Actual Freedom – Definitions


Radical; Rapportage; Ratiocinative; Reconciliation; Reconcile

Red Herring; Reflecter; Reflexive; Regularly; Relationship; Relict

Remedy; Reputation; Resolution/ Dissolution; Revelation; Rise; Rishi; Ruth


• radical (adj.): 1. forming the root, basis, or foundation; original, primary; 2. of a quality etc., inherent in the nature of a thing or person; fundamental; 3. of action, change, an idea, etc., going to the root or origin; 4. pertaining to or affecting what is fundamental; far-reaching, thorough; 5. characterised by departure from tradition; progressive; unorthodox; 6. (mathematics): pertaining to or forming the root of a number or quantity; 7. (philosophy): of or belonging to the roots of words; connected with or based on roots; 8. (music): belonging to the root of a chord; 9. (botany): of or belonging to the root of a plant; esp. (of a leaf) springing directly from the rootstock or from the base of the stem; (adv.): radically; (n.): radicalness. [origin: late Middle English (in the senses ‘forming the root’ and ‘inherent’); from late Latin radicalis, from Latin radix, radic-, ‘root’]. ~ (Oxford English Dictionary).


rapportage (n.): the factual reporting or recounting of events in writing. ~ (Collins English Dictionary).

rapportage (n.): writing intended to give an account of observed or documented events. [etymology: French, from rapporter, ‘to bring back’, ‘report’, ‘refer’ [(from Latin re-, prefix, ‘back’, ‘again’, ‘against’ + Latin portare, ‘to carry’) + -age]. ~ (Merriam-Webster Dictionary).


ratiocinative (adj.): of, relating to, marked by, or skilled in methodical and logical reasoning; (n.): ratiocination, ratiocinator; (intr.v.): ratiocinate, ratiocinated, ratiocinating, ratiocinates; (synonyms): rational, logical, analytic, ratiocinative; these adjectives mean capable of or reflecting the capability for correct and valid reasoning: a rational being; a logical mind; an analytic thinker; the ratiocinative process; (antonyms): irrational, illogical, unreasonable, unreasoned; injudicious. [Latin ratiōcinārī ratiōcināt-, from ratiō, ‘calculation’, from ratus, past participle of rērī, ‘to reckon’, ‘consider’]. ~ (American Heritage Dictionary).


reconciliation: the action or an act of making, regarding as, or showing to be consistent or compatible’. ~ (Oxford Dictionary).



reconcile: make or regard as compatible or consistent; show the compatibility of by argument or in practice; show to be in accordance [reconcile his philosophy and his actions: harmonise, make compatible, put in agreement, adjust, attune, make coincide, make congruent]. ~ (Oxford Dictionary).

Red Herring:

red herring (idiom): something that draws attention away from the central issue, as in “Talking about the new plant is a red herring to keep us from learning about downsizing plans” {also: “The candidate used the minor issue as a red herring to distract voters from the corruption accusations against him” and “The mystery writer is known for introducing red herrings to arouse the reader’s suspicion of innocent characters”}; the herring in this expression is red and strong-smelling from being preserved by smoking; the idiom alludes to dragging a smoked herring across a trail to cover up the scent and throw off tracking dogs. [Late 1800s]. [curly-bracketed insert added] ~ (American Heritage Dictionary of Idioms).


• reflecter (n.): 1. one who reflects or considers; [e.g.]: “There is scarce anything that nature has made, or that men do suffer, whence the devout reflector cannot take an occasion of an aspiring meditation”. (Robert Boyle, 1627-1691, “Experiments and Considerations Touching Colours”, 1664); 2. one who casts reflections; a censurer; [e.g.]: “This answerer has been pleased to find fault with about a dozen passages; ... the reflector is entirely mistaken, and forces interpretations which never once entered into the writer’s head”. (Jonathan Swift, “A Tale of a Tub”, 1694-97, with “Apology for the &c.”, 1710). [= French réflecteur; as reflector]. ~ (Century Dictionary and Cyclopaedia).

