Actual Freedom ~ Facts and Groupthink Index

Facts (Actuality) vis-à-vis Groupthink (Orthodoxy)

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RICHARD: What I have found, more often than not, in any area of research I have ever looked into is that not only are facts rather few and far between but it is mainly the proposition which gets most of the attention ... so much so that I have oft-times figuratively likened such theses to an inverted pyramid (one standing on its apex) where a judicious pulling-out of its intuited/ imagined capstone results in the teetering edifice painstakingly constructed thereupon ignominiously tumbling down.

It is all so glaringly obvious when one twigs to what to look for – the factual basis of the hypothesis or theory/the basic premise of the argument or proposition – and it saves wading through a lot of quite often well-written but fatally-flawed articles trying to make sense of something which can never make sense”. (Richard, Actual Freedom List, No. 110, 14 April 2006).


Editorial note: Richard found that more than a few readers calling themselves actualists are of a sinistral statist progressive persuasion politically (twenty-first century orthodoxy) and as such are just as close-minded as those of a dextral privatist conservative conviction. Richard has made it crystal-clear that he is a-political.


RESPONDENT: (...) I guess that if these ideas are so controversial and appalling (to both the worried capitalist resented at you for not indulging in materialism and not feeding the economy, and the worried liberal resented for your egotism, your conformity to the economical status quo and your lack of social activism and care) is a good sign of progress and salubrity, haha.

RICHARD: This is an apt place to make it crystal-clear that I am apolitical – I have no position anywhere at all on the conservative-progressive political spectrum (such as your ‘worried capitalist’ and ‘worried liberal’ terms indicate) – as there are only a few brief references in this regard on my portion of The Actual Freedom Trust web site.


The reason for clarifying how completely apolitical I am is because the very process of discussing this subject matter – the ‘peasant-mentality’ – entails a degree of ‘social comment’ on my part which, as past experience has shown, some peoples can take to be indicative of a particular political leaning (which has no existence outside their skulls) such as to occasion them to be dismissive of the facts and actuality being pointed out. (Richard, List D, No. 38, 31 May 2015).

   Discussion of Non-Actualist Topics

   Professor Sir Alfred Brian Pippard

   Tobacco Smoke

   Anthropogenic Global Warming

   Richard’s Replicable Experiments Requests


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   Peasant Mentality

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