Please note that Vineeto’s correspondence below was written by the feeling-being ‘Vineeto’ while
‘she’ lived in a pragmatic (methodological), still-in-control/same-way-of-being Virtual Freedom.
Vineeto’s Correspondence
Correspondent No 17

Topics covered
There is no similarity at all between
Richards experience and that of Sri Kalki Bhagavan * the ‘turning over’ ‘in the top of the
brainstem’ both at enlightenment and at an actual freedom
RESPONDENT: It is about this Sri Kalki Bhagavan, who
claims physiological changes in the brain by his energy.
VINEETO: Richard does not claim ‘physiological changes in the brain by his
energy’. Maybe you need to make a distinction in Richard’s report about becoming enlightened and becoming actually free.
RESPONDENT: Many of the things he is saying are very
aligned with what you guys are saying about the brains and its consequences, although he remains the annoying guru and is making
good money with it.
VINEETO: Richard has written about ‘physiological changes’ that can
happen to enlightened people in this case to U.G. Krishnamurti. You can look up the topic on the internet – they are called
‘stigmata’ in Christian culture or ‘nadis’ in Indian culture –
Co-Respondent: (...) Perhaps you care to explain these
swellings that UG gets with phases of the moon or his talk about glands and how physically he feels what another may feel and even
get marks on his body. Are they spiritual swellings?
Richard: What is it that you do not understand about the
phrase ‘stigmata mysticus’ that you seek my explanation?
Co-Respondent: [Are they] ASC swellings and marks?
Richard: What is it that you do not understand about Mr.
Uppaluri Krishnamurti’s suggestion in the quotes you provided that you seek my explanation?
Co-Respondent: Is his physical sensitivity
Richard: May I suggest? Type the word <nadis> into a
internet search engine and see what comes up ... then try <nadis AND stigmata> (or however the particular search-engine
requires ‘find both words’ to be entered) and lastly type <mystical AND stigmata> for a western-style explanation.
Co-Respondent: In all those 11 years of enlightenment,
surely you experienced these things.
Richard: Not being born and raised in the Indian
culture – and thus not being steeped in their spiritual heritage – such tradition-inspired swellings and colourations played
no part in my experience ... and, being agnostic if not atheistic from a very young age, neither did the corresponding
culturally-conditioned mystical stigmata of the country I was born and raised in manifest itself either.
Plus I was not what is known as ‘an ecstatic’ anyway. Richard, The Actual Freedom Trust Mailing List, No 53, 6.4.2004
Please note that those stigmata are side effects of enlightenment and have *nothing
at all* to do with an actual freedom or ‘what you guys are saying about the brains and its consequences’.
You may have to read the journals again, and in order to really understand what Richard
and Peter are saying, this time if possible without interpreting it according to the spiritual information you have absorbed in
your life. An actual freedom is *not* the same as enlightenment and non-spiritual is *not* the same as a spiritual
RESPONDENT: Still the comparison to your actualism is
very big. A few words on how you feel about that movement would perhaps a circle for me.
VINEETO: Here is an excerpt from
http://www.vedicshamanism.com, one of the many sites about Sri Kalki Bhagavan –
[quote]: There is a beautiful and mysterious place in the South
Indian Mountains, called Satyaloka, where the largest known population of enlightened beings on the planet dwells. In 1998 the
doors of Satyaloka opened to the world.
These enlightened ones - the siddha purushas of Satyaloka - have attained tremendous
powers and have been given the ability to help practically any serious seeker to attain enlightenment by a great being who dwells
there, a sage whom the people call Sri Kalki Bhagavan. This great being is world renowned for his ability to give enlightenment to
others. Seekers from many lands have gathered at Satyaloka to attend intensive retreats for enlightenment (mukti yajnas) and to
take intensive training and initiation to help others.
The word Satyaloka means ‘the Abode of Truth.’ Another meaning is ‘7th Heaven’.
Mystics from Russia have called Satyaloka Monastery and the phenomenon occurring there ‘The Descent of Light to Earth.’
The little known and seldom discovered ancient enlightened lineage, preserved at
Satyaloka, dates back to a time when enlightenment was the norm, and suffering was considered to be an aberration. This
enlightened shamanic community is tremendous impact on returning this ancient natural state of enlightenment to mankind. So many
have attained enlightenment thru their loving guidance. Success in the transmission of this once natural state of enlightened
consciousness to the masses is entirely unprecedented in recorded history!
With just a brief meeting with the dasas (monks) of Satyaloka, many very average
individuals have had Profound Divine Mystical Experiences (personal and undeniable encounters with the Divine) similar to that of
Moses, The Apostle Paul, Ramakrishna, and many of the great sages, saints, prophets and mystics through the ages. Others, in a
moment, have experienced the Divine Union sought by those who practice yoga and states of consciousness similar to a Buddha or a
Christ. http://www.vedicshamanism.com
If you could point out where ‘the comparison to your actualism is very big’
to these spiritual ramblings I would appreciate it.