• reflecter (n.; archaic): a critic or someone who casts reflections or thoughts. ~ (Collins English Dictionary).

• reflecter (n.; pl. reflecters): alternative form of reflector⁽*⁾; [e.g.]: “This all leaves me wondering why Audi denies that the reflecter infers the conclusion of reflection from the beliefs of reflection”. (page 25, “Rationality and the Good”, Mark Timmons, John Greco, Alfred R. Mele; 2007). ~ (Wiktionary English Dictionary).

⁽*⁾reflector (n.; pl. reflectors): one who reflects on something; one who thinks or considers at length; [e.g.]: “Most reflectors on leadership are comfortable thinking of ‘ethical’ and ‘unethical’ as modifiers of leadership”. (page 48, “Authentic Leadership: Courage in Action”, Robert W. Terry; 1993); “Nonreflectors simply thought through that which they already knew, reflectors evaluated experiences by interpreting these experiences, and critical reflectors re-evaluated their presuppositions to correct distortions in reasoning and attitudes”. (page 154, “Metacognitive Knowledge”, Joke van Velzen; 2017). ~ (Wiktionary English Dictionary).

• reflecter (n.): a person or thing that reflects. [1655-65]. ~ (Webster’s College Dictionary).


Random Literary Samples.

• “I have found, for instance, in the four years I have been tracking resistant writers and reflecters, that they consistently have multiple problems dealing not only with me and their colleagues in the class but in turn with their students and with their cooperating teachers, considerably more so than students whom I would characterise as ready, reflective learners”. [italics added]. ~ (from “When Students—Who Are Preservice Teachers—Don’t Want to Engage”, by C. Beth Burch; May 1, 1999, Journal of Teacher Education; ©1999 Corwin Press, Inc.).

• “Bach’s brilliant exploitation of a double chorus has his choristers acting variously as commentators, characters and reflecters, and the BBC sang with remarkable projection and clarity—though the odd discomfort with Neil Jenkins’ sometimes uncongenial translation (the almost oikish repetitions of ‘What?’ in the grinding opening chorus) could be detected. I did, though, miss the childlike purity of trebles in the ripieno line”. [italics added]. ~ (from “Presentation is More Than a Performance; Birmingham Bach Choir Symphony”; byline, Christopher Morley; Apr 17, 2006, The Birmingham Post, England).

(left-clicking the yellow rectangles with the capital ‘U’ opens each in a new web page).


reflexive (adj.): of or relating to a reflex; viz.: an involuntary response to a stimulus; an unlearned or instinctive response to a stimulus. ~ (American Heritage Dictionary).

reflexive (adj.): of or relating to a reflex; viz.: 1. (physiology): an immediate involuntary response... evoked by a given stimulus; 2. (psychology): a mechanical response to a particular situation, involving no conscious decision. [C16: from Latin reflexus, ‘bent back’, from reflectere, ‘to reflect’]. ~ (American Heritage Dictionary).


regularly: steadily or uniformly in action, procedure, or occurrence; esp. recurring or repeated at fixed times, recurring at short uniform intervals. ~ (Oxford Dictionary).


• ‘relationship: the state or fact of being related (the existence or effect of a connection); a connection, spec. an emotional (esp. sexual) association between two people. ~ (Oxford Dictionary).

• ‘relationship: the relation (an aspect or quality that connects two or more things) connecting or binding participants. ~ (Merriam-Webster Dictionary).


relict (n.): an archaic word for widow. [C16: from Latin relictus, ‘left behind’, from relinquere, ‘to relinquish’]. ~ (Collins English Dictionary).


remedy: a means of counteracting or removing something undesirable. ~ (Oxford Dictionary).


reputation: the condition or fact of being highly regarded or esteemed; distinction, respect, fame. ~ (Oxford Dictionary).


resolution: the answering of a question; the solving of doubt or a problem; the settlement of a dispute; formerly also, an explanation, a solution; the supplying of an answer. ~ (Oxford Dictionary).



dissolution: the action of bringing to an end; the state of being ended; destruction or ruin of an organised system etc. ~ (Oxford Dictionary).


revelation: the disclosure or communication of knowledge by a divine or supernatural agency; an instance of this; a thing disclosed or made known by divine or supernatural means. ~ (Oxford Dictionary).


