Vineeto’s Correspondence on the Actual Freedom List Correspondent No 45
Hi, You wrote in answer to No 28’s query – RESPONDENT No 28 to No 45: Do you mean ‘anhedonia’? RESPONDENT: Thanks for answering and sorry for my English. Yes I was meaning anhedonia, is a Greek word. Edoni means pleasure and with the un in the beginning means incapability of pleasure. I should like to have a dialog with Richard, how is this possible? VINEETO: I do wonder why you say that ‘I should like to have a dialog with
Richard, how is this possible?’ Richard has answered
Wouldn’t it be more appropriate if you want to continue your conversation with Richard, to actually do so instead of telling No 28 that you want to talk to Richard? As to ‘I should like to have a dialog with Richard, how is this possible?’ I would suggest you could try directing your query directly to him – putting his name on the header of your posts is the customary manner – sit back and see what happens. You may be pleasantly surprised as to how willing he is to answer queries from correspondents who are genuinely interested in actualism. The topic of what is classified as insane by society in contrast to the sanity of the
human condition – the sanity which includes wars and murders and rapes and child abuse, to name but a few, is indeed a rich
field for exploration. Richard had already various correspondences on this subject over the years, which I have collected on the Personally I was very intrigued when Richard told me about his psychiatric assessment of de-realisation, de-personalisation, alexithymia and anhedonia because I had never in my life met anyone who I experienced as salubrious and cheerful, as friendly and considerate, as intelligent and sensible as Richard, day after day. For me, meeting Richard was meeting the living proof that not only is it possible to become free from the human condition of malice and sorrow but also that an actual freedom is the only possible solution to the sad and sullen sanity of the human condition. RESPONDENT: Also I am in a state of big disappointment, because I was reading Krishnamurti for 10 years every day. I think now he was wrong. So I am left with a big sadness. After I was in contact with Henry Templeman, who was in his steps (Krishnamurti’s). Another disappointment. VINEETO: I remember the time after Rajneesh died and left thousands of his loyal followers in the lurch. He had promised the solution to misery and sorrow but his promises were nothing but empty words – his teachings did not work. Along with most of his followers I saw this failure not as the failure of his teachings – let alone the intrinsic failure of all spiritual teachings – but I saw the failure as my failure in that I did not live his teachings properly or the failure was due to ‘the organization’ that was set up to promote his teachings and indoctrinate yet more followers. After his death, I began to have some doubts about the spiritual life-style but did not want to return to the normal world that I had left behind. When I came across actualism it soon became clear that here is a third alternative to the tried and failed solutions of human kind – including all of the revered spiritual teachings – and I began to systematically extricate myself from my spiritual beliefs and from the close-knit world of spiritual believers. When I finally succeeded in leaving this imaginary world of dreams and promises, hopes and lies, arrogance and hypocrisy behind, it was a great relief. In regaining the will I had so eagerly surrendered to others, I found I had the necessary dignity for the first time in my life, sufficient to enable me to begin to stand on my own two feet. I can only suggest not staying stuck in feeling disappointment but to move on to leaving the rotten corpse of spiritualism behind. Now that you have recognized that it does not deliver you have the opportunity to begin afresh. RESPONDENT: Also there is a big frustration to read on the actual freedom site with the dictionary in hand because the language of this site is more difficult than the language of Krishnamurti, but this is another subject. You have to speak your own language independently from some foreigners. VINEETO: English is not my mother tongue and I know from experience that writing in a foreign language is not an easy task but there are marvellous tools available on the computer such as spellchecker, grammar checker and digital dictionaries, which I use quite frequently. To be frustrated about a fact – in this case, that actualism was discovered by an English speaker with a better than average vocabulary – only perpetuates resentment and sorrow and such feelings are impediments to being harmless and happy. Actualism is all about removing the day-to-day emotional – social and instinctual – obstacles that prevent you from being harmless and happy, right now. Not sometime in the future, but right now. RESPONDENT: I attach a dialogue from Krishnamurti that is a little peculiar and also a book from Henry Templeman. VINEETO: The attachments seem to have gone missing in the mail. RESPONDENT: I should appreciate if I could have a dialogue with Richard. VINEETO: As I said, the easiest way is to respond directly to the posts he has written to you. VINEETO: You wrote in reply to my post – RESPONDENT: I am sending an answer to your reply with the attachments was lost I attached again but they seem that they can not arrive total amount of the attachments no more than 400 KB, I am within the limit of 1024, so I can not explain it. Hoping that it will arrive later. VINEETO: I have looked through the mails I received from you and could not find ‘an answer to your reply’, but the attachments arrived all right. You had previously said –
I read through what you sent and I can easily understand why you are disappointed with their spiritual teachings. J. Krishnamurti talks about his belief in the eternal stream of thought that exists independent of a flesh-and-blood human being, a belief which is common to all spiritual teachings. Henry Templeman even believes that ‘Death is limitless freedom’. What twaddle to say that you will be ‘limitless’ free when you are physically dead! There won’t be anybody to enjoy that supposed freedom. Here is a piece I wrote about extracting myself from the belief in God and in a life after death. Becoming free of these beliefs is a pivotal step to being here on earth as a flesh-and-blood human being.
Now I am responsible for my life and for my life only – without a belief in any bodiless existence before birth or after death. I am neither beholden to any higher authority, nor to any man-made unliveable morals or ethics. And I am free from guilt and the fear of god’s wrath – a fear that became quite apparent when I struggled to ditch the belief in god, heaven and hell. RESPONDENT: I have sent the attachment to your personal email, not through topica, because I don’t know even if the attachments are within the limit of 1024k they can not pass through topica. VINEETO: Topica has a limit of 100 KB, which is quite sensible, given that they send every post to the 48 people on the mailing list. RESPONDENT: I should like to ask you how we proceed after asking the question ‘How am I experiencing this moment of being alive’? Let’s say that somebody insulted me. I ask the question and I say I feel bad because this person insulted me. After that what happening? I know the reason so what, how shall I continue? Please give me one example. VINEETO: Is being happy and harmless the most important thing in your life? VINEETO to No 52: I remember, questioning my spiritual beliefs was shocking at first, then thrilling and then incredibly liberating. One day I realized that for God to rule over an infinite and eternal universe he would have to be outside of it, which is a physical impossibility, and with this realization my whole supernatural ‘universe’ came crashing down. When my belief in a controlling, punishing and rewarding God disappeared and the notion
of God’s power to grant ‘me’ an my afterlife, also disappeared, all my worries about my bank account in heaven and all my
hopes for a better life somewhere-else vanished. With no ‘Scottie’ to ‘beam me up’ out of here I was free to abandon the
waiting game for heaven and focus my attention from wanting to be ‘there’ to being interested in being here, from waiting for
‘then’ to being fascinated with what is happening now. RESPONDENT: Why if god exist must be outside the universe? VINEETO: God is generally believed to be the One who created the universe. According to this belief God certainly had to exist prior to the universe’s creation and therefore was outside of the yet to be created universe. This deliberation combined with the determined questioning of all of my religious and spiritual beliefs made it obvious that there is no place outside of this infinite and eternal universe for any God to reside. However, if you prefer to hold to a belief in God or a Divine Power by proposing the theory that God resides inside this physical universe, then that is your business. I found that it makes no sense to discuss the content of other’s beliefs unless they themselves are interested in questioning and investigating their own beliefs in order to become free from the grip of atavistic superstition. However, one thing in your query leaves me puzzled. You had a long discussion with Richard over several e-mails, doubting the actuality of a tree, namely whether its colour exists independent of a human brain perceiving it, viz –
