Actual Freedom – Selected Correspondence by Topic

Richard’s Selected Correspondence by Topic


• Actual Freedom lies 180 Degrees Opposite
   to All Spiritual Beliefs

• What is Actual Freedom | A |

• The Actual Freedom Trust

• Freedom from the Human Condition | A |

• The Actual Supreme Being

• Actual and Actuality

• Actual Intimacy

• Actualism

• Actualists

• Addiction

• Advaita Vedanta/ Non-Dualism

• Affective Experience vs Pure Experience

• The Affective Faculty

• Affective Feelings: Emotions, Passions &
  Calentures | A | B | C |

• Aggression

• Agnosticism

• Mr. Alan Watts

• Mr. Albert Einstein

• Ancient Wisdom & the New Dark Age

• The Altered State of Consciousness | A | B | C |

• Altruism | A |

• Animals | A |

• Animism & Environmentalism

• Ms. Ann Faraday

• Apperceptive Awareness vs
  Choiceless Awareness | A |

• Mr. Aurobindo Ghose

• Authority & Expertise

• Avatar & Mr. Harry Palmer

• Beauty | A |

• Beliefs & Psittacisms

• Benevolence

• Ms. Bernadette Roberts

• Mr. Bill Gaede

• Body | A |

• Buddhism | A | B | C | D | E |

• Ms. Byron Katie

• Calenture

• Children

• Common Sense

• Compassion

• Consciousness | A |

• Contemplation

• Creativity and Art

• Mr. Daniel Goleman

• Mr. David Bohm

• Death: ‘Self’-Immolation vs Immortality

• Delight

• Delusion

• Denial

• Desire

• Dissociation

• Doom & Gloom

• Doubt

• Mr. Douglas Harding

• Dreams

• Dynamic, Destinal Virtual Freedom

• Mr. Eckhart Tolle

• Ego

• Enlightenment

• Ethics

• Evil

• Evolution

• Excellence Experience

• Facts

• Faith

• Fear | A |

• Mr. Franklin Jones aka Da Free John

• Mr. George Gurdjieff

• Guilt

• Happy | A |

• Harmless

• Hinduism

• Hedonism

• Here and Now

• Honesty & Sincerity

• Hope

• How to Become Free from the
  Human Condition | A | B | C | D | E |

• Humanity

• ‘I’ as ‘Identity’, ‘I’ as ‘Being’ | A | B |

• Identity | A |

• Mr. Ilan Shalif

• Imagination

• Infinitude

• Innocence

• Animal Instinctual Passions in
  the Primitive Brain | A | B |

• Intelligence | A | B |

• Intimacy

• Intuition

• Mr. Jalal Rumi

• Mr. Yeshua the Nazarene was a Flat-Earth God

• Mr. John de Ruiter

• Judgement

• Mr. Jiddu Krishnamurti | A | B | C | D |

• Mr. Lao Tzu

• Life

• Life After Death & Immortality | A |

• Living Together

• Logic

• Love and Love Agapι

• Magic of the Actual World

• Male and Female

• Malice

• Materialism

• The Meaning of Life

• Meditation

• Mr. Mervin Irani (aka Meher Baba)

• Metaphysical

• Mind

• Morals

• Mr. Mukunda Lal Gosh (aka Paramahansa)

• Mr. Naom Chomsky

• Naivetι

• Near-Actual Caring

• The Need to Belong

• Noumenon

• Nurture

• Objectivism of Ms. Ayn Rand

• Olbers Paradox

• Pacifism

• Pantheism

• Patanjali Yoga

• Peace-on-Earth | A |

• Peasant Mentality | A | B |

• People | A |

• Perfection

• Philosophy

• Pride and Humility

• Psyche, Psychology & Psychiatry

• Pure Consciousness Experience | A | B | C |

• Pure Intent | A |

• Mr. Mohan ‘Rajneesh’ Jain aka Osho

• Rational

• Real and Reality | A |

• Relativism/ Subjectivism | A | B |

• Religions

• Mr. Renι Descartes

• Mr. Renι Guenon

• Mr. Roger Penrose

• Sanity, Insanity & the Third Alternative | A |

• Mr. Satya Goenka

• Science | A |

• ‘Self’

• ‘Self’-Immolation

• Sensation

• Sense & Sensible | A |

• Sensuousness

• Serendipity

• Seth via Ms. Jane Roberts

• Sex | A |

• Social Identity | A | B |

• Solipsism

• Sorrow

• Soul & Being

• Spirit

• Spiritual | A |

• Mr. Stephen Hawking

• Superstition

• The Third Alternative

• Thought | A |

• Time: This Moment, Timelessness & Eternity | A |

• Mr. Tony Parsons

• Trust

• Truth

• The Universe | A | B | C |

• Mr. Uppaluri Krishnamurti | A |

• Mr. Ventkataraman Aiyer (aka Ramana)

• Vibes and Psychic Currents

• Vipassana

• Virtual Freedom

• Mr. Werner Heisenberg

• Zen Buddhism


The Third Alternative

(Peace On Earth In This Life Time As This Flesh And Blood Body)

Here is an actual freedom from the Human Condition, surpassing Spiritual Enlightenment and any other Altered State Of Consciousness, and challenging all philosophy, psychiatry, metaphysics (including quantum physics with its mystic cosmogony), anthropology, sociology ... and any religion along with its paranormal theology. Discarding all of the beliefs that have held humankind in thralldom for aeons, the way has now been discovered that cuts through the ‘Tried and True’ and enables anyone to be, for the first time, a fully free and autonomous individual living in utter peace and tranquillity, beholden to no-one.

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