Please note that Vineeto’s correspondence below was written by the actually free Vineeto

(List D refers to Richard’s List D and his Respondent Numbers)


Vineeto’s Correspondence

with James on Discuss Actualism Forum

See Mailing List ‘D’: No. 17

June 25 2024

JAMES: It might help to expose the ‘me’ a little: I hate Vineeto.

VINEETO: Hi James,

Today, when searching for something unrelated I came across an interesting email you sent in January 2010 -

[Vineeto to James, PS]: I am pleased to read on the Yahoo list that your ‘animosity toward Vineeto’ that had troubled you for years was finally resolved – just in time before that ‘Vineeto’ disappeared forever from the face of the earth. Direct Route, No. 5, 16 January 2010

[James to No. 4]: ‘In that discussion with you I was able to go deep into the feeling itself by staying with the feeling until I reached the core of my being. When I reached the core it was as if the feeler (feeling) itself was smoothly wiped away. I saw how smooth it could be and that I didn’t need anyone else to do it. I have had no further animosity toward Vineeto or anyone else since then.’ Re: A Long-Awaited Public Announcement, Thu Jan 14, 2010 3:16pm.

[James]: Yes I am very pleased about that also. That was just in time. It is quite a relief to get that monkey off my back. I can truly say now that all animosity toward you is gone. The call for others to join you, Richard and Peter in the actual world sooner rather than later has given me a sense of urgency. The question now is: Can I act on this sense of urgency before it languishes and then exactly how do I act on it from where I am to expedite this process sooner rather than later? Direct Route, No. 5, 17 January 2010

Doesn’t it seem a bit silly to you to revive a 14yrs old corpse of resentment and allow it to delay your progress towards becoming actually free?

Cheers Vineeto

July 14, 2024

Torch bearer

JAMES: Vineeto I can now say that I have no more malice toward you. I am glad that you are carrying on Richard’s torch.

VINEETO: Hi James,

This is excellent and it looks like I received a new title next to my name.

So now that you succeeded in getting rid of an old objection by seeing that it is silly, you can use this same technique to put aside any objection that interfere with you enjoying and appreciating this moment of being alive as in –

[Richard]: Once the specific moment of ceasing to feel good is pin-pointed, and the silliness of having such an incident as that (no matter what it is) take away one’s enjoyment and appreciation of this only moment of being alive is seen for what it is

For instance, where you say –

[James]: Objections to becoming af (continued) :

I am too old now. Struggling with skeletal pain and low energy. My time has passed..

In this instance, rather than continue to object to the pain, you realize that time is of the essence, hence it is even more important that you don’t waste this moment of being alive with feeling bad but recognize that this is silly. You proceed to *actualize* this insight and get back to enjoying *and* appreciating this moment and voilà you are back to feeling good.

You can also acknowledge and realize the fact that pain is part of being alive, especially when getting older. You take care with what is medically possible, but even more importantly, you stop objecting to having pain simply because it is useless and therefore silly to do so. You will also be surprised how much the feeling of pain is reduced when you no longer object to it. Miguel only recently confirmed this to you.

As a feeling being ‘Vineeto’ has experienced this time and time again and nowadays any pain that occurs which is simply something going on in the background which does not interfere with thoroughly enjoying and appreciating being here.

It will take a commitment to continue feel good each moment again, in order to break the old and familiar habit of finding things to complain about and object to – human are creatures of habit and it will need some determination and perspicacity to break such habits. As Richard was sometimes fond of saying “illegitimi non carborundum”.

However, I am confident that with the awareness that time is of the essence you can succeed.

Cheers Vineeto

July 24, 2024

JAMES: I’m stuck now on feeling good and enjoying and appreciating. I’ve stayed here for long periods of time in the past. No urge to becoming af. My objection is to making the effort necessary to go all the way. This is easy, I don’t have to do anything to stay here. I’ve always taken the easy way out. Just do as much as I have to. On top of that I really don’t know how to move on. There is no need.

Ok, let me tune in to pure intent. I have a clear memory of it from a pce. That seems like the next step from where I am right now.