You even went as far postulating that each human being is creating his or her own universe, vis –
If you believe that a tree, which one can actually see, touch, hear and smell does not exist independently of human perception, then why according to your logic do you think that a God who can not be seen, heard, touched, smelt or perceived by any human sensory organ should exist as an actuality outside of human imagination? Further you said to Richard –
If you regard the universe as being ‘colourless, inodorous, insipid and silent’ unless a human being is ‘creating’ the universe as their own self then by the same logic your God is ‘colourless, inodorous, insipid and silent’ unless a human being is ‘creating’ God as their own self. Your philosophy that humans create the universe as their own selves is only a hop and a skip away from the solipsistic belief so dominant in Eastern mysticism where people suffer from the institutionalized delusion that they are God. I have had many meetings with people suffering from such calenturous delusion and I have had a few ASCs myself. I know the narcissistic, utterly ‘Self’-centred and nonsensical state as what it is – a voluntarily chosen psychological disorder. People suffering from a permanent ASC are not only driven to spread their message, to gather followers and to ascend the spiritual hierarchy by creating yet another spiritual movement or quasi-religion but they are also forever cut off from experiencing the splendour and purity of this actual universe. In other words, if you choose to believe you are God you can never be happy and harmless in the world as-it-is with people as-they-are. I recommend the RESPONDENT: With the benefit of hindsight we now know that a scientific disaster took place when Sir Isaac Newton’s model of the universe was discarded and replaced by Einstein’s Theory of Relativity. Einstein said on his 70th birthday: ‘Now you think I am looking at my life’s work with calm satisfaction. But there is not a single concept of which I am convinced that it will stand firm. I am not sure if I was on the right track after all.’ VINEETO: Einstein was perfectly right to wonder if he was ‘on the right track’ because after nearly a century his theories are still only theories, still remain conceptual in nature and have not been established as facts. He was more of a mystic than an empirical scientist, and his theories were more statements of his religious quest than sound science –
RESPONDENT: The famous physicist David Bohm who invented the holographic theory of the universe (look also Bell’s theorem) said that what I know is that the 95% of the phenomena are invisible. Quantum mechanics is also speaking about parallel universes. We are still primitive scientifically. VINEETO: Any theory remains a hypothesis unless it is proved to be an empirically verifiable fact. Should a theory not be proved to be an empirically verifiable fact it passes into the category of being a belief. Many theoretical scientists use mathematical equations to both formulate, and substantiate, their theories which is why a great many of such theories bear no relationship at all to the physical world. Many of these theories are not only metaphysical in nature but they ape the currently fashionable Eastern spiritual beliefs and philosophies – a case of spiritual belief masquerading as meta-physical scientific theory. The idea that ‘95% of the phenomena are invisible’ is the very stuff of imagination and belief, not only non-demonstrable but also nonsensical. Quantum mechanics not only speaks about ‘parallel universes’, something physically impossible in an eternal and infinite universe, it also suggests a relationship between the observer and the observed, an anthropocentric spiritual concept that is well known in Eastern mysticism. As physics professor Victor Stenger says about quantum theory –
For you to propose that ‘we are still primitive scientifically’ whilst
championing beliefs and concepts first concocted in times when it was universally believed that the earth was flat, the sky was a
world populated by Gods and underground was a hellish realm of fire does strike as a somewhat moot point. Western society is in
danger of returning to the dark ages due to the growing influence of As to the attachment you sent to me about the ‘scientific proof of God’ by Edwin Hammond I think the banner at the bottom of the page says it all. –
Edwin Hammond’s God is apparently a God who resides in the sky. As proof of his God’s existence Mr. Hammond relies on various unproven ideas of theoretical scientists, adds a bit of psychological theory and a lot of faith – a combination that stretches the definition of a ‘scientific proof’ beyond sensibility. RESPONDENT: Why if god exist must be outside the universe? VINEETO: God is generally believed to be the One who created the universe. According to this belief God certainly had to exist prior to the universe’s creation and therefore was outside of the yet to be created universe. This deliberation combined with the determined questioning of all of my religious and spiritual beliefs made it obvious that there is no place outside of this infinite and eternal universe for any God to reside. However, if you prefer to hold to a belief in God or a Divine Power by proposing the theory that God resides inside this physical universe, then that is your business. I found that it makes no sense to discuss the content of other’s beliefs unless they themselves are interested in questioning and investigating their own beliefs in order to become free from the grip of atavistic superstition. <snip> RESPONDENT: Dear Vineeto thanks for your answering. What you say about god that must exist prior to the universe creation, is applied also to the big bang. Where was the point prior the expansion? In what space? VINEETO: Yep. You got it. Both beliefs are intertwined. Many, many scientists hold to the belief that Someone or Something created the universe and this belief has been the starting point of many a scientific theory. In particular cosmologists have devised a myriad of theories and offered countless mathematical calculations to support their own pet theories as to the supposed beginning of the universe. In the meantime their empirical colleagues, the astronomers, have probed and explored and have yet to prove that the universe is not infinite in space and not eternal in time. From the early beliefs that the earth was a flat disc with a balloon-like canopy over which sun, moon and stars travelled, empirical observation has lead to the discovery that the earth is round, that the moon circles the earth, that the earth and moon circle the sun, that the earth is but one of nine planets that orbit the sun and that the sun is but one of billions of suns in this galaxy. Less than a hundred years ago it was also thought that the universe was a one-galaxy universe, but we now know by observation that the amount of galaxies we can estimate in the universe increases in direct proportion to the magnification of the measuring instruments used. And yet, despite the fact that observation has provided no empirical evidence to support the belief that the universe is finite in space (that it has a centre and an edge) and that it is finite in time (that it had a beginning and that it will have an end), these beliefs continue to malinger on, thousands of years after they were first concocted. There was no Big Bang, nor will there be a Big Crunch. The universe has always been here and will always be here. This actual universe is infinite in space, eternal in time and perpetual in matter and this can be sensately observed and sensually experienced the moment belief, faith, imagination and affective feelings do not interfere with clear perception and common sense. However, due to the human condition, the perception of the human brain is almost constantly impeded by instinctual survival passions, which is why throughout history the study of the cosmos has been undertaken with a mixture of fear, hope and awe – feelings that are fertile ground for sustaining religious beliefs, superstitious fairytales and imaginative science-fiction. The cosmos is a particularly rich field for imagination and fantasy. Dr. Sten Odenwald describes these feelings towards the cosmos very well –
