Please note that Vineeto’s correspondence below was written by the actually free Vineeto

(List D refers to Richard’s List D and his Respondent Numbers)


Vineeto’s Correspondence

with James on Discuss Actualism Forum

October 25 2024

VINEETO: And to leave no doubt about the exact nature of pure intent –

[Richard]: Also, here is a hint for future reading: the word pure, in the phrase pure intent, indicates to a puzzling-it-out-reader that whatever it is which the word intent refers to one thing is for sure: it cannot be affective (else it be not pure). (Richard, List D, Jonathan, 16 February 2014).

JAMES: This quote from Richard posted by Vineeto above about pure intent really stuck with me. Especially this part: “it cannot be affective (else it would not be pure).”
The only thing I know to do to tap in to pure intent is remember the purity of it from my last PCE. So far this is not working. Like Kuba told me I am missing intent. It does make sense that I need to crank up intent to experience pure intent and it cannot be affective. Which begs the question: Can I have intent w/o it being affective?

JAMES: To sum it all up pure intent is the intent to experience the purity.

VINEETO: Hi James,

There are several ways for you to “crank up pure intent”.

For one, you can read and contemplate all of Richard’s descriptions of his various pure consciousness experiences in his selected writings, (Richard, Selected Writing, Pure Consciousness Experiences) to which I recently added those from the tooltips of his Personal Webpage (Richard’s Personal Webpage), where you also find even more descriptions of this kind. When you read them, slowly, with the intention to grasp and experience the flavour conveyed in those descriptions, you can get enticed to want to experience life in this perfect and delightful way as one experiences it in a PCE. The memory of your own PCE will become more vivid and, as I understand you, this is how you want to live for the rest of your life.

[Richard]: Diligent attention paid to the peak experience gives rise to pure intent. With pure intent running as a ‘golden thread’ through one’s life, reflective contemplation rapidly becomes more and more fascinating. When one is totally fascinated, reflective contemplation becomes pure awareness … and then apperception happens of itself. (Richard, List B, No. 11, 22 March 1998).

Your habit of summing up to a singular sentence of what Richard or I am saying is not enough now – it is the minimum approach. You want to understand it not just cognitively but experientially. In order to “crank up pure intent” to reach your destiny – something you have been on and off busy with for at least 25 years – it is now time to expand and extend yourself like never before. Viz.:

[Richard]: I have the greatest admiration for ‘Richard the identity’: He was willing to self-immolate so that I could be here. He never knew me, but was utterly confident that the universe knew what it was doing. He was happy to disappear so that all this could eventuate. He was prepared to go all the way without reservation ... the ‘boots and all’ approach, he called it. What are you saving yourself for? Reach out. Extend yourself. All one gets by waiting is yet more waiting. Patience may be a virtue, but procrastination is an abomination.

Be wary of virtues ... they are designed to perpetuate the self. (Richard, Audiotaped Dialogues, Compassion Perpetuates Sorrow).

Notice the habit to contract or withdraw and nip it in the bud when you notice it. Expand into cognitively and then experientially understanding, contemplating and imitating the actual world which is right under your nose and all around, the exquisiteness and perfection of it. Enjoy it and then appreciate the enjoyment and thus extend and increase the marvelling and appreciating in this moment the very fact of being alive. The sights, the sounds, the sensate experiences, the very fact that the universe exists, that you exist as a flesh-and-blood body, that you are alive this very moment, the only moment you can actually experience.

Instead of contracting, become interested, fascinated and finally obsessed by this one single aim you have in life.


As for “Which begs the question: Can I have intent w/o it being affective?” – of course you can! You quoted the answer yourself recently – 

James: Finally reread TMOBA after Vineeto’s suggestion and it really does say it all. Here is the last paragraph:

Richard]: “Then there is nothing except the series of sensations which happen … not happening to an ‘I’ or a ‘me’ but just happening … moment by moment … one after another. To live life as these sensations, as distinct from having them, engenders the most astonishing sense of freedom and magic. It is all so peaceful, in this actual world; one is living in peace and tranquillity; a meaningful peace and tranquillity. Life is intrinsically purposeful, the reason for existence lies openly all around. It never goes away – nor has it ever been away – it was just that ‘I’/‘me’ was standing in the way of the meaning of life being apparent. The answer to everything that has puzzled humankind for all of human history is readily elucidated when one is actually free.”