RESPONDENT: Thanks for your pretty comprehensive
Yes you are right, the writings you selected in your reply demonstrate clearly how in
fact these bhagavanny guys are extremely fussy and cloudy and woolly, and have nothing similar to the plain explanations in
Richards’s journal.
I was in my mail JUST referring to some of the things about the physiologic brain
changes which apparently the spiritualists have ‘adopted’ as well.
VINEETO: You may note that Richard reports a sensation of ‘turning over’
‘in the top of the brainstem’ at the moment of his becoming enlightened – vis:
Richard: I lay back on my pillows to watch the
rising sun (my bedroom faced east) through the large bedroom windows. All of a sudden I was gripped with the realisation that this
was the moment! I was going to die! An intense fear raced throughout my body, rising in crescendo until I could scarcely take any
more. As it reached a peak of stark terror, I realised that I had nothing to worry about and that I was to go with the
‘process’. In an instant all fear left me and I travelled deep into the depths of my very ‘being’. All of a sudden
I was sitting bolt upright, laughing, as I realised that this that was IT! was such a simple thing … all I had to do was die …
and that was the easiest thing in the world to do. Then the thought of leaving my family and friends overwhelmed me and I was
thrust back on the bed sobbing. Then I was bolt upright once more laughing my head off … then I was back on the pillows sobbing
my heart out … upright, laughing … pillows sobbing … upright laughing … pillows sobbing. At the fifth or sixth time
something turned over in the base of my brain … in the top of the brain-stem. I likened it to turning over a long-playing record
in order to play the other side … with the vital exception that it would never, ever turn back again.
It was over. I had arrived. I had become Awakened to the Greater Reality. I was Love
Agapé and Divine Compassion ... there was no separation between me and The Absolute. Richard’s Journal, Appendix 1
Richard also suggests that when one becomes actually free via the direct route,
bypassing the torturous detour of enlightenment, that ‘a sensation inside the top of the brain-stem’ will occur just
the same simply because an actual freedom is irrevocable –
Richard: The day finally dawns when something irrevocable
happens inside the brain. In an ecstatic moment of being present, ‘I’ expire. ‘I’ am extirpated, rubbed out.
‘I’ cease to exist, permanently. There is a sensation inside the top of the brain-stem that is experienced as a
physical ‘turning over’ of some kind ... something that can never, ever, turn back. Something irrevocable happens and
everything is different, somehow, although everything stays the same physically ... with the outstanding exception of a perfection
and purity permeating all and everything. Something has changed, although it is as if nothing has happened ... except that the
entire world is transformed into a magical fairy-tale-like playground full of incredible joy and delight that is never-ending. ‘My’
demise was as fictitious as ‘my’ apparent ‘presence’. I have always been here, I realise, and that ‘I’
only imagined that ‘I’ existed. It was all an emotional play in a fertile imagination ... which was, however, fuelled
by an actual hormonal substance triggered off from within the ‘reptilian brain’ towards the top of the brain-stem. Richard’s Journal, Article 18
[Editor's note: after Peter and Vineeto became
actually free this article needed to be re-written on line, see new version below.]
Richard: The day finally dawns where the definitive moment
of being here, right now, conclusively arrives; something irrevocable takes place and every thing and every body and every event
is different, somehow, although the same physically; something immutable occurs and every thing and every body and every event is
all-of-a-sudden undeniably actual, in and of itself, as a fact; something irreversible happens and an immaculate perfection and a
pristine purity permeates every thing and every body and every event; something has changed forever, although it is as if nothing
has happened, except that the entire world is a magical fairytale-like playground full of incredible gladness and a delight which
is never-ending. ‘My’ demise was as fictitious as ‘my’ apparent presence. I have always been here, I realize, that ‘I’
only imagined that ‘I’ existed. It was all an emotional play in a fertile imagination ... which was, however, fuelled by an
actual hormonal substance triggered off from within the brain-stem. Richard’s Homepage
RESPONDENT: Anyway, your reply more or less confirms
that I start to ‘understand’ actualism better, Peter explains in his journal regularly how it took him some time to start to
‘live’ what he understood, I am probably in the middle of a similar stage, I very often agree completely wholeheartedly and
really enjoy reading both journals very much.
As a Dutch guy I had my strongest PCEs with some chemical support, and thanks to your
website I have now started to think from that perspective, and not isolate it from the rest of my life (180 degrees). This insight
has already changed my life substantially. (very positive). So I am grateful for your materials, and I hope you are all doing
VINEETO: Thank you, I am excellent.
RESPONDENT: If it is possible to keep informed about
your activities that would be great. If in any way I can support you guys or your activities, you know how to reach me.
VINEETO: Thank you for your kind offer. At present there are no activities by
way of any actual freedom products but there is no guarantee that this cannot possibly change. The best support you can give to
your fellow human beings is by becoming virtually and actually free from the human condition yourself.

Freedom from the Human
Condition – Happy and Harmless
Vineeto’s & Richard’s Text ©The Actual Freedom Trust: 1997-. All Rights Reserved.
Disclaimer and Use Restrictions and Guarantee of Authenticity