Please note that Vineeto’s correspondence below was written by the actually free Vineeto |
(List D refers to Richard’s List D Respondent
Naiveté, a Contagious

December 16 2024
VINEETO: And naďvely paying attention to the
attributes of these aspects of identity you have the choice to decline those aspects and eventually allow them to
wither so that you not only can continue to enjoy and appreciate being here but naďvely marvel in wide-eyed wonder
at the magnificence of the physical world around you.
IAN: And it really is so much
fun. It feels like have crossed a threshold where now I am engaged in the play of increasing my enjoyment and
appreciation, becoming happy and harmless, above/instead of my normal goals, because it is so much fun – fun now,
to see the way I tick, to identify/ describe the different facets/ faces of being this identity, and gently let them
slide in favour of more harmlessness.
There’s so much to it, so much wonderfulness – it seems every part of the
experience of being alive is fascinating.
I’m having what seems to be somewhat cyclical (as my energy and attention waxes
and wanes) waves of experiences of naiveté that I haven’t had before, where there is no enemy, where life is
playful and joyful, where shimmers of amazement and wonder come to the fore, where there is literal pleasure
trickling through my body in just being alive – sensuosity is also of the internal body, where feeling good really
feels so good, where appreciation of my fellow human being (great phrase) and the acknowledgement of effort made and
energy imparted by us as individuals and collectively comes easily.
Enjoying seeing where this is going.
VINEETO: Good morning Ian,
I don’t know if you heard, there is a serious mental health warning regarding a new, very
contagious virus called “naiveté”.
It is highly contagious because it has been discovered that it spreads on the psychic network
via happy and harmless vibes such as is happening already on this forum and is therefore not restricted to only local
outbreaks of the disease. It is something entirely new in the real world. Even though children display certain
symptoms when young, they soon grow out of it. But now formerly serious grown-ups and easily manageable obedient
citizens have been afflicted, and increasingly it appears that it can pop up anywhere on the planet.
Because it spreads via the psychic network it cannot be contained via the trusted methods of
isolation, hence clinical virologists are at a loss how to deal with it. They know from some known cases that if
unchecked it will, in its final stage, lead to insanity, namely depersonalisation, derealization, alexithymia and
anhedonia. Authorities can only suggest intensifying seriousness and activating resentment and cynicism as a
precaution. Some suggested to use the deterrent of labelling those already afflicted as followers of a cult but that
has proven ineffective because of the large cultural-background variety of those afflicted.
The symptoms which have been reported (from one afflicted person) are as follows –
• And it really is so much fun. It feels like have crossed a threshold where now I am engaged
in the play of increasing my enjoyment and appreciation, becoming happy and harmless, above/instead of my normal
goals, because it is so much fun – fun now, to see the way I tick, to identify/describe the different facets/faces
of being this identity, and gently let them slide in favour of more harmlessness.
There’s so much to it, so much wonderfulness – it seems every part of the experience of
being alive is fascinating.
I’m having what seems to be somewhat cyclical (as my energy and attention waxes and wanes) waves of experiences of naiveté
that I haven’t had before, where there is no enemy, where life is playful and joyful, where shimmers of
amazement and wonder come to the fore, where there is literal pleasure trickling through my body in just being alive
– sensuosity is also of the internal body, where feeling good really feels so good, where appreciation of my fellow
human being (great phrase) and the acknowledgement of effort made and energy imparted by us as individuals and
collectively comes easily. (Ian’s Journal, 15 December 2024).
Further symptoms have been observed elsewhere –
• There was a sensation in my head of unending delight. I was here again. There was immediacy
and there was so much in this moment that I could not ask for anything more. Complete abundance the likes of which I
had not experienced before. What surprised me even more was that for a few moments, I could not go back. It was
happening on its own. This unending delight. (Crono’s Journal, 116,
16 September 2024).
• I found myself to be like a kid again for a brief moment. And in that
being-like-a-kid revivification, it occurred to me with a crystal-clear clarity and obviousness as to how I do
not have to be/feel the way blind nature dictated that I feel … (Zulip Chat, Srid, 5 March 2024).
• And today while experimenting with this “fresh” information it became clear to me
how appreciation, i.e. being a person who appreciates whatever is happening to him, is tightly connected to being
naive because I could not bring myself to be like this without feeling a bit foolish, a real simpleton! (Almog in James’ Journal, 26 July 2024).
• As long as I’m liking myself (even to the point of experiencing such unending delight), it
is delicious to naturally extend that enjoyment and appreciation to incorporate any and all people. […] … there’s
an immense safety in this way of being (as in, I can never be hurt). It requires no morality […], as it is
sensible, delightful and effortless. […] Life is much simpler from the vantage point of being naive (being likeable
and liking). A lot of things can happen more spontaneously. Life is much less serious. (Private conversation, 24.9.2024).
• And I realized – I could be sensuous! I can use the energy for sensuousness, instead. And
so I proceeded to naively be sensuous and I saw that I could always be sensuous, because actuality is already always
happening anyway – so sensuousness is always possible to be an ‘activity’ that one does, so to speak.
And the benefit was immediately tangible – everything shone into perfect clarity and
richness, and it was immensely wondrous and enjoyable to boot!
(Claudiu’s Journal, 9 December 2024).
• One is seen to be odd in no longer having a ‘grand plan’ of any description, in going
blank when asked ‘who are you’ or ‘what is next’, and yet it is the denizens of the ‘real world’ that are
always quick to complain about life being a burden. So all in all I am gladly proceeding towards insanity, haha.
(Kuba’s Journal, 2 November 2024).
‘Worldly-wise scientists’ who have seen such reports are deeply concerned – the
development of the viral disease seems to start with not being serious and having too much fun, and then disregarding
some of the pillars of the strict morality of this generally sedate and obedient population. So far, they have
detected no physical danger to other people as those afflicted appear good-natured, kind and gentle – but the
disturbing and unsettling aspect is that they are happy and carefree, and such people cannot be controlled and/or
manipulated back in line towards the status quo by arousing in them feelings of anger or fear.
Those afflicted also report experiencing a “pure intent” to leave this real world for
good. If this uncontrollable disease spreads around the globe, authorities fear, it will be the end of wars and
stress and the world as we know it, and therefore thousands of people employed in those industries will be out of a job.
Here is how one man who caught the virus early in his life and who was diagnoses with the above
psychiatric classifications by accredited psychiatrists even said that not being afflicted with the virus of naiveté
and its ramifications was “foolishness of the highest order” –
• To the realist – the ‘worldly-wise’ – this appears like utter foolishness. After
all, life is a ‘vale of tears’ and one must ‘make the best of a bad situation’ because one ‘can’t change
human nature’; and therefore ‘you have to fight for your rights’. This derogatory advice is endlessly
forthcoming; the put-down of the universe goes on ad nauseam, wherever one travels throughout the world. This
universe is so enormous in size – infinity being as enormous as it can get – and so magnificent in its scope –
eternity being as magnificent as it can get – how on earth could anyone believe for a minute that it is all here
for humans to be forever miserable and malicious in?
It is foolishness of the highest order to believe it to be impossible to be free.
(Library, Topics, Naiveté).
End of warning message – your life will never be the same again.
Cheers Vineeto

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