“The ‘Mystery of Life’ has been penetrated and laid open for all those with the eyes to see.” (Richard, Articles, This Moment of Being Alive).

As a final guide to how you can experience being alive non-affectively, apperceptively, here is how Richard describes “mind in neutral” –


• [Co-Respondent]: ‘Are you conscious now?

• [Richard]: ‘Yes.

• [Co-Respondent]: ‘Conscious of what?

• [Richard]: ‘Primarily, of the infinitude this physical universe actually is ... as this flesh and blood body only (sans identity in toto) I am proprioceptively conscious of being just here, right now and, as such, the other somatic perceptions currently in operation – tactile, olfactive, visual, audile – are direct: this skin is savouring the touch, the caress, of the mid-winter [seasonal] ambience; these nostrils are rejoicing in the abundance of aromas and scents drifting fragrantly all about; these retinas are delighting in the profusion of colour and texture and form; these eardrums are revelling in the cadence of tones as their resonance and timbre fills the air.

Further to that this mind, other than the sheer enjoyment and appreciation of being alive as this flesh and blood body, is ambling along in neutral as all the while there is the apperceptive wonder that this marvellous paradise actually exists in all its vast array’. (Richard, Abditorium, Mind in Neutral).

Cheers Vineeto

October 31 2024

JAMES: When I focus on increasing my awareness of the senses and remember the purity of my last PCE I go right to the edge of pure intent w/o crossing over. I don’t know what stops me. Why can’t I crossover into pure intent when I am on the edge of it?

VINEETO: Hi James,

You-the-identity cannot “crossover” – you-the-identity will never experience the actual world. So when you are “on the edge of it”, it means you are about to disappear. This prospect is what presently stops you.

But you-the-identity can come to the point of acquiescence when you can see that you-the-identity is altogether redundant – no longer required to rule your life in the clear rememoration of your PCE.

In the meantime, you increase enjoyment and increase appreciation of being alive and mimic the actual to the point where there is barely any difference between what you are experiencing and what you tangibly rememorate the actual world to be like.

Then you-the-identity can gladly agree to disappear.

Cheers Vineeto

November 2 2024

JAMES: Feeling good, enjoying, appreciating and experiencing perfection even more. Still no pure intent. I think Kuba nailed it that I am lacking intent to experience pure intent. I need to make pure intent first and foremost. That is what I am not doing.

It seems like I am putting enjoying and appreciating first which could be right but I am not following thru with pure intent. I am missing the over-arching importance of pure intent. 

VINEETO: Hi James,

You say “I am missing the over-arching importance of pure intent” – the next question I would ask is, why?

What is missing to experience “the over-arching importance of pure intent”? What is holding you back from wanting to be actually free as the number one priority in your life? Is there a feeling, an apprehension, an apparently valid reason, which stops you going further.

Some sincere and attentive contemplation may provide an answer. If not, keep probing, until you experience the fascination, the obsession with discovering the very meaning … and then the direct experience of pure intent – “an actually occurring stream of benevolence and benignity that originates in the vast and utter stillness that is the essential character of the universe itself”. (Richard, Articles, This Moment of Being Alive).

Once experienced you cannot help but making this direct experience of pure intent, as Kuba described it in his message yesterday and which he called “the flavour of the final destination” , the “first and foremost” aim in your life.

Cheers Vineeto

November 3 2024

VINEETO: Hi James,

When I wrote –

Vineeto: You say “I am missing the over-arching importance of pure intent” – the next question I would ask is, why?

What is missing to experience “the over-arching importance of pure intent”? What is holding you back from wanting to be actually free as the number one priority in your life? Is there a feeling, an apprehension, an apparently valid reason, which stops you going further.