Most cosmological theories would be better categorized as cosmythology and here are just a few examples of this cosmythology. The Big Bang creation theory was evidently formulated by Abbé Georges LeMaître, a central figure in the Vatican’s Pontificia Academia de Scienza di Roma. In other words, the Big Bang theory was LeMaître’s attempt to turn the religious belief that his God created the world out of nothing – that the universe had a beginning, a creation event – into a scientific theory. Edwin Hubble’s observation of redshift and his conjecture that this is an indication that all of the distant stars are moving away from the earth was a welcome support for the idea that the universe must have had a big bang of a beginning. The ‘scientific methodology’ of the big bang theory is to take a transparently creationist religious belief, generate mathematical formula to support the religious belief-come-scientific-theory, assess any empirical observations of the cosmos solely in the light of this theory and, when holes appear in the theory, persist with the theory by postulating ever-increasing variations to the original theory. Due to the fact that almost every person, including theoretical scientists, grows up with the belief in an almighty and omniscient God, the Big Bang theory has been almost universally accepted as being credible despite the fact that it defies common sense in every aspect. As for your question ‘Where was the point prior the expansion? In what space?’, I typed ‘before the Big Bang’ into my search engine and it came up with a remarkable number of fantastical explanations. Prof. Steinhardt of Princeton University proposes that a ‘Big Splat’ preceded the Big Bang. He recently published a book in which he introduced the idea that there may be an unseen parallel universe to ours. He invokes the idea of more than one universe embedded within a higher-dimensional space. According to Prof. Steinhardt all of the action of the universe takes place within a five-dimensional space. He says that before the Big Bang occurred the universe consisted of two perfectly flat four-dimensional surfaces. One of these flat four-dimensional sheets is the universe as we know it; the other, a ‘hidden’ parallel universe. He theorizes that random fluctuations in this unseen companion universe caused it to distort and reach out towards our universe. This distorted floater then ‘splatted’ into the space of our universe and the energy resulting from this collision was transformed into the matter and energy of our universe in a Big Bang creation-like event. (see Another theory is described by Dr. Michio Kaku, Professor of Theoretical Physics at the City University of New York –
As you can see, in order to believe that the universe had a beginning there needs to be the corresponding belief that Someone or Something created the universe. I am left wondering why theoretical physicists and cosmological mathematicians feel compelled to suppose ever more complicated theories that rely on invisible virtual particles of matter such as quantum spacetime foam, new non-sequential concepts of time such as Planck-time and new imaginary dimensions to three dimensional space. It does not make sense. Even Darryl Reanney, an authority in microbiology and microchemistry, admits that you have to leave your common sense behind in order to follow the logic of quantum physics –
It is apparent that this theoretical description of the universe does not make sense as it theorizes about matter and energies that are so minute as to be imperceptible to detection by any known, or any conceivable, instrumentation – i.e. you have to believe, take in good faith, what theoretical science proposes. The reason why these theories don’t make sense in view of our everyday experience of the physical laws of nature is because those theories are purely mathematical or merely conjectural. A now-classic mathematical invention is that of cosmic Spacetime and its quantum off-spring, spacetime foam. I will give you an example how quickly commonsense disappears when you combine space and time into a space-time continuum in mathematical calculations – Take the following situation –
If you believe in a space-time continuum then space-time mathematics could well have it that you would need to order three pizzas for three hungry-people. No doubt some could argue that two real pizzas and one virtual pizza would suffice whilst others could argue that any such philosophizing would only cause the delivery to be late, thereby necessitating the need for even more pizzas for even more hungry-people. The more I delve into the theories of cosmologists, the more gaps and blatant nonsense I find. Once I recognized that the notion of a God is the mere product of my social and instinctual identity, and that He/She/It does not exist outside of my passionate imagination, I also stopped believing in any of theories that propose a meta-physical supra-natural world. RESPONDENT: Thank you for answering. VINEETO: You are welcome. RESPONDENT: In a self-conscious state there is no time, we become aware that the constant stream of change happens here and now in the present moment. According to the General Theory of Relativity, change happens in 4-dimensional space-time, where time represents the fourth dimension. When the roundness of space-time is increased, the speed of change gets slower and stops at the centre of black holes. Einstein’s understanding of time indicates that with clocks we do not measure time, we only measure duration, speed and the numerical order of irreversible changes of reality that happen here and now in gravitational field. Experiencing change indirectly through the mind creates time. Mind experiences change 1 as past, change 2 as present and change 3 as future. Having direct experience we become aware that all change happens in the present moment, here and now. The whole past has happened in this present moment and so will the whole future. By watching the mind we become aware that scientific experience is also indirect. Our experience is through the rational part of our mind, which has a limited understanding of the universe. A significant example can be seen in our understanding of universal space. In the beginning, universal space was considered to be infinite, Euclid space. After the discovery of Riemman spherical geometry, universal space was also considered to be finite. Therefore, the question arises: Is universal space finite or infinite? By becoming aware that our understanding of universal space depends on which geometry we use to describe it, we can also suppose that universal space is neither finite nor infinite, but something else. Three-dimensional logic allows us this speculation. By presenting universal space as infinite Euclid space, it’s possible that the distance between two material objects in the universe is infinite. The term ‘infinite distance’ only functions in mathematics, in cosmology we do not know exactly what it means, because an infinite distance plus 100 miles is still an infinite distance. In the universe, we can only observe finite distances, so we can conclude that the universe is finite. To say that it is infinite makes no sense. Do you the above logical? VINEETO: I notice that you have directly quoted from an article entitled ‘Direct Experience of the Universe’, originally published as ‘Science of Consciousness for Planetary Civilisation’, by Dr. Amrit Sorli of Osho Miasto, Italy, ( Dr. Sorli is, by his address, apparently a follower of the dead Indian guru Mr. Rajneesh, and has also published other articles such as ‘Non-dualistic Psychology’, ‘Watching the Mind as an Individual Research Method’, ‘Inner Science’, ‘Dark Energy Associated with Life?’ and ‘Watching the Mind as an Individual Healing Method’, all of which give an insight into his spiritual approach to science. ( One of his articles entitled ‘Prana Has a Measurable Weight’, published on a website called ‘Living on Light’, particularly caught my attention. In this article Dr. Sorli reports that he measured 70grams of Californian worms both when live and 15 minutes after their death and reported an overall weight loss of 93.6 micrograms postulating that this was evidence of Prana energy leaving the living organisms upon death. He has presented his findings to James Randi claiming the one million dollar prize offered to those who can provide scientific proof of the existence of supernatural forces or paranormal events. James Randi commented that ‘essentially, this is the same claim that has been made many times in the past by spiritualists who have attempted to weigh souls. It appears that to determine the average weight of a worm’s soul, Dr. Sorli only needs to divide 90 micrograms by the number of worms he murdered…’ James Randi goes on to explain why several of Dr. Sorli’s ‘scientific’ conclusions are in fact very unscientific. (, second half down the page). Now that Dr. Sorli’s credentials and inclinations are established I will take a look at what he has to say about the nature of physical universe. RESPONDENT: [Dr. Sorli]: ‘In a self-conscious state there is no time’ <snip> ‘Having direct experience we become aware that all change happens in the present moment, here and now. The whole past has happened in this present moment and so will the whole future.’ VINEETO: Dr. Sorli seems to suggest that time is completely dependent upon human consciousness, and that time can be altered by human consciousness. However it is a sensately observable fact that time passes – be it measured by the progress of sun’s passage across the sky, the daily cycle of night and day, sunrise and sunset, the monthly cycle of the moon’s orbit of the earth and the growth and decline life-cycle of individual human beings. This inexorable passing of time happens regardless of whether a human being is conscious and awake or is unconscious and asleep – or whether he or she has gone ‘somewhere else’ (as in meditating) or if she or he is sensately aware of actually being here in this the only moment of time that can be sensually experienced. I find it quite amazing that Dr. Sorli proposes that time is a creation of human consciousness – [Dr. Sorli]: ‘experiencing change indirectly through the mind creates time’ and that [Dr. Sorli]: ‘Mind experiences change 1 as past, change 2 as present and change 3 as future. Having direct experience we become aware that all change happens in the present moment, here and now. The whole past has happened in this present moment and so will the whole future.’ [endquote]. Is this your experience? Does your mind experience past changes or does your mind hold a memory of a change that happened in the past? Does your mind experience a future change or do you anticipate, or imagine, a change that may, or may not, happen in the future. Is it your own experience that the whole past has happened in this present moment and that the whole future will happen in this present moment or, as you sit and watch the hands of the clock moving, do you notice that the time when you got out of bed this morning is not happening now and the time when you will go to bed tonight is not happening now? RESPONDENT: [Dr. Sorli]: ‘By watching the mind we become aware that scientific experience is also indirect. Our experience is through the rational part of our mind, which has a limited understanding of the universe. ’ VINEETO: Maybe this is a good opportunity to introduce the definition of awareness from The Actual Freedom Trust Library –
The way Dr. Sorli looks at the world is with spiritual awareness, typified by his statement ‘our experience is through the rational part of our mind, which has a limited understanding of the universe.’ If one so readily dismisses rationality, one also forfeits any chance of common sense operating, which then leaves the mind completely free to imagine all sorts of scenarios and invent all sorts of theories. For someone who has cultivated a spiritual awareness, an entity who is completely separate from both the flesh-and-blood-body and the outside world, is thus given licence to dwell in an inner imaginary, eternal, spirit-ual world and by doing so is given licence to imagine a host of nonsensical scenarios and theories about the nature of the physical universe. RESPONDENT: [Dr. Sorli]: ‘By presenting universal space as infinite Euclid space, it’s possible that the distance between two material objects in the universe is infinite.’ VINEETO: How can ‘the distance between two material objects in the universe’ be infinite when, in the infinite space of the universe, there will always be objects that are further apart than those two objects. You ask if I find this to be logical and yet the author makes it clear that he believes that scientific experience is indirect, and that his understanding of the universe is limited by the rational part of his mind. RESPONDENT: [Dr. Sorli]: ‘The term ‘infinite distance’ only functions in mathematics, in cosmology we do not know exactly what it means, because an infinite distance plus 100 miles is still an infinite distance. In the universe, we can only observe finite distances, so we can conclude that the universe is finite. To say that it is infinite makes no sense.’ VINEETO: Dr. Sorli simply states that because infinity does not fit in the finite mathematical equations that cosmologists use to justify their theories the universe must be finite and because human beings have no tools to measure infinity the universe must therefore be finite. It is apparent that whilst the author declares that ‘our experience is through the
rational part of our mind, which has a limited understanding of the universe’ he himself insists upon limiting the size of
the universe to a finite dimension in order that the universe accords with the demands of mathematical computations, the whims of
cosmology RESPONDENT: I should like to add a few words to my prior email. In Greek language we have two words. Symban for universe and cosmos for the planets, earth etc. So I can think that right now the most distant star from earth must have a finite distance. Even if the universe expands the distance of this star will tend to infinity but will remain always finite. I can see that the space is infinite in the sense that this star living and moving in this space might reach a distance bigger than any given number in light’s years and will continue forever to his distance to be bigger and bigger indefinitely (until the star collapse). If you mean that by infinity (space) o.k., I agree with you. VINEETO: The sensate experience of the infinitude of the universe only happens when ‘I’ step out of the way and thus remove the boundaries and limitations of ‘self’-induced narrow-mindedness. When this happens, all ideas, beliefs and theories that propose a creation event, an expansion or contraction and a doomsday ending of the physical universe are seen as what they are – beliefs and theories. Being here now as this flesh and blood body only – without any identity whatsoever – enables the infinitude of the universe to be apparent and this infinitude is wondrous, unparalleled, without an edge, without a centre, having no outside to it, having had no beginning nor will it have an ending. As long as your contemplations are based on the currently-fashionable scientific theories of an expanding universe – with a Big Bang beginning, replete with all sorts of unseen, unseeable and unmeasurable phenomena and a Diabolical End – then you will remain locked into a ‘self’-centred view and you cut yourself off from experiencing directly and sensately the splendour and magnificence of the peerless and perfect physical universe. Let me sum up what you have presented as ‘scientific facts’ so far –
These ‘scientific facts’ are all examples of spiritual belief, the belief that proposes that the physical world is merely a by-product of ‘my’ consciousness, the belief that ‘I’ am the creator of all that ‘I’ see. If you aspire to become free from the emotional and instinctual bondage created by the psychological and psychic entity it is necessary to rigorously and sincerely question the way ‘you’ perceive the world. That means questioning your spiritual awareness and your spiritual beliefs and in that process of questioning it is vital to include the spiritual belief that ‘we must always be in the state of not-knowing’, as you said to No 21 the other day. The way to discover a belief is to check out whether the theory or belief you hold needs you to actively believe in it in order for it to exist. A fact can stand by itself, whereas a belief always needs faith. To quote from The Actual Freedom Trust Library –
It does take courage to question the view that the universe is solely a product of one’s own consciousness, particularly as so many others hold to the same view that the universe is a product of their own consciousness. But hey, the actual universe exists even after ‘I’ as the creator cease to create ‘my’ universe. Not having to be the creator of all that you see and feel is an enormous burden to be freed from and it is an exquisite and delicious freedom to be gained. VINEETO: The sensate experience of the infinitude of the universe only happens when ‘I’ step out of the way and thus remove the boundaries and limitations of ‘self’-induced narrow-mindedness. When this happens, all ideas, beliefs and theories that propose a creation event, an expansion or contraction and a doomsday ending of the physical universe are seen as what they are – beliefs and theories. Being here now as this flesh and blood body only – without any identity whatsoever – enables the infinitude of the universe to be apparent and this infinitude is wondrous, unparalleled, without an edge, without a centre, having no outside to it, having had no beginning nor will it have an ending. As long as your contemplations are based on the currently-fashionable scientific theories of an expanding universe – with a Big Bang beginning, replete with all sorts of unseen, unseeable and unmeasurable phenomena and a Diabolical End – then you will remain locked into a ‘self’-centred view and you cut yourself off from experiencing directly and sensately the splendour and magnificence of the peerless and perfect physical universe. Let me sum up what you have presented as ‘scientific facts’ so far –
These ‘scientific facts’ are all examples of spiritual belief, the belief that proposes that the physical world is merely a by-product of ‘my’ consciousness, the belief that ‘I’ am the creator of all that ‘I’ see. If you aspire to become free from the emotional and instinctual bondage created by the psychological and psychic entity it is necessary to rigorously and sincerely question the way ‘you’ perceive the world. That means questioning your spiritual awareness and your spiritual beliefs and in that process of questioning it is vital to include the spiritual belief that ‘we must always be in the state of not-knowing’, as you said to No 21 the other day. RESPONDENT: I should like to ask you, what do you mean by scientific fact? VINEETO: Sure.