VINEETO: Hi James,

1. When you have sincerely decided to act on your excellent insight that taking “the easy way out” is not enough (because it only results in a resigned attitude towards life), the first thing to do is to read the instruction manual, i.e. “This Moment of Being Alive” including the very instructive tool-tips.

2. Then you check if you enjoy and appreciate each moment of being alive, because the latter is the key to both increasing your enjoyment and consequently your appreciation of being alive. To understand the word appreciation you can look at its opposite - depreciation = devaluation, cheapening, reduction in value, disparage. Hence appreciation means assessing of the true worth or value of persons or things and thus adding value, enriching, encouraging (the expansion of your value assessment), highly regarding, cherishing, marvelling. Appreciation is the very key to exponentially increase the level of your enjoyment, expand it in scope and depth, so that you are able to see more and more how the universe is happening with wondrous perfection in all the various, minute and large, details of life and matter. Encouraging naiveté is an essential ingredient to marvelling, delight and wonderment. 

Note: without applying appreciation one would merely dabble in the real-world self-help advice of “don't worry, be happy” which has naught to do with the actualism method.

3. With the ongoing increase in appreciation and the consequent appreciative enjoyment it will be easy to follow Richard’s instructions further –

[Richard]: “one up-levels ‘feeling good’, as a bottom line each moment again, to ‘feeling happy and harmless’ ... and after that to ‘feeling excellent’[...] to the point of excellence being the norm.”

[Richard]: “Being ‘alive’ is to be paying attention – exclusive attention – to this moment in time and this place in space. This attention becomes fascination ... and fascination leads to reflective contemplation. Then – and only then – apperception can occur. An apperceptive awareness can be evoked by paying exclusive attention to being fully alive right now. This moment is your only moment of being alive ... one is never alive at any other time than now. And, wherever you are, one is always here ... even if you start walking over to ‘there’, along the way to ‘there’ you are always here ... and when you arrive ‘there’, it too is here. Thus attention becomes a fascination with the fact that one is always here ... and it is already now. Fascination leads to reflective contemplation. As one is already here, and it is always now ... then one has arrived before one starts.”

4. Then, when your are more and more at home feeling excellent you can make the daring decision (as an active step) to let the universe live you, in lieu of 'you' dictating and controlling your life. 

[Richard]: “Lastly, the actualism method segues into what has become known as the actualism process when the actualism method has become so automatic, via habituation, that one is walking about in a state of wide-eyed wonder (naiveté) simply marvelling at being alive (sensuosity) and being amazed/ delighted that all this – the world about/the universe itself – is occurring in the first place; the actualism process is when it becomes more and more difficult to distinguish the difference between one doing it (doing this business called being alive) and it happening of its own accord; when one becomes the experiencing of being alive/of it all occurring of its own accord one is then out-from-control (not ‘out of control’ as in wayward) and a different-way-of-being has ensued.

It all becomes rather magical (‘magical’ as in prestidigitation) after that.” (Private Correspondence with Claudiu, 29 February 2012)

This ongoing actualism process has been described on this forum in excellent details by Claudiu (and lots of follow-ups) and recently by Kuba.

Ok James, pull up the anchor and enjoy being on your way once more.

Cheers Vineeto 

August 29, 2024

JAMES: I had an experience of leaving humanity which seemed to be like fear without the feeling.

JAMES: I woke up and there was an emptiness like nowhere to turn. It seemed like fear but there was no feeling.

VINEETO: Hi James,

It seems you have been pushing yourself to leaving humanity because you have ended up in an ASC/state of dissociation. Emptiness is the wrong direction if you want to become actually free from the human condition.

I suggest getting back to feeling good … and read the freshly-published report from Dona and Alan, which talks a lot about the difference between forcefully attempting self-immolation and giving oneself permission to allow it to happen.

Cheers Vineeto

August 30, 2024

JAMES: The problem I have with allowing it to happen is it never happens.

VINEETO: Hi James,

I think the reason is that you misunderstand/misinterpret the words “allowing it to happen”.

You seem to think it equivalent to waiting for it to happen in a passive way.

This is not the case at all. Becoming free from the human condition needs your active intention and participation. In fact to become free from all the ills of the human condition you need to want it like you never wanted anything in your life and do whatever you can to be able to let it happen when the time is ripe.