*Some sincere and attentive contemplation* may provide an answer. If not, *keep probing, until you experience the fascination, the obsession with discovering the very meaning … and then the direct experience of pure intent* – “an actually occurring stream of benevolence and benignity that originates in the vast and utter stillness that is the essential character of the universe itself”. (Richard, Articles, This Moment of Being Alive).

Once experienced you cannot help but making this direct experience of pure intent, as Kuba described it in his message yesterday and which he called *“the flavour of the final destination”* , the “first and foremost” aim in your life. [emphases added].

… and you answered scant 5 minutes later was –

JAMES: I don’t know why.

There is no feeling, apprehension, valid reason, nothing to stop me from going further.

Evidently, there is a belief that I can’t. I have no reason why I can’t. It seems like I still don’t want it. Maybe has to do with I’m doing good as I am so there is no need to go further.
It has to be a belief. Could be a belief that I can’t or I don’t need it or some other belief that I am not seeing.

It could just be a belief period. I need to keep looking at belief. This could be the guardian. Will keep looking for a hidden belief.


JAMES: The guardian itself is a belief. It is part of the whole make-up of ‘I/me’ which is all a belief.

VINEETO: … then I cannot help but notice that in those 5 minutes you could not possibly have had any “sincere and attentive contemplation” nor kept “keep probing, until you experience the fascination, the obsession with discovering the very meaning … and then the direct experience of pure intent” nor have carefully re-read Richard’s article about the method to see if you were missing some vital element nor have read the link to Kuba’s message describing “the flavour of the final destination”.

Instead you proffer some familiar sentences from your previous repertoire such as “It has to be a belief. Could be a belief […] or some other belief that I am not seeing” and “the guardian itself is a belief” which bring you not an inch closer to experiencing pure intent.

Here is a quote of the day for you –

Richard: It is not for the faint of heart or the weak of knee ... but pure intent, born out of the connection between one’s inherent naiveté and the perfection of the infinitude of this physical universe, will provide one with the necessary intestinal fortitude. (Richard’s Journal, 1997, Article Seven).


Richard: it takes nerves of steel to don such an aqua-lung and plunge deep in the stygian depths of the human psyche ... it is not for the faint of heart or the weak of knee.

This is because past the human conditioning is the human condition itself ... that which caused the conditioning in the first place. To end this condition, the deletion of blind nature’s software package which gave rise to the rudimentary animal ‘self’ is required.

This is the elimination of ‘me’ at the core of ‘being’.

The complete and utter extinction of ‘being’ is the end to all the ills of humankind. (Richard, Homepage)

I cannot be more interested in your freedom than you are.

Cheers Vineeto

November 5 2024

JAMES: I saw what I’ve been doing wrong. I’ve been trying to make an inner connection to pure intent and pure intent is not inner. It is outer. As soon as I saw that my senses perked up. The wind became stronger and the sounds became louder. The waves on the water started shimmering. Everything became brighter. I am confident that I can make a connection to pure intent now.

VINEETO: Hi James,

This is great news, James!

Just a slight correction which might be helpful – pure intent is neither “inner” nor “outer”. The outer world is the projection of the “inner” world of the identity onto the material world and as such pure intent is outside of both worlds. That’s how pure intent facilitates you to aim for that which is entirely outside of ‘you’, outside of ‘your’ inner world *and* outside of ‘your’ outer world, just as the PCE from which you derive pure intent is outside or ‘your identity’s’ perception.

You may have already experientially understood this because you say that Everything became brighter. I am confident that I can make a connection to pure intent now”.

Cheers Vineeto

November 5 2024

JAMES: Thanks for the correction. I’m still not sure that I totally understand this. I am seeing it right now as in actuality there is no inner and outer world. There is only the actual world. 

VINEETO: Correct.

November 8 2024

JAMES: It’s so wonderful here in the actual world. (6.11.2024)

JAMES: Erased. 

VINEETO: Hi James,

Wow. This is momentous!

What a mirificent happening!

