Vineeto’s Correspondence on Mailing List C Correspondent No. 19
VINEETO: Hi, Well, I would say, from my experience and from common sense, that love is not going to be liberating. It only makes one more dependant of others and confused ... RESPONDENT: Obviously, you never have felt any love from anyone. Otherwise how can you state such a nonsense. VINEETO: I actually got off my bum and cleaned myself up from everything that I did not like about myself: anger, jealousy, need, greed, fear, malice, bitching and depression, ... RESPONDENT: Wow! And who is this who doesn’t like these things? Is that you now? Your Mask = Perfect Person? No. 18 said: Please listen carefully to what I’m not saying didn’t. I find her poem just wonderful, and I want to thank her for it. PETER: I had a conversation with someone yesterday, who said that how I talked and wrote was offensive... RESPONDENT to Peter: Of course it is – you are continuously spitting around in subtle ways. PETER: I have no religious tolerance whatsoever, so all call me evil, ... RESPONDENT to Peter: except you. You BELIEVE you are HARMLESS, hahaha PETER: ...but given that I was a Sannyasin, RESPONDENT to Peter: at least you BELIEVE you were, isn’t it? PETER: ...particularly the followers of Mr. Chandra Mohan call me evil. RESPONDENT to Peter: Right, they will, ’cause you want to destroy their ‘leader’. The LOVERS of Osho, however, will call you simply an asshole. I do. (An asshole is one who spits at love, in case you don’t know). In fact, to call an asshole an asshole is such a joy, thanks for the opportunity, guy. And don’t forget to do what you said on top of your first reply: get lost sometime soon – the endless repetition of your happy and harmless number is getting too boring man. VINEETO: As far as I know, your Indian name means ‘peace’. Does it mean you are looking for peace in you, with others and for the world at large? That had been my main reason why I took Sannyas. But to be a LOVER of Osho for you means obviously calling everybody who isn’t an asshole. The consequence of love is obviously that you have to hate everybody who does not love who you love. Isn’t that what the Jews do to the Muslims in the Middle East, what the Catholics do with the Protestants in Ireland and the Hindus do with the Muslims and Sikhs in India. Tell me, where is the difference? Aren’t you simply defending your love of Osho, your belief in him as the Master, against another belief? You attack the ‘wrong-believer’ like all get-out and have great glee doing it. So your love is just another opportunity to wage war, something human beings have developed into a great art or entertainment over the centuries. Just calling someone an asshole is not enough of a fact to refute anything he says, you have to give more evidence to your opinion. Otherwise I cannot see any difference to all the other religious warriors who are simply sending missiles when they disagree with their neighbour’s country’s religion. When I met Peter and he said he wanted to live with a woman in peace and harmony, I took the opportunity. I had to question and eliminate a lot of my dearly held beliefs in the course of the search for such daily and permanent peace, but I considered those beliefs as part of the ego that I had set out to leave behind when I started on the spiritual path. My primary aim was peace. And being practical I realised that the challenge was to live in peace with one person. That was and is my contribution to peace in the world. If I could not live with one other person in peace and harmony, how could I realistically expect to be peace on the planet? Whatever was in the road between us I would investigate according to what was factual and what was a belief. Based on facts, we could always find a sensible agreement in whatever situation, something that has never been possible on the basis of believing something to be right or wrong, good or bad. Sticking stubbornly and passionately to my beliefs had only resulted in endless fights about opinions in my previous relationships. This is how I came to question one belief after the other, and one of them was the belief in authority. Without the belief in authority I can confidently stand on my own two feet and can examine whatever somebody says according to the content and not to who says it – a man, a woman, a guru, a ‘newcomer’, a heathen. That confidence gives me peace with everyone, I don’t need to attack or defend authority, and I can simply examine facts. You replied to what I wrote to No. 18:
I think you don’t consider it a possibility that somebody can actually get rid of anger, greed, jealousy etc. You can only interpret it as another mask. I think it is a bit short-sighted, that’s all. I am simply saying that it is possible because I did it, and why not give it a try? My life now is well worth living and so much more fun than with all the problems that the Human Condition in me, like anger, fear, greed, sorrow etc. used to produce. You seem to get rather annoyed when we use the words ‘happy’ and ‘harmless’. I could also call it ‘not miserable’ and ‘not vindictive’. But you can always press ‘delete’ in case you enjoy your life as it is and yourself as you are. VINEETO: As far as I know, your Indian name means ‘peace’. Does it mean you are looking for peace in you, with others and for the world at large? RESPONDENT: I’m not the pope, dear. VINEETO: Maybe that’s why the world is in such a bad state with 160,000,000 people killed in wars in this century alone. People think it is the job of the pope or somebody enlightened or God to take care of peace, and then they can go on being their grotty and violent self they want to be. I was simply tired of waiting for god or any other authority to solve the problem, it has not happened in centuries. So I became a non-contributor to the violence and misery around. You can call that ‘pope’ if you like, it is definitely not Pollack. * VINEETO: When I met Peter and he said he wanted to live with a woman in peace and harmony, I took the opportunity. RESPONDENT: So why he (and you) doesn’t DO it? Butting in, butting out, butting back and all that jazz... Maybe another type of butting in & out would be more fun. For the list & you too... VINEETO: I don’t see how sex could be fun for the list. But if you don’t like the conversation, nobody forces you to write. You obviously have good reasons to keep going. It is a strange human habit to try and change the other according to one’s wishes – which in itself is an impossibility – when it makes so much more sense to find the solution in adjusting one’s own attitude or behaviour. * VINEETO: When I met Peter and he said he wanted to live with a woman in peace and harmony, I took the opportunity. I had to question and eliminate a lot of my dearly held beliefs in the course of the search for such daily and permanent peace, but I considered those beliefs as part of the ego that I had set out to leave behind when I started on the spiritual path. RESPONDENT: The I setting out to leave the I behind, hahaha. Great Idea! But it’s a good warning – thanks! VINEETO: This is one of the insidious beliefs of spirituality and of Sannyas, that you can’t change yourself. People believe that simply loving the Master of obeying God will do the trick. That’s why everybody who believes it keeps going round in circles. We are not only born with instincts and then filled up with the usual social conditioning but we also have a brain equipped with intelligence and awareness. Both intelligence and awareness are very good tools to change one’s behaviour, to get rid of emotions and beliefs that don’t work in life. Just to call it ‘I’ and then pretend that you are helpless to do something about it is an easy cop-out and a cheap excuse. It smacks of fatalism. Maybe it is threatening when I state that it is possible to change myself because it reveals this great belief for what it is – an excuse to stay malicious and miserable. But if you want this conversation to end, just don’t reply.
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