That makes a scientific fact ‘a thing known for certain to have occurred’ ‘according to the objective principles of scientific method’. RESPONDENT: Is gravity for you a scientific fact? Is a leaf falling because of the gravity, or just for unknown reasons? VINEETO: Facts are not a matter of personal opinion. A fact is a ‘datum of experience’, human experience. To make a fact a matter of personal agreement or disagreement would be silly. As far as I know it is universally accepted that a force known as gravity acts on all objects on this planet. Are you proposing evidence to the contrary? RESPONDENT: Is the earth for you round or flat? VINEETO: The nature of the earth is a well-known fact for most humans on the planet. If the nature of the earth is in question for you I suggest that you verify the fact for yourself. The photographs taken by orbiting astronauts or by those standing on the moon are sufficient evidence for me. RESPONDENT: Probably you say it is round, because Richard called Jesus a flat earth godman. VINEETO: I don’t rely on Richard’s writing to determine if I am living on a disk or a globe, do you? RESPONDENT: That means that you as Richard and me and others we know now that the earth is round. VINEETO: It was you who introduced the question if the earth was ‘round or flat’. Given that you hold the concept that ‘the tree is not green, the brain is giving the colour’, it might be for you that the earth is not a sphere, the brain is giving the shape. RESPONDENT: That means you are accepting scientific facts. VINEETO: As I said, it is silly to have a personal opinion about facts – a fact is ‘a datum of experience’ and manifestly clear. However, a discerning eye and ear is needed in order to ascertain what is fact and what is merely theory, postulation, concept, commonly agreed, belief, assumption, speculation, imagination, myth, wisdom, real or true. The so-called scientific facts quoted above, which you presented recently to the list, are all examples of theory, postulation, concept, assumption and plain imagination. RESPONDENT: Is the roundness of the earth proved by AF? VINEETO: That this planet is spherical is patently clear – evidence can be observed here – RESPONDENT: Why then you want to prove the infinity of the universe through AF? VINEETO: I simply stated the fact that the physical universe we flesh and blood bodies actually live in is infinite and eternal. It was you who questioned the infinitude of the physical universe by introducing God into the conversation –
by suggesting parallel universes, something which is impossible in an infinite universe –
and by presenting a spurious postulation as to why the universe can’t be infinite –
I do not ‘want to prove the infinity of the universe’ – it is a fact that is patently clear to anyone who undertakes a down-to-earth contemplation about the physical nature of the universe, i.e. unhampered by spiritual belief and affective feelings. RESPONDENT: Do you know any scientific proof that the universe is finite or infinite? VINEETO: It is up to the people who propose that the universe is finite, has an edge to it and has something beyond that edge to come up with empirical proof for their concepts, theories, formulas and speculations. Until that happens the theories that the universe is finite in size will remain theories. RESPONDENT: You said though that since you had the insight that the universe is infinite, then means that there was not place for god to exist prior the universe for him to create it. How can you be so sure about that? VINEETO: We have covered this issue before. Here is the relevant piece of conversation –
RESPONDENT: If let’s say we did not know yet that earth is round, should you be able to say that in fact is round and prove it through this flesh and blood body? So science has its validity. VINEETO: Are you disputing the fact that the earth is spherical in shape despite the empirical evidence that this is so or are merely indulging in a philosophical / theoretical argument? An actualist is aware of the difference between empirical science and theoretical science.
When one makes the distinction between applied empirical science and theoretical mystical science then it becomes clear that the earth being round is proven by the first category of science whereas the ‘scientific facts’ introduced by you as quoted above belong to the second category of science … in other words they are beliefs. RESPONDENT: You also said
I never said that for the simple reason that I don’t know what consciousness is. I said that the brain is co-creator of what we see hear etc. I will insist on that because I see it like one axiom, not theory, but axiom. It is a fact also now with the new science, neuroscience. VINEETO: As far as I can ascertain, you have not used the word ‘co-creator’ before, what you have said is –
If you prefer to live your life thinking that you are the ‘co-creator’ of all you see and consider this to be an unchangeable unquestionable axiom, then that is your personal choice. Personally I found that it makes no sense to discuss the content of others’ beliefs unless they themselves are interested in questioning and investigating their own beliefs in order to become free from the grip of ancient superstition. RESPONDENT: I am really puzzled why I can not convey it. VINEETO: You are conveying your views very clearly. What you fail to understand is that you are trying to convince actualists that there ‘really truly is something else’ other than the actuality that human beings sensately experience. In short, you are busy flogging your beliefs to those who are upfront that beliefs are the bane of humankind. RESPONDENT: Lets begin again. What I see out there, is a soup of energy. VINEETO: If I may interject. What one sees with one’s eyes is not ‘a soup of energy’, but forms, colours and movement of physical objects. To call the specific qualities of the matter of the physical universe ‘a soup of energy’ is an affective interpretation. This is readily evidenced by the fact that the ‘energy’ experienced varies according to a person’s particular belief system – some feel Jesus, some feel Love, some feel Existence, some feel Mother, some feel Consciousness, some feel Intelligence, some feel the Devil, and so on. RESPONDENT: Now I perceive whatever through my senses. This thing to be perceived needs my senses. Without my senses it exists but in one unknown way (mode existence) not the way I perceive it. VINEETO: If I may interject again. If you are talking about a ‘soup of energy’ then this energy does not need your physical senses in order for you to perceive it. Many people feel this ‘energy’ sitting in a quiet place with their eyes closed – in fact it is well known that the best way to feel this ‘energy’ is to deliberately practice sensory and sensual deprivation. If you are talking about a ‘whatever’ it is best to take a specific down-to-earth ‘thing’ as an example. Take for instance this symbol (#) – it maintains its qualities, its colour, form and size, no matter who reads it on his or her computer screen. Anybody on this mailing list will see the same symbol, just as they will read any letter of the alphabet in the same order I typed them. Your eyes, your brain on stalks, only recognize the already-existing qualities of the particular symbol (#) or the mutually agreed meanings of a particular string of letters. If your brain gave each symbol or letter its own particular unique-to-you quality it would be impossible for a conversation like this to happen. RESPONDENT: This thing is sending light (photons) we are speaking for the sight now, but the same is applied in all senses to my retina. This products certain electromagnetic effects and through the optical nerve etc products certain activities in a small area of the brain about 1cm2, which is in the dark in the skull. If I see something green then the light wave sent from the green object has a certain wave length, but until it hits the brain part is colourless. If another light length hits the brain then the brain products a different colour. May be a dog will see another colour for the same object because is different interpreted from his brain. That’s all. VINEETO: You had a RESPONDENT: We will never know what is out there, lets call it underlying reality. VINEETO: The identity parasitically inhabiting the flesh and blood body superimposes an affective ‘underlying reality’ over the actual universe. This ‘underlying reality’ created by the identity inhabiting the flesh and blood can be observed, questioned and investigated and the identity thus weakened – this is the process of actualism. To defend the ‘underlying reality’ as unchangeable is to resign to being trapped within the human condition of malice and sorrow for the rest of one’s life. RESPONDENT: Is like the TV unless we have the receiver nothing can take place. The TV signals that exist now in my room are silent and colourless. Lets say the TV receiver is the brain. VINEETO: This is a good example.