Can you tell us some details, for the delight of everyone, who wants to be actually free, how you now experience yourself now that the instinctual passions and the identity formed thereof have ceased to exist? Please tell us about the magic of the actual world.

What is your experience of time?

Do you remember the sequence of events just before the pivotal moment?

I am still speechless.

Cheers Vineeto

November 8 2024

JAMES: I am still waiting for the dust to settle. My experience of being in the actual world lasted for about 24 hrs. I am not actually free. My faded memory of it is it came on slowly and then faded after 24 hrs. I still have a lot of work to do.

I am now looking to get back on track and not fall completely back into the real world.

I was wondering what I need to do next instead of just enjoying and appreciating although I did e & a.

My experience of it was I was having a lot of fun in everything I did whether it was eating a cheeseburger or going to the doctor. I enjoyed interacting with everyone.

My pain was gone or not relevant.

ps: My catalyst was seeing there is no inner and outer world. There is only the actual world. 

VINEETO: Thank you for keeping us informed. This is a great development and you found the perfect catalyst to keep the connection with pure intent.

JAMES: This catalyst worked again. Right after I remembered it and wrote it on the ps I made a quick drug store run and felt great again. This was more like an ee although it did seem like I had a connection to pure intent.

VINEETO: What you describe looks like an EE, and during an Excellence Experience you do have a constant connection to pure intent. You can now deliberately agree to make this connection permanent by allowing to go out-from-control, which means to allow the ‘doer’ to recede into the background and let the ‘beer’ come to the fore and thus let the universe live your life. This will automatically enable the actualism process to take over.

Richard: What sets the ongoing near-PCE known as “a dynamic, destinal virtual freedom” apart from ever other way of life/ manner of living is, as is expressed in that paragraph, by being in full allowance of the benignity and benevolence inherent to pure intent being dynamically operative – whereby the actualism method segues into the actualism process – such as to be pulling one evermore unto one’s destiny. (Out-from-Control Reports, Richard, 15 August 2016)

JAMES: Another thing I noticed during this experience was that I was the experience of what was happening. I didn’t stop to analyze what was happening.
I don’t think this experience is gone although I am talking about it in past tense. I was still the experience of what was happening on my drug store run and thoroughly enjoyed it.
I have two takeaways: 1) There is no inner world and outer world. There is only the actual world. 2) I am the experience of what is happening.

VINEETO: These are valuable observations. Both inner and outer world are created by the identity. Being aware of both those catalysts you have the perfect tools to instantly get back to feeling excellent should any triggers cause you to slightly dip from experiencing an ongoing EE.

Cheers Vineeto

November 12 2024

JAMES: I don’t have a connection to pure intent. It seems like I have abandoned that pursuit.
Will try and read TMOBA again.

VINEETO: Hi James,

Can you pinpoint the trigger which caused you to “abandoned that pursuit”?

Cheers Vineeto

November 12 2024

VINEETO: Hi James,

I just found a quote that might be useful –

• [Alan]: ‘... the only question which remains – do ‘I’ have the necessary intestinal fortitude to proceed?

• [Richard]: ‘No ... because no one has ‘the necessary intestinal fortitude to proceed’ before they proceed: it comes in sufficient quality, and only as required by the circumstances, as one proceeds.

The question is: what is preventing ‘me’ from proceeding? (Richard, Actual Freedom List, Alan-b, 28 January 2001).

Cheers Vineeto

November 13 2024

JAMES: Back to enjoying, appreciating and having fun. Still no pure intent. I think what is stopping me is the belief that ‘I can’t.’

VINEETO: Hi James,

I thought so. This is a habitual belief adopted by you from your dead father, you can recognize it as being unproductive and decline to believe in it any longer.

Because it has become a habit it requires your attentiveness to decline it as soon as it makes its appearance and replace it with a habitual confidence that you can, and have already done so a few times.

Changing yourself does involve a bit of effort but it is well worth it.

Cheers Vineeto

December 6 2024

JAMES: The wheels have come off. ‘I’ am depressed. I need to keep my hands in my pockets and ride this out. 