Here is one answer in the recently mentioned web-page report from Dona and Alan, which I recommended for your reading yesterday –

Geoffrey: There is something I’ve been thinking about since:

James: Dona, I have a question for Richard: What will it take for me to go the rest of the way to af?

Dona: Richard was confused by this question, as it sounds like you think there are steps, or “a way”. Actual freedom from the human condition is a pivotal/decisive moment. You are either actually free or you are not (full stop). It is not possible to go “the rest of the way”.

(my remark: same as a PCE… you are either in a PCE or you are not)

Dona: Since we cannot eliminate ourselves, by ourselves (you cannot pull yourself up with your own bootstraps) he suggests that you set this intention: “I give myself permission to allow it to happen.”

I remember making a remark on Slack that ‘allowing it to happen’ we usually used in reference to having PCEs, not self-immolation. And that it was a nice ‘parallel’ between the identity going in abeyance, and in oblivion.

But I was wondering if there was more to this than just a ‘parallel’.

Alan: Richard has never suggested “trying to self-immolate”. There are no ‘rules’ and no conditions for self-immolation to happen.

… and there go my many ‘attempts’ lol, including yesterday’s one (when I was “contemplating on altruism”) – which interestingly ended in a PCE. This has happened lately, that when ‘trying’ to self-immolate I don’t end up in ASCs anymore, but in PCEs. This is the case since I’ve stopped ‘forcing it’, but instead trying to ‘allow it to happen’.

As you can see, Geoffrey did not just wait for something to happen, he was contemplating – just for an example  on – altruism, on the nature of a PCE and on self-immolation. He was *intentioned*, with pure intent, to figure out how to get ready to “allowing it”.

I guess you have not read this part thoroughly or have not sufficiently understood the implications. Here are Richard’s/ Dona’s suggestions on how you can get ready to “allowing it” to happen in an active and participatory way –

Geoffrey: 4. If so I have to ask once more the question you must be tired to hear: how do I get ready?

Dona: again, there are no conditions, you are ready when you are ready.

Then in the meantime... (Lol... You know the answer...) ... Yep, the actualism method.

Though Richard and Vineeto understand that you want a “formula” (Dona sidenote: so do I!) ... There is none. Everyone is different and has their own way.

There are things that Vineeto suggested that she did ... But ... they are NOT to be considered “conditions”.

Know yourself (Dona: I recommend using the website for ideas on that).

Find all the objections to self-immolation (goes with the first one, know yourself).

Imitate the actual world as much as humanly possible.

Make it your number one aim/ goal/ intent.

Allow it to happen (no forcing it).

When you have put all the above suggestions and more into practice and feel really excellent most of the time, figure out any objections you might have (and presently you have some why else did you have to force it), and have made becoming free your number one aim in life then perhaps you have a different result when “allowing it to happen”.

Cheers Vineeto

August 30, 2024

JAMES: I don’t want it like a drowning man wants air. I never have. My objections are I don’t know how and I can’t. It is my belief that I can't. It is my belief that I can’t.

VINEETO: Hi James,

Let me represent what Richard has answered to a similar question of yours 25 years ago –

JAMES: My question is: Can I permanently disappear the ‘I’ and the ‘me’?

RICHARD: Speaking personally, I did not ‘permanently disappear the ‘I’ and the ‘me’’ ... it was the identity that did all the work. Who you think and feel and instinctively ‘know’ yourself to be has a job to do: When ‘I’ willingly self-immolate – psychologically and psychically – then ‘I’ am making the most noble sacrifice that ‘I’ can make for oneself and all humankind ... for ‘I’ am what ‘I’ hold most dear. It is ‘my’ moment of glory. It is ‘my’ crowning achievement ... it makes ‘my’ petty life all worth while. It is not an event to be missed ... to physically die without having experienced what it is like to become dead is such a waste of a life.

There is an intrinsic trait common to all sentient beings: self-sacrifice. (Richard, List B, James, 24 September 1999)

I saw a few weeks ago that you have already made cremation arrangements – what have you got to lose?

Nothing to lose but a belief ... and so much to gain!

Cheers Vineeto


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