• rise (n.): elevation or increase in rank, fortune, influence, etc.; [e.g.]: “the rise and fall of ancient Rome”. ~ (Webster’s College Dictionary).

• rise (n.): elevation in status, prosperity, or importance; [e.g.]: “the family’s rise in New York society”. ~ (American Heritage Dictionary).

• rise (adj.): to attain higher rank, status, or reputation; [e.g.]: “he will rise in the world”. ~ (Collins English Dictionary).


‘Having Achieved what the (Ancient) Ṛṣi Didn’t/Couldn’t’:

ṛṣi (m.): a singer of sacred hymns, an inspired poet or sage, any person who alone or with others invokes the deities in rhythmical speech or song of a sacred character (e. g. the ancient hymn-singers Kutsa, Atri, Rebha, Agastya, Kuśika, Vasishha, Vy-aśva).

• The shis were regarded by later generations as patriarchal sages or saints, occupying the same position in India history as the heroes and patriarchs of other countries, and constitute a peculiar class of beings in the early mythical system, as distinct from gods, men, Asuras, &c.

• They are the authors or rather seers of the Vedic hymns, i. e. according to orthodox Hindū ideas they are the inspired personages to whom these hymns were revealed, and such an expression as ‘the shi says’ is equivalent to ‘so it stands in the sacred text’.

• Seven Ṛshis, sapta ṛṣayaḥ, or saptaṛṣayaḥ, or saptarṣayaḥ, are often mentioned in the Brāhmaas and later works as typical representatives of the character and spirit of the pre-historic or mythical period.

• Their names are given as follows, Gotama, Bharadvāja, Viśvā-mitra, Jamadagni, Vasishha, Kaśyapa and Atri.

• Marīci, Atri, Agiras, Pulaha, Kratu, Pulastya, Vasishha are given as the names of the shis of the first Manvantara, and they are also called Prajāpatis or patriarchs.

• Afterwards three other names are added, viz. Pracetas or Daksha, Bhgu, and Nārada, these ten being created by Manu Svāyambhuva for the production of all other beings including gods and men.

• In astron. the seven shis form the constellation of ‘the Great Bear’.

• Metaphorically, the seven shis may stand for the seven senses or the seven vital airs of the body.

• A saint or sanctified sage in general, an ascetic, anchorite (this is a later sense sometimes three orders of these are enumerated, viz. Devarshis, Brahmarshis, and Rājarshis; sometimes seven, four others being added, viz. Maharshis, Paramarshis, Śrutarshis, and Kādarshis).

• The seventh of the eight degrees of Brāhmans.

• A hymn or Mantra composed by a shi.

• The Veda Comm. on MBh. and Pat.

• A symbolical expression for the number seven.

• The moon.

• An imaginary circle.

• A ray of light.

• The fish Cyprinus Rishi; (arsan, ‘a sage, a man old in wisdom’; arrach, ‘old, ancient, aged’).

(Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary; first published in 1899 by Oxford University Press).


ruth: compassion, pity; the feeling of sorrow for another’. ~ (Oxford Dictionary).



The Third Alternative

(Peace On Earth In This Life Time As This Flesh And Blood Body)

Here is an actual freedom from the Human Condition, surpassing Spiritual Enlightenment and any other Altered State Of Consciousness, and challenging all philosophy, psychiatry, metaphysics (including quantum physics with its mystic cosmogony), anthropology, sociology ... and any religion along with its paranormal theology. Discarding all of the beliefs that have held humankind in thralldom for aeons, the way has now been discovered that cuts through the ‘Tried and True’ and enables anyone to be, for the first time, a fully free and autonomous individual living in utter peace and tranquillity, beholden to no-one.

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