The high-frequency radio waves acting as carriers for the transmitted images and sounds exist independently of the TV screen that displays image and sound. Both the transmitter and the high-frequency waves exist as an actuality and the signals and images are being simultaneously converted into identical images on many, many TVs regardless of whether your own TV is switched on and is converting the signal into an image. This fact is contrary to your philosophy of ‘unless we have the receiver nothing can take place’ – a completely ‘self’ centred viewpoint. ‘Lets say the TV receiver is the brain’ – even without your brain ‘creating’, the universe is continuously taking place. RESPONDENT: So I arrived in the logical (at least for me) that the perception is a syntheton (composed) phenomenon. The perceiver and the perceived are one thing. VINEETO: You have mentioned in an earlier post that you have read J. Krishnamurti for 10 years. I wonder what logic came first – J. Krishnamurti’s teaching that ‘the perceiver and the perceived are one thing’ or the logical-for-you conclusion ‘that perception is a syntheton (composed) phenomenon’. RESPONDENT: That what I was trying to say to Richard not where is due the green colour in the chlorophyll etc. So the universe without our brains has really no meaning. There is no interaction in it. VINEETO: Yes, I can see that this is a logical conclusion due to J. Krishnamurti’s teachings. However, it is a subjective, anthropocentric and utterly ‘self’-centred perception of the universe. To make oneself so important that ‘the universe without our brains has really no meaning’ is to dismiss the splendour and magnificence that is already always here, was already always here before homo sapiens first trod the planet and will be so long after homo sapiens cease to exist as a species. RESPONDENT: Forget about consciousness there is no need for consciousness in what I am saying. VINEETO: Given that consciousness is the state of the body being conscious, you need to be conscious in order to have this conversation. Rather than ‘forget about consciousness’, it has been vital for me as an actualist to investigate consciousness as it is used in philosophical and spiritual circles –
What I discovered is that it is people’s precious consciousness, as in the ‘totality of the thoughts, feelings, impressions, etc., of a person or group’ which prevents human beings from living in peace and harmony. RESPONDENT: P.S In your other email you named Osho. I consider him the biggest fraud of the past century with his Mercedes, VINEETO: By the way, Mohan Rajneesh didn’t drive Mercedes, but Rolls Royces. I mentioned Mohan Rajneesh because Dr. Amrit Sorli, the man you quoted in order to demonstrate the non-infinity of the universe, is apparently a follower of Mr. Rajneesh – he lives in a Rajneesh centre and certainly sprouts ‘Sannyas wisdom’ in his various articles. If you consider Mr. Rajneesh ‘the biggest fraud of the past century’ I am left wondering why you posted an article by one of his disciples as evidence to prove your point? RESPONDENT: … and any other guru the same. VINEETO: Does ‘any other guru’ also include J. Krishnamurti? I am only asking because you stated that ‘the perceiver and the perceived are one thing’ – a basic teaching of J. Krishnamurti. It is undeniable that J. Krishnamurti was a guru – he talked for 52 years in order to convey his teachings and some 15 years after his death some of his followers are still trying to listen, understand or even live his teachings. When I began to dismantle my spiritual beliefs I began to understand that it is the revered state of Enlightenment itself that is fundamentally flawed and that it needs to be debunked for the massive delusion it is. VINEETO: As for your questions on the issue of the universe being infinite and eternal, it is quite clear that you are approaching the topic intellectually and philosophically while I am talking from common sense and experiential understanding. For example you wrote to No 38 the other day –
How do you know with certainty that infinity is ‘just a symbol’ and not an actuality? Of course thinking intellectually about infinity ‘brings confusion’, particularly so for someone trained in mathematics. There are many things in this universe that defy mere intellectual comprehension because they are magical in their actuality. Take the simple fact that a giant tree grows out of a tiny seed or that the whole blueprint for a human being is contained in the DNA of tiny fertilised cell. * VINEETO: I won’t give a detailed response to your objections in your latest post because I can’t say things any clearer than I already said it before. As such I will limit my reply to one of your statements that I found particularly striking – RESPONDENT: Lets begin again. What I see out there, is a soup of energy. VINEETO: If I may interject. What one sees with one’s eyes is not ‘a soup of energy’, but forms, colours and movement of physical objects. To call the specific qualities of the matter of the physical universe ‘a soup of energy’ is an affective interpretation. This is readily evidenced by the fact that the ‘energy’ experienced varies according to a person’s particular belief system – some feel Jesus, some feel Love, some feel Existence, some feel Mother, some feel Consciousness, some feel Intelligence, some feel the Devil, and so on. RESPONDENT: Sorry, what exist out there is a soup of energy, until I see it. Until it reaches my brain. VINEETO: How can we have a sensible discussion about the nature of the universe when you presume to already ‘know’ what exists ‘out there’ before you even see it, before it even reaches your senses? If you are talking about the energy produced by, or associated with, the matter of the universe then this energy exists as an actuality independent of whether it is detected by the sensory receptors of the human brain. If you are talking about unknowable energies that cannot be detected by the human brain or by any physical measuring device then you are talking of some form of meta-physical energy. The existence of meta-physical energies or supernatural forces are the very stuff of belief and fervent imagination and I have learnt from experience that when belief and imagination are the arbiter of a discussion, common sense is nowhere to be found. You have made it clear in writing to this mailing list that your interest does not lay in questioning your own beliefs or in changing your present situation in order to become more happy and more harmless. Instead you seem to find entertainment in presenting the spiritual and philosophical theories of others (such as as proof of your own beliefs, whereas all this does is provide proof that spiritual belief is endemic within the human condition. Of course, human beings have argued the case for their spiritual beliefs for thousands of years, sometimes with horrific results, but being a pragmatist I thought it be useful to examine in what way your views of the world are shaping your life in a practical, everyday way and how my understanding of the world is reflecting on the way I live my life. I translate insights into action – if that is not possible an insight is not worth its name. For the sake of clarity and brevity I have taken only very few of the statements you made to possibly capture the gist of what you consider to be true, since repeating all of what you said would take too much space.
This is how I describe what is actual –
And this is how I experience life after I applied the actualism method for a couple of years –
When I met Richard and learnt about his discovery the choice was clear for me – I was drawn to what works, what actually makes me more happy and more harmonious with people. What you choose to do with your life is entirely your business but it really escapes me why you put in such effort to convince me that I should change from practicing actualism in order to live by your philosophy – what would I have to gain? Given that you keep re-presenting your stated position regardless of what I say, I
don’t see any point in continuing to reply to your objections to actualism. By your own description of your life But then, you have made it perfectly clear that you do not find it wise to change anyway. RESPONDENT: Thank you for answering. When I met the AF site, and I read enough in its sites, I said to my self, that I don’t like to begin, by believing what other people are saying. I wanted to try and find out if what they say is actual. They may be wrong or they may be right. VINEETO: If you want to benefit at all from what The Actual Freedom Trust website is offering, then the first question to ask yourself is if you are vitally interested in becoming free from the human condition of malice and sorrow. Unless you are utterly fed up with your life as it is now, there is no point in even investigating the third alternative to being normal or being spiritual. Without such an overarching desire one inevitably will keep trying to prove that the materialistic and spiritual beliefs that uphold the human condition are right and object to actualism as being wrong. RESPONDENT: The first thing that attracted my attention, was the statement of the infinity of the universe. As sometime passed through you brain some questions, like if the universe is infinite, then there is no place for god, in the same way passed through my mind certain questions, like: The universe, either is created, or exist since ever. There is no other alternative. This is very important for me, because if the universe is finite, then the whole AF collapses. Because if in AF is a false statement, then must inevitably AF being based on a wrong statement must be wrong. So please understand my doubt, about the whole thing of this infinity. VINEETO: If your interest does not lay in becoming happy and harmless, you will remain a defender of the status quo, in this case the belief that someone or something created the universe. Actualism is only of use for those intrepid pioneers who passionately want to become free from the Human Condition in toto. RESPONDENT: I might gave the impression that I am a person full of believes, but on the contrary I don’t want to begin with believes. VINEETO: Living within the Human Condition you are bound to be full of beliefs, everyone is. Like everyone else, you have imbibed beliefs