VINEETO: Hi James,

Alternatively you can look for the trigger which caused you to be depressed. It may just be a habitual reaction which you could easily decline to obey any longer.

Additionally you can do whatever works for you to get back to feeling good and then look closer at the trigger so that it won’t entrap you again. You are your feelings, hence those feelings are not able to dictate how you experience this moment unless you allow it.

Also you can remember the 2 takeaways which got you back to feeling excellent a month ago –

James: Another thing I noticed during this experience was that I was the experience of what was happening. I didn’t stop to analyze what was happening.

I don’t think this experience is gone although I am talking about it in past tense. I was still the experience of what was happening on my drug store run and thoroughly enjoyed it.

I have two takeaways: 1) There is no inner world and outer world. There is only the actual world. 2) I am the experience of what is happening. 

Cheers Vineeto

December 6 2024

JAMES: The wheels have come off. ‘I’ am depressed. 

VINEETO: Alternatively you can look for the trigger which caused you to be depressed. It may just be a habitual reaction which you could easily decline to obey any longer. […] 

Also you can remember the 2 takeaways which got you back to feeling excellent a month ago –

James: 2) I am the experience of what is happening. 

JAMES: The trigger was the painful condition of my back and not seeing anyway for it to get better and that it can only get worse.

The fact is the pain is tolerable with the pain meds and my new back doctor might can help me. The name of his practice is Texas Intervention Pain Care so maybe he can intervene although I can’t see it. I need to be patient and give him a chance. Patience is the key.

My motivation is my memory of the actual world. I can get back to feeling good by getting a good night of sleep and start eating better and doing what exercise I can to strengthen the core of my back like he told me to do. 

VINEETO: Hi James,

According to the sequence of what you wrote, the tigger is not the pain itself but your emotional reaction to it. This is called resentment. You had the pain for a long time and it waxes and wanes, that is the nature of your particular condition. Of course, you do whatever is practical and possible regarding the physical condition. However, it is your resentment about having the pain in the first place, which acerbates it and feeds ‘me’, it feeds your feeling bad and angry about the pain.

Or you can change being resentful and angry because you acknowledge that are your feelings. I had feedback from several other people who have given up their resentment with instant success including diminishment of pain for some, after understanding this simple mechanism that one can change one’s affective outlook on life when recognizing that ‘I’ am my feelings.

Richard lived with his severe back pain for about a decade, after the pain medication stopped working. I never ever heard him complain about it nor did he stop enjoying and appreciating being alive.

You do not have to be depressed, unless you choose to be.

Cheers Vineeto 

December 15 2024

JAMES: I haven’t had a PCE in 2 or 3 yrs. It is helping me to apply sensuousness as suggested by you and Claudiu. I just thoroughly enjoyed a salad and a taco. I intend to keep being sensuous which could help me to experience my back condition hedonically as you suggested. Thru being sensuous a pce might happen. Thanks, I am feeling better already.

VINEETO: Hi James,

Let me correct you with your own quotes, your last PCE was far more recent than “2 or 3 yrs”

7 Nov
It’s so wonderful here in the actual world.

VINEETO: And a few minutes later –

7 Nov

VINEETO: Followed by a post the next day –

8 Nov
I am still waiting for the dust to settle. My experience of being in the actual world lasted for about 24 hrs. I am not actually free. My faded memory of it is it came on slowly and then faded after 24 hrs. I still have a lot of work to do.

I am now looking to get back on track and not fall completely back into the real world.

I was wondering what I need to do next instead of just enjoying and appreciating although I did e & a.

My experience of it was I was having a lot of fun in everything I did whether it was eating a cheeseburger or going to the doctor. I enjoyed interacting with everyone.

My pain was gone or not relevant.

ps: My catalyst was seeing there is no inner and outer world. There is only the actual world.

VINEETO: Reawakening the memory of this astounding PCE can give you a reliable connection to pure intent.

As Claudiu demonstrated in his recent posts and you might also have to attend to possible objections to feeling excellent and/or becoming actually free that might be still lurking unseen in the background.

Enjoy the discoveries and process.

