email as I am currently elsewise occupied.
Regards, Richard.
Discussion continued on Mailing List D

The Third Alternative
(Peace On Earth In This Life Time As This Flesh And Blood Body)
Here is an actual freedom from the Human Condition, surpassing Spiritual Enlightenment and any other Altered
State Of Consciousness, and challenging all philosophy, psychiatry, metaphysics (including quantum physics with its mystic cosmogony),
anthropology, sociology ... and any religion along with its paranormal theology. Discarding all of the beliefs that have held humankind in
thralldom for aeons, the way has now been discovered that cuts through the ‘Tried and True’ and enables anyone to be, for the first time, a
fully free and autonomous individual living in utter peace and tranquillity, beholden to no-one.

The Director’s Text ©The Actual Freedom Trust: 1997-. All Rights Reserved.
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