with mother’s milk. The vital question for someone coming across actualism is – do you want to examine the beliefs you have taken on board in the course of your life. Your insistence that you ‘don’t want to begin with’ beliefs only prevents a sincere investigation. RESPONDENT: So I said to my self, if the equation E=mc squared, is right, then the universe must be finite, because the above equation can be transformed to: c=square root of E/m. Now the c (speed of light) is a constant and very accurately measured. And the transformation of energy to mass is established. That means that that the square root of energy/mass and thus, E/m is a finite number, which means that the universe must be finite, because its mass and energy are finite. VINEETO: In making the statement that ‘energy/mass is a finite number which means the universe must be finite’ you are ignoring the fact that in an infinite and eternal universe both the energy and the mass of the universe are also infinite. RESPONDENT: Then I had to reject the 2nd law of thermodynamics (law) not theory, who says that in any working system, as the energy becomes less the entropy (disorder) tends to become bigger. And the universe is not in a state of entropy. Logically if it is always existing, means existing for infinite time, supposed to be in a state of entropy. And so we are contradicting a physical and scientific law. VINEETO: In an infinite universe energy does not ‘become less’, therefore it appears that the 2nd law of thermodynamics works to describe local events and does not apply to the universe as a whole. Editorial note: I was informed that it is more accurate to say that the 2nd law of thermodynamics works to describe a closed system – which means that it cannot apply to the universe as a whole given that an infinite system is, per definition, not a closed (as in finite) system. RESPONDENT: Then I thought more naive questions, like if the universe is existing from ever, then is existing for an infinite time. And how we arrived to the present moment, in the case that we had to pass from infinite present moments? VINEETO: I presume you were born from a father and mother like the rest of us humans? If so, it is obvious how you ‘arrived to the present moment’ and that you have thus far only existed for a finite time and that you will only exist for a finite time. RESPONDENT: To give one explanation to that I had to reject time all together and say that the present moment of (let’s call it minus infinite) is the same present moment of now and any now. So exist only the present moment and everything will always be a present moment, so time is loosing its meaning altogether. VINEETO: The fact that the universe has no beginning and no end does not ‘reject time all together’. Here is a quote from Richard that explains the difference between eternal and timeless –
You may also want to revisit Richard’s recent post to RESPONDENT: From the other hand we have the phenomenon of expansion of universe, and recently they found that this expansion is also accelerated. That means the space between two galaxies let’s say in a billion of light years will be doubled. How can one infinite thing become doubled? VINEETO: ‘The phenomenon of expansion of universe’ is a theory that is solely based on a particular interpretation of positive redshift values and this interpretation has remained sacrosanct because it appears to prove a beginning and as such a creation of the universe. There are many, many refutations of the ‘Big Bang’ theory as well as alternative explanations to the ‘Red Shift’ theory available both in print and on the internet – you have simply chosen to selectively present only those theories that agree with your already existing belief about a finite universe and a creator. In other words, you would need to be interested in questioning your pre-existing beliefs in order to be able to even consider that the universe might in fact be infinite and eternal. So far all you have done is present your pre-existing beliefs in order to prove that you are right and actualists are wrong. RESPONDENT: Then I thought that may be there are other dimensions and here as we see the space, might be like someone living in 2D and sees the shadow of a man tries to understand how a man looks. After I thought that the universe might be something like a 2D earth (to give one absurd example) who is limited but without boundaries. That means if a rocket goes up (does not exist up and down) but we need language to speak, will come back from the other side. VINEETO: Human imagination of what the universe ‘may be’ is inexhaustible. Imagining what the universe ‘may be’ only produces yet more science fiction. RESPONDENT: And finally I can not understand how sensorially somebody can understand the nature of finite or infinite universe. I thought that may AF uses the word infinity not literally but metaphorically. May be it uses it to show that we are not in a spot in particular, but then what difference makes if the universe is finite or infinite? VINEETO: The human elaboration of the instinctual animal ‘self’ into a sophisticated and cunning psychological and psychic identity makes it almost impossible to conceive or consider how this flesh and blood body would experience the universe without this parasitical identity … unless one remembers a pure consciousness experience. In such a ‘self’-less pure experience the usual ‘self’-centred restrictions on one’s normal perception and understanding are temporarily out of order. Only in a ‘self’-less state can the universe be perceived as it is – infinite and eternal. As long as ‘I’ am governing this body’s sensual perception, my ‘self’-dominated and ‘self’-oriented perception will always inflict its own limits on what I perceive and as such will impose its ‘self’-centred nature onto the physical universe. Similarly, the thinking process is contaminated by ‘self’-dominated and ‘self’-oriented thoughts and feelings – the identity is running the show all the time – and therefore a clear understanding of the actual world is impossible whilst ‘I’ insist on ruling the roost. That’s why I said that in order to understand the nature of the universe, the first unavoidable step is to rigorously question one’s own beliefs and feelings in order to incrementally diminish the dominating role of one’s ‘self’-centred thoughts and feelings so as to slowly enable a more clear-eyed perception to come about – there is no other way. RESPONDENT: Not many people of the list are interested on the subject, so if you think that the subject does not need to be discussed don’t be bothered please. VINEETO: I had great fun talking about the infinite nature of the universe as it always gives me an incentive to experience the infinity I am writing about. However, a theoretical, i.e. non-experiential, discussion about infinitude can never produce satisfactory results because unless you question and investigate your pre-existing beliefs first, you are actively preventing the possibility of an intellectual understanding that the physical universe is infinite and eternal, which is the prerequisite for an experiential understanding of the infinitude of the actual world. VINEETO to No 23: I got tired of waiting, and fighting, for someone else to
change the world according to my morals and my ideals – I decided to bring about actual peace by changing myself. RESPONDENT: May I notice that you still want to change the world, but in another way, by changing your self. And the worst is that you want the change to take place accordingly to your moral and ideals. VINEETO: You might want to think this through again. What you are suggesting here is that everyone should stay as they are … and the worst thing that anyone can do is to want to become more happy and more harmless. If you really want to implement this zero-change conservatism of yours, you will have to do a gigantic control job. And why you intend to start this impossible task by trying to stop me from becoming more happy and harmless is beyond comprehension. RESPONDENT: Your morality and ideals are super-imposed to you by the environment you grow up, the society was we’re living in, you are a product of society. Actually a by-product. Is possible to the by-product to change the product who’s is a by-product? Can the apple change the apple tree? VINEETO: And yet what is offer in actualism is a way for an individual to become free of the human condition – not a way of changing the human condition. Why do you keep mounting objections to something that was plainly never said? RESPONDENT: Did you ever question your self that whatever you are trying to do, you do it for more happiness? So is one egocentrical process. VINEETO: Yes it would be egocentric if I wanted to become happy without becoming harmless at the same time. RESPONDENT: You met Richard, you have discussed with him, you became impressed and you said here we are we find the absolute happiness way. And since then you are trying to copy what he made. VINEETO: Yes. Richard was able to free himself from all of the beliefs instilled by society as well as free himself from the genetically inherited instinctual passions. Thus he has proven that anybody can do it should they be so inclined. If you want to not copy Richard and remain a ‘by-product’ of a mad and sorry society, then that is your free choice. RESPONDENT: Now you say and Richard says that you are in a virtual freedom, not AF, but virtual, which means 99%. Is in life’s problems such a thing like 99%? Can you say that a woman is 99% pregnant? VINEETO: Virtual freedom means that as an approximate figure I am happy and harmless 99% of the time. ‘Self’-immolation will make me 100% free from malice and sorrow then I will be able to enjoy all the waking hours of the day for 365 days of the year in utter blitheness and benignity. RESPONDENT: You have a goal and you are struggling or not trying to arrive to your goal. Is life located somewhere so that you can arrive to it as you say I am going to Sydney? You hope to get there in the future, but you know that future psychologically does not exist. There is chronological future, like tomorrow I will go for fishing. But this is a thing completely different. You might die till tomorrow. VINEETO: Ah, one of the typical spiritual tricks to convince people that change is not possible in order to lull