Cheers Vineeto

December 17 2024

JAMES: I went to see the spinal surgeon about my back today. He showed me on my MRI that I have a collapsed section of my lower back and my only option is to have spinal fusion which is major surgery and that there is only a 50% chance of it succeeding.

I am going to try and see the surgeon who would do that and see what he says. The good news is that if it succeeds my back will be fixed.

I am ready to face the fact of it at this point no matter what happens.

The fact right now is the pain is tolerable with pain meds and I still have limited mobility.

In the meantime I am enjoying and appreciating the fact that I feel good and am still able to function.

If Richard can do it I can do it. 

VINEETO: Hi James,

Richard was offered the same fusion operation with the 50% chance. He did research of what people said for whom it had failed.

Perhaps you want to do a similar research before you decide?

Cheers Vineeto

December 17 2024

JAMES: Thanks, I will. I take it that he didn’t get the fusion because of what people who had it said.

VINEETO: Hi James,

I rather not say – you need to make your own decision based on what you find out and how you assess the circumstances. It is different for everyone.

Cheers Vineeto

January 10 2025

JAMES: I’ve got sensuousness and perfection. I’m still lacking pure intent and I really don’t understand why. I could be letting the pain interfere with it. 

JAMES: I added naiveté today to go along with e&a (enjoying and appreciating), sensuousness and perfection. I am quite confident that pure intent is coming soon. 

VINEETO: Hi James,

Just to spell it out more fully what you are intending to do –

Richard: Being ‘alive’ is to be paying attention – exclusive attention – to this moment in time and this place in space. This attention becomes fascination ... and fascination leads to reflective contemplation. Then – and only then – apperception can occur.

Apperceptive awareness can be evoked by paying exclusive attention to being fully alive right now. This moment is your only moment of being alive ... one is never alive at any other time than now. And, wherever you are, one is always here ... even if you start walking over to ‘there’, along the way to ‘there’ you are always here ... and when you arrive ‘there’, it too is here. Thus attention becomes a fascination with the fact that one is always here ... and it is already now. Fascination leads to reflective contemplation. As one is already here, and it is always now ... then one has arrived before one starts. The potent combination of attention, fascination, reflection and contemplation produces apperception, which happens when the mind becomes aware of itself. Apperception is an awareness of consciousness. It is not ‘I’ being aware of ‘me’ being conscious; it is the mind’s awareness of itself. Apperception – a way of seeing that is arrived at by reflective and fascinating contemplative thought – is when ‘I’ cease thinking and thinking takes place of its own accord ... and ‘me’ disappears along with all the feelings. Such a mind, being free of the thinker and the feeler – ‘I’ as ego and ‘me’ as soul – is capable of immense clarity and purity ... as a sensate body only, one is automatically benevolent and benign. […]

You need to have a keen sense of humour. This business of becoming free is not – contrary to popular opinion – a serious business at all. Be totally sincere ... most definitely utterly sincere, as genuineness is essential. But serious ... no way. An actual freedom is all about having fun; about enjoying being here; about delighting in being alive. All that ‘being serious’ stuff actively works against peace-on-earth. One has to want to be here on this planet ... most people resent being here and wish to escape. This method will bring one into being more fully here than anyone has ever been before. If you do not want to be here, then forget it.

One will never become free by sitting in a deck-chair on the patio waiting for the ‘Grace Of God’ to descend. One has to reach out – extend oneself – like one has never done before. One has to want peace-on-earth as the number one priority in one’s life. One has to desire freedom from the Human Condition to the point of obsession and beyond ... it is that urgent and essential.

Treat unhappiness and harmfulness as if it were a terminal illness that one has to rid the body of. And one does it for a two-fold purpose: for the good of oneself in particular and for one’s fellow humans in general. After all, a happy and harmless person is a pleasure to be with ... if you are not good company for yourself, then what are you for others? [emphasis added]. (Richard, List B, No. 17, 9 July 1998).

With all this in mind, James, pure intent is bound to be “coming soon”.

Cheers Vineeto





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