Vineeto’s Correspondence on Mailing List C Correspondent No. 21
VINEETO: Hi, Why is it that the idea and the feeling of love are so important, and yet everybody has been hurt through love? RESPONDENT: One is only hurt through love if one has expectations about another’s behaviour, if some sort of bargain has been struck about how love looks, or feels or is supposed to appear. VINEETO: Yes, that’s right. The trouble is to find the different paragraphs of the ‘contracts’ and dismantle them, so the relating can stay free of dreams and hidden expectations. I had to question and eliminate the feeling of love for the other all together in order to experience the exquisite intimacy of meeting a fellow human being afresh each moment again. RESPONDENT: I’ve been enriched by unconditional love, and hurt by love when I had false ideas and beliefs about it. VINEETO: I found that every idea about love was a false idea and every belief by its nature is a ‘false’ belief. Belief, after all, means ‘to fervently wish to be true’ – as per dictionary. As for unconditional love, it is nothing but a grand feeling. I have known moments and days of unconditional love-for-all, wanting to give Wisdom and compassion to everyone. But, compared with my peak-experiences, where the ‘I’ was absent altogether and with it any sense of ‘self’, any feeling, emotion or belief, I found that ‘Love’ has three main disadvantages:
Richard describes the difference in his journal – and that’s how I experience it, too:
So much better, not to have malice and fear, that makes love, any kind of love, simply redundant. One can be benign, friendly and benevolent, literally meaning well-wishing, and is free to act in a way that is of benefit to one and all. Benevolence acts freely, one is not driven by Universal Sorrow as are the Compassionate Ones. RESPONDENT: Once you drop ALL ideas and beliefs about if someone does or does not live on, if there is a soul or not and just be, then I suggest you can truly be in the here and now. Richard sounds like someone who has his own belief system and is convincing others that his ideas are the TRUTH. What is the difference between that activity and others you so easily condemn? VINEETO: I don’t talk about the truth, I talk about facts, verifiable by the physical senses. No belief, no truth is needed for finding out about facts. Just common sense. But as long as you move in the realm of believing rather than investigating the facts for yourself, everything will be a belief to you. Believing, you can only choose between a favourable belief and a not so favourable belief. If you wish, you can make it a belief, what Richard or I say. Then it won’t make any difference if you accept it or reject it. But you can also check out his suggested method and apply the question of ‘How am I experiencing this moment of being alive?’ and eliminate everything in you that is not verifiable by the physical senses. You can use the method for yourself to become happy and harmless, free from the Human Condition. Then it is not a belief, then it becomes actuality for you. * VINEETO: But if one single man can live outside of imagination, can live without love and emotion, then emotions and an eternal soul are not facts but merely the collective products of our fertile imagination and instinctual programming. RESPONDENT: Really now, so what. That proves absolutely nothing, just that Richard has developed himself into another type of human being, and obviously one you admire. Again, so what is the big deal here. Enjoy it, revel in it, be it but don’t come up with just another belief system you are trying to convince others is TRUTH. VINEETO: Truth has to be believed, facts can be verified. I have verified that it is possible to live with a man in utter peace, harmony and equity, and I have verified that one can clean oneself up to be happy and harmless. No believing needed. No truth found. Everyone can do the same if they wish to. RESPONDENT: I’m just bored with the underlying assumption that your belief system is somehow superior to others. All belief systems are bogus, yours included. VINEETO: You are bored with your own assumption. As long as you want to believe, everything that anybody presents is seen as a belief system. You could also start investigating. You could, for instance, try and remember a pure consciousness experience – and almost everybody has had at least one in their lives. Then you can experience for yourself the facts of what Peter and I are talking about. In a pure consciousness experience, where the ‘self’ is in temporary abeyance, everything is self-evident and obvious, including the fact, that it is only the ‘self’ that is in the road of experiencing the perfection of the infinite universe. The objection that most people have is that in the actual world, verifiable by the physical senses, there is neither love nor a soul nor divine energy. There is ‘only’ this flawless, pure, sparkling, magical and infinite universe, experienced by the touch, smell, taste, seeing and hearing. There is only this moment in time being alive.
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Actual Freedom Trust: 1997-. All Rights Reserved.
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