Actual Freedom – Definitions


Ingenuous; Innocence/ Innocent

To Be Naïveté; Naïve


The Oxford English Dictionary states: “The original sense [of ingenuous] was ‘noble, generous’, giving rise to ‘honourably straightforward, frank’, hence ‘innocently frank’ (late 17th century)”, and provides: “late 16th century: from Latin ingenuus literally ‘native, inborn’, from in-, ‘into’ + an element related to gignere, ‘beget’” as its etymological origin. (

Innocence, Innocent:

• Innocence: freedom from wrong, sin or guilt; the state of being untouched by evil;

• Innocent: not injurious; not arising from or involving evil intent or motive; morally pure; producing no ill effect or result; not deserving punishment etc. [Etymology: from Latin ‘innocentia’ from ‘innocent-’ (in- + nocent-) pres. ppl stem of ‘nocere’ (hurt, injure) ... meaning unhurtful, harmless].

Synonyms: not guilty, guiltless, guileless, artless, simple, naive, ingenuous, innocuous, not malignant, benign, blameless, clean, in the clear, unblameworthy, inculpable, unimpeachable, irreproachable, clean-handed, safe, non-injurious, unmalicious, unobjectionable, inoffensive, innoxious, virtuous, pure, sinless, upright, chaste, immaculate, impeccable, pristine, spotless, stainless, unblemished, unsullied, incorrupt, uncorrupted, free from guile, unsophisticated, artless, frank, open, benign, non-malignant, harmless.

To be Naïveté Itself:

To be naïveté itself (i.e., naïveté embodied as ‘me’), which is to be the closest one can to innocence whilst remaining a ‘self’ (innocence is where ‘self’ is not), one is both likeable and liking for herewith lies tenderness, sweetness and togetherness, closeness whereupon moment-to-moment experiencing is of traipsing through the world about in a state of wide-eyed wonder and amazement as if a child again (guileless, artless, ingenuous, innocuous) – yet with adult sensibilities whereby the distinction betwixt being naïve and being gullible is readily separable – simply marvelling at the sheer magnificence of this oh-so-material universe’s absoluteness and unabashedly delighting in its boundless beneficence, its limitless largesse, with a blitheness and a gaiety such that the likelihood of the magical fairy-tale-like nature of this paradisaical terraqueous globe becoming ever-so-sweetly apparent, as an experiential actuality, is almost always imminent. (Richard, List D, No. 4b, 4 July 2015)

See also: (Richard’s Personal Website, Various, A Clay-Pit Tale)


Naive or naïve (adj.): having or showing unaffected simplicity of nature; *unsophisticated*; ingenuous; (adv.): naively; (n.): naiveness. [1645-55; from French, feminine of naïf, Old French naif, ‘natural’, ‘instinctive’ from Latin nātīvus, ‘native’]. [Emphasis added]. ~ (Webster’s College Dictionary).



The Third Alternative

(Peace On Earth In This Life Time As This Flesh And Blood Body)

Here is an actual freedom from the Human Condition, surpassing Spiritual Enlightenment and any other Altered State Of Consciousness, and challenging all philosophy, psychiatry, metaphysics (including quantum physics with its mystic cosmogony), anthropology, sociology ... and any religion along with its paranormal theology. Discarding all of the beliefs that have held humankind in thralldom for aeons, the way has now been discovered that cuts through the ‘Tried and True’ and enables anyone to be, for the first time, a fully free and autonomous individual living in utter peace and tranquillity, beholden to no-one.

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