them into being content as they are. One could say that spiritualism is the most reactionary, zero-change conservatism conviction there is because not only do spiritualists not want to change themselves, they also want to prevent other people from changing themselves. Herein lies the difference between a so-called spiritual freedom and an actual freedom. In spiritualism one stays as one is – malicious and sorrowful but imagines oneself to be a true, a Higher Self, while in actualism I instigate actual change – in attitude, in outlook, in attentiveness, in behaviour and finally irrevocably in the brain-stem. But first of course you will have to consider that the belief that change is impossible, a belief, which is ‘super-imposed to you by the environment you grow up’ and ‘a product of society’ is not factual. RESPONDENT: How you know that whatever Richard is saying is truth? VINEETO: Not truth, but fact. I have spent enough time reading Richard’s writings in order to be able to determine that he is consistent in what he says, I have met the man and seen that he walks the talk, that his integrity is 100%. I have never discovered a smidgen of fear or aggression, nor nurture or desire in him – I can say with confidence that what he says is factual. But this is not the main reason of course – I also know by my own experience that what he says is factual – which completely negates any need whatsoever on my part to either doubt him or believe him. RESPONDENT: Not that he is lying, but how can you ever know what is felt or happening to somebody’s else inside world? You just believed him and that means your motive is out of belief, although you are condemning beliefs. Do you see the contradiction here? VINEETO: If you don’t think that Richard ‘is lying’, then why do you question if what he is ‘saying is truth’? As for your assumption that I ‘just believed him’ – I didn’t. I established a prima facie case in order to see if what he says makes sense, then I applied the method of actualism to investigate my own beliefs. A pure consciousness experience confirmed experientially that what he is saying is indeed correct and factual. I didn’t judge what Richard was saying as either lies or the truth, I set about finding out for myself by my own experience whether or not what he was saying was factual or merely a belief, a philosophy, a concept and so on – something you still have to do if you ever want to be sure. Also, I am not ‘condemning beliefs’. I no longer rely on beliefs – what others told me to be the truth and ‘super-imposed to you by the environment you grow up’. If you choose to keep your beliefs that is entirely your business but don’t expect me to agree with them. RESPONDENT: After all can you teach me swimming in the moment you don’t know how to swim yourself? Can you teach me maths in the moment you don know maths yourself? Do you see the hypocrisy here, I mean it the good way. VINEETO: As it is your assumption that I ‘just believed him’ and that I therefore don’t know the actual world for myself, the ‘hypocrisy’ you see is only in your imagination. A pure consciousness experience makes the world as it actually is transparently obvious. As for me teaching actualism – I simply report my successes as to how to become happy and harmless. As you have never shown any interest in wanting to become free from malice and sorrow, whatever I report to you will not be of any relevance to you and therefore will be of neither benefit nor harm. RESPONDENT: Think for your self why in the first place did you decide to involve with so called enlightened things? Was you disappointed? Was you afraid, hurt? Or you done it for more pleasure? VINEETO: I was not content with the options society had on offer – being a good Christian girl, marry, have children, become rich and powerful – the whole catastrophe. Then I tried what spiritual society had on offer – being a good (insert Guru’s name here) girl, be a loyal follower, become a faithful message-spreader, become rich and powerful – the whole catastrophe. Great experiences – I wouldn’t have become an actualist had I not thoroughly checked out the alternatives and found them wanting. RESPONDENT: Be honest with your self. VINEETO: I am always honest with myself. RESPONDENT: Because the one who wants to be enlightened is not different from a businessman that wants to arrive to the top, or someone that wants to become prime minister. The human being does not waste time and effort if has nothing to win. VINEETO: If you can see that much, why then do you keep revering the teachings of a famous twentieth century Guru? RESPONDENT: If a friend of yours does not give you any more enjoyment, you leave him. Everything is motivated by the I the ego even in subtle ways. VINEETO: No, not everything ‘is motivated by the I the ego’. When ‘I’ as ego and ‘me’ as soul, step out of the way there is an innate drive for betterment that swings into view, a drive that is innate to the largesse, the beneficence and magnanimity of this physical universe. But first, of course, one has to acknowledge that the belief that ‘everything is motivated by the I’ is ‘super-imposed to you by the environment you grow up’, in this case a belief that comes from the spiritual teachings of Jiddu Krishnamurti. RESPONDENT: You say I am unsatisfied now, but I will be satisfied tomorrow, give me time. VINEETO: Yes, I am not going to stop until I am 100% happy and harmless despite the fact that life in virtual freedom is bloody excellent. Why do you want me to stop short of the best just because you are satisfied living within the human condition? RESPONDENT: Is hope which (hope) is the best way to chat ourselves. I am poor, but someday I will be rich. I am stupid, but I will become clever. This is the way society works and don’t forget that you and me are society, society is not an empty word. VINEETO: The actualism method has nothing to do with hope. Have a look at what
is written about hope in the
Actualism is a simple method to develop and increase attentiveness and attentiveness to one’s beliefs and emotions which enables one to bring one’s beliefs to the light of awareness, make sensible choices and diminish the influence of the instinctual passions. It has nothing to do with belief, faith, trust or hope. You could compare it with wanting to go to Athens – you get into your car and you drive in the direction of Athens – you know that you only need to keep driving in order to arrive at your goal. The only hope you might develop is that you won’t run out of gas before the next station. RESPONDENT: Do you consider yourself responsible for the Iraq war? VINEETO: No. RESPONDENT: Or you say what have I to do with all this business? VINEETO: As I quoted to No 23 (the bit that you snipped) –
RESPONDENT: They (who made the war) were greedy and you are greedy he (Hussein) wanted to control people and you want to control people through another way. VINEETO: So now you are lumping me in with a ruthless dictator who held power over his fellow countrymen by the threat and use of intimidation, violence, rape, torture and murder. During the time of corresponding with various people about becoming happy and harmless is has become apparent that when people begin to compare an actualist with a dictator like Hitler or Saddam Hussein, they rapidly run out of sensible things to say. As you have already compared Richard to Adolf Hitler, you have now twice given the indication that you have reached this very point. RESPONDENT: You enjoy admiration. VINEETO: Has it escaped your attention that there have been far more objectors, busters and flamers on the actualism mailing list than those who are interested in becoming happy and harmless? If I wanted to be admired I would not write about such an unpopular topic as becoming happy and harmless. RESPONDENT: So many correspondents are writing to you waiting your wisdom and you feel a leader. VINEETO: Perhaps it has escaped your attention, but I have as many people writing to me wanting to tear strips of me as I have wanting to discuss how to be happy and harmless – if not more. As for feeling like a leader, I got rid of all the affections involved with leadership – the lust for power over others – as and when they came up. Nowadays I simply acknowledge that as one of the pioneers in the business of becoming free of malice and sorrow, I have an obvious expertise that I am well pleased to be able to share with any others who are interested. RESPONDENT: You are fulfilling your ego through them, even subconsciously. VINEETO: What gives you the idea that you know what is going on inside of me better than I do? RESPONDENT: And if somebody is against your ideas and ideals you are disappointed even if you don’t show it. VINEETO: Another unsubstantiated accusation. How do you know that I am ‘disappointed’ if I ‘don’t show it’? If it cannot be seen, it can only be your imagination. RESPONDENT: And subtly you become aggressive, you know why? VINEETO: Just because you perceive something I write as aggressive does not mean that I am aggressive. Has it occurred to you that what you perceive as my aggression might have to do with the fact that I don’t agree with your ‘ideas and ideals’ that were ‘super-imposed to you by the environment you grow up’? The reason I say that is because before I became an actualist, I had exactly the same feelings about others whenever I felt that what they were saying was challenging my precious beliefs or was casting aspersions on my beloved Guru. RESPONDENT: Because you become afraid. You have invested too many years and efforts in that you are that, so if somebody is trying to shake it you are afraid, you defend it is you. VINEETO: Your reservoir in imaginative psychology is truly astounding. And all of this because of something I said to No 23 –
RESPONDENT: Have a nice time. VINEETO: Ah, so after you told me that I am ‘greedy’ like those ‘who made the war’, that ‘I want to control people’ like Saddam Hussein, that I am merely ‘fulfilling’ my ‘ego’, and that I am ‘disappointed’, ‘aggressive’, ‘afraid’ and defensive, you are now wishing me ‘a nice time’! Your people skills are clearly in need of brushing up because this is not how to wish someone a good time. No wonder you have come to the conclusion that –
Vineeto’s & Richard’s Text ©The Actual Freedom Trust: 1997-. All Rights Reserved. Disclaimer |