Please note that Vineeto’s correspondence below was written by the feeling-being ‘Vineeto’ while ‘she’
lived in a pragmatic (methodological), still-in-control/same-way-of-being Virtual Freedom.
Vineeto’s Correspondence on the Actual Freedom
Correspondent No 69

Topics covered
the process of
actualism is not to cut you off from your feelings but will bring you more in touch with your feelings in order that they can be
examined and understood in their entirety
VINEETO: Welcome to the Actual Freedom Mailing List.
I would like to clarify one statement from your last post re ‘background noise &
threats’. You wrote –
RESPONDENT: As Actualism cuts you off from the
Amygdala, this may also cut you off from your ‘environmental fear detector’, in addition to your own, internally generated
VINEETO: The perception that ‘Actualism cuts you off from the Amygdala’
is not quite accurate because according to Richard’s experience the physical change in the final event of ‘self’-immolation
happened in the brain-stem –
Richard: The day finally dawns where the definitive moment
of being here, right now, conclusively arrives; something irrevocable takes place and every thing and every body and every event
is different, somehow, although the same physically; something immutable occurs and every thing and every body and every event is
all-of-a-sudden undeniably actual, in and of itself, as a fact; something irreversible happens and an immaculate perfection and a
pristine purity permeates every thing and every body and every event; something has changed forever, although it is as if nothing
has happened, except that the entire world is a magical fairytale-like playground full of incredible gladness and a delight which
is never-ending.
‘My’ demise was as fictitious as ‘my’ apparent presence.
I have always been here, I realise, it was that ‘I’ only imagined that ‘I’ existed. It was all an emotional play in a
fertile imagination ... which was, however, fuelled by an actual hormonal substance triggered off from within the brain-stem
because of the instinctual passions bestowed by blind nature. Thus the psyche – the entire affective faculty born of the
instincts itself – is wiped out forever and one is finally what one actually is: this thinking and reflective flesh-and-blood
body simply brimming with sense organs, delighting in this very sensual world of actual experience.
Thus the search for meaning amidst the debris of the much-vaunted
human hopes and dreams and schemes comes to its timely end. With the end of both ‘I’ and ‘me’, the distance or separation
between both ‘I’ and ‘me’ and the sense organs – and thus the external world – disappears. To be living as the senses
is to live a clean and clear and pure awareness – apperception – a pure consciousness experience of the world as-it-is.
Because there is no ‘I’ as a thinker (a little person inside one’s head) or a ‘me’ as a feeler (a little person in one’s
heart) – to have sensations happen to them, one is the sensations. The entire affective faculty vanishes ... blind nature’s
software package of instinctual passions is deleted. Richard, Articles. Peace-on-earth in this
Just a reminder that the process of actualism is not to cut you off from your feelings
but diligent and persistent practice of the attentiveness will reverse both the habitual and the intentional disidentification and
dissociation and will bring you more in touch with your feelings in order that they can be examined and understood in their
By my own experience I can confirm the second part of your statement that one’s ‘environmental
fear detector’ is directly connected to the instinctual passions – the more the dominance of the instinctual passions is
reduced via apperceptiveness the less I am prone to be influenced by feelings and vibes from people around me and the less I am
prone to indulge in my own imagination generated fears.
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