Vineeto’s Correspondence to Mailing List C Correspondent No. 22
RESPONDENT: I is not a singular pronoun. It is a collective pronoun. It is THE collective pronoun. The only I is the I we are. Present-centered consciousness is the God-realized activity of Self. I’m wanting to avoid esoteric sentences. That last one was too far out. We never find God because we look for God outside ourselves or in ourselves and God is neither outside or inside but is the us. Never mind. I won’t go on. Maybe I’ve provoked something for us to talk about. VINEETO: I must admit I had your letter sitting in my Inbox for a few days, looking at it and being completely baffled as to what you mean by your statement. Do you mean, that with whatever you say you speak for everyone else? Do you mean, when I go to the toilet, everyone goes to the toilet? If ‘God is the us’, as you say, why do you then call ‘us’ God. Why not just call us what we are: human beings. If all 5.8 billion people are God, what’s the point of calling them God? The outcome is, as you admitted, ‘esoteric sentences’. Why do you have to bring the concept of God into the matter? But then, you have given the answer in the first part of your letter: RESPONDENT: I want to simply comment on your ‘I am the body, aren’t I? What else could I be?’ questions. I don’t think those questions, however, can be answered with the logical brain as you are attempting to do. You seem to be leaving out all magic, all shamanism. Maybe you’re not and I’ve missed it. VINEETO: There are three ways to experience the world: cerebral, affective and sensate. In the spiritual teaching there are usually only two ways mentioned – cerebral and affective. The cerebral is condemned, which leaves only one accepted way to experience the world – the affective. So if I am not affective, feeling – I must be cerebral, logical. And you seem to say that affections have the magic, love has the magic. I have known both the powerful emotional ‘magic’ and shamanism (a very appropriate word!) of Divine Love and the pure magic of Actual Freedom in various peak-experiences. An actual freedom from both the ‘self’ and the ‘Self’ reveals the magical fairy-tale-like innocence, purity and perfection of the physical universe. This physical universe is already perfect as it is – only human beings, acting out their different constructs of instinctual passions, feelings and imaginations, are not perfect. They kill each other every day, for exactly those instincts, feeling and imaginations! Once you discover or re-discover the actual world as a sensate human being, the magic is obvious, self-evident and actual. And it is pure – pure because there is no ‘self’ or ‘Self’ present or ‘present-centred’ to mess things up, to control, interpret, distort or pollute. I am simply doing what is happening, like now, I am typing and listening to piano-lessons in the background. Delicious, thrilling, alive, sparkling and wonderfully simple. VINEETO: I had a two weeks off since the last outbreak of objections because our local server was out of order. And I have noticed that I now indeed prefer to write on our Actual Freedom mailing list to whoever wants to continue the conversation. Of course, if someone talks about a subject that twigs me I will join the conversation on this list, there is no promise to keep my mouth shut. So, I have no idea what is going to happen. But then, nobody knows what is going to happen anyway. Or do you? Do you know what is going to happen after you read this mail? Will you respond or not? Will you be pissed off or bored? Or amazed? Or none of it? We don’t know what is going to happen in the next moment, and that makes life so fascinating ... if there is no fear, that is. You wrote before the Christmas break: RESPONDENT: No, I don’t mean that in the physical world we live and dream in there is no individual body which we call ‘I’, but that, in fact, the I-ness that is not the body/mind is a shared and common consciousness. That is my current understanding. You have obviously gone much further in discovering and understanding these questions. VINEETO: Yes, actually, I have. As much as someone is an expert in repairing a car, in selling chai or in cooking a gourmet meal, I am now an expert in becoming free from the Human Condition – because I have done it and I know how I did it.
I have become free of all those expressions of the Human Condition, and I know how I did it, what method I applied, what obstacles I met on the way. Anybody who wants to can now become free in a similar way, there is no mystery about it and no Divine Grace required. It is all in your reach, you just have to take it into your hands and reclaim responsibility for your life and your deeds. I had the experience of an altered state of consciousness and managed to come back into the actual world, and I experienced the in and out of the state of ‘universal bliss’. I know how not to be seduced and trapped in either of those delusory states. Free to live in this actual physical magical world, which is so enormous in its splendour, aliveness and delicious sensuality. Any concept of God or soul or Love would only destroy its purity and prevents you from experiencing the actual world. This physical universe is so vast, it is complete and perfect in each of its aspects. What a delight to be the universe experiencing itself as a sensate human being, through all the physical senses, without separation, day after magic day and night after sparkling night, here, now, each moment again fresh and delightful, sensuous and actual. Seemingly, there are very few of all the 117 people on this list, who are interested enough to find out about this actual, non-spiritual down-to-earth freedom. In this New Dark Age of hundreds of new and rehashed ancient beliefs it seems very unfashionable, unpopular and threatening to investigate facts for oneself rather than faithfully believing what everybody else believes. Even to acknowledge that one believes seems an impossible task for most. Never mind, maybe one needs a crisis to question what one’s life has come to. I can only say that I have found out ten times more about myself and the Human Condition in the last two years than in all of my 17 Sannyas years. So I can say out of my own experience that there is much more to discover than meditation, therapy or Vipassana-like watching can ever facilitate. But the search is 180 degrees in the opposite direction, away from the spirit-ual, into the actual, factual, sensual and sensible. So, here is the address of the Actual Freedom mailing list: You are very welcome to draw